path: root/vnfs/DAaaS/model-repo/values.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfs/DAaaS/model-repo/values.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/vnfs/DAaaS/model-repo/values.yaml b/vnfs/DAaaS/model-repo/values.yaml
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ba16128..00000000
--- a/vnfs/DAaaS/model-repo/values.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-## set kubernetes cluster domain where minio is running
-clusterDomain: cluster.local
-## Set default image, imageTag, and imagePullPolicy. mode is used to indicate the
- repository: minio/minio
- tag: RELEASE.2019-02-12T21-58-47Z
- pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-## Set default image, imageTag, and imagePullPolicy for the `mc` (the minio
-## client used to create a default bucket).
- repository: minio/mc
- tag: RELEASE.2019-02-13T19-48-27Z
- pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-## minio server mode, i.e. standalone or distributed.
-## Distributed Minio ref: https://docs.minio.io/docs/distributed-minio-quickstart-guide
-mode: distributed
-## Update strategy for Deployments
- type: RollingUpdate
- maxUnavailable: 0
- maxSurge: 100%
-## Update strategy for StatefulSets
- updateStrategy: RollingUpdate
-## Pod priority settings
-## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/
-priorityClassName: ""
-## Set default accesskey, secretkey, Minio config file path, volume mount path and
-## number of nodes (only used for Minio distributed mode)
-## Distributed Minio ref: https://docs.minio.io/docs/distributed-minio-quickstart-guide
-existingSecret: ""
-accessKey: "onapdaas"
-secretKey: "onapsecretdaas"
-configPath: "/root/.minio/"
-configPathmc: "/root/.mc/"
-mountPath: "/export"
-replicas: 4
-## TLS Settings for Minio
- enabled: false
- ## Create a secret with private.key and public.crt files and pass that here. Ref: https://github.com/minio/minio/tree/master/docs/tls/kubernetes#2-create-kubernetes-secret
- certSecret: ""
- publicCrt: public.crt
- privateKey: private.key
-## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
-## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
- enabled: true
- ## A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim
- ## Requires persistence.enabled: true
- ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
- # existingClaim:
- ## minio data Persistent Volume Storage Class
- ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
- ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
- ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
- ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
- ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
- ##
- ## Storage class of PV to bind. By default it looks for standard storage class.
- ## If the PV uses a different storage class, specify that here.
- # storageClass: standard
- accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
- size: 20Gi
- ## If subPath is set mount a sub folder of a volume instead of the root of the volume.
- ## This is especially handy for volume plugins that don't natively support sub mounting (like glusterfs).
- ##
- subPath: ""
-## Expose the Minio service to be accessed from outside the cluster (LoadBalancer service).
-## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the service type and the port to serve it.
-## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/
- type: ClusterIP
- clusterIP: ~
- port: 9000
- # nodePort: 31311
- # externalIPs:
- # - externalIp1
- annotations: {}
- # prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
- # prometheus.io/path: '/minio/prometheus/metrics'
- # prometheus.io/port: '9000'
- enabled: true
- annotations: {}
- # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
- # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
- path: /
- hosts:
- - minio.modelrepo
- tls: []
- # - secretName: chart-example-tls
- # hosts:
- # - chart-example.local
-## Node labels for pod assignment
-## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
-nodeSelector: {}
-tolerations: []
-affinity: {}
-# Additational pod annotations
-podAnnotations: {}
-## Liveness and Readiness probe values.
-## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/
- initialDelaySeconds: 5
- periodSeconds: 30
- timeoutSeconds: 1
- successThreshold: 1
- failureThreshold: 3
- initialDelaySeconds: 5
- periodSeconds: 15
- timeoutSeconds: 1
- successThreshold: 1
- failureThreshold: 3
-## Configure resource requests and limits
-## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
- requests:
- memory: 256Mi
- cpu: 250m
-## Create a bucket after minio install
- enabled: false
- ## If enabled, must be a string with length > 0
- name: bucket
- ## Can be one of none|download|upload|public
- policy: none
- ## Purge if bucket exists already
- purge: false
-## Create multiple buckets after minio install
-## Enabling `defaultBucket` will take priority over this list
-buckets: []
- # - name: bucket1
- # policy: none
- # purge: false
- # - name: bucket2
- # policy: none
- # purge: false
- enabled: true
- replicas: 4
- serviceEndpoint: ""
-## Use minio as an azure blob gateway, you should disable data persistence so no volume claim are created.
-## https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-gateway-for-azure
- enabled: false
- # Number of parallel instances
- replicas: 4
-## Use minio as GCS (Google Cloud Storage) gateway, you should disable data persistence so no volume claim are created.
-## https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-gateway-for-gcs
- enabled: false
- # Number of parallel instances
- replicas: 4
- # credential json file of service account key
- gcsKeyJson: ""
- # Google cloud project-id
- projectId: ""
- enabled: false
- # Number of parallel instances
- replicas: 4
- endpointURL: ""
-## Use minio on NAS backend
-## https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-gateway-for-nas
- enabled: false
- # Number of parallel instances
- replicas: 4
- # For NAS Gateway, you may want to bind the PVC to a specific PV. To ensure that happens, PV to bind to should have
- # a label like "pv: <value>", use value here.
- pv: ~
-## Use this field to add environment variables relevant to Minio server. These fields will be passed on to Minio container(s)
-## when Chart is deployed
- ## To disable Minio Browser, set this value to off
- ## To enable virtual-host-style requests, set this value to Minio host domain name.
- ## Minio Cache settings, refer: https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-disk-cache-guide.html
- ## Minio WORM setting, refer: https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-server-configuration-guide.html
- # MINIO_WORM: ""
- ## Minio KMS settings, refer: https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-kms-quickstart-guide.html
- ## Minio Federation settings, refer: https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-federation-quickstart-guide.html
- ## Add other environment variables relevant to Minio server here. These values will be added to the container(s) as this Chart is deployed
-## https://docs.minio.io/docs/minio-bucket-notification-guide
-## https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/docs/config
- region: "us-west-1"
- browser: "on"
- domain: ""
- worm: "off"
- storageClass:
- standardStorageClass: ""
- reducedRedundancyStorageClass: ""
- cache:
- drives: []
- expiry: 90
- maxuse: 80
- exclude: []
- aqmp:
- enable: false
- url: ""
- exchange: ""
- routingKey: ""
- exchangeType: ""
- deliveryMode: 0
- mandatory: false
- immediate: false
- durable: false
- internal: false
- noWait: false
- autoDeleted: false
- nats:
- enable: false
- address: ""
- subject: ""
- username: ""
- password: ""
- token: ""
- secure: false
- pingInterval: 0
- enableStreaming: false
- clusterID: ""
- clientID: ""
- async: false
- maxPubAcksInflight: 0
- elasticsearch:
- enable: false
- format: "namespace"
- url: ""
- index: ""
- redis:
- enable: false
- format: "namespace"
- address: ""
- password: ""
- key: ""
- postgresql:
- enable: false
- format: "namespace"
- connectionString: ""
- table: ""
- host: ""
- port: ""
- user: ""
- password: ""
- database: ""
- kafka:
- enable: false
- brokers: "null"
- topic: ""
- webhook:
- enable: false
- endpoint: ""
- mysql:
- enable: false
- format: "namespace"
- dsnString: ""
- table: ""
- host: ""
- port: ""
- user: ""
- password: ""
- database: ""
- mqtt:
- enable: false
- broker: ""
- topic: ""
- qos: 0
- clientId: ""
- username: ""
- password: ""
- reconnectInterval: 0
- keepAliveInterval: 0
- enabled: false
- allowExternal: true