path: root/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml b/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
deleted file mode 100755
index 05225e40..00000000
--- a/vnfs/DAaaS/visualization/charts/grafana/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
-kind: Deployment
- name: {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ template "" . }}
- chart: {{ template "grafana.chart" . }}
- release: {{ .Release.Name }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
-{{- with .Values.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml . | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
- selector:
- matchLabels:
- app: {{ template "" . }}
- release: {{ .Release.Name }}
- strategy:
- type: {{ .Values.deploymentStrategy }}
- {{- if ne .Values.deploymentStrategy "RollingUpdate" }}
- rollingUpdate: null
- {{- end }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ template "" . }}
- release: {{ .Release.Name }}
-{{- with .Values.podAnnotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
-{{- end }}
- spec:
- serviceAccountName: {{ template "grafana.serviceAccountName" . }}
-{{- if .Values.schedulerName }}
- schedulerName: "{{ .Values.schedulerName }}"
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.securityContext }}
- securityContext:
-{{ toYaml .Values.securityContext | indent 8 }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.priorityClassName }}
- priorityClassName: {{ .Values.priorityClassName }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if ( or .Values.persistence.enabled .Values.dashboards .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled .Values.extraInitContainers) }}
- initContainers:
-{{- end }}
-{{- if ( and .Values.persistence.enabled .Values.persistence.initChownData ) }}
- - name: init-chown-data
- image: "{{ .Values.chownDataImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.chownDataImage.tag }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.chownDataImage.pullPolicy }}
- securityContext:
- runAsUser: 0
- command: ["chown", "-R", "{{ .Values.securityContext.runAsUser }}:{{ .Values.securityContext.runAsUser }}", "/var/lib/grafana"]
- volumeMounts:
- - name: storage
- mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }}
- subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.dashboards }}
- - name: download-dashboards
- image: "{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.repository }}:{{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.tag }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.downloadDashboardsImage.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["sh", "/etc/grafana/"]
- volumeMounts:
- - name: config
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/"
- subPath:
- - name: storage
- mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }}
- subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }}
-{{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraSecretMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- mountPath: {{ .mountPath }}
- readOnly: {{ .readOnly }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled }}
- - name: {{ template "" . }}-sc-datasources
- image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
- env:
- - name: METHOD
- value: LIST
- - name: LABEL
- value: "{{ .Values.sidecar.datasources.label }}"
- - name: FOLDER
- value: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources"
- {{- if .Values.sidecar.datasources.searchNamespace }}
- - name: NAMESPACE
- value: "{{ .Values.sidecar.datasources.searchNamespace }}"
- {{- end }}
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.sidecar.resources | indent 12 }}
- volumeMounts:
- - name: sc-datasources-volume
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources"
-{{- end}}
-{{- if .Values.extraInitContainers }}
-{{ toYaml .Values.extraInitContainers | indent 8 }}
-{{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.image.pullSecrets }}
- imagePullSecrets:
- {{- range .Values.image.pullSecrets }}
- - name: {{ . }}
- {{- end}}
- {{- end }}
- containers:
-{{- if .Values.sidecar.dashboards.enabled }}
- - name: {{ template "" . }}-sc-dashboard
- image: "{{ .Values.sidecar.image }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.sidecar.imagePullPolicy }}
- env:
- - name: LABEL
- value: "{{ .Values.sidecar.dashboards.label }}"
- - name: FOLDER
- value: "{{ .Values.sidecar.dashboards.folder }}"
- {{- if .Values.sidecar.dashboards.searchNamespace }}
- - name: NAMESPACE
- value: "{{ .Values.sidecar.dashboards.searchNamespace }}"
- {{- end }}
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.sidecar.resources | indent 12 }}
- volumeMounts:
- - name: sc-dashboard-volume
- mountPath: {{ .Values.sidecar.dashboards.folder | quote }}
-{{- end}}
- - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
- image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
- {{- if .Values.command }}
- command:
- {{- range .Values.command }}
- - {{ . }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end}}
- volumeMounts:
- - name: config
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini"
- subPath: grafana.ini
- {{- if not .Values.admin.existingSecret }}
- - name: ldap
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/ldap.toml"
- subPath: ldap.toml
- {{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraConfigmapMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- mountPath: {{ .mountPath }}
- readOnly: {{ .readOnly }}
- {{- end }}
- - name: storage
- mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }}
- subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.dashboards }}
- {{- range $provider, $dashboards := .Values.dashboards }}
- {{- range $key, $value := $dashboards }}
- {{- if (or (hasKey $value "json") (hasKey $value "file")) }}
- - name: dashboards-{{ $provider }}
- mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/{{ $provider }}/{{ $key }}.json"
- subPath: "{{ $key }}.json"
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- if .Values.dashboardsConfigMaps }}
- {{- range keys .Values.dashboardsConfigMaps }}
- - name: dashboards-{{ . }}
- mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/{{ . }}"
- {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.datasources }}
- - name: config
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasources.yaml"
- subPath: datasources.yaml
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.notifiers }}
- - name: config
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/notifiers/notifiers.yaml"
- subPath: notifiers.yaml
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.dashboardProviders }}
- - name: config
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/dashboardproviders.yaml"
- subPath: dashboardproviders.yaml
-{{- end }}
-{{- if .Values.sidecar.dashboards.enabled }}
- - name: sc-dashboard-volume
- mountPath: {{ .Values.sidecar.dashboards.folder | quote }}
- - name: sc-dashboard-provider
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/sc-dashboardproviders.yaml"
- subPath: provider.yaml
-{{- end}}
-{{- if .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled }}
- - name: sc-datasources-volume
- mountPath: "/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources"
-{{- end}}
- {{- range .Values.extraSecretMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- mountPath: {{ .mountPath }}
- readOnly: {{ .readOnly }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraVolumeMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- mountPath: {{ .mountPath }}
- subPath: {{ .subPath | default "" }}
- readOnly: {{ .readOnly }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraEmptyDirMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- mountPath: {{ .mountPath }}
- {{- end }}
- ports:
- - name: service
- containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }}
- protocol: TCP
- - name: grafana
- containerPort: 3000
- protocol: TCP
- env:
- {{- if not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER }}
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: {{ .Values.admin.existingSecret | default (include "grafana.fullname" .) }}
- key: {{ .Values.admin.userKey | default "admin-user" }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD }}
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: {{ .Values.admin.existingSecret | default (include "grafana.fullname" .) }}
- key: {{ .Values.admin.passwordKey | default "admin-password" }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.plugins }}
- valueFrom:
- configMapKeyRef:
- name: {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}
- key: plugins
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.smtp.existingSecret }}
- - name: GF_SMTP_USER
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: {{ .Values.smtp.existingSecret }}
- key: {{ .Values.smtp.userKey | default "user" }}
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: {{ .Values.smtp.existingSecret }}
- key: {{ .Values.smtp.passwordKey | default "password" }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- range $key, $value := .Values.env }}
- - name: "{{ $key }}"
- value: "{{ $value }}"
-{{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.envFromSecret }}
- envFrom:
- - secretRef:
- name: {{ .Values.envFromSecret }}
- {{- end }}
- livenessProbe:
-{{ toYaml .Values.livenessProbe | indent 12 }}
- readinessProbe:
-{{ toYaml .Values.readinessProbe | indent 12 }}
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 12 }}
-{{- if .Values.extraContainers }}
-{{ toYaml .Values.extraContainers | indent 8}}
-{{- end }}
- {{- with .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- with .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- with .Values.tolerations }}
- tolerations:
-{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: config
- configMap:
- name: {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}
- {{- range .Values.extraConfigmapMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- configMap:
- name: {{ .configMap }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.dashboards }}
- {{- range keys .Values.dashboards }}
- - name: dashboards-{{ . }}
- configMap:
- name: {{ template "grafana.fullname" $ }}-dashboards-{{ . }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.dashboardsConfigMaps }}
- {{ $root := . }}
- {{- range $provider, $name := .Values.dashboardsConfigMaps }}
- - name: dashboards-{{ $provider }}
- configMap:
- name: {{ tpl $name $root }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if not .Values.admin.existingSecret }}
- - name: ldap
- secret:
- {{- if .Values.ldap.existingSecret }}
- secretName: {{ .Values.ldap.existingSecret }}
- {{- else }}
- secretName: {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}
- {{- end }}
- items:
- - key: ldap-toml
- path: ldap.toml
- {{- end }}
- - name: storage
- {{- if .Values.persistence.enabled }}
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ .Values.persistence.existingClaim | default (include "grafana.fullname" .) }}
- {{- else }}
- emptyDir: {}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.sidecar.dashboards.enabled }}
- - name: sc-dashboard-volume
- emptyDir: {}
- - name: sc-dashboard-provider
- configMap:
- name: {{ template "grafana.fullname" . }}-config-dashboards
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .Values.sidecar.datasources.enabled }}
- - name: sc-datasources-volume
- emptyDir: {}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- range .Values.extraSecretMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- secret:
- secretName: {{ .secretName }}
- defaultMode: {{ .defaultMode }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraVolumeMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ .existingClaim }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- range .Values.extraEmptyDirMounts }}
- - name: {{ .name }}
- emptyDir: {}
- {{- end }}