path: root/mod/onboardingapi/dcae_cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/onboardingapi/dcae_cli/')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/onboardingapi/dcae_cli/ b/mod/onboardingapi/dcae_cli/
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index 0000000..792cd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/onboardingapi/dcae_cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# org.onap.dcae
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+"""Code for http interface"""
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from flask import Flask, request
+from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields, abort
+from dcae_cli._version import __version__
+from dcae_cli.commands import util
+from dcae_cli.util.logger import get_logger
+from dcae_cli.util.exc import DcaeException
+from dcae_cli.util import config as cli_config
+from dcae_cli.catalog.exc import MissingEntry, CatalogError, DuplicateEntry, FrozenEntry, ForbiddenRequest
+from dcae_cli.catalog.mock.catalog import MockCatalog
+_log = get_logger("http")
+_app = Flask(__name__)
+# Try to bundle as many errors together
+_app.config['BUNDLE_ERRORS'] = True
+_api = Api(_app, version=__version__, title="DCAE Onboarding HTTP API", description=""
+ , contact="", default_mediatype="application/json"
+ , prefix="/onboarding", doc="/onboarding", default="onboarding"
+ )
+compSpecPath = cli_config.get_server_url() + cli_config.get_path_component_spec()
+component_fields_request = _api.schema_model('Component Spec',
+ {'properties': {'owner': {'type': 'string'},
+ 'spec': {'type': 'object', \
+ 'description': 'The Component Spec schema is here -> ' + compSpecPath}
+ }
+ })
+component_fields_get = _api.model('component fields', {
+ 'id': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . ID of the component'),
+ 'name': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Name of the component'),
+ 'version': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Version of the component'),
+ 'owner': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . ID of who added the component'),
+ 'whenAdded': fields.DateTime(required=True, dt_format='iso8601', description='. . . . When component was added to the Catalog'),
+ 'modified': fields.DateTime(required=True, dt_format='iso8601', description='. . . . When component was last modified'),
+ 'status': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Status of the component'),
+ 'description': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Description of the component'),
+ 'componentType': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . only "docker"'),
+ 'componentUrl': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Url to the Component Specification')
+ })
+components_get = _api.model('Component List', {'components': fields.List(fields.Nested(component_fields_get))})
+component_fields_by_id = _api.inherit('component fields by id', component_fields_get, {
+ 'spec': fields.Raw(required=True, description='The Component Specification (json)')
+ })
+component_post = _api.model('Component post', {'componentUrl': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Url to the Component Specification')})
+dataformatPath = cli_config.get_server_url() + cli_config.get_path_data_format()
+dataformat_fields_request = _api.schema_model('Data Format Spec',
+ {'properties': {'owner': {'type': 'string'},
+ 'spec': {'type': 'object', \
+ 'description': 'The Data Format Spec schema is here -> ' + dataformatPath}
+ }
+ })
+dataformat_fields_get = _api.model('dataformat fields', {
+ 'id': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . ID of the data format'),
+ 'name': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Name of the data format'),
+ 'version': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Version of the data format'),
+ 'owner': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . ID of who added the data format'),
+ 'whenAdded': fields.DateTime(required=True, dt_format='iso8601', description='. . . . When data format was added to the Catalog'),
+ 'modified': fields.DateTime(required=True, dt_format='iso8601', description='. . . . When data format was last modified'),
+ 'status': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Status of the data format'),
+ 'description': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Description of the data format'),
+ 'dataFormatUrl': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Url to the Data Format Specification')
+ })
+dataformats_get = _api.model('Data Format List', {'dataFormats': fields.List(fields.Nested(dataformat_fields_get))})
+dataformat_fields_by_id = _api.inherit('dataformat fields by id', dataformat_fields_get, {
+ 'spec': fields.Raw(required=True, description='The Data Format Specification (json)')
+ })
+dataformat_post = _api.model('Data Format post', {'dataFormatUrl': fields.String(required=True, description='. . . . Url to the Data Format Specification')})
+patch_fields = _api.model('Patch Spec', {'owner': fields.String(required=True, description='User ID'),
+ 'status': fields.String(required=True, enum=['published', 'revoked'], \
+ description='. . . . .[published] is the only status change supported right now')
+ } )
+error_message = _api.model('Error message', {'message': fields.String(description='. . . . .Details about the unsuccessful API request')})
+parser_components = _api.parser()
+parser_components.add_argument("name", type=str, trim=True,
+ location="args", help="Name of component to filter for")
+parser_components.add_argument("version", type=str, trim=True,
+ location="args", help="Version of component to filter for")
+## Component ##
+@_api.route("/components", endpoint="resource_components")
+class Components(Resource):
+ """Component resource"""
+ @_api.doc("get_components", description="Get list of Components in the catalog")
+ @_api.marshal_with(components_get)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Components retrieved')
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(parser_components)
+ def get(self):
+ only_latest = False
+ only_published = False
+ args = parser_components.parse_args()
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ comps = mockCat.list_components(latest=only_latest, only_published=only_published)
+ def format_record_component(obj):
+ def format_value(v):
+ if type(v) == datetime:
+ return v.isoformat()
+ else:
+ return v
+ def to_camel_case(snake_str):
+ components = snake_str.split('_')
+ # We capitalize the first letter of each component except the first one
+ # with the 'title' method and join them together.
+ return components[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[1:])
+ return dict([(to_camel_case(k), format_value(v)) \
+ for k,v in obj.items()])
+ def add_self_url(comp):
+ comp["componentUrl"] = fields.Url("resource_component", absolute=True) \
+ .output(None, {"component_id": comp["id"]})
+ return comp
+ def add_status(comp):
+ # "whenRevoked" and "whenPublished" are used to get status
+ comp["status"] = util.get_status_string_camel(comp)
+ return comp
+ def should_keep(comp):
+ """Takes args to be used to filter the list of components"""
+ ok_name = args["name"] == None or args["name"] == comp["name"]
+ ok_version = args["version"] == None or args["version"] == comp["version"]
+ return ok_name and ok_version
+ comps = [ add_self_url(add_status(format_record_component(comp)))
+ for comp in comps if should_keep(comp) ]
+ return { "components": comps }, 200
+ @_api.doc("post_component", description="Add a Component to the Catalog", body=component_fields_request)
+ @_api.marshal_with(component_post)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Component added')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(409, 'Component already exists', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(component_fields_request)
+ def post(self):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ spec = http_body['spec']
+ try:
+ name = spec['self']['name']
+ version = spec['self']['version']
+ except Exception:
+ raise DcaeException("(Component) Spec needs to have a 'self' section with 'name' and 'version'")
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ ''' Pass False to do an add vs update '''
+ mockCat.add_component(user, spec, False)
+ component_id = mockCat.get_component_id(name, version)
+ componentUrl = fields.Url("resource_component", absolute=True) \
+ .output(None, {"component_id": component_id})
+ resp = {"componentUrl": componentUrl}
+ except KeyError as e:
+ abort(code=400, message="Request field missing: {}".format(e))
+ except DuplicateEntry as e:
+ resp = e.message.replace("name:version", name + ":" + version)
+ # We abort flask_restplus so our error message will override "marshal_with()" in response body
+ abort(code=409, message=resp)
+ except (CatalogError, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+## Component by ID ##
+@_api.route("/components/<string:component_id>", endpoint="resource_component")
+class Component(Resource):
+ @_api.doc("get_component", description="Get a Component")
+ @_api.marshal_with(component_fields_by_id)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Component retrieved')
+ @_api.response(404, 'Component not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ def get(self, component_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ comp = mockCat.get_component_by_id(component_id)
+ status = util.get_status_string(comp)
+ resp = { "id": comp["id"]
+ , "name": comp['name']
+ , "version": comp['version']
+ , "whenAdded": comp['when_added'].isoformat()
+ , "modified": comp["modified"].isoformat()
+ , "owner": comp["owner"]
+ , "description": comp['description']
+ , "componentType": comp['component_type']
+ , "spec": json.loads(comp["spec"])
+ , "componentUrl": fields.Url("resource_component", absolute=True)
+ .output(None, {"component_id": comp["id"]})
+ , "status": status
+ }
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+ @_api.doc("put_component", description="Replace a Component Spec in the Catalog", body=component_fields_request)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Component replaced')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(404, 'Component not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(component_fields_request)
+ def put(self, component_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ spec = http_body['spec']
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ ''' Pass True to do an update vs add '''
+ mockCat.add_component(user, spec, True)
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ except (FrozenEntry, CatalogError, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+ @_api.doc("patch_component", description="Update a Component's status in the Catalog", body=patch_fields)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Component status updated')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(403, 'Forbidden Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(404, 'Component not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(patch_fields)
+ def patch(self, component_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ field = http_body['status']
+ if field not in ['published', 'revoked']:
+ raise DcaeException("Unknown status in request: '{}'".format(field))
+ if field == 'revoked':
+ raise DcaeException("This status is not supported yet: '{}'".format(field))
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ comp = mockCat.get_component_by_id(component_id)
+ comp_name = comp['name']
+ comp_version = comp['version']
+ mockCat.publish_component(user, comp_name, comp_version)
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ except ForbiddenRequest as e:
+ abort(code=403, message=e)
+ except (CatalogError, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+## Data Format ##
+@_api.route("/dataformats", endpoint="resource_formats")
+class DataFormats(Resource):
+ """Data Format resource"""
+ @_api.doc("get_dataformats", description="Get list of Data Formats in the catalog")
+ @_api.marshal_with(dataformats_get)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Data Formats retrieved')
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ def get(self):
+ only_latest = False
+ only_published = False
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ formats = mockCat.list_formats(latest=only_latest, only_published=only_published)
+ def format_record_dataformat(obj):
+ def format_value(v):
+ if type(v) == datetime:
+ return v.isoformat()
+ else:
+ return v
+ def to_camel_case(snake_str):
+ components = snake_str.split('_')
+ # We capitalize the first letter of each component except the first one
+ # with the 'title' method and join them together.
+ return components[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[1:])
+ return dict([(to_camel_case(k), format_value(v)) \
+ for k,v in obj.items()])
+ formats = [ format_record_dataformat(format) for format in formats ]
+ def add_self_url(format):
+ format["dataFormatUrl"] = fields.Url("resource_format", absolute=True) \
+ .output(None, {"dataformat_id": format["id"]})
+ return format
+ formats = [ add_self_url(format) for format in formats ]
+ def add_status(format):
+ # "whenRevoked" and "whenPublished" are used to get status
+ format["status"] = util.get_status_string_camel(format)
+ return format
+ formats = [ add_status(format) for format in formats ]
+ return { "dataFormats": formats }, 200
+ @_api.doc("post_dataformat", description="Add a Data Format to the Catalog", body=dataformat_fields_request)
+ @_api.marshal_with(dataformat_post)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Data Format added')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(409, 'Data Format already exists', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(dataformat_fields_request)
+ def post(self):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ spec = http_body['spec']
+ try:
+ name = spec['self']['name']
+ version = spec['self']['version']
+ except Exception:
+ raise DcaeException("(Data Format) Spec needs to have a 'self' section with 'name' and 'version'")
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ ''' Pass False to do an add vs update '''
+ mockCat.add_format(spec, user, False)
+ dataformat_id = mockCat.get_dataformat_id(name, version)
+ dataformatUrl = fields.Url("resource_format", absolute=True) \
+ .output(None, {"dataformat_id": dataformat_id})
+ resp = {"dataFormatUrl": dataformatUrl}
+ except KeyError as e:
+ abort(code=400, message="Request field missing: {}".format(e))
+ except DuplicateEntry as e:
+ resp = e.message.replace("name:version", name + ":" + version)
+ abort(code=409, message=resp)
+ except (CatalogError, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+## Data Format by ID ##
+@_api.route("/dataformats/<string:dataformat_id>", endpoint="resource_format")
+class DataFormat(Resource):
+ @_api.doc("get_dataformat", description="Get a Data Format")
+ @_api.marshal_with(dataformat_fields_by_id)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Data Format retrieved')
+ @_api.response(404, 'Data Format not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ def get(self, dataformat_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ format = mockCat.get_dataformat_by_id(dataformat_id)
+ status = util.get_status_string(format)
+ resp = { "id": format["id"]
+ , "name": format['name']
+ , "version": format['version']
+ , "whenAdded": format["when_added"].isoformat()
+ , "modified": format["modified"].isoformat()
+ , "owner": format["owner"]
+ , "description": format["description"]
+ , "spec": json.loads(format["spec"])
+ , "dataFormatUrl": fields.Url("resource_format", absolute=True)
+ .output(None, {"dataformat_id": format["id"]})
+ , "status": status
+ }
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+ @_api.doc("put_dataformat", description="Replace a Data Format Spec in the Catalog", body=dataformat_fields_request)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Data Format added')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(404, 'Data Format not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(dataformat_fields_request)
+ def put(self, dataformat_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ spec = http_body['spec']
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ ''' Pass True to do an update vs add '''
+ mockCat.add_format(spec, user, True)
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ except (CatalogError, FrozenEntry, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+ @_api.doc("patch_dataformat", description="Update a Data Format's status in the Catalog", body=patch_fields)
+ @_api.response(200, 'Success, Data Format status updated')
+ @_api.response(400, 'Bad Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(403, 'Forbidden Request', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(404, 'Data Format not found in Catalog', model=error_message)
+ @_api.response(500, 'Internal Server Error')
+ @_api.expect(patch_fields)
+ def patch(self, dataformat_id):
+ resp = None
+ try:
+ http_body = request.get_json()
+ user = http_body['owner']
+ field = http_body['status']
+ if field not in ['published', 'revoked']:
+ raise DcaeException("Unknown status in request: '{}'".format(field))
+ if field == 'revoked':
+ raise DcaeException("This status is not supported yet: '{}'".format(field))
+ mockCat = MockCatalog()
+ dataformat = mockCat.get_dataformat_by_id(dataformat_id)
+ dataformat_name = dataformat['name']
+ dataformat_version = dataformat['version']
+ mockCat.publish_format(user, dataformat_name, dataformat_version)
+ except MissingEntry as e:
+ abort(code=404, message=e)
+ except ForbiddenRequest as e:
+ abort(code=403, message=e)
+ except (CatalogError, DcaeException) as e:
+ abort(code=400, message=e)
+ return resp, 200
+def start_http_server(catalog, debug=True):
+ if debug:
+ else:
+"", port=80, debug=False)