path: root/k8s/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'k8s/tests')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/k8s/tests/ b/k8s/tests/
index e985def..2511239 100644
--- a/k8s/tests/
+++ b/k8s/tests/
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def test_parse_ports():
("9101/udp:31043", (9101, 31043, "UDP"))
bad_ports = [
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ def test_parse_ports():
(9661,"TCP") : 19661,
(9661,"UDP") : 19661,
(8080,"TCP") : 8080
- }
+ }
for test_case in good_ports:
- container_ports, port_map = _parse_ports([test_case["in"]])
+ container_ports, port_map = _parse_ports([test_case["in"]])
(cport, hport, proto) = test_case["ex"]
assert container_ports == [(cport, proto)]
assert port_map == {(cport, proto) : hport}
@@ -153,3 +153,122 @@ def test_create_container():
assert container.ports[0].container_port == 80 and container.ports[0].protocol == "TCP"
assert container.ports[1].container_port == 53 and container.ports[1].protocol == "UDP"
+def test_create_probe():
+ from k8sclient.k8sclient import _create_probe
+ from kubernetes import client
+ http_checks = [
+ {"type" : "http", "endpoint" : "/example/health"}
+ ]
+ script_checks = [
+ {"type" : "docker", "script": "/opt/app/"}
+ ]
+ for hc in http_checks:
+ probe = _create_probe(hc, 13131)
+ assert probe.http_get.path == hc["endpoint"]
+ assert probe.http_get.scheme == hc["type"].upper()
+ for hc in script_checks:
+ probe = _create_probe(hc, 13131)
+ assert probe._exec.command[0] == hc["script"]
+def test_deploy(monkeypatch):
+ import k8sclient.k8sclient
+ from kubernetes import client
+ # We need to patch the kubernetes 'client' module
+ # Awkward because of the way it requires a function call
+ # to get an API object
+ core = client.CoreV1Api()
+ ext = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api()
+ def pseudo_deploy(namespace, dep):
+ return dep
+ def pseudo_service(namespace, svc):
+ return svc
+ # patched_core returns a CoreV1Api object with the
+ # create_namespaced_service method stubbed out so that there
+ # is no attempt to call the k8s API server
+ def patched_core():
+ monkeypatch.setattr(core, "create_namespaced_service", pseudo_service)
+ return core
+ # patched_ext returns an ExtensionsV1beta1Api object with the
+ # create_namespaced_deployment method stubbed out so that there
+ # is no attempt to call the k8s API server
+ def patched_ext():
+ monkeypatch.setattr(ext,"create_namespaced_deployment", pseudo_deploy)
+ return ext
+ def pseudo_configure():
+ pass
+ monkeypatch.setattr(k8sclient.k8sclient,"_configure_api", pseudo_configure)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(client, "CoreV1Api", patched_core)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(client,"ExtensionsV1beta1Api", patched_ext)
+ k8s_test_config = {
+ "image_pull_secrets" : ["secret0", "secret1"],
+ "filebeat" : {
+ "log_path": "/var/log/onap",
+ "data_path": "/usr/share/filebeat/data",
+ "config_path": "/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml",
+ "config_subpath": "filebeat.yml",
+ "image" : "filebeat-repo/filebeat:latest",
+ "config_map" : "dcae-filebeat-configmap"
+ },
+ "tls" : {
+ "cert_path": "/opt/certs",
+ "image": "tlsrepo/tls-init-container:1.2.3"
+ }
+ }
+ resources = {
+ "limits": {
+ "cpu" : 0.5,
+ "memory" : "2Gi"
+ },
+ "requests": {
+ "cpu" : 0.5,
+ "memory" : "2Gi"
+ }
+ }
+ kwargs = {
+ "volumes": [
+ {"host":{"path": "/path/on/host"}, "container":{"bind":"/path/on/container","mode":"rw"}}
+ ],
+ "ports": ["80:0", "443:0"],
+ "env": {"name0": "value0", "name1": "value1"},
+ "log_info": {"log_directory": "/path/to/container/log/directory"},
+ "tls_info": {"use_tls": True, "cert_directory": "/path/to/container/cert/directory" },
+ "readiness": {"type": "http", "endpoint" : "/ready"}
+ }
+ dep, deployment_description = k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy("k8stest","testcomponent","",1,False, k8s_test_config, resources, **kwargs)
+ assert deployment_description["deployment"] == "dep-testcomponent"
+ assert deployment_description["namespace"] == "k8stest"
+ assert deployment_description["services"][0] == "testcomponent"
+ # For unit test purposes, we want to make sure that the deployment object
+ # we're passing to the k8s API is correct
+ app_container = dep.spec.template.spec.containers[0]
+ assert app_container.image == ""
+ assert app_container.image_pull_policy == "IfNotPresent"
+ assert len(app_container.ports) == 2
+ assert app_container.ports[0].container_port == 80
+ assert app_container.ports[1].container_port == 443
+ assert app_container.readiness_probe.http_get.path == "/ready"
+ assert app_container.readiness_probe.http_get.scheme == "HTTP"
+ assert len(app_container.volume_mounts) == 3
+ assert app_container.volume_mounts[0].mount_path == "/path/on/container"
+ assert app_container.volume_mounts[1].mount_path == "/path/to/container/log/directory"
+ assert app_container.volume_mounts[2].mount_path == "/path/to/container/cert/directory"
+ # Needs to be correctly labeled so that the Service can find it
+ assert dep.spec.template.metadata.labels["app"] == "testcomponent"