diff options
7 files changed, 140 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/k8s/ b/k8s/
index 9690e15..f56bd96 100644
--- a/k8s/
+++ b/k8s/
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+## [1.7.2]
+* DCAEGEN2-2006 Reduce code complexity
+ The k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy function parameter 'resources' is now an optional
+ keyword argument, i.e. it must be passed named and not as a positional argument.
## [1.7.1]
* DCAEGEN2-1988 Customize python import for kubernetes plugin
diff --git a/k8s/k8s-node-type.yaml b/k8s/k8s-node-type.yaml
index 4c7f0d3..352acce 100644
--- a/k8s/k8s-node-type.yaml
+++ b/k8s/k8s-node-type.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ plugins:
executor: 'central_deployment_agent'
package_name: k8splugin
- package_version: 1.7.1
+ package_version: 1.7.2
diff --git a/k8s/k8sclient/ b/k8s/k8sclient/
index 323a208..9aeec24 100644
--- a/k8s/k8sclient/
+++ b/k8s/k8sclient/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# org.onap.dcae
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2019 All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -134,9 +134,10 @@ def _create_resources(resources=None):
return None
-def _create_container_object(name, image, always_pull, env={}, container_ports=[], volume_mounts = [], resources = None, readiness = None, liveness = None):
+def _create_container_object(name, image, always_pull, **kwargs):
# Set up environment variables
# Copy any passed in environment variables
+ env = kwargs.get('env') or {}
env_vars = [client.V1EnvVar(name=k, value=env[k]) for k in env]
# Add POD_IP with the IP address of the pod running the container
pod_ip = client.V1EnvVarSource(field_ref = client.V1ObjectFieldSelector(field_path="status.podIP"))
@@ -144,35 +145,29 @@ def _create_container_object(name, image, always_pull, env={}, container_ports=[
# If a health check is specified, create a readiness/liveness probe
# (For an HTTP-based check, we assume it's at the first container port)
- probe = None
- live_probe = None
- if readiness:
- hc_port = None
- if len(container_ports) > 0:
- (hc_port, proto) = container_ports[0]
- probe = _create_probe(readiness, hc_port)
- if liveness:
- hc_port = None
- if len(container_ports) > 0:
- (hc_port, proto) = container_ports[0]
- live_probe = _create_probe(liveness, hc_port)
- if resources:
- resources_obj = _create_resources(resources)
- else:
- resources_obj = None
+ readiness = kwargs.get('readiness')
+ liveness = kwargs.get('liveness')
+ resources = kwargs.get('resources')
+ container_ports = kwargs.get('container_ports') or []
+ hc_port = container_ports[0][0] if container_ports else None
+ probe = _create_probe(readiness, hc_port) if readiness else None
+ live_probe = _create_probe(liveness, hc_port) if liveness else None
+ resources_obj = _create_resources(resources) if resources else None
+ port_objs = [client.V1ContainerPort(container_port=port, protocol=proto)
+ for port, proto in container_ports]
# Define container for pod
return client.V1Container(
image_pull_policy='Always' if always_pull else 'IfNotPresent',
- ports=[client.V1ContainerPort(container_port=p, protocol=proto) for (p, proto) in container_ports],
- volume_mounts = volume_mounts,
- resources = resources_obj,
- readiness_probe = probe,
- liveness_probe = live_probe
+ ports=port_objs,
+ volume_mounts=kwargs.get('volume_mounts') or [],
+ resources=resources_obj,
+ readiness_probe=probe,
+ liveness_probe=live_probe
def _create_deployment_object(component_name,
@@ -274,6 +269,75 @@ def _parse_volumes(volume_list):
return volumes, volume_mounts
+def _add_elk_logging_sidecar(containers, volumes, volume_mounts, component_name, log_info, filebeat):
+ if not log_info or not filebeat:
+ return
+ log_dir = log_info.get("log_directory")
+ if not log_dir:
+ return
+ sidecar_volume_mounts = []
+ # Create the volume for component log files and volume mounts for the component and sidecar containers
+ volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="component-log", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
+ volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="component-log", mount_path=log_dir))
+ sc_path = log_info.get("alternate_fb_path") or "{0}/{1}".format(filebeat["log_path"], component_name)
+ sidecar_volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="component-log", mount_path=sc_path))
+ # Create the volume for sidecar data and the volume mount for it
+ volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="filebeat-data", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
+ sidecar_volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="filebeat-data", mount_path=filebeat["data_path"]))
+ # Create the volume for the sidecar configuration data and the volume mount for it
+ # The configuration data is in a k8s ConfigMap that should be created when DCAE is installed.
+ volumes.append(
+ client.V1Volume(name="filebeat-conf", config_map=client.V1ConfigMapVolumeSource(name=filebeat["config_map"])))
+ sidecar_volume_mounts.append(
+ client.V1VolumeMount(name="filebeat-conf", mount_path=filebeat["config_path"], sub_path=filebeat["config_subpath"]))
+ # Finally create the container for the sidecar
+ containers.append(_create_container_object("filebeat", filebeat["image"], False, volume_mounts=sidecar_volume_mounts))
+def _add_tls_init_container(init_containers, volumes, volume_mounts, tls_info, tls_config):
+ # Two different ways of doing this, depending on whether the container will act as a TLS server or as a client only
+ # If a server, then tls_info will be passed, and tls_info["use_tls"] will be set to true. We create an InitContainer
+ # that sets up the CA cert, the server cert, and the keys.
+ # If a client only, only the CA cert is needed. We mount the CA cert from a ConfigMap that has been created as part
+ # of the installation process. If there is cert_directory information in tls_info, we use that directory in the mount path.
+ # Otherwise, we use the configured default path in tls_config.
+ cert_directory = None
+ if tls_info:
+ cert_directory = tls_info.get("cert_directory")
+ if cert_directory and tls_info.get("use_tls"):
+ # Use an InitContainer to set up the certificate information
+ # Create the certificate volume and volume mounts
+ volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="tls-info", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
+ volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-info", mount_path=cert_directory))
+ init_volume_mounts = [client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-info", mount_path=tls_config["cert_path"])]
+ # Just create the init container
+ init_containers.append(_create_container_object("init-tls", tls_config["image"], False, volume_mounts=init_volume_mounts))
+ return
+ # Use a config map
+ # Create the CA cert volume
+ volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="tls-cacert", config_map=client.V1ConfigMapVolumeSource(name=tls_config["ca_cert_configmap"])))
+ # Create the volume mount
+ mount_path = cert_directory or os.path.dirname(tls_config["component_ca_cert_path"])
+ volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-cacert", mount_path=mount_path))
+def _process_port_map(port_map):
+ service_ports = [] # Ports exposed internally on the k8s network
+ exposed_ports = [] # Ports to be mapped to ports on the k8s nodes via NodePort
+ for (cport, proto), hport in port_map.items():
+ name = "xport-{0}-{1}".format(proto[0].lower(), cport)
+ cport = int(cport)
+ hport = int(hport)
+ service_ports.append(client.V1ServicePort(port=cport, protocol=proto, name=name[1:]))
+ if hport != 0:
+ exposed_ports.append(client.V1ServicePort(port=cport, protocol=proto, node_port=hport, name=name))
+ return service_ports, exposed_ports
def _service_exists(location, namespace, component_name):
exists = False
@@ -353,7 +417,7 @@ def _execute_command_in_pod(location, namespace, pod_name, command):
return {"pod" : pod_name, "output" : output}
-def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, resources, **kwargs):
+def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, **kwargs):
This will create a k8s Deployment and, if needed, one or two k8s Services.
(We are being opinionated in our use of k8s... this code decides what k8s abstractions and features to use.
@@ -394,6 +458,9 @@ def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, r
{"use_tls": true, "cert_directory": "/path/to/container/cert/directory" }
- labels: dict with label-name/label-value pairs, e.g. {"cfydeployment" : "lsdfkladflksdfsjkl", "cfynode":"mycomponent"}
These label will be set on all the pods deployed as a result of this deploy() invocation.
+ - resources: dict with optional "limits" and "requests" resource requirements, each a dict containing:
+ - cpu: number CPU usage, like 0.5
+ - memory: string memory requirement, like "2Gi"
- readiness: dict with health check info; if present, used to create a readiness probe for the main container. Includes:
- type: check is done by making http(s) request to an endpoint ("http", "https") or by exec'ing a script in the container ("script", "docker")
- interval: period (in seconds) between probes
@@ -408,7 +475,6 @@ def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, r
- path: the full path to the script to be executed in the container for "script" and "docker" types
- k8s_location: name of the Kubernetes location (cluster) where the component is to be deployed
deployment_ok = False
@@ -431,82 +497,28 @@ def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, r
container_ports, port_map = parse_ports(kwargs.get("ports", []))
# Parse the volumes list into volumes and volume_mounts for the deployment
- volumes, volume_mounts = _parse_volumes(kwargs.get("volumes",[]))
+ volumes, volume_mounts = _parse_volumes(kwargs.get("volumes", []))
# Initialize the list of containers that will be part of the pod
containers = []
init_containers = []
# Set up the ELK logging sidecar container, if needed
- log_info = kwargs.get("log_info")
- if log_info and "log_directory" in log_info:
- log_dir = log_info["log_directory"]
- fb = k8sconfig["filebeat"]
- sidecar_volume_mounts = []
- # Create the volume for component log files and volume mounts for the component and sidecar containers
- volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="component-log", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
- volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="component-log", mount_path=log_dir))
- sc_path = log_info["alternate_fb_path"] if "alternate_fb_path" in log_info \
- else "{0}/{1}".format(fb["log_path"], component_name)
- sidecar_volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="component-log", mount_path=sc_path))
- # Create the volume for sidecar data and the volume mount for it
- volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="filebeat-data", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
- sidecar_volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="filebeat-data", mount_path=fb["data_path"]))
- # Create the container for the sidecar
- containers.append(_create_container_object("filebeat", fb["image"], False, {}, [], sidecar_volume_mounts))
- # Create the volume for the sidecar configuration data and the volume mount for it
- # The configuration data is in a k8s ConfigMap that should be created when DCAE is installed.
- volumes.append(
- client.V1Volume(name="filebeat-conf", config_map=client.V1ConfigMapVolumeSource(name=fb["config_map"])))
- sidecar_volume_mounts.append(
- client.V1VolumeMount(name="filebeat-conf", mount_path=fb["config_path"], sub_path=fb["config_subpath"]))
+ _add_elk_logging_sidecar(containers, volumes, volume_mounts, component_name, kwargs.get("log_info"), k8sconfig.get("filebeat"))
# Set up TLS information
- # Two different ways of doing this, depending on whether the container will act as a TLS server or as a client only
- # If a server, then tls_info will be passed, and tls_info["use_tls"] will be set to true. We create an InitContainer
- # that sets up the CA cert, the server cert, and the keys.
- # If a client only, only the CA cert is needed. We mount the CA cert from a ConfigMap that has been created as part
- # of the installation process. If there is cert_directory information in tls_info, we use that directory in the mount path.
- # Otherwise, we use the configured default path in tls_config.
- tls_info = kwargs.get("tls_info")
- tls_config = k8sconfig["tls"]
- tls_server = False
- cert_directory = None
- if tls_info and "cert_directory" in tls_info and len(tls_info["cert_directory"]) > 0:
- cert_directory = tls_info["cert_directory"]
- if tls_info and tls_info.get("use_tls", False):
- tls_server = True
- # Use an InitContainer to set up the certificate information
- # Create the certificate volume and volume mounts
- volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="tls-info", empty_dir=client.V1EmptyDirVolumeSource()))
- volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-info", mount_path=cert_directory))
- init_volume_mounts = [client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-info", mount_path=tls_config["cert_path"])]
- # Create the init container
- init_containers.append(_create_container_object("init-tls", tls_config["image"], False, {}, [], init_volume_mounts))
- if not tls_server:
- # Use a config map
- # Create the CA cert volume
- volumes.append(client.V1Volume(name="tls-cacert", config_map=client.V1ConfigMapVolumeSource(name=tls_config["ca_cert_configmap"])))
- # Create the volume mount
- mount_path= cert_directory if cert_directory else os.path.dirname(tls_config["component_ca_cert_path"])
- volume_mounts.append(client.V1VolumeMount(name="tls-cacert", mount_path=mount_path))
+ _add_tls_init_container(init_containers, volumes, volume_mounts, kwargs.get("tls_info") or {}, k8sconfig.get("tls"))
# Create the container for the component
# Make it the first container in the pod
- containers.insert(0, _create_container_object(component_name, image, always_pull, kwargs.get("env", {}), container_ports, volume_mounts, resources, kwargs["readiness"], kwargs.get("liveness")))
+ container_args = {key: kwargs.get(key) for key in ("env", "readiness", "liveness", "resources")}
+ container_args['container_ports'] = container_ports
+ container_args['volume_mounts'] = volume_mounts
+ containers.insert(0, _create_container_object(component_name, image, always_pull, **container_args))
# Build the k8s Deployment object
labels = kwargs.get("labels", {})
- labels.update({"app": component_name})
+ labels["app"] = component_name
dep = _create_deployment_object(component_name, containers, init_containers, replicas, volumes, labels, pull_secrets=k8sconfig["image_pull_secrets"])
# Have k8s deploy it
@@ -516,12 +528,7 @@ def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, r
# Create service(s), if a port mapping is specified
if port_map:
- service_ports = [] # Ports exposed internally on the k8s network
- exposed_ports = [] # Ports to be mapped to ports on the k8s nodes via NodePort
- for (cport, proto), hport in port_map.items():
- service_ports.append(client.V1ServicePort(port=int(cport),protocol=proto,name="port-{0}-{1}".format(proto[0].lower(), cport)))
- if int(hport) != 0:
- exposed_ports.append(client.V1ServicePort(port=int(cport),protocol=proto,node_port=int(hport),name="xport-{0}-{1}".format(proto[0].lower(),cport)))
+ service_ports, exposed_ports = _process_port_map(port_map)
# If there are ports to be exposed via MSB, set up the annotation for the service
msb_list = kwargs.get("msb_list")
@@ -534,7 +541,7 @@ def deploy(namespace, component_name, image, replicas, always_pull, k8sconfig, r
# If there are ports to be exposed on the k8s nodes, create a "NodePort" service
- if len(exposed_ports) > 0:
+ if exposed_ports:
exposed_service = \
_create_service_object(_create_exposed_service_name(component_name), component_name, exposed_ports, '', labels, "NodePort")
core.create_namespaced_service(namespace, exposed_service)
diff --git a/k8s/k8splugin/ b/k8s/k8splugin/
index 2bfd3e1..eff7d43 100644
--- a/k8s/k8splugin/
+++ b/k8s/k8splugin/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# org.onap.dcae
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2019 All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -279,19 +279,19 @@ def _create_and_start_container(container_name, image, **kwargs):"Passing k8sconfig: {}".format(plugin_conf))
replicas = kwargs.get("replicas", 1)
resource_config = _get_resources(**kwargs)
- _,dep = k8sclient.deploy(DCAE_NAMESPACE,
+ _, dep = k8sclient.deploy(DCAE_NAMESPACE,
- replicas = replicas,
+ replicas=replicas,
always_pull=kwargs.get("always_pull_image", False),
- resources = resource_config,
- volumes=kwargs.get("volumes",[]),
- ports=kwargs.get("ports",[]),
+ resources=resource_config,
+ volumes=kwargs.get("volumes", []),
+ ports=kwargs.get("ports", []),
- env = env,
- labels = kwargs.get("labels", {}),
+ env=env,
+ labels=kwargs.get("labels", {}),
@@ -639,23 +639,21 @@ def _notify_container(**kwargs):
dc = kwargs["docker_config"]
resp = []
- if "policy" in dc:
- if dc["policy"]["trigger_type"] == "docker":
+ if "policy" in dc and dc["policy"].get("trigger_type") == "docker":
+ # Build the command to execute in the container
+ # SCRIPT_PATH policies {"policies" : ...., "updated_policies" : ..., "removed_policies": ...}
+ script_path = dc["policy"]["script_path"]
+ policy_data = {
+ "policies": kwargs["policies"],
+ "updated_policies": kwargs["updated_policies"],
+ "removed_policies": kwargs["removed_policies"]
+ }
- # Build the command to execute in the container
- # SCRIPT_PATH policies {"policies" : ...., "updated_policies" : ..., "removed_policies": ...}
- script_path = dc["policy"]["script_path"]
- policy_data = {
- "policies": kwargs["policies"],
- "updated_policies": kwargs["updated_policies"],
- "removed_policies": kwargs["removed_policies"]
- }
+ command = [script_path, "policies", json.dumps(policy_data)]
- command = [script_path, "policies", json.dumps(policy_data)]
- # Execute the command
- deployment_description = ctx.instance.runtime_properties[K8S_DEPLOYMENT]
- resp = k8sclient.execute_command_in_deployment(deployment_description, command)
+ # Execute the command
+ deployment_description = ctx.instance.runtime_properties[K8S_DEPLOYMENT]
+ resp = k8sclient.execute_command_in_deployment(deployment_description, command)
# else the default is no trigger
diff --git a/k8s/pom.xml b/k8s/pom.xml
index ed823ac..cb6be44 100644
--- a/k8s/pom.xml
+++ b/k8s/pom.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
- <version>1.7.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>1.7.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/k8s/ b/k8s/
index 8a4cb7c..0b4f366 100644
--- a/k8s/
+++ b/k8s/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# org.onap.dcae
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2019 All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from setuptools import setup
description='Cloudify plugin for containerized components deployed using Kubernetes',
- version="1.7.1",
+ version="1.7.2",
author='J. F. Lucas, Michael Hwang, Tommy Carpenter',
diff --git a/k8s/tests/ b/k8s/tests/
index 67f70a6..c696f41 100644
--- a/k8s/tests/
+++ b/k8s/tests/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# org.onap.dcae
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -121,15 +122,15 @@ def do_deploy(tls_info=None):
k8s_test_config = _set_k8s_configuration()
- resources = _set_resources()
kwargs = _set_common_kwargs()
+ kwargs['resources'] = _set_resources()
if tls_info:
kwargs["tls_info"] = tls_info
- dep, deployment_description = k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy("k8stest","testcomponent","",1,False, k8s_test_config, resources, **kwargs)
+ dep, deployment_description = k8sclient.k8sclient.deploy("k8stest", "testcomponent", "", 1, False, k8s_test_config, **kwargs)
# Make sure all of the basic k8s parameters are correct
verify_common(dep, deployment_description)
- return dep, deployment_description \ No newline at end of file
+ return dep, deployment_description