path: root/check-blueprint-vs-input/bin
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Diffstat (limited to 'check-blueprint-vs-input/bin')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/check-blueprint-vs-input/bin/check-blueprint-vs-input b/check-blueprint-vs-input/bin/check-blueprint-vs-input
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9174526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/check-blueprint-vs-input/bin/check-blueprint-vs-input
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this code except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+# at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
+ check-blueprint-vs-input - given a blueprint and inputs file pair, validate them against each other
+ check-blueprint-vs-input [-v] [-t] -b BLUEPRINT [-B exclusion-list] -i INPUTS [-B exclusion-list]
+description = """
+ Validate a blueprint and inputs file against each other. This looks for the inputs: node of the blueprint
+ file, the inputs used by {get_input} within the blueprint, and the values found in the inputs file. The
+ files may be in either YAML or JSON formats. The names default to blueprint.yaml and inputs.yaml. If
+ a blueprint inputs name has a default value, it is not considered an error if it is not in the inputs file.
+ If using a template inputs file, add the -t/--template option. This will look for the inputs under
+ an "inputs:" node instead of at the top level.
+ If there are blueprint nodes or inputs nodes that should not be considered an error, specify them
+ using the -B/--blueprint-exclusion-list and -I/inputs-exclusion-list parameters.
+ "check-blueprint-vs-input --help" will list all of the available options.
+epilog = """
+ Values specified within the inputs file with no value or a value of {} (such as 'openstack: {}')
+ do not get loaded from the yaml dictionary, and will show up as false positives. It is suggested that
+ -B/--blueprint-exclusion-list be used for these, and then do a subsequent grep for those variables
+ being in the inputs file, as in:
+ grep 'openstack: {}' $(BLUEPRINT)
+import yaml
+import sys
+import argparse
+def main():
+ DEF_BLUEPRINT_NAME = "blueprint.yaml"
+ DEF_INPUTS_NAME = "inputs.yaml"
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
+ parser.add_argument("-b", "--blueprint", type=str, help="Path to blueprint file, defaults to '%s'" % DEF_BLUEPRINT_NAME,
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--inputs", type=str, help="Port to listen on, defaults to '%s'" % DEF_INPUTS_NAME,
+ default=DEF_INPUTS_NAME)
+ parser.add_argument("-B", "--blueprint-exclusion-list", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of names not to warn about not being in the blueprint file", default="")
+ parser.add_argument("-I", "--inputs-exclusion-list", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of names not to warn about not being in the inputs file", default="")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--inputs-template", help="Treat inputs file as coming from template area", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose, may be specified multiple times", action="count", default=0)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ blueprintExclusionList = args.blueprint_exclusion_list.split(",")
+ if args.verbose: print("blueprintExclusionList=%s" % blueprintExclusionList)
+ inputsExclusionList = args.inputs_exclusion_list.split(",")
+ if args.verbose: print("inputsExclusionList=%s" % inputsExclusionList)
+ def loadYaml(filename):
+ """
+ Load a YAML file
+ """
+ with open(filename, "r") as fd:
+ try:
+ y = yaml.safe_load(fd)
+ if args.verbose > 1:
+ print("Contents of %s:" % filename)
+ yaml.dump(y, sys.stdout)
+ except:
+ type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ print('value=%s' % value, file=sys.stderr)
+ return y
+ blueprint = loadYaml(args.blueprint)
+ inputs = loadYaml(args.inputs)
+ # if inputs file is empty, provide an empty dictionary
+ if inputs is None: inputs = { }
+ # blueprint file has inputs under the inputs: node
+ blueprintInputs = blueprint['inputs']
+ # inputs file normally has inputs at the top level,
+ # but templated inputs files have themunder the inputs: node
+ if args.inputs_template: inputs = inputs['inputs']
+ exitval = 0
+ def check_blueprint_inputs(blueprintInputs, inputs, inputsExclusionList):
+ """
+ check the blueprint inputs against the inputs file
+ """
+ foundone = False
+ for input in blueprintInputs:
+ if args.verbose: print("blueprint input=%s" % input)
+ if input in inputs:
+ if args.verbose: print("\tIS in inputs file")
+ else:
+ # print("blueprintInputs.get(input)=%s and blueprintInputs[input].get('default')=%s" % (blueprintInputs.get(input), blueprintInputs[input].get('default')))
+ if blueprintInputs.get(input) and blueprintInputs[input].get('default'):
+ if args.verbose: print("\tHAS a default value")
+ elif input not in inputsExclusionList:
+ print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %s not in inputs file" % input)
+ foundone = True
+ else:
+ if args.verbose: print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %s not in inputs file, but being ignored" % input)
+ return foundone
+ # check the blueprint inputs: against the inputs file
+ if args.verbose: print("================ check the blueprint inputs: against the inputs file")
+ foundone = check_blueprint_inputs(blueprintInputs, inputs, inputsExclusionList)
+ if foundone: print("")
+ if foundone: exitval = 1
+ def check_get_inputs(blueprint, blueprintInputs, inputs, inputsExclusionList):
+ """
+ check the blueprint get_input values against the inputs file
+ """
+ if args.verbose > 2: print("check_get_inputs(): d=%s" % d)
+ def findInputs(d):
+ ret = [ ]
+ if isinstance(d, dict):
+ if args.verbose: print("type(d) is dict")
+ for key in d.keys():
+ if args.verbose: print("looking at d[key=%s]" % key)
+ if key == "get_input":
+ if args.verbose: print("found get_input, adding '%s'" % d[key])
+ ret += [ d[key] ]
+ return ret
+ else:
+ if args.verbose: print("going recursive on '%s'" % d[key])
+ ret += findInputs(d[key])
+ elif isinstance(d, list):
+ if args.verbose: print("type(d) is list")
+ for val in d:
+ if args.verbose: print("going recursive on '%s'" % val)
+ ret += findInputs(val)
+ else:
+ if args.verbose: print("type(d) is scalar: %s" % d)
+ return ret
+ foundone = False
+ inputList = findInputs(blueprint)
+ if args.verbose: print("done looking for get_input, found:\n%s" % inputList)
+ alreadySeen = { }
+ for input in inputList:
+ if input not in alreadySeen:
+ alreadySeen[input] = True
+ if args.verbose: print("checking input %s" % input)
+ if input in inputs:
+ if args.verbose: print("\tIS in input file")
+ else:
+ if blueprintInputs.get(input) and blueprintInputs[input].get('default'):
+ if args.verbose: print("\tHAS a default value")
+ elif input not in inputsExclusionList:
+ print(":::::::::::::::: get_input: %s is NOT in input file" % input)
+ foundone = True
+ else:
+ if args.verbose: print(":::::::::::::::: get_input: %s is NOT in input file, but being ignored" % input)
+ return foundone
+ # check the blueprint's get_input calls against the inputs file
+ if args.verbose: print("================ check the blueprint's get_input calls against the inputs file ================")
+ foundone = check_get_inputs(blueprint, blueprintInputs, inputs, inputsExclusionList)
+ if foundone: print("")
+ if foundone: exitval = 1
+ def check_inputs(blueprintInputs, inputs, blueprintExclusionList):
+ """
+ check the inputs file against the blueprints inputs list
+ """
+ foundone = False
+ for key in inputs:
+ if args.verbose: print("inputs key=%s" % key)
+ if key in blueprintInputs:
+ if args.verbose: print("\tIS in blueprint")
+ else:
+ if key not in blueprintExclusionList:
+ print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %s not in blueprint file" % key)
+ foundone = True
+ else:
+ if args.verbose: print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %s not in blueprint file, but being ignored" % key)
+ return foundone
+ # check the inputs file against the blueprints input: section
+ if args.verbose: print("================ check the inputs file against the blueprints input: section ================")
+ foundone = check_inputs(blueprintInputs, inputs, blueprintExclusionList)
+ if foundone: exitval = 1
+ sys.exit(exitval)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()