path: root/tests/
diff options
authorTommy Carpenter <>2018-06-26 22:19:08 -0400
committerTommy Carpenter <>2018-06-27 07:05:38 -0400
commit8984604d52cd9354897b48b783dfd8610c5c5758 (patch)
tree87f5eed6508545663c89723636c191d996bbc29f /tests/
parent7c12195918d37ef66658fe5c0565d73add60cfda (diff)
Productionalize with NGINX, towards https
Change-Id: I0fcb79216cfc83d817a8d0ac4f3817d0aeea4e95 Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-562 Signed-off-by: Tommy Carpenter <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06a3dc2..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-from config_binding_service import client
-def test_consul_get_all_as_transaction(monkeypatch, monkeyed_requests_put):
- """tests _consul_get_all_as_transaction"""
- monkeypatch.setattr('requests.put', monkeyed_requests_put)
- allk = client._consul_get_all_as_transaction(
- "")
- assert allk == {
- '': {'my': 'amazing config'},
- '': {'my': 'dti'},
- '': {'foo': 'bar'},
- '': {'action': 'gathered', 'timestamp': '2018-02-19 15:36:44.877380', 'update_id': 'bb73c20a-5ff8-450f-8223-da6720ade267', 'policies_count': 2},
- '': {'policyName': 'DCAE_alex.Config_MS_alex_microservice.132.xml', 'policyConfigMessage': 'Config Retrieved! ', 'responseAttributes': {}, 'policyConfigStatus': 'CONFIG_RETRIEVED', 'matchingConditions': {'ONAPName': 'DCAE', 'Name': 'DCAE', 'ConfigName': 'alex_config_name'}, 'config': {'policyScope': 'alex_policy_scope', 'configName': 'alex_config_name', 'description': 'test DCAE policy-handler', 'service': 'alex_service', 'policyName': 'alex_policy_name', 'riskLevel': '3', 'key1': 'value1', 'policy_hello': 'world!', 'content': {'foo': 'microservice3', 'foo_updated': '2018-01-30T13:25:33.222Z'}, 'riskType': '1712_ETE', 'guard': 'False', 'version': '0.0.1', 'location': 'Central', 'policy_updated_ts': '2018-02-19T15:09:55.217Z', 'updated_policy_id': 'DCAE_alex.Config_MS_alex_microservice', 'policy_updated_to_ver': '132', 'priority': '4', 'policy_updated_from_ver': '131', 'templateVersion': '2', 'uuid': '5e87d7c5-0daf-4b6b-ab92-5365cf5db1ef'}, 'property': None, 'type': 'JSON', 'policyVersion': '132'},
- '': {'policyName': 'DCAE_alex.Config_db_client_policy_id_value.133.xml', 'policyConfigMessage': 'Config Retrieved! ', 'responseAttributes': {}, 'policyConfigStatus': 'CONFIG_RETRIEVED', 'matchingConditions': {'ONAPName': 'DCAE', 'Name': 'DCAE', 'ConfigName': 'alex_config_name'}, 'config': {'db_client_ts': '2017-11-21T12:12:13.696Z', 'db_client': 'ipsum', 'policy_hello': 'world!', 'policy_updated_from_ver': '132', 'updated_policy_id': 'DCAE_alex.Config_db_client_policy_id_value', 'policy_updated_ts': '2018-02-19T15:09:55.812Z', 'policy_updated_to_ver': '133'}, 'property': None, 'type': 'JSON', 'policyVersion': '133'},
- '': ['my.amazing.relationship']
- }
- allk = client._consul_get_all_as_transaction("cbs_test_messed_up")
- assert allk == {'cbs_test_messed_up': {'foo': 'bar'},
- 'cbs_test_messed_up:badkey': 'INVALID JSON'}
-def test_get_config_rels_dmaap(monkeypatch, monkeyed_requests_put):
- monkeypatch.setattr('requests.put', monkeyed_requests_put)
- assert ({"foo3": "bar3"}, ["foo"], {"foo4": "bar4"}) == client._get_config_rels_dmaap("scn_exists")
- assert ({"foo5": "bar5"}, [], {}) == client._get_config_rels_dmaap("scn_exists_nord")
-def test_bad_config_http():
- test_config = {'yeahhhhh': "{{}}"}
- test_rels = [""]
- assert {'yeahhhhh': []} == client.resolve_override(test_config, test_rels)
-def test_bad_config_dmaap():
- test_config = {'darkness': "<<>>"}
- test_dmaap = {"WHO?": "darkness"}
- assert {'darkness': {}} == client.resolve_override(test_config, test_dmaap)
-def test_config_with_list(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_config_1 = {"dcae_target_type": [
- "vhss-ems", "pcrf-oam"], "downstream-laika": "{{ laika }}", "some-param": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}
- test_rels_1 = ["3df5292249ae4a949f173063617cea8d_docker-snmp-polling-firstnet-m"]
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(test_config_1, test_rels_1, {})
- assert(test_bind_1 == {'dcae_target_type': [
- 'vhss-ems', 'pcrf-oam'], 'downstream-laika': [], 'some-param': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'})
- test_config_2 = {"foo": ["{{cdap}}", "notouching", "<<yo>>"]}
- test_rels_2 = ["cdap"]
- test_dmaap_2 = {"yo": "im here"}
- test_bind_2 = client.resolve_override(test_config_2, test_rels_2, test_dmaap_2)
- assert(test_bind_2 == {"foo": [['666.666.666.666:666'], "notouching", "im here"]})
-def test_cdap(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- # user override to test CDAP functionality
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_rels = ["", "",
- "", "", "cdap"]
- test_config = {"streams_publishes": "{{alpha}}",
- # should be dumped
- "services_calls": [{"somekey": "{{charlie}}"}],
- "cdap_to_manage": {'some_nested_thing': "{{cdap}}"}} # no dumps
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(test_config, test_rels)
- assert test_bind_1 == {'services_calls': [{"somekey": ["", ""]}], 'streams_publishes': [
- ""], 'cdap_to_manage': {'some_nested_thing': ['666.666.666.666:666']}}
- assert test_bind_1['services_calls'] == [{"somekey": ["", ""]}]
- assert test_bind_1['streams_publishes'] == [""]
-def test_multiple_service_types(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- # test {{x,y,z}}
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- # test 1: they all resovle
- test_rels = ["", "",
- "", ""]
- config = {"ALL YOUR SERVICE BELONG TO US": "{{alpha,bravo,charlie}}"}
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(config, test_rels)
- assert(test_bind_1 == {"ALL YOUR SERVICE BELONG TO US": [
- '', '', '', '']})
- # test 2: two resolve, one is missing from rels key
- config2 = {"two there one not exist": "{{alpha,bravo,notexist}}"}
- test_bind_2 = client.resolve_override(config2, test_rels)
- assert(test_bind_2 == {"two there one not exist": [
- '', '']})
- # test 3: two resolve, one is in rels key but not registered
- config3 = {"two there one unregistered": "{{alpha,bravo,unregistered}}"}
- test_rels3 = ["",
- "", ""]
- test_bind_3 = client.resolve_override(config3, test_rels3)
- assert(test_bind_3 == {"two there one unregistered": [
- '', '']})
-def test_dmaap(monkeypatch):
- # test resolving dmaap key
- config = {"TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY": "<<XXX>>"}
- # does not match
- test_bind = client.resolve_override(
- config, dmaap={"XX": "ABSOLVEME"}) # XX != XXX
- assert(test_bind == {"TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY": {}})
- # matches
- test_bind_2 = client.resolve_override(config, dmaap={"XXX": "ABSOLVEME"})
- assert(test_bind_2 == {"TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY": "ABSOLVEME"})
-def test_config(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- # test config override
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_config = {"autoderegisterafter": "10m", "cdap_to_manage": {
- 'some_nested_thing': "{{cdap}}"}, "bindingttw": 5, "hcinterval": "5s"}
- test_rels = ["cdap"]
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(test_config, test_rels)
- assert test_bind_1 == {'autoderegisterafter': '10m', 'cdap_to_manage': {
- 'some_nested_thing': ['666.666.666.666:666']}, 'bindingttw': 5, 'hcinterval': '5s'}
-def test_non_existent(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- # test a valid config-rels but the key is not in Consul
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_config = {"you shall not be fufilled": "{{nonexistent_hope}}"}
- # hopefully not registered in Consul..
- test_rels = [""]
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(test_config, test_rels, {})
- assert(test_bind_1 == {"you shall not be fufilled": []})
-def test_broker_redirect(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul):
- # test the broker redirect
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_config = {"gimmie_dat_cdap": "{{cdap_serv}}"}
- test_rels = [""]
- assert {"gimmie_dat_cdap": ['']
- } == client.resolve_override(test_config, test_rels)
-def test_both(monkeypatch, monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul, expected_config):
- # test rels and http
- monkeypatch.setattr('config_binding_service.client._get_connection_info_from_consul',
- monkeyed_get_connection_info_from_consul)
- test_rels = ["", "",
- "", ""]
- test_dmaap = {"WHO?": "darkness"}
- config = {"deep": {"ALL YOUR SERVICE BELONG TO US": "{{alpha,bravo,charlie}}"},
- "doubledeep": {"sodeep": {"hello": "<<WHO?>>"}}}
- test_bind_1 = client.resolve_override(config, test_rels, test_dmaap)
- assert(test_bind_1 == expected_config)