path: root/repackage/bin
diff options
authorTony Hansen <>2017-09-29 02:03:39 +0000
committerTony Hansen <>2017-09-29 02:03:53 +0000
commit16a1fcbc814ec20e59cbe95cb506bca29f104208 (patch)
treefaef0c5a6b382a22943f35774f8469f75d0e2b88 /repackage/bin
parent8cdeeeb9a2e8b51f9897173dc26d672e55b00304 (diff)
remove check-blueprint-vs-input, repackage
check-blueprint-vs-input was moved to blueprints module repackage was moved to ccsdk/pgaas module Change-Id: If9d04d4ee1c0e5a3a2b837fc253c00dee226a2ac Signed-off-by: Tony Hansen <> Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-49
Diffstat (limited to 'repackage/bin')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 719 deletions
diff --git a/repackage/bin/repackage b/repackage/bin/repackage
deleted file mode 100755
index 389be54..0000000
--- a/repackage/bin/repackage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi: set expandtab:
-import sys, os, argparse, time, re, posix, atexit, binascii
-from pathlib import Path
-yamlOk = True
- import yaml
- yamlOk = False
-jsonOk = True
- import simplejson as json
- try:
- import json
- except:
- jsonOk = False
-def date():
- """ return a datestamp """
- return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-def infoMsg(msg):
- """ generate an informational message to stdout """
- print("%s:INFO:%s" % (date(), msg))
-def traceMsg(msg):
- """ if verbose flag is on, generate an informational message to stdout """
- global args
- if args.verbose:
- infoMsg(msg)
-def warnMsg(msg):
- """ generate a warning message to stdout """
- print("%s:WARNING:%s" % (date(), msg))
-def die(msg):
- """ generate a FATAL message to stdout and exit """
- print("%s:FATAL:%s" % (date(), msg))
- sys.exit(2)
-def displayCwd():
- """ display the working directory """
- infoMsg("working directory '" + os.getcwd() + "'")
-def cdCheck(dir):
- """ cd to a new directory and die if we cannot """
- try:
- traceMsg("cd %s" % dir)
- os.chdir(dir)
- except:
- die("Cannot chdir(" + dir + ")")
-def removeDirPath(path, prmsg = True, gone_ok = False):
- """
- remove a directory path
- prmsg - print a message before proceeding
- gone_ok - do not warn if a path does not exist
- """
- if prmsg:
- infoMsg("Removing path '%s'" % path)
- nmlist = None
- try:
- nmlist = os.listdir(path)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- if not gone_ok:
- warnMsg("path no longer exists: %s" % path)
- return
- except:
- e = sys.exc_info()[0]
- warnMsg("removing path (%s) gave this error: %s" % (path, e))
- return
- for nm in nmlist:
- if nm != "." and nm != "..":
- pathnm = path + "/" + nm
- if os.path.isdir(pathnm):
- removeDirPath(pathnm, prmsg = False)
- else:
- # infoMsg(">>>>removing file %s" % pathnm)
- try:
- os.remove(pathnm)
- except:
- e = sys.exc_info()[0]
- warnMsg("Could not remove file (%s) because of %s" % (pathnm, e))
- # infoMsg(">>>>removing directory %s" % pathnm)
- try:
- os.rmdir(path)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- if not gone_ok:
- warnMsg("Could not remove directory (%s) because of FileNotFound" % path)
- except:
- e = sys.exc_info()[0]
- warnMsg("Could not remove directory (%s) because of %s" % (path, e))
-def verboseOsSystem(cmd):
- """ execute a shell command, printing a trace message first """
- traceMsg("About to execute '%s'" % cmd)
- os.system(cmd)
-def lndir(fr, to):
- """ create a copy of a tree structure, using hard links where possible """
- global args
- removeDirPath(to + "/" + fr, prmsg = args.verbose, gone_ok = True)
- verboseOsSystem("find '%s' -print0 | cpio -pdml0 '%s'" % ( fr, to ))
-y = None
-def getParam(name, dflt = None):
- """
- Retrieve the contents of a parameter file, rooted where specified.
- Return None when it does not exist.
- """
- global y, args
- if y is None:
- fname = + "/" + args.repackageyaml
- if args.repackageyaml.endswith(".yaml"):
- if not yamlOk:
- die("YAML not available on this machine")
- else:
- with open(fname, "r") as fd:
- try:
- contents =
- contents = re.sub("^\t+", " ", contents, flags=re.M)
- y = yaml.safe_load(contents)
- except:
- die("Invalid yaml in '%s'" % fname)
- elif args.repackageyaml.endswith(".json"):
- if not jsonOk:
- die("JSON not available on this machine")
- else:
- with open(fname, "r") as fd:
- try:
- contents =
- y = json.loads(contents)
- except:
- type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
- die("Invalid json in '%s': %s" % (fname, value))
- else:
- die("%s must end either in .yaml or .json" % repackageyaml)
- e = "y" + name
- inp = None
- try:
- inp = eval(e,{"__builtins__":None},{"y":y})
- except KeyError:
- if dflt is not None:
- return dflt
- if inp is None:
- die("The %s must be be set in %s" % (name, args.repackageyaml))
- return inp
-def cleanupTmpRoot():
- """ clean out the tmp directory """
- global TMPROOT
- removeDirPath(TMPROOT, prmsg = args.verbose, gone_ok = True)
-def genDebianChangelog(fname):
- """ generate a Debian change log, hard-coded to this for now """
- with open(fname, "w") as fd:
- fd.write("OpenECOMP 1701 Demo\n")
-def uploadDocker(name,tag):
- """ tag & push Docker image to nexus docker registry """
- ns = getParam( '["docker"]["namespace"]' )
- registry = getParam( '["docker"]["registry"]' )
- image = name + ":" + tag
- repo = os.environ.get("DOCKERREGISTRY") + "/" + ns + "/" + image
- repo = os.environ.get("DOCKERREGISTRY") + "/" + ns + "/" + image
- verboseOsSystem("docker tag " + image + " " + repo)
- verboseOsSystem("docker push " + repo)
- i = 2
- while os.environ.get("DOCKERREGISTRY" + str(i)):
- repo = os.environ.get("DOCKERREGISTRY" + str(i)) + "/" + ns + "/" + image
- verboseOsSystem("docker tag " + image + " " + repo)
- verboseOsSystem("docker push " + repo)
- i += 1
-# The Debian control archive contents can include the following files:
-# control: A list of dependencies, and other useful information to indentify the package, such as
-# a brief description of the package.
-# md5sums: contains MD5 checksums of all files in the package in order to detect corrupt or incomplete files.
-# preinst, postinst, prerm and postrm are optional scripts that are executed before or after installing,
-# updating or removing the package.
-# copyright: any needed copyright notice
-# changelog:
-# conffiles: Lists the files of the package that should be treated as configuration files.
-# Configuration files are not overwritten during an update unless specified.
-# debian-binary: contains the deb-package version, currently 2.0
-# templates: A file with error descriptions and dialogs during installation
-# config: is an optional script that supports the debconf configuration mechanism.
-# shlibs: list of shared library dependencies.
-def genDebianControl(fname):
- """ generate a Debian control file """
- with open(fname, "w") as fd:
- fd.write("Package: %s\n" % APPL)
- fd.write("Version: %s-%s\n" % (VER, BNBR))
- fd.write("Section: utils\n")
- fd.write("Priority: optional\n")
- fd.write("Architecture: all\n")
- fd.write("Maintainer: %s\n" % MAINTAINER)
- deps = getParam('["debian"]["externalDependencies"]')
- depends = ""
- sep = " "
- if deps:
- for dep in deps:
- for d, v in dep.items():
- depends += sep + d + " (" + v + ")"
- sep = ", "
- fd.write("Depends:%s\n" % depends)
- fd.write("Conflicts:\n")
- fd.write("Replaces:\n")
- desc = getParam( '["description"]' )
- desc = re.sub("^[ \t]*$", ".", desc, flags=re.M)
- desc = re.sub("^[ \t]*", " ", desc, flags=re.M)
- fd.write("Description:%s\n" % desc)
-def genDebianMd5sums(fname):
- """ generate an MD5 listing of all of the staged files """
- global ROOTDIR
- verboseOsSystem("cd '%s/stage' && find * -type f -exec md5sum -b {} + > %s" % (ROOTDIR, fname))
-def genCopyright(fname, prefix = ""):
- """ generate a copyright statement, with the given prefix on each line """
- with open(fname, "w") as fd:
- fd.write(prefix + "Copyright (C) 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.\n")
- fd.write(prefix + "\n")
- fd.write(prefix + "This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;\n")
- fd.write(prefix + "you may not use this code for any purpose except in compliance\n")
- fd.write(prefix + "with the Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the License\n")
- fd.write(prefix + "at\n")
-def isExe(fname):
- """ check if a path exists and is executable """
- return os.path.exists(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK)
-def isFileExe(fname):
- """ check if a path exists as a file and is executable """
- return os.path.isfile(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK)
-def genFileList(path, testFn):
- """ generate a list of files, rooted at path, that all pass the given test """
- ret = []
- try:
- nmlist = os.listdir(path)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- return ret
- except:
- e = sys.exc_info()[0]
- warnMsg("error while listing path (%s): %s" % (path, e))
- return ret
- for nm in nmlist:
- if nm != "." and nm != "..":
- pathnm = path + "/" + nm
- if os.path.isdir(pathnm):
- more = genFileList(pathnm, testFn)
- ret.extend(more)
- elif testFn(pathnm):
- ret.append(pathnm)
- return ret
-def createDockerTempFiles(L):
- """ create the temp file structure needed to create a docker image """
- global args, ROOTDIR
- removeDirPath(L, prmsg = args.verbose, gone_ok = True)
- os.makedirs(L, exist_ok = True)
- cdCheck(ROOTDIR + "/stage")
- copyList = []
- for i in os.listdir():
- if not i.startswith("."):
- lndir(i, L)
- copyList.append(i)
- + "/Dockerfile", L + "/Dockerfile")
-def genApplVerBnbrSuffix(suffix, whichBuildNumber):
- """ Generate a number of constants used in building a package """
- applVer = APPL + "_" + VER
- buildNumber = BNBR if whichBuildNumber == '{buildnumber}' else TIMESTAMP if whichBuildNumber == '{datetime}' else whichBuildNumber
- if buildNumber.startswith("{") and buildNumber.endswith("}"):
- die("Unrecognized buildnumber macro name: %s" % buildNumber)
- applVerBnbr = applVer + "-" + buildNumber
- applVerBnbrSuffix = applVerBnbr + "." + suffix
- applVerSuffix = applVer + "." + suffix
- outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix = args.outputdirectory + "/" + applVerBnbrSuffix
- return applVer, applVerBnbr, applVerBnbrSuffix, applVerSuffix, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix
-def uploadAll(envName, groupId, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix, suffix, applVer, applVerSuffix):
- """
- Execute the various upload commands for a given package.
- Take into account args.multipleuploadversions
- """
- for buildNumber in args.allUploadVersions:
- ignored1, ignored2, applVerBnbrSuffix, ignored3, ignored4 = genApplVerBnbrSuffix(suffix, buildNumber)
- verboseOsSystem(os.environ.get(envName).format(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix, applVerBnbrSuffix, groupId, applVerSuffix, applVer))
- i = 2
- while os.environ.get(envName + str(i)):
- verboseOsSystem(os.environ.get(envName + str(i)).format(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix, applVerBnbrSuffix, groupId, applVerSuffix, applVer))
- i += 1
-def buildDebian():
- """ Build a local debian formatted package """
- infoMsg( 'Building a Debian package ...' )
- global args, TMPROOT, ROOTDIR
- if args.skipexecution:
- return
- suffix = "deb"
- applVer, applVerBnbr, applVerBnbrSuffix, applVerSuffix, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix = genApplVerBnbrSuffix(suffix, '{buildnumber}')
- if args.usecache and os.path.exists(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix):
- infoMsg( "Already built %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- else:
- L = TMPROOT + "/debian"
- LD = TMPROOT + "/debian/DEBIAN"
- removeDirPath(L, prmsg = args.verbose, gone_ok = True)
- os.makedirs(LD, exist_ok = True)
- cdCheck(ROOTDIR + "/stage")
- for i in os.listdir():
- if not i.startswith("."):
- lndir(i, L)
- genCopyright(LD + "/copyright")
- genDebianControl(LD + "/control")
- genDebianChangelog(LD + "/changelog")
- genDebianMd5sums(LD + "/md5sums")
- cdCheck(ROOTDIR)
- execUser = getParam('["executionUser"]')
- fileUser = getParam('["fileUser"]')
- fileGroup = getParam('["fileGroup"]')
- isRoot = execUser == "root"
- for cname in [ "preinst", "postinst", "prerm", "postrm" ]:
- comCname = "common/" + cname
- ldName = LD + "/" + cname
- if isExe(comCname) or cname == "postinst":
- traceMsg("linking %s to %s" % (comCname, ldName))
- if isRoot and isExe(comCname):
-, ldName)
- else:
- with open(ldName, "w") as out:
- if cname == "postinst" and fileUser != "root":
- for nm in os.listdir("stage"):
- t = getParam( '["directoryTreeTops"]["/' + nm + '"]', "n/a" )
- if t == "n/a":
- t = "/" + nm
- print("chown -R '%s:%s' '%s'" % (fileUser, fileGroup, t), file=out)
- print("find '%s' -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +" % t, file=out)
- print("find '%s' ! -type d -exec chmod 644 {} +" % t, file=out)
- # list each executable file separately
- for fname in genFileList("stage", isFileExe):
- fname = fname[6:] # remove 'stage/' from beginning
- print("chmod 755 '/%s'" % fname, file=out)
- if isExe(comCname):
- with open(comCname, "r") as inp:
- print("gawk '{\n" +
- " f = $0\n" +
- " for (i = 1; i <= length(f); i+=2) {\n" +
- " printf(\"%c\", strtonum(\"0X\" substr(f,i,2)))\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}' > /tmp/rep.$$ <<EOF", file=out)
- for line in inp:
- for c in line:
- # print(">>%02x<<" % ord(c))
- print("%02x" % ord(c), file=out, end="")
- print("", file=out)
- print("EOF\n" +
- "chmod a+x /tmp/rep.$$\n" +
- "su " + execUser + " -c /tmp/rep.$$\n" +
- "rm -f /tmp/rep.$$\n", file=out)
- verboseOsSystem("chmod a+x " + ldName)
- elif os.path.exists(comCname):
- die(comCname + " must be executable")
- cdCheck(TMPROOT)
- if args.skipbuild:
- traceMsg('Skipping final build')
- return
- verboseOsSystem(". '%s'; fakeroot -- dpkg-deb --verbose --build '%s'" % (args.environfile, L))
- os.makedirs(args.outputdirectory, exist_ok = True)
- os.rename("debian.deb", outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix)
- if not os.path.exists(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix):
- infoMsg( "Unsuccesful in building %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- return
- infoMsg( "Successfully built %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- if args.upload:
- groupId = getParam('["debian"]["groupId"]', getParam('["groupId"]'))
- uploadAll(envName, groupId, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix, suffix, applVer, applVerSuffix)
-def buildTar(useGzip):
- """ Build a local tarball formatted package """
- infoMsg( 'Building a tar package ...' )
- global args, TMPROOT, ROOTDIR
- if args.skipexecution:
- return
- suffix = "tgz" if useGzip else "tar"
- applVer, applVerBnbr, applVerBnbrSuffix, applVerSuffix, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix = genApplVerBnbrSuffix(suffix, '{buildnumber}')
- if args.usecache and os.path.isfile(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix):
- infoMsg( "Already built %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- else:
- L = TMPROOT + "/" + suffix
- LD = L + "/" + applVerBnbr
- removeDirPath(L, prmsg = args.verbose, gone_ok = True)
- os.makedirs(LD, exist_ok = True)
- cdCheck(ROOTDIR + "/stage")
- for i in os.listdir():
- if not i.startswith("."):
- lndir(i, LD)
- cdCheck(L)
- if args.skipbuild:
- traceMsg('Skipping final build')
- return
- taropts = "-zc" if useGzip else "-c"
- if args.verbose: taropts += "v"
- taropts += "f"
- verboseOsSystem(". '%s'; fakeroot -- tar %s tar.%s %s" % (args.environfile, taropts, suffix, applVerBnbr))
- os.makedirs(args.outputdirectory, exist_ok = True)
- if args.verbose:
- print("renaming tar.%s to %s" % (suffix, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix))
- os.rename("tar.%s" % suffix, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix)
- if not os.path.exists(outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix):
- infoMsg( "Unsuccesful in building %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- return
- infoMsg( "Successfully built %s" % applVerBnbrSuffix)
- if args.upload:
- groupId = getParam('["%s"]["groupId"]' % suffix, getParam('["groupId"]'))
- uploadAll(envName, groupId, outdirApplVerBnbrSuffix, suffix, applVer, applVerSuffix)
-def buildDocker():
- """ Build a DOCKER image """
- image = getParam( '["docker"]["image"]', "n/a" )
- if image == "n/a":
- global APPL
- image = APPL
- tag = getParam( '["docker"]["tag"]' )
- infoMsg( 'Building a (local) docker image ...' )
- global args, TMPROOT
- if args.skipexecution:
- return
- L = TMPROOT + "/docker"
- createDockerTempFiles(L)
- if args.skipbuild:
- traceMsg('Skipping final build')
- return
- cdCheck(L)
- verboseOsSystem(". '%s'; docker build -t '%s:%s' ." % (args.environfile, image, tag))
- if args.upload:
- uploadDocker(image,tag)
-def strToBool(string):
- return True if (type(string) is str and string == "true") else False if (type(string) is str and string == "false") else string
-def main():
- """ the main executable function """
- #
- # deal with the program arguments -
- # we build two different types of argument lists based on
- # context. jenkins requires positional arguments while linux cmd line
- # permits parameterized ones. the jenkins positional argument list is
- # smaller
- #
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="Build the specified packages. 'package-type' is one or more of " +
- "docker, debian, tar, tgz" +
- " (comma-separated), or 'all' to build all of them."
- )
- REPACKAGEYAML = "repackage.yaml"
- REPACKAGEJSON = "repackage.json"
- if os.environ.get("JENKINS"):
- parser.add_argument("packagetype",help= "debian" +
- "|docker|tar|tgz" +
- "|all")
- parser.add_argument("upload",help="upload package to appropriate repository",nargs='?',default="false")
- parser.add_argument("directory", type=str, help="where to find the stage directory and %s. Defaults to '.'" % REPACKAGEYAML, default=".",nargs='?')
- parser.add_argument("environfile", type=str, help="Optional environment file. Overrides $REPACKAGEENVFILE, defaults to /dev/null", default="/dev/null", nargs='?')
- parser.add_argument("outputdirectory", type=str, help="Output directory. Defaults to 'output' under --directory path.", default=None, nargs='?')
- parser.add_argument("verbose",help="turn on verbosity",nargs='?',default="true")
- parser.add_argument("skipexecution",help="indcate packages and exit ",nargs='?',default="false")
- parser.add_argument("skipbuild",help="skip actually bulding the packages",nargs='?',default="false")
- parser.add_argument("usecache",help="if debian/tar/tgz artifact already exists use it",nargs='?',default="false")
- parser.add_argument("keeptempfiles",help="keep temp files at exit",nargs='?',default="false")
- else:
- parser.add_argument("-n", "--skipexecution", help="indicate the packages and exit", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--usecache", help="if a debian/tar/tgz artifact already exists use it", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-N", "--skipbuild", help="skip actually building the packages", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-K", "--keeptempfiles", help="keep temp files at exit", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="turn on verbosity", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-b", "--packagetype", type=str, help="""The package-type may be specified multiple times or may use a ','-separated
- or space-separated list. 'all' is an alias for all of them. Potential values are debian, docker""" +
- ", tar or tgz", required=True)
- parser.add_argument("-u", "--upload", action="store_true", help="""Depending on package type -- docker, debian, tar or tgz -- uploads the artifact to a remote repository.
- For Docker, uses $DOCKERREGISTRY as the remote repository to push the image.
- For Debian, uses $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD as the command, with {0} as the local path to the debian image, {1} as the image name with build number,
- and optionally {2} as groupId (may be used as part of the directory path), {3} as the image name without the build number, and {4}
- as the image name with no build number and no .deb suffix.
- For additional uploads, this will also look for $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD2, $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD3, etc., and repeat the upload.
- For tar, uses $REPACKAGETARUPLOAD as the command. Everything said about $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD applies to $REPACKAGETARUPLOAD.
- For tgz, uses $REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD as the command. Everything said about $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD applies to $REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD.
- In addition, if --multipleuploadversions is used, the above will be executed using the list of upload version numbers specified there.
- This is typically used to create multiple versions (using --multipleuploadversions) on multiple remote repositories (using $REPACKAGE*UPLOAD).
- """)
- # For additional uploads, repackage will also look for $DOCKERREGISTRY2, $DOCKERREGISTRY3, etc.
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", type=str, help="where to find the stage directory and %s. Defaults to '.'" % REPACKAGEYAML, default=".")
- parser.add_argument("-e", "--environfile", type=str, help="Optional environment file. Overrides $REPACKAGEENVFILE, defaults to /dev/null", default="/dev/null")
- parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputdirectory", type=str, help="Output directory. Defaults to 'output' under --directory path.", default=None)
- parser.add_argument("-y", "--repackageyaml", type=str, help="Name of parameter file. Defaults to '" + REPACKAGEYAML + "' or '" + REPACKAGEJSON + "' under --directory path.", default=REPACKAGEYAML)
- parser.add_argument("-B", "--buildnumber", type=str, help="Build number. Defaults to $BUILD_NUMBER, which defaults to a date-based string.", default="")
- parser.add_argument("-D", "--define", type=str, action='append', help="define an argument at runtime in key=value format")
- parser.add_argument("-M", "--multipleuploadversions", type=str, help="Use multiple versions for upload. Comma-separated list of {datetime}, {buildnumber} or arbitrary strings. Defaults to {buildnumber}, which is the value from --buildnumber.", default="{buildnumber}")
- global args
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # for some reason, the Jenkins branch leaves these as strings instead of the proper boolean values
- args.upload = strToBool(args.upload)
- args.verbose = strToBool(args.verbose)
- args.skipexecution = strToBool(args.skipexecution)
- args.skipbuild = strToBool(args.skipbuild)
- args.usecache = strToBool(args.usecache)
- args.keeptempfiles = strToBool(args.keeptempfiles)
- # arguments defined at runtime as key=value pairs
- global rtdef
- rtdef = {}
- if args.define:
- for k in args.define:
- tag, val = k.split("=")
- rtdef[tag] = val
- for k, v in rtdef.items():
- traceMsg("runtime defined %s <- %s" % (k,v))
- # check the -e/$REPACKAGEENVFILE value
- if args.environfile == "":
- if os.environ.get("REPACKAGEENVFILE") is not None:
- args.environfile = os.environ["REPACKAGEENVFILE"]
- if not os.path.isfile(args.environfile) and args.environfile != "/dev/null":
- die("-e / $REPACKAGEENVFILE must be a file that can be sourced by the shell")
- if not args.environfile.startswith("/"):
- args.environfile = os.getcwd() + "/" + args.environfile
- allPackages = [ "debian", "tar", "tgz",
- "docker" ]
- args.builds = { }
- for pkg in allPackages:
- args.builds[pkg] = False
- if args.packagetype == "all":
- args.packagetype = ",".join(allPackages)
- for build in re.split("[, \t]", args.packagetype):
- args.builds[build] = True
- args.allUploadVersions = args.multipleuploadversions.split(",")
- if args.upload and args.builds["debian"]:
- if os.environ.get("REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD") is None:
- die("-u requires $REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD to be set when building debian")
- elif not"[{]0[}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD is missing {0}")
- elif not"[{][13][}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGEDEBIANUPLOAD is missing either {1}, {3} or {4}")
- if args.upload and args.builds["tar"]:
- if os.environ.get("REPACKAGETARUPLOAD") is None:
- die("-u requires $REPACKAGETARUPLOAD to be set when building tar")
- elif not"[{]0[}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGETARUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGETARUPLOAD is missing {0}")
- elif not"[{][134][}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGETARUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGETARUPLOAD is missing either {1}, {3} or {4}")
- if args.upload and args.builds["tgz"]:
- if os.environ.get("REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD") is None:
- die("-u requires $REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD to be set when building tgz")
- elif not"[{]0[}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD is missing {0}")
- elif not"[{][134][}]", os.environ.get("REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD")):
- die("$REPACKAGETGZUPLOAD is missing either {1}, {3} or {4}")
- if args.upload and args.builds["docker"] and os.environ.get("DOCKERREGISTRY") is None:
- die("-u requires $DOCKERREGISTRY to be set when building docker")
- if not os.path.isdir(
- die("The root directory %s does not exist" %
- if not"/"):
- = os.getcwd() + "/" +
- if args.repackageyaml != REPACKAGEYAML:
- if not os.path.exists( + "/" + args.repackageyaml):
- die("The file %s/%s does not exist" % (, args.repackageyaml))
- else:
- if os.path.exists( + "/" + REPACKAGEYAML):
- args.repackageyaml = REPACKAGEYAML
- elif os.path.exists( + "/" + REPACKAGEJSON):
- args.repackageyaml = REPACKAGEJSON
- else:
- die("Either %s/%s or %s/%s must exist" % (, args.repackageyaml,, args.repackagejson))
- if args.outputdirectory is None:
- args.outputdirectory = + "/output"
- else:
- if not args.outputdirectory.startswith("/"):
- args.outputdirectory = os.getcwd() + "/" + args.outputdirectory
- if not os.path.isdir(args.outputdirectory):
- die("The specified --outputdirectory %s does not exist" % args.outputdirectory)
- # establish some global variables used everywhere
- TMPROOT = + "/tmp"
- # and cd to our ROOTDIR
- cdCheck(ROOTDIR)
- # unless -K is specified, remove any temp files at the end
- if not args.keeptempfiles:
- atexit.register(cleanupTmpRoot)
- # grab and share some variables that are used by lots of build functions
- APPL = getParam( '["applicationName"]' )
- MAINTAINER = getParam( '["maintainer"]' )
- VER = getParam( '["version"]' )
- TIMESTAMP = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- BNBR = args.buildnumber if args.buildnumber != "" else os.environ.get("BUILD_NUMBER") if os.environ.get("BUILD_NUMBER") is not None else TIMESTAMP
- # build whatever was requested
- if args.builds["docker"]:
- buildDocker()
- if args.builds["debian"]:
- buildDebian()
- if args.builds["tar"]:
- buildTar(False)
- if args.builds["tgz"]:
- buildTar(True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/repackage/bin/yamltojson b/repackage/bin/yamltojson
deleted file mode 100755
index 0dc85fc..0000000
--- a/repackage/bin/yamltojson
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi: set expandtab:
- yamltojson - convert a yaml file to a json file
- yamltojson file.yaml ...
- Read in a yaml file (whose name must end with ".yaml") and create cor‐
- responding json files, whose names will end with ".json".
-import sys, re, yaml
- import simplejson as json
- import json
-def die(msg):
- """ generate a FATAL message to stdout and exit """
- print("%s:FATAL:%s" % (date(), msg))
- sys.exit(2)
-for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
- if fname.endswith(".yaml"):
- y = None
- with open(fname, "r") as fd:
- try:
- contents =
- contents = re.sub("^\t+", " ", contents, flags=re.M)
- y = yaml.safe_load(contents)
- except:
- die("Invalid yaml in '%s'" % fname)
- jsonfname = fname[:-5] + ".json"
- with open(jsonfname, "w") as fd:
- json.dump(y, fd, indent=4, sort_keys=True)