path: root/misc/opensource.env
diff options
authorATT default cloud user <dgl@research.att.com>2017-08-31 21:34:47 +0000
committerATT default cloud user <dgl@research.att.com>2017-08-31 21:34:47 +0000
commit17b1b97378d6a83e525e22ee2507d2a844e05fed (patch)
tree0fd53a712428c1c40846aacbdd838c91f49e6561 /misc/opensource.env
parentf40a12a92277d035e109ff43f35e02c37f0d0601 (diff)
DMAAP-83 Initial code import
Change-Id: I7807b0f59bd2acb55a2df98632112f28a9f64f74 Signed-off-by: ATT default cloud user <dgl@research.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/opensource.env')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/opensource.env b/misc/opensource.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71123fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/opensource.env
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# The Controller domain
+# The https port
+# set to 0 if certificate is not ready
+# The path to the keystore for https
+# The password for the https keystore
+# The password for the private key in the https keystore
+# Flag for whether we are using PG connection for persistence
+# The host for postgres access
+# For postgres access
+# Name of this environment
+# Name of DR prov server
+# AAF Properties:
+# regarding password encryption:
+# In the dependencies that Maven retrieves (e.g., under dcae_dmaapbc/target/deps/ is a jar file cadi-core-version.jar. Generate the key file with:
+# java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar keygen keyfilename
+# chmod 400 keyfilename
+# To encrypt a key:
+# java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar digest password-to-encrypt keyfilename
+# This will generate a string. Put \u201Cenc:\u201D on the front of the string, and put the result in this properties file.
+# Location of the Codec Keyfile which is used to decrypt passwords in this properties file before they are passed to AAF
+# REF: https://wiki.domain.notset.com/display/cadi/CADI+Deployment
+# URL of AAF environment to use.
+# TopicMgr mechid@namespace
+# TopicMgr password
+# Bus Controller Namespace Admin mechid@namespace
+# Bus Controller Namespace Admin password
+# endof AAF Properties
+# PolicyEngine Properties
+# Flag to turn on/off Authentication
+# Argument to decisionAttributes.put("AAF_ENVIRONMENT", X);
+# where X is: TEST= UAT, PROD = PROD, DEVL = TEST
+# endof PolicyEngineProperties