diff options
authorLukasz Rajewski <>2019-10-02 13:01:54 +0200
committerBrian Freeman <>2019-10-02 14:38:42 +0000
commit6d68147478088c28a24bdf305892b1eb23e0b47e (patch)
parent604eccdeb964c1b640692f832f74d9f9cf8f478e (diff)
vFW DT tutorial improvements
- use of TLS for APPC - vFW Upgrade workflow - Help information for workflow - script for configuration of workflow - script for upgrade of vFW VMs to Upgrade demo Change-Id: I26136ec20569c9c02abb1644c6e40b4733d8f5ea Signed-off-by: Lukasz Rajewski <> Issue-ID: INT-751
4 files changed, 301 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5c197963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Orange
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ANSIBLE=`kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep appc-ansible`
+echo $ANSIBLE
+kubectl cp playbooks/onap.pem onap/$ANSIBLE:/opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/
+echo "Key file uploaded"
+cp workflow/Ansible_inventory playbooks/
+kubectl cp playbooks/Ansible_inventory onap/$ANSIBLE:/opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/
+echo "Ansible_inventory file uploaded"
+kubectl exec -n onap $ANSIBLE -- chmod 400 /opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/onap.pem
+echo "Key file configured"
+#kubectl exec -n onap $ANSIBLE -- sed -i 's#\(private_key_file *= *\).*#\1/opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/onap.pem#' /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
+printf '[defaults]\nhost_key_checking = False\nprivate_key_file = /opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/onap.pem\n' > playbooks/ansible.cfg
+kubectl cp playbooks/ansible.cfg onap/$ANSIBLE:/etc/ansible/
+echo "Ansible conf modified"
+kubectl exec -n onap $ANSIBLE -- ansible -i /opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/Ansible_inventory vpgn,vfw-sink -m ping
+echo "Hosts PING test completed"
+sudo kubectl cp playbooks/vfw-sink onap/$ANSIBLE:/opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/
+echo "vFW-SINK Playbooks uploaded"
+sudo kubectl cp playbooks/vpgn onap/$ANSIBLE:/opt/ansible-server/Playbooks/
+echo "vPGN Playbooks uploaded"
+APPCDB=`kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep appc-db-0`
+echo $APPCDB
+kubectl exec -n onap $APPCDB -- mysql -u sdnctl -pgamma sdnctl -e'SELECT * FROM DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION WHERE PROTOCOL LIKE "ANSIBLE";'
+kubectl exec -n onap $APPCDB -- mysql -u sdnctl -pgamma sdnctl -e'UPDATE DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION SET URL = "http://appc-ansible-server:8000/Dispatch" WHERE PROTOCOL LIKE "ANSIBLE" AND PASSWORD IS NULL;'
+kubectl exec -n onap $APPCDB -- mysql -u sdnctl -pgamma sdnctl -e'UPDATE DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION SET PASSWORD = "admin" WHERE PROTOCOL LIKE "ANSIBLE" AND PASSWORD IS NULL;'
+kubectl exec -n onap $APPCDB -- mysql -u sdnctl -pgamma sdnctl -e'SELECT * FROM DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION WHERE PROTOCOL LIKE "ANSIBLE";'
+echo "APPC database configured for LCM commands"
diff --git a/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7caa1610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+* Copyright (C) 2019 Orange
+* ================================================================================
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, test
+import sys
+class CORSRequestHandler (SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def end_headers (self):
+ self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+ SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.end_headers(self)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test(CORSRequestHandler, HTTPServer, port=int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 8000)
diff --git a/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0dd27d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/vFWDT/playbooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Orange
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#change IP addresses and upload to playbooks folder darkstat and before
+echo $VFW1 > vfw_mgt_ip.txt
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem vfw_mgt_ip.txt root@$SINK1:/opt/config/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$SINK1 /etc/init.d/darkstat stop
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem darkstat root@$SINK1:/usr/sbin/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$SINK1 /etc/init.d/darkstat start
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW1 "hostname > /opt/config/hostname.txt"
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW1 "echo '1.0' > /opt/config/version.txt"
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW1:/opt/config/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW1 "screen -d -m bash -c 'cd /opt/config && python3 /opt/config/ 80 > /dev/null 2>&1'"
+echo $VFW2 > vfw_mgt_ip.txt
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem vfw_mgt_ip.txt root@$SINK2:/opt/config/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$SINK2 /etc/init.d/darkstat stop
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem darkstat root@$SINK2:/usr/sbin/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$SINK2 /etc/init.d/darkstat start
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW2 "hostname > /opt/config/hostname.txt"
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW2 "echo '1.0' > /opt/config/version.txt"
+scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW2:/opt/config/
+ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i onap.pem root@$VFW2 "screen -d -m bash -c 'cd /opt/config && python3 /opt/config/ 80 > /dev/null 2>&1'"
diff --git a/tutorials/vFWDT/workflow/ b/tutorials/vFWDT/workflow/
index ef3700ae..413fa4aa 100755
--- a/tutorials/vFWDT/workflow/
+++ b/tutorials/vFWDT/workflow/
@@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ class APPCLcmApiResource(Resource):
actions = {
'distribute_traffic': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:distribute-traffic/'},
'distribute_traffic_check': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:distribute-traffic-check/'},
+ 'upgrade_software': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:upgrade-software/'},
+ 'upgrade_pre_check': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:upgrade-pre-check/'},
+ 'upgrade_post_check': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:upgrade-post-check/'},
'action_status': {'method': 'POST', 'url': 'appc-provider-lcm:action-status/'},
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ def _init_python_osdf_api(onap_ip):
def _init_python_appc_lcm_api(onap_ip):
api = API(
- api_root_url="http://{}:30230/restconf/operations/".format(onap_ip),
+ api_root_url="https://{}:30230/restconf/operations/".format(onap_ip),
'Authorization': encode("admin", "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U"),
@@ -602,18 +605,15 @@ def _build_config_from_osdf(osdf_result):
return config
-def _build_appc_lcm_dt_payload(is_vpkg, oof_config, book_name, traffic_presence):
+def _build_appc_lcm_dt_payload(demand, oof_config, action, traffic_presence):
is_check = traffic_presence is not None
oof_config = copy.deepcopy(oof_config)
#if is_vpkg:
# node_list = "[ {} ]".format(oof_config['vPGN']['vserver-id'])
# node_list = "[ {} ]".format(oof_config['vFW-SINK']['vserver-id'])
- if is_vpkg:
- config = oof_config['vPGN']
- else:
- config = oof_config['vFW-SINK']
+ book_name = "{}/latest/ansible/{}/site.yml".format(demand.lower(), action.lower())
+ config = oof_config[demand]
#node = {
# 'site': config['physical-location-id'],
# 'vnfc_type': config['vnfc-type'],
@@ -644,6 +644,29 @@ def _build_appc_lcm_dt_payload(is_vpkg, oof_config, book_name, traffic_presence)
return payload
+def _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_payload(demand, oof_config, action, old_version, new_version):
+ oof_config = copy.deepcopy(oof_config)
+ book_name = "{}/latest/ansible/{}/site.yml".format(demand.lower(), action.lower())
+ config = oof_config[demand]
+ file_content = {} #oof_config['dt-config']
+ config = {
+ "configuration-parameters": {
+ #"node_list": node_list,
+ "ne_id": config['vserver-name'],
+ "fixed_ip_address": config['ip'],
+ "file_parameter_content": json.dumps(file_content),
+ "existing-software-version": old_version,
+ "new-software-version": new_version
+ }
+ }
+ if book_name != '':
+ config["configuration-parameters"]["book_name"] = book_name
+ payload = json.dumps(config)
+ return payload
def _build_appc_lcm_status_body(req):
payload = {
'request-id': req['input']['common-header']['request-id'],
@@ -660,14 +683,22 @@ def _build_appc_lcm_status_body(req):
return template
-def _build_appc_lcm_request_body(is_vpkg, config, req_id, action, traffic_presence=None):
+def _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(is_vpkg, config, req_id, action, traffic_presence=None):
if is_vpkg:
demand = 'vPGN'
demand = 'vFW-SINK'
+ payload = _build_appc_lcm_dt_payload(demand, config, action, traffic_presence)
+ return _build_appc_lcm_request_body(payload, demand, config, req_id, action)
- book_name = "{}/latest/ansible/{}/site.yml".format(demand.lower(), action.lower())
- payload = _build_appc_lcm_dt_payload(is_vpkg, config, book_name, traffic_presence)
+def _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_request_body(config, req_id, action, old_version, new_version):
+ demand = 'vFW-SINK'
+ payload = _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_payload(demand, config, action, old_version, new_version)
+ return _build_appc_lcm_request_body(payload, demand, config, req_id, action)
+def _build_appc_lcm_request_body(payload, demand, config, req_id, action):
template = json.loads(open('templates/appcRestconfLcm.json').read())
template['input']['action'] = action
template['input']['payload'] = payload
@@ -684,8 +715,8 @@ def _set_appc_lcm_timestamp(body, timestamp=None):
body['input']['common-header']['timestamp'] = timestamp
-def build_appc_lcms_requests_body(rancher_ip, onap_ip, aai_data, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw):
- if_has = False
+def build_appc_lcms_requests_body(rancher_ip, onap_ip, aai_data, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw, new_version=None):
+ if_has = True
if if_has:
migrate_from = _has_request(onap_ip, aai_data, False, use_oof_cache)
@@ -711,34 +742,82 @@ def build_appc_lcms_requests_body(rancher_ip, onap_ip, aai_data, use_oof_cache,
#print(json.dumps(migrate_from, indent=4))
#print(json.dumps(migrate_to, indent=4))
req_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- payload_dt_check_vpkg = _build_appc_lcm_request_body(True, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
- payload_dt_vpkg_to = _build_appc_lcm_request_body(True, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTraffic')
- payload_dt_check_vfw_from = _build_appc_lcm_request_body(False, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck',
- False)
- payload_dt_check_vfw_to = _build_appc_lcm_request_body(False, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
result = list()
- result.append(payload_dt_check_vpkg)
- result.append(payload_dt_vpkg_to)
- result.append(payload_dt_check_vfw_from)
- result.append(payload_dt_check_vfw_to)
+ old_version = 2.0
+ if_dt_only = new_version is None
+ if new_version is not None and new_version != "1.0":
+ old_version = 1.0
+ if if_dt_only:
+ #_build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(is_vpkg, config, req_id, action, traffic_presence=None):
+ payload_dt_check_vpkg = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(True, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
+ payload_dt_vpkg_to = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(True, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTraffic')
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_from = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck',
+ False)
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_to = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
+ requests = list()
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_vpkg_to, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Migrating source vFW traffic to destination vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_from, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has been stopped on the source vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_to, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has appeared on the destination vFW"})
+ result.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vpkg, "breakOnFailure": False, "description": "Check current traffic destination on vPGN",
+ "workflow": {"requests": requests, "description": "Migrate Traffic and Verify"}})
+ else:
+ #_build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(is_vpkg, config, req_id, action, traffic_presence=None):
+ payload_dt_check_vpkg = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(True, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
+ payload_dt_vpkg_to = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(True, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTraffic')
+ payload_dt_vpkg_from = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(True, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTraffic')
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_from_absent = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', False)
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_to_present = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_to_absent = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_to, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', False)
+ payload_dt_check_vfw_from_present = _build_appc_lcm_dt_request_body(False, migrate_from, req_id, 'DistributeTrafficCheck', True)
+ payload_old_version_check_vfw_from = _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_request_body(migrate_from, req_id, 'UpgradePreCheck', old_version, new_version)
+ payload_new_version_check_vfw_from = _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_request_body(migrate_from, req_id, 'UpgradePostCheck', old_version, new_version)
+ payload_upgrade_vfw_from = _build_appc_lcm_upgrade_request_body(migrate_from, req_id, 'UpgradeSoftware', old_version, new_version)
+ requests = list()
+ migrate_requests = list()
+ migrate_requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_vpkg_to, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Migrating source vFW traffic to destination vFW"})
+ migrate_requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_from_absent, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has been stopped on the source vFW"})
+ migrate_requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_to_present, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has appeared on the destination vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vpkg, "breakOnFailure": False, "description": "Check current traffic destination on vPGN",
+ "workflow": {"requests": migrate_requests, "description": "Migrate Traffic and Verify"}})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_upgrade_vfw_from, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Upgrading Software on source vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_new_version_check_vfw_from, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Check current software version on source vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_vpkg_from, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Migrating destination vFW traffic to source vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_to_absent, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has been stopped on the destination vFW"})
+ requests.append({"payload": payload_dt_check_vfw_from_present, "breakOnFailure": True, "description": "Checking traffic has appeared on the source vFW"})
+ result.append({"payload": payload_old_version_check_vfw_from, "breakOnFailure": False, "description": "Check current software version on source vFW",
+ "workflow": {"requests": requests, "description": "Migrate Traffic and Upgrade Software"}})
return result
def appc_lcm_request(onap_ip, req):
api = _init_python_appc_lcm_api(onap_ip)
+ with _no_ssl_verification():
#print(json.dumps(req, indent=4))
- if req['input']['action'] == "DistributeTraffic":
- result = api.lcm.distribute_traffic(body=req, params={}, headers={})
- elif req['input']['action'] == "DistributeTrafficCheck":
- result = api.lcm.distribute_traffic_check(body=req, params={}, headers={})
- else:
- raise Exception("{} action not supported".format(req['input']['action']))
+ if req['input']['action'] == "DistributeTraffic":
+ result = api.lcm.distribute_traffic(body=req, params={}, headers={})
+ elif req['input']['action'] == "DistributeTrafficCheck":
+ result = api.lcm.distribute_traffic_check(body=req, params={}, headers={})
+ elif req['input']['action'] == "UpgradeSoftware":
+ result = api.lcm.upgrade_software(body=req, params={}, headers={})
+ elif req['input']['action'] == "UpgradePreCheck":
+ result = api.lcm.upgrade_pre_check(body=req, params={}, headers={})
+ elif req['input']['action'] == "UpgradePostCheck":
+ result = api.lcm.upgrade_post_check(body=req, params={}, headers={})
+ else:
+ raise Exception("{} action not supported".format(req['input']['action']))
if result.body['output']['status']['code'] == 400:
- print("Request Completed")
+ print("SUCCESSFUL")
elif result.body['output']['status']['code'] == 100:
- print("Request Accepted. Receiving result status...")
+ print("ACCEPTED")
# elif result.body['output']['status']['code'] == 311:
# timestamp = result.body['output']['common-header']['timestamp']
# _set_appc_lcm_timestamp(req, timestamp)
@@ -756,7 +835,8 @@ def appc_lcm_status_request(onap_ip, req):
status_body = _build_appc_lcm_status_body(req)
- result = api.lcm.action_status(body=status_body, params={}, headers={})
+ with _no_ssl_verification():
+ result = api.lcm.action_status(body=status_body, params={}, headers={})
if result.body['output']['status']['code'] == 400:
status = json.loads(result.body['output']['payload'])
@@ -767,33 +847,60 @@ def appc_lcm_status_request(onap_ip, req):
def confirm_appc_lcm_action(onap_ip, req, check_appc_result):
- print("Checking LCM {} Status".format(req['input']['action']))
+ print("APPC LCM << {} >> [Status]".format(req['input']['action']))
while True:
status = appc_lcm_status_request(onap_ip, req)
if status['status'] == 'SUCCESSFUL':
- return
+ return True
elif status['status'] == 'IN_PROGRESS':
elif check_appc_result:
- raise Exception("LCM {} {} - {}".format(req['input']['action'], status['status'], status['status-reason']))
+ print("APPC LCM <<{}>> [{} - {}]".format(req['input']['action'], status['status'], status['status-reason']))
+ return False
- return
+ return True
-def execute_workflow(vfw_vnf_id, rancher_ip, onap_ip, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw, info_only, check_result):
+def _execute_lcm_requests(workflow, onap_ip, check_result):
+ lcm_requests = workflow["requests"]
+ print("WORKFLOW << {} >>".format(workflow["description"]))
+ for i in range(len(lcm_requests)):
+ req = lcm_requests[i]["payload"]
+ #print(json.dumps(req, indent=4))
+ print("APPC LCM << {} >> [{}]".format(req['input']['action'], lcm_requests[i]["description"]))
+ _set_appc_lcm_timestamp(req)
+ result = appc_lcm_request(onap_ip, req)
+ if result == 100:
+ conf_result = confirm_appc_lcm_action(onap_ip, req, check_result)
+ if not conf_result:
+ if lcm_requests[i]["breakOnFailure"]:
+ raise Exception("APPC LCM << {} >> FAILED".format(req['input']['action']))
+ elif "workflow" in lcm_requests[i]:
+ print("WORKFLOW << {} >> SKIP".format(lcm_requests[i]["workflow"]["description"]))
+ elif "workflow" in lcm_requests[i]:
+ _execute_lcm_requests(lcm_requests[i]["workflow"], onap_ip, check_result)
+ #time.sleep(30)
+def execute_workflow(vfw_vnf_id, rancher_ip, onap_ip, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw, info_only, check_result, new_version=None):
print("\nExecuting workflow for VNF ID '{}' on Rancher with IP {} and ONAP with IP {}".format(
vfw_vnf_id, rancher_ip, onap_ip))
print("\nOOF Cache {}, is CL vFW {}, only info {}, check LCM result {}".format(use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw,
info_only, check_result))
+ if new_version is not None:
+ print("\nNew vFW software version {}\n".format(new_version))
x = threading.Thread(target=_run_osdf_resp_server, daemon=True)
aai_data = load_aai_data(vfw_vnf_id, onap_ip)
print("\nvFWDT Service Information:")
print(json.dumps(aai_data, indent=4))
- lcm_requests = build_appc_lcms_requests_body(rancher_ip, onap_ip, aai_data, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw)
+ lcm_requests = build_appc_lcms_requests_body(rancher_ip, onap_ip, aai_data, use_oof_cache, if_close_loop_vfw, new_version)
print("\nAnsible Inventory:")
inventory = "[host]\nlocalhost ansible_connection=local\n"
for key in ansible_inventory:
@@ -809,16 +916,29 @@ def execute_workflow(vfw_vnf_id, rancher_ip, onap_ip, use_oof_cache, if_close_lo
if info_only:
print("\nDistribute Traffic Workflow Execution:")
- for i in range(len(lcm_requests)):
- req = lcm_requests[i]
- print("APPC REQ {} - {}".format(i, req['input']['action']))
- _set_appc_lcm_timestamp(req)
- result = appc_lcm_request(onap_ip, req)
- if result == 100:
- confirm_appc_lcm_action(onap_ip, req, check_result)
- #time.sleep(30)
+ _execute_lcm_requests({"requests": lcm_requests, "description": "Migrate vFW Traffic Conditionally"}, onap_ip, check_result)
+\n<VNF-ID> - vnf-id of vFW VNF instance that traffic should be migrated out from
+<RANCHER-NODE-IP> - External IP of ONAP Rancher Node i.e. (If Rancher Node is missing this is NFS node)
+<K8S-NODE-IP> - External IP of ONAP K8s Worker Node i.e.
+<IF-CACHE> - If script should use and build OOF response cache (cache it speed-ups further executions of script)
+<IF-VFWCL> - If instead of vFWDT service instance vFW or vFWCL one is used (should be False always)
+<INITIAL-ONLY> - If only configuration information will be collected (True for initial phase and False for full execution of workflow)
+<CHECK-STATUS> - If APPC LCM action status should be verified and FAILURE should stop workflow (when False FAILED status of LCM action does not stop execution of further LCM actions)
+<VERSION> - New version of vFW - for tests '1.0' or '2.0'. Ommit when traffic distribution only\n"""
+for key in sys.argv:
+ if key == "-h" or key == "--help":
+ print(help)
+ sys.exit()
+new_version = None
+if len(sys.argv) > 8:
+ new_version = sys.argv[8]
#vnf_id, Rancher node IP, K8s node IP, use OOF cache, if close loop vfw, if info_only, if check APPC result
execute_workflow(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4].lower() == 'true', sys.argv[5].lower() == 'true',
- sys.argv[6].lower() == 'true', sys.argv[7].lower() == 'true')
+ sys.argv[6].lower() == 'true', sys.argv[7].lower() == 'true', new_version)