diff options
authorkranthi guttikonda <kranthi.guttikonda9@gmail.com>2017-10-12 12:24:51 -0400
committerkranthi guttikonda <kranthi.guttikonda9@gmail.com>2017-10-12 13:38:03 -0400
commit905b71b4fc72c7c091d9bd3dd616b951c75556fa (patch)
parentbf58a19263620322eb8308826728aa4f91f79eb1 (diff)
Initial scripts to upgrade docker ONAP component
Initial scripts to upgrade docker containers in each component. Script will login to each vm and run vm_init.sh based on component Issue-ID: INT-269 Change-Id: I8453a401a8a2d1f94f34424bba915c176fbcee2d Signed-off-by: kranthi guttikonda <kranthi.guttikonda9@gmail.com>
4 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docker_upgrade_scripts/README.md b/docker_upgrade_scripts/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d981587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker_upgrade_scripts/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#Docker Upgrade Scripts
+These scripts will upgrade docker images in all ONAP components
+##Setting UP
+apt-get install python-pip
+pip install Fabric
+Download all the files and modify onap_docker_upgrade.conf with correct configuration based on infrastructure endpoints
+user = <user_name>
+password = <password>
+tenant = <tenant>
+url = <keystone_url>
+user: User name to access the tenant
+Password: Password for the user authentication
+tenant: Tenant information
+url: keystone endpoint URL. Currently v2.0 is only supported
+instance_prefix = <name>
+instance_prefix: ONAP instance prefix configured in heat template or VM name
+Deployment type: 1-nic-nofloat, 1-nic-float, 2-nic
+deployment_type = <type>
+deployment_type: Based on infrastructure network setup for VMs
+dcae_key_path = <key_for_dcae_component>
+onap_key_path = <key_for_onap_component>
+Run python onap_docker_upgrade.py
+To run daily basis, add the script to cron job and redirect output to a log file
diff --git a/docker_upgrade_scripts/fabfile.py b/docker_upgrade_scripts/fabfile.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..72e3e61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker_upgrade_scripts/fabfile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from fabric.api import *
+from fabric.context_managers import *
+def uptime():
+ res = run('cat /proc/uptime')
+ print res
+def host_type():
+ run('uname -s')
+def upgrade_docker(server_name, my_env):
+ server_name=server_name.split("-")[1]
+ if server_name in "message-router":
+ execute_file = "/opt/mr_vm_init.sh"
+ elif server_name in "dcae-controller":
+ execute_file = "/opt/dcae2_vm_init.sh"
+ elif server_name in "openo-server":
+ execute_file = "/opt/openo_all_serv.sh"
+ elif server_name in "dns":
+ execute_file = None
+ else:
+ execute_file = "/opt/" + server_name + "_vm_init.sh"
+ print "Executing file %s" % execute_file
+ if execute_file:
+ with settings( warn_only=True, key_filename=my_env['key_filename'], user=my_env['user']):
+ sudo(execute_file)
+def health_checks_robot(my_env):
+ with settings( warn_only=True, key_filename=my_env['key_filename'], user=my_env['user']):
+ with cd('/opt'):
+ sudo('./ete.sh health')
diff --git a/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.conf b/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b6e527a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+user = <user_name>
+password = <password>
+tenant = <tenant>
+url = <keystone_url>
+instance_prefix = vm1
+###Deployment type: 1-nic-nofloat, 1-nic-float, 2-nic
+deployment_type = 1-nic-nofloat
+###onap_net_name is required for 1-nic-float and 2-nic environments
+#onap_net_name =
+dcae_key_path = <key_for_dcae_component>
+onap_key_path = <key_for_onap_component>
+###Nova url is optional and useful when the cloud provider endpoints are internal
+url = <nova_url>
diff --git a/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.py b/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c11163ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker_upgrade_scripts/onap_docker_upgrade.py
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import argparse
+#import getopt
+import json
+import sys
+import urllib2
+import ConfigParser
+import time
+from fabric.context_managers import settings
+from fabric.api import *
+from fabfile import *
+class ReadConfFile:
+ config = None
+ def __init__(self, file="onap_docker_upgrade.conf"):
+ """
+ Method to read from conf file specific options
+ :param file:
+ """
+ self.config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ self.config.readfp(open(file))
+ def read_option(self, group, name):
+ """
+ :return:
+ """
+ value = self.config.get(group, name)
+ return value
+def getToken(url, osuser, ostenant, ospassword):
+ """
+ Returns a token to the user given a tenant,
+ user name, password, and OpenStack API URL.
+ """
+ url = url + '/tokens'
+ tokenRequest = urllib2.Request(url)
+ tokenRequest.add_header("Content-type", "application/json")
+ jsonPayload = json.dumps({'auth' : {'tenantName' : ostenant, 'passwordCredentials' : {'username' : osuser, 'password' : ospassword}}})
+ request = urllib2.urlopen(tokenRequest, jsonPayload)
+ json_data = json.loads(request.read())
+ request.close()
+ return json.dumps(json_data)
+def getServers(url, token):
+ """
+ Returns a list of server in a given tenant
+ """
+ url = url + '/servers'
+ #handler=urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)
+ #opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
+ #urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ nova_server_request = urllib2.Request(url)
+ nova_server_request.add_header("Content-type", "application/json")
+ nova_server_request.add_header("X-Auth-Token", token)
+ request = urllib2.urlopen(nova_server_request)
+ json_data = json.loads(request.read())
+ request.close()
+ return json.dumps(json_data)
+def getServerInfo(url, token, server):
+ """
+ Returns the server information in a given tenant
+ """
+ url = url + '/servers/' + server
+ #handler=urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)
+ #opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
+ #urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ nova_server_request = urllib2.Request(url)
+ nova_server_request.add_header("Content-type", "application/json")
+ nova_server_request.add_header("X-Auth-Token", token)
+ request = urllib2.urlopen(nova_server_request)
+ json_data = json.loads(request.read())
+ request.close()
+ return json.dumps(json_data)
+conf_file = ReadConfFile()
+#Reading keystone_auth
+url=conf_file.read_option('keystone_auth', 'url')
+user=conf_file.read_option('keystone_auth', 'user')
+password=conf_file.read_option('keystone_auth', 'password')
+tenant=conf_file.read_option('keystone_auth', 'tenant')
+#Reading onap
+instance_prefix=conf_file.read_option('onap', 'instance_prefix')
+deployment_type=conf_file.read_option('onap', 'deployment_type')
+if deployment_type in ("1-nic-float" or "2-nic"):
+ onap_net_name=conf_file.read_option('onap', 'onap_net_name')
+dcae_key_path=conf_file.read_option('onap', 'dcae_key_path')
+onap_key_path=conf_file.read_option('onap', 'onap_key_path')
+#Reading nova
+nova_url=conf_file.read_option('nova', 'url')
+# Since we return a raw JSON payload from getToken,
+# we need to load it into a readable object.
+adminToken = json.loads(getToken(url, user, tenant, password))
+# Access the token portion of the JSON payload and grab the token and tenant ID
+adminTokenID = adminToken['access']['token']['id']
+adminTokenTenantID = adminToken['access']['token']['tenant']['id']
+for item in adminToken['access']['serviceCatalog']:
+ """
+ The "name" of each OpenStack service catalog item from
+ the item list changed between versions. Things like
+ "glance" became "volume" and "keystone" became "identity".
+ You will need to update this based on your installation.
+ """
+ if nova_url:
+ adminNovaURL = nova_url + "/" + adminTokenTenantID
+ elif item['name'] == "nova":
+ adminNovaURL = item['endpoints'][0]['adminURL']
+print "------ Admin information ------"
+print "Token ID = ", adminTokenID
+print "Tenant ID = ", adminTokenTenantID
+print "Nova URL = ", adminNovaURL
+print "------ End Admin info ---------"
+get_nova_servers = json.loads(getServers(adminNovaURL, adminTokenID))
+#print get_nova_servers
+#print get_nova_servers['servers'][0]['id']
+execute_aai1 = False
+for item in get_nova_servers['servers']:
+ #print item['id'], item['name']
+ if instance_prefix in item['name']:
+ print "Found matching server name: %s with id %s" % (item['name'], item['id'])
+ get_server_info = json.loads(getServerInfo(adminNovaURL, adminTokenID, item['id']))
+ for net_info in get_server_info['server']['addresses']:
+ if deployment_type in ("1-nic-float" or "2-nic"):
+ if onap_net_name not in net_info:
+ server_ip = get_server_info['server']['addresses'][net_info][0]['addr']
+ elif deployment_type in "1-nic-nofloat":
+ server_ip = get_server_info['server']['addresses'][net_info][1]['addr']
+ server_name = item['name']
+ if "robot" in server_name:
+ robot_ip = server_ip
+ elif "aai-inst1" in server_name:
+ aai1_ip = server_ip
+ is_aai2_executed = False
+ if not is_aai2_executed:
+ execute_aai1 = False
+ aai1_server_name = server_name
+ else:
+ execute_aai1 = True
+ elif "aai-inst2" in server_name:
+ aai2_ip = server_ip
+ is_aai2_executed = True
+ print "IP address of vm %s is %s" % (item['name'], server_ip)
+ with settings(warnings=True, skip_bad_hosts=True):
+ if "dcae-controller" in server_name:
+ execute(upgrade_docker, server_name, hosts=server_ip, my_env={'key_filename':dcae_key_path, 'user':'ubuntu'})
+ else:
+ if "aai-inst1" not in server_name:
+ execute(upgrade_docker, server_name, hosts=server_ip, my_env={'key_filename':onap_key_path, 'user':'ubuntu'})
+ elif execute_aai1:
+ execute(upgrade_docker, server_name, hosts=server_ip, my_env={'key_filename':onap_key_path, 'user':'ubuntu'})
+ else:
+ print "Skipping %s upgrade until aai2 finishes upgrade" % server_name
+with settings(warnings=True):
+ if not execute_aai1:
+ print "Starting %s upgrade" % aai1_ip
+ execute(upgrade_docker, aai1_server_name, hosts=aai1_ip, my_env={'key_filename':onap_key_path, 'user':'ubuntu'})
+ time.sleep(300)
+ execute(health_checks_robot, hosts=robot_ip, my_env={'key_filename':onap_key_path, 'user':'ubuntu'})