path: root/src/sch/parse.clj
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authorMichael Hwang <>2016-10-17 17:32:25 -0400
committerMichael Hwang <>2017-08-23 13:43:09 -0400
commit16a9c5b8c6b91ea856450d99cdfa6a18c57b7f1b (patch)
tree14e7baadd42e8d8dcfa9e9b177b1bb6f05d8522a /src/sch/parse.clj
parent5c203e2c84b5ebcb0eb827038b370fb962595745 (diff)
Make first commit
Change-Id: I7dd166e4052d48e2b333cfaadb8a0b64009b2cbc Issue-Id: DCAEGEN2-44 Signed-off-by: Michael Hwang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sch/parse.clj')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sch/parse.clj b/src/sch/parse.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce48e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sch/parse.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+; ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+; org.onap.dcae
+; ================================================================================
+; Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+; ================================================================================
+; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+; You may obtain a copy of the License at
+; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+; limitations under the License.
+; ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+; ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+(ns sch.parse
+ (:require [ :refer :all]
+ [taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [info error]]
+ [sch.asdc-client :refer [construct-service-path]]
+ [cheshire.core :refer [parse-string]]
+ )
+ (:import (org.openecomp.sdc.utils ArtifactTypeEnum))
+ (:gen-class))
+; Abstraction to parse the ASDC distribution notification of change events and
+; transforms them into DCAE service type requests
+(defn get-dcae-artifact-types
+ "Returns lazy-seq of string representations of ArtifactTypeEnums that DCAE-related"
+ []
+ (letfn [(dcae-artifact-type? [artifact-type]
+ (boolean (re-find #"DCAE_" artifact-type)))]
+ (filter dcae-artifact-type?
+ (map #(.name %) (seq (. ArtifactTypeEnum values))))
+ ))
+(defn dcae-artifact?
+ "Checks to see if the artifact is a DCAE artifact"
+ [artifact]
+ (let [supported-dcae-artifact-types (get-dcae-artifact-types)]
+ (true? (some #(= (:artifactType artifact) %) supported-dcae-artifact-types))
+ ))
+(defn dcae-artifact-inventory-blueprint?
+ "Check to see if the artifact is an inventory blueprint"
+ [artifact]
+ (= (:artifactType artifact) "DCAE_INVENTORY_BLUEPRINT"))
+(defn get-service-locations
+ "Gets service locations for a given blueprint
+ The service location information is attached as a separate artifact. This function
+ is responsible for finding the matching locations JSON artifact that is of the form:
+ { \"artifactName\": <artifact name of the blueprint artifact>,
+ \"locations\": <list of location strings> }"
+ [get-artifact-func resource-metadata artifact-name]
+ (let [target-artifacts (filter #(= (:artifactType %) "DCAE_INVENTORY_JSON")
+ (:artifacts resource-metadata))
+ inventory-jsons (map #(parse-string (get-artifact-func (:artifactURL %)) true)
+ target-artifacts)
+ location-jsons (filter #(and
+ (= (:artifactName %) artifact-name)
+ (contains? % :locations)) inventory-jsons)]
+ (flatten (map :locations location-jsons))
+ ))
+(defn generate-dcae-service-type-requests
+ "Generates DCAE service type requests from ASDC change event
+ The ASDC change event is a nested structure. The single arity of this method
+ handles at the service level of the event. The two arity of this method handles
+ at the resource level of the event.
+ `get-blueprint-func` is function that takes the `artifactURL` and retrieves
+ the DCAE blueprint artifact.
+ Returns a list of DCAE service type requests"
+ ([get-blueprint-func get-locations-func service-change-event]
+ (let [; TODO: Where do I get this from?
+ service-location nil
+ service-id (:invariantUUID service-change-event)
+ service-part { :asdcServiceId service-id
+ :asdcServiceURL (construct-service-path service-id)
+ :owner (:lastUpdaterFullName service-change-event) }]
+ ; Given the resource part, create dcae service type requests
+ (letfn [(generate-for-resource
+ [resource-change-event]
+ (let [dcae-artifacts (filter dcae-artifact-inventory-blueprint?
+ (:artifacts resource-change-event))
+ resource-part { :asdcResourceId
+ (:resourceInvariantUUID resource-change-event) }]
+ (map #(-> service-part
+ (merge resource-part)
+ ; WATCH! Using artifactName over artifactUUID because artifactUUID
+ ; is variant between versions. ASDC folks should be adding invariant
+ ; UUID.
+ (assoc :typeName (:artifactName %)
+ :typeVersion (Integer. (:artifactVersion %))
+ :blueprintTemplate (get-blueprint-func (:artifactURL %))
+ :serviceLocations (get-locations-func resource-change-event
+ (:artifactName %))
+ )
+ )
+ dcae-artifacts)
+ ))]
+ (flatten (map #(generate-for-resource %) (:resources service-change-event)))
+ ))))
+(defn pick-out-artifact
+ "Given dcae service type, fetch complementary asdc artifact"
+ [service-metadata request]
+ (let [target-resource (:asdcResourceId request)
+ resource-metadata (first (filter #(= (:resourceInvariantUUID %) target-resource)
+ (:resources service-metadata)))
+ target-artifact (:typeName request)
+ artifact-metadata (filter #(= (:artifactName %) target-artifact)
+ (:artifacts resource-metadata))
+ ]
+ (first artifact-metadata)))