path: root/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap
diff options
authorvv770d <>2021-03-17 22:44:49 +0000
committervv770d <>2021-03-17 22:51:01 +0000
commit15dd0a3541db1e7ac9f38680d9dbe83cf3d303ae (patch)
treebf908cb1e47da9eb8c34913f00b2f773b3d9b39e /oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap
parent18512176d62ae211d97952027ca6a6dc59b50992 (diff)
[DCAE] Remove OTI component
OTI has been deprecated Change-Id: Ic2051f9262744081880d8471c31a2491d2e4451c Signed-off-by: vv770d <> Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2676 Signed-off-by: vv770d <>
Diffstat (limited to 'oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1450 deletions
diff --git a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/ b/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5b477..0000000
--- a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,958 +0,0 @@
-# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi: set expandtab:
-# ================================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-""" Common Logging library in Python.
-Original Written by: Terry Schmalzried
-Date written: October 1, 2015
-Last updated: December 1, 2016
-version 0.8
-import os
-import logging
-import logging.handlers
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-class CommonLogger:
- """ Common Logging object.
- Public methods:
- __init__
- setFields
- debug
- info
- warn
- error
- fatal
- """
- UnknownFile = -1
- ErrorFile = 0
- DebugFile = 1
- AuditFile = 2
- MetricsFile = 3
- DateFmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
- verbose = False
- def __init__(self, configFile, logKey, **kwargs):
- """Construct a Common Logger for one Log File.
- Arguments:
- configFile -- configuration filename.
- logKey -- the keyword in configFile that identifies the log filename.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages,
- one of CommonLogger.ErrorFile, CommonLogger.DebugFile,
- CommonLogger.AuditFile and CommonLogger.MetricsFile, or
- one of the strings "error", "debug", "audit" or "metrics".
- May also be set in the config file using a field named
- <logKey>Style (where <logKey> is the value of the logKey
- parameter). The keyword value overrides the value in the
- config file.
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._monitorFlag = False
- # Get configuration parameters
- self._logKey = str(logKey)
- self._configFile = str(configFile)
- self._rotateMethod = 'time'
- self._timeRotateIntervalType = 'midnight'
- self._timeRotateInterval = 1
- self._sizeMaxBytes = 0
- self._sizeRotateMode = 'a'
- self._socketHost = None
- self._socketPort = 0
- self._typeLogger = 'filelogger'
- self._backupCount = 6
- self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel('')
- self._logFile = None
- self._begTime = None
- self._begMsec = 0
- self._fields = {}
- self._fields["style"] = CommonLogger.UnknownFile
- try:
- self._configFileModified = os.path.getmtime(self._configFile)
- for line in open(self._configFile):
- line = line.split('#',1)[0] # remove comments
- if '=' in line:
- key, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=',1)]
- if key == 'rotateMethod' and value.lower() in ['time', 'size', 'none']:
- self._rotateMethod = value.lower()
- elif key == 'timeRotateIntervalType' and value in ['S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4', 'W5', 'W6', 'midnight']:
- self._timeRotateIntervalType = value
- elif key == 'timeRotateInterval' and int( value ) > 0:
- self._timeRotateInterval = int( value )
- elif key == 'sizeMaxBytes' and int( value ) >= 0:
- self._sizeMaxBytes = int( value )
- elif key == 'sizeRotateMode' and value in ['a']:
- self._sizeRotateMode = value
- elif key == 'backupCount' and int( value ) >= 0:
- self._backupCount = int( value )
- elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketHost':
- self._socketHost = value
- elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketPort' and int( value ) == 0:
- self._socketPort = int( value )
- elif key == self._logKey + 'LogType' and value.lower() in ['filelogger', 'stdoutlogger', 'stderrlogger', 'socketlogger', 'nulllogger']:
- self._typeLogger = value.lower()
- elif key == self._logKey + 'LogLevel':
- self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel(value.upper())
- elif key == self._logKey + 'Style':
- self._fields["style"] = value
- elif key == self._logKey:
- self._logFile = value
- except Exception as x:
- print("exception reading '%s' configuration file: %s" %(self._configFile, str(x)))
- sys.exit(2)
- except:
- print("exception reading '%s' configuration file" %(self._configFile))
- sys.exit(2)
- if self._logFile is None:
- print('configuration file %s is missing definition %s for log file' %(self._configFile, self._logKey))
- sys.exit(2)
- # initialize default log fields
- # timestamp will automatically be generated
- for key in ['style', 'requestID', 'serviceInstanceID', 'threadID', 'serverName', 'serviceName', 'instanceUUID', \
- 'severity', 'serverIPAddress', 'server', 'IPAddress', 'className', 'timer', \
- 'partnerName', 'targetEntity', 'targetServiceName', 'statusCode', 'responseCode', \
- 'responseDescription', 'processKey', 'targetVirtualEntity', 'customField1', \
- 'customField2', 'customField3', 'customField4', 'errorCategory', 'errorCode', \
- 'errorDescription' ]:
- if key in kwargs and kwargs[key] != None:
- self._fields[key] = kwargs[key]
- self._resetStyleField()
- # Set up logger
- self._logLock = threading.Lock()
- with self._logLock:
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(self._logKey)
- self._logger.propagate = False
- self._createLogger()
- self._defaultServerInfo()
- # spawn a thread to monitor configFile for logLevel and logFile changes
- self._monitorFlag = True
- self._monitorThread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitorConfigFile, args=())
- self._monitorThread.daemon = True
- self._monitorThread.start()
- def _createLogger(self):
- if self._typeLogger == 'filelogger':
- self._mkdir_p(self._logFile)
- if self._rotateMethod == 'time':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(self._logFile, \
- when=self._timeRotateIntervalType, interval=self._timeRotateInterval, \
- backupCount=self._backupCount, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=True)
- elif self._rotateMethod == 'size':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self._logFile, \
- mode=self._sizeRotateMode, maxBytes=self._sizeMaxBytes, \
- backupCount=self._backupCount, encoding=None, delay=False)
- else:
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(self._logFile, \
- mode=self._sizeRotateMode, \
- encoding=None, delay=False)
- elif self._typeLogger == 'stderrlogger':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
- elif self._typeLogger == 'stdoutlogger':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- elif self._typeLogger == 'socketlogger':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.SocketHandler(self._socketHost, self._socketPort)
- elif self._typeLogger == 'nulllogger':
- self._logHandler = logging.handlers.NullHandler()
- if self._fields["style"] == CommonLogger.AuditFile or self._fields["style"] == CommonLogger.MetricsFile:
- self._logFormatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(begtime)s,%(begmsecs)03d+00:00|%(endtime)s,%(endmsecs)03d+00:00|%(message)s', datefmt=CommonLogger.DateFmt)
- else:
- self._logFormatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d+00:00|%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
- self._logFormatter.converter = time.gmtime
- self._logHandler.setFormatter(self._logFormatter)
- self._logger.addHandler(self._logHandler)
- def _resetStyleField(self):
- styleFields = ["error", "debug", "audit", "metrics"]
- if self._fields['style'] in styleFields:
- self._fields['style'] = styleFields.index(self._fields['style'])
- def __del__(self):
- if not self._monitorFlag:
- return
- self._monitorFlag = False
- if self._monitorThread is not None and self._monitorThread.is_alive():
- self._monitorThread.join()
- self._monitorThread = None
- def _defaultServerInfo(self):
- # If not set or purposely set = None, then set default
- if self._fields.get('server') is None:
- try:
- self._fields['server'] = socket.getfqdn()
- except Exception as err:
- try:
- self._fields['server'] = socket.gethostname()
- except Exception as err:
- self._fields['server'] = ""
- # If not set or purposely set = None, then set default
- if self._fields.get('serverIPAddress') is None:
- try:
- self._fields['serverIPAddress'] = socket.gethostbyname(self._fields['server'])
- except Exception as err:
- self._fields['serverIPAddress'] = ""
- def _monitorConfigFile(self):
- while self._monitorFlag:
- try:
- fileTime = os.path.getmtime(self._configFile)
- if fileTime > self._configFileModified:
- self._configFileModified = fileTime
- ReopenLogFile = False
- logFile = self._logFile
- with open(self._configFile) as fp:
- for line in fp:
- line = line.split('#',1)[0] # remove comments
- if '=' in line:
- key, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=',1)]
- if key == 'rotateMethod' and value.lower() in ['time', 'size', 'none'] and self._rotateMethod != value:
- self._rotateMethod = value.lower()
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == 'timeRotateIntervalType' and value in ['S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4', 'W5', 'W6', 'midnight']:
- self._timeRotateIntervalType = value
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == 'timeRotateInterval' and int( value ) > 0:
- self._timeRotateInterval = int( value )
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == 'sizeMaxBytes' and int( value ) >= 0:
- self._sizeMaxBytes = int( value )
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == 'sizeRotateMode' and value in ['a']:
- self._sizeRotateMode = value
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == 'backupCount' and int( value ) >= 0:
- self._backupCount = int( value )
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketHost' and self._socketHost != value:
- self._socketHost = value
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == self._logKey + 'SocketPort' and self._socketPort > 0 and self._socketPort != int( value ):
- self._socketPort = int( value )
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == self._logKey + 'LogLevel' and self._logLevelThreshold != self._intLogLevel( value.upper() ):
- self._logLevelThreshold = self._intLogLevel(value.upper())
- elif key == self._logKey + 'LogType' and self._typeLogger != value and value.lower() in ['filelogger', 'stdoutlogger', 'stderrlogger', 'socketlogger', 'nulllogger']:
- self._typeLogger = value.lower()
- ReopenLogFile = True
- elif key == self._logKey + 'Style':
- self._fields["style"] = value
- self._resetStyleField()
- elif key == self._logKey and self._logFile != value:
- logFile = value
- ReopenLogFile = True
- if ReopenLogFile:
- with self._logLock:
- self._logger.removeHandler(self._logHandler)
- self._logFile = logFile
- self._createLogger()
- except Exception as err:
- pass
- time.sleep(5)
- def setFields(self, **kwargs):
- """Set default values for log fields.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- for key in ['style', 'requestID', 'serviceInstanceID', 'threadID', 'serverName', 'serviceName', 'instanceUUID', \
- 'severity', 'serverIPAddress', 'server', 'IPAddress', 'className', 'timer', \
- 'partnerName', 'targetEntity', 'targetServiceName', 'statusCode', 'responseCode', \
- 'responseDescription', 'processKey', 'targetVirtualEntity', 'customField1', \
- 'customField2', 'customField3', 'customField4', 'errorCategory', 'errorCode', \
- 'errorDescription' ]:
- if key in kwargs:
- if kwargs[key] != None:
- self._fields[key] = kwargs[key]
- elif key in self._fields:
- del self._fields[key]
- self._defaultServerInfo()
- def debug(self, message, **kwargs):
- """Write a DEBUG level message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._log('DEBUG', message, errorCategory = 'DEBUG', **kwargs)
- def info(self, message, **kwargs):
- """Write an INFO level message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._log('INFO', message, errorCategory = 'INFO', **kwargs)
- def warn(self, message, **kwargs):
- """Write a WARN level message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._log('WARN', message, errorCategory = 'WARN', **kwargs)
- def error(self, message, **kwargs):
- """Write an ERROR level message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._log('ERROR', message, errorCategory = 'ERROR', **kwargs)
- def fatal(self, message, **kwargs):
- """Write a FATAL level message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- self._log('FATAL', message, errorCategory = 'FATAL', **kwargs)
- def _log(self, logLevel, message, **kwargs):
- """Write a message to the log file.
- Arguments:
- logLevel -- value ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', ...) for the log record.
- message -- value for the last log record field.
- Keyword arguments: Annotations are d:debug, a=audit, m=metrics, e=error
- style -- the log file format (style) to use when writing log messages
- requestID (dame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceInstanceID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- threadID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serviceName (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- instanceUUID (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- severity (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- serverIPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- server (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- IPAddress (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- className (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- timer (am) -- (ElapsedTime) optional default value for this log record field.
- partnerName (ame) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetEntity (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetServiceName (me) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- statusCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseCode (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- responseDescription (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- processKey (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- targetVirtualEntity (m) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField1 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField2 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField3 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- customField4 (am) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCategory (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorCode (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- errorDescription (e) -- optional default value for this log record field.
- begTime (am) -- optional starting time for this audit/metrics log record.
- Note: the pipe '|' character is not allowed in any log record field.
- """
- # timestamp will automatically be inserted
- style = int(self._getVal('style', '', **kwargs))
- requestID = self._getVal('requestID', '', **kwargs)
- serviceInstanceID = self._getVal('serviceInstanceID', '', **kwargs)
- threadID = self._getVal('threadID', threading.currentThread().getName(), **kwargs)
- serverName = self._getVal('serverName', '', **kwargs)
- serviceName = self._getVal('serviceName', '', **kwargs)
- instanceUUID = self._getVal('instanceUUID', '', **kwargs)
- upperLogLevel = self._noSep(logLevel.upper())
- severity = self._getVal('severity', '', **kwargs)
- serverIPAddress = self._getVal('serverIPAddress', '', **kwargs)
- server = self._getVal('server', '', **kwargs)
- IPAddress = self._getVal('IPAddress', '', **kwargs)
- className = self._getVal('className', '', **kwargs)
- timer = self._getVal('timer', '', **kwargs)
- partnerName = self._getVal('partnerName', '', **kwargs)
- targetEntity = self._getVal('targetEntity', '', **kwargs)
- targetServiceName = self._getVal('targetServiceName', '', **kwargs)
- statusCode = self._getVal('statusCode', '', **kwargs)
- responseCode = self._getVal('responseCode', '', **kwargs)
- responseDescription = self._noSep(self._getVal('responseDescription', '', **kwargs))
- processKey = self._getVal('processKey', '', **kwargs)
- targetVirtualEntity = self._getVal('targetVirtualEntity', '', **kwargs)
- customField1 = self._getVal('customField1', '', **kwargs)
- customField2 = self._getVal('customField2', '', **kwargs)
- customField3 = self._getVal('customField3', '', **kwargs)
- customField4 = self._getVal('customField4', '', **kwargs)
- errorCategory = self._getVal('errorCategory', '', **kwargs)
- errorCode = self._getVal('errorCode', '', **kwargs)
- errorDescription = self._noSep(self._getVal('errorDescription', '', **kwargs))
- nbegTime = self._getArg('begTime', {}, **kwargs)
- detailMessage = self._noSep(message)
- if bool(re.match(r" *$", detailMessage)):
- return # don't log empty messages
- useLevel = self._intLogLevel(upperLogLevel)
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("logger STYLE=%s" % style)
- if useLevel < self._logLevelThreshold:
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("skipping because of level")
- pass
- else:
- with self._logLock:
- if style == CommonLogger.ErrorFile:
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.ErrorFile")
- self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \
- %(requestID, threadID, serviceName, partnerName, targetEntity, targetServiceName,
- errorCategory, errorCode, errorDescription, detailMessage))
- elif style == CommonLogger.DebugFile:
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.DebugFile")
- self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \
- %(requestID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, instanceUUID, upperLogLevel,
- severity, serverIPAddress, server, IPAddress, className, timer, detailMessage))
- elif style == CommonLogger.AuditFile:
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.AuditFile")
- endAuditTime, endAuditMsec = self._getTime()
- if type(nbegTime) is dict and 'begTime' in nbegTime and 'begMsec' in nbegTime:
- d = { 'begtime': self._noSep(nbegTime['begTime']), 'begmsecs': float(self._noSep(nbegTime['begMsec'])), 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec }
- elif self._begTime is not None:
- d = { 'begtime': self._begTime, 'begmsecs': self._begMsec, 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec }
- else:
- d = { 'begtime': endAuditTime, 'begmsecs': endAuditMsec, 'endtime': endAuditTime, 'endmsecs': endAuditMsec }
- self._begTime = None
- unused = ""
- self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \
- %(requestID, serviceInstanceID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, partnerName,
- statusCode, responseCode, responseDescription, instanceUUID, upperLogLevel,
- severity, serverIPAddress, timer, server, IPAddress, className, unused,
- processKey, customField1, customField2, customField3, customField4, detailMessage), extra=d)
- elif style == CommonLogger.MetricsFile:
- if CommonLogger.verbose: print("using CommonLogger.MetricsFile")
- endMetricsTime, endMetricsMsec = self._getTime()
- if type(nbegTime) is dict and 'begTime' in nbegTime and 'begMsec' in nbegTime:
- d = { 'begtime': self._noSep(nbegTime['begTime']), 'begmsecs': float(self._noSep(nbegTime['begMsec'])), 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec }
- elif self._begTime is not None:
- d = { 'begtime': self._begTime, 'begmsecs': self._begMsec, 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec }
- else:
- d = { 'begtime': endMetricsTime, 'begmsecs': endMetricsMsec, 'endtime': endMetricsTime, 'endmsecs': endMetricsMsec }
- self._begTime = None
- unused = ""
- self._logger.log(50, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' \
- %(requestID, serviceInstanceID, threadID, serverName, serviceName, partnerName,
- targetEntity, targetServiceName, statusCode, responseCode, responseDescription,
- instanceUUID, upperLogLevel, severity, serverIPAddress, timer, server, IPAddress,
- className, unused, processKey, targetVirtualEntity, customField1, customField2,
- customField3, customField4, detailMessage), extra=d)
- else:
- print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! style not set: %s" % self._fields["style"])
- def _getTime(self):
- ct = time.time()
- lt = time.localtime(ct)
- return (time.strftime(CommonLogger.DateFmt, lt), (ct - int(ct)) * 1000)
- def setStartRecordEvent(self):
- """
- Set the start time to be saved for both audit and metrics records
- """
- self._begTime, self._begMsec = self._getTime()
- def getStartRecordEvent(self):
- """
- Retrieve the start time to be used for either audit and metrics records
- """
- begTime, begMsec = self._getTime()
- return {'begTime':begTime, 'begMsec':begMsec}
- def _getVal(self, key, default, **kwargs):
- val = self._fields.get(key)
- if key in kwargs: val = kwargs[key]
- if val is None: val = default
- return self._noSep(val)
- def _getArg(self, key, default, **kwargs):
- val = None
- if key in kwargs: val = kwargs[key]
- if val is None: val = default
- return val
- def _noSep(self, message):
- if message is None: return ''
- return re.sub(r'[\|\n]', ' ', str(message))
- def _intLogLevel(self, logLevel):
- if logLevel == 'FATAL': useLevel = 50
- elif logLevel == 'ERROR': useLevel = 40
- elif logLevel == 'WARN': useLevel = 30
- elif logLevel == 'INFO': useLevel = 20
- elif logLevel == 'DEBUG': useLevel = 10
- else: useLevel = 0
- return useLevel
- def _mkdir_p(self, filename):
- """Create missing directories from a full filename path like mkdir -p"""
- if filename is None:
- return
- folder=os.path.dirname(filename)
- if folder == "":
- return
- if not os.path.exists(folder):
- try:
- os.makedirs(folder)
- except OSError as err:
- print("error number %d creating %s directory to hold %s logfile: %s" %(err.errno, err.filename, filename, err.strerror))
- sys.exit(2)
- except Exception as err:
- print("error creating %s directory to hold %s logfile: %s" %(folder, filename, str(err)))
- sys.exit(2)
-if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
- def __checkOneTime(line):
- format = r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}[+]00:00[|]'
- m = re.match(format, line)
- if not m:
- print("ERROR: time string did not match proper time format, %s" %line)
- print("\t: format=%s" % format)
- return 1
- return 0
- def __checkTwoTimes(line, different):
- format = r'[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:([0-9]{2}),([0-9]{3})[+]00:00[|][0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:([0-9]{2}),([0-9]{3})[+]00:00[|]'
- m = re.match(format, line)
- if not m:
- print("ERROR: time strings did not match proper time format, %s" %line)
- print("\t: format=%s" % format)
- return 1
- second1 = int(
- msec1 = int(
- second2 = int(
- msec2 = int(
- if second1 > second2: second2 += 60
- t1 = second1 * 1000 + msec1
- t2 = second2 * 1000 + msec2
- diff = t2 - t1
- # print("t1=%d (%d,%d) t2=%d (%d,%d), diff = %d" % (t1, second1, msec1, t2, second2, msec2, diff))
- if different:
- if diff < 500:
- print("ERROR: times did not differ enough: %s" % line)
- return 1
- else:
- if diff > 10:
- print("ERROR: times were too far apart: %s" % line)
- return 1
- return 0
- def __checkBegTime(line):
- format = "begTime should be ([-0-9T:]+)"
- # print("checkBegTime(%s)" % line)
- strt = 'begTime should be '
- i = line.index(strt)
- rest = line[i+len(strt):].rstrip()
- if not line.startswith(rest + ","):
- print("ERROR: line %s should start with %s" % (line,rest))
- return 1
- return 0
- def __checkLog(logfile, numLines, numFields):
- lineCount = 0
- errorCount = 0
- with open(logfile, "r") as fp:
- for line in fp:
- # print("saw line %s" % line)
- lineCount += 1
- c = line.count('|')
- if c != numFields:
- print("ERROR: wrong number of fields. Expected %d, got %d: %s" % (numFields, c, line))
- errorCount += 1
- if"should not appear", line):
- print("ERROR: a line appeared that should not have appeared, %s" % line)
- errorCount += 1
- elif"single time", line):
- errorCount += __checkOneTime(line)
- elif"time should be the same", line):
- errorCount += __checkTwoTimes(line, different=False)
- elif"time should be ", line):
- errorCount += __checkTwoTimes(line, different=True)
- elif"begTime should be ", line):
- errorCount += __checkBegTime(line)
- else:
- print("ERROR: an unknown message appeared, %s" % line)
- errorCount += 1
- if lineCount != numLines:
- print("ERROR: expected %d lines, but got %d lines" % (numLines, lineCount))
- errorCount += 1
- return errorCount
- import os, argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="test the CommonLogger functions")
- parser.add_argument("-k", "--keeplogs", help="Keep the log files after finishing the tests", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print debugging messages", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- spid = str(os.getpid())
- if args.keeplogs:
- spid = ""
- logcfg = "/tmp/cl.log" + spid + ".cfg"
- errorLog = "/tmp/cl.error" + spid + ".log"
- metricsLog = "/tmp/cl.metrics" + spid + ".log"
- auditLog = "/tmp/cl.audit" + spid + ".log"
- debugLog = "/tmp/cl.debug" + spid + ".log"
- if args.verbose: CommonLogger.verbose = True
- import atexit
- def cleanupTmps():
- for f in [ logcfg, errorLog, metricsLog, auditLog, debugLog ]:
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
- if not args.keeplogs:
- atexit.register(cleanupTmps)
- with open(logcfg, "w") as o:
- o.write("error = " + errorLog + "\n" +
- "errorLogLevel = WARN\n" +
- "metrics = " + metricsLog + "\n" +
- "metricsLogLevel = INFO\n" +
- "audit = " + auditLog + "\n" +
- "auditLogLevel = INFO\n" +
- "debug = " + debugLog + "\n" +
- "debugLogLevel = DEBUG\n")
- import uuid
- instanceUUID = uuid.uuid1()
- serviceName = "testharness"
- errorLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "error", style=CommonLogger.ErrorFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName)
- debugLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "debug", style=CommonLogger.DebugFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName)
- auditLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "audit", style=CommonLogger.AuditFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName)
- metricsLogger = CommonLogger(logcfg, "metrics", style=CommonLogger.MetricsFile, instanceUUID=instanceUUID, serviceName=serviceName)
- testsRun = 0
- errorCount = 0
- errorLogger.debug("error calling debug (should not appear)")
-"error calling info (should not appear)")
- errorLogger.warn("error calling warn (single time)")
- errorLogger.error("error calling error (single time)")
- errorLogger.setStartRecordEvent()
- time.sleep(1)
- errorLogger.fatal("error calling fatal, after setStartRecordEvent and sleep (start should be ignored, single time)")
- testsRun += 6
- errorCount += __checkLog(errorLog, 3, 10)
- auditLogger.debug("audit calling debug (should not appear)")
-"audit calling info (time should be the same)")
- auditLogger.warn("audit calling warn (time should be the same)")
- auditLogger.error("audit calling error (time should be the same)")
- bt = auditLogger.getStartRecordEvent()
- # print("bt=%s" % bt)
- time.sleep(1)
- auditLogger.setStartRecordEvent()
- time.sleep(1)
- auditLogger.fatal("audit calling fatal, after setStartRecordEvent and sleep, time should be different)")
- time.sleep(1)
- auditLogger.fatal("audit calling fatal, begTime should be %s" % bt['begTime'], begTime=bt)
- testsRun += 7
- errorCount += __checkLog(auditLog, 5, 25)
- debugLogger.debug("debug calling debug (single time)")
-"debug calling info (single time)")
- debugLogger.warn("debug calling warn (single time)")
- debugLogger.setStartRecordEvent()
- time.sleep(1)
- debugLogger.error("debug calling error, after SetStartRecordEvent and sleep (start should be ignored, single time)")
- debugLogger.fatal("debug calling fatal (single time)")
- errorCount += __checkLog(debugLog, 5, 13)
- testsRun += 6
- metricsLogger.debug("metrics calling debug (should not appear)")
-"metrics calling info (time should be the same)")
- metricsLogger.warn("metrics calling warn (time should be the same)")
- bt = metricsLogger.getStartRecordEvent()
- time.sleep(1)
- metricsLogger.setStartRecordEvent()
- time.sleep(1)
- metricsLogger.error("metrics calling error, after SetStartRecordEvent and sleep, time should be different")
- metricsLogger.fatal("metrics calling fatal (time should be the same)")
- time.sleep(1)
- metricsLogger.fatal("metrics calling fatal, begTime should be %s" % bt['begTime'], begTime=bt)
- testsRun += 6
- errorCount += __checkLog(metricsLog, 5, 28)
- print("%d tests run, %d errors found" % (testsRun, errorCount))
diff --git a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/ b/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 87cf002..0000000
--- a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# ================================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
diff --git a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/ b/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd16cf..0000000
--- a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-# ================================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-"""generic class to keep track of request handling
- from receiving it through reponse and log all the activities
- call Audit.init("component-name", "path/to/config_file") to init the loggers before any requests
- start each outside request with creation of the Audit object
- audit = Audit(request_id=None, headers=None, msg=None)
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-import uuid
-import time
-import copy
-from datetime import datetime
-from threading import Lock
-from enum import Enum
-from .CommonLogger import CommonLogger
-from .health import Health
-AUDIT_SERVER = 'server'
-AUDIT_TARGET_ENTITY = 'targetEntity'
-HEADER_CLIENTAUTH = "clientauth"
-HEADER_AUTHORIZATION = "authorization"
-class AuditHttpCode(Enum):
- """audit http codes"""
- HTTP_OK = 200
- DATA_ERROR = 1030
-class AuditResponseCode(Enum):
- """audit response codes"""
- DATA_ERROR = 300
- @staticmethod
- def get_response_code(http_status_code):
- """calculates the response_code from max_http_status_code"""
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR
- if http_status_code <= AuditHttpCode.HTTP_OK.value:
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS
- elif http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.PERMISSION_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR.value,
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.PERMISSION_ERROR
- elif http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value:
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.AVAILABILITY_ERROR
- elif http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value:
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.BUSINESS_PROCESS_ERROR
- elif http_status_code in [AuditHttpCode.DATA_ERROR.value,
- AuditHttpCode.RESPONSE_ERROR.value,
- AuditHttpCode.DATA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.value]:
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.DATA_ERROR
- elif http_status_code == AuditHttpCode.SCHEMA_ERROR.value:
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.SCHEMA_ERROR
- return response_code
- @staticmethod
- def get_human_text(response_code):
- """convert enum name into human readable text"""
- if not response_code:
- return "unknown"
- return"_", " ")
-class Audit(object):
- """put the audit object on stack per each initiating request in the system
- :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing
- :req_message: is the request message string for logging
- :aud_parent: is the parent request - used for sub-query metrics to other systems
- :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs
- """
- _service_name = ""
- _service_version = ""
- _service_instance_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
- _started =
- _logger_debug = None
- _logger_error = None
- _logger_metrics = None
- _logger_audit = None
- _health = Health()
- _py_ver = sys.version.replace("\n", "")
- @staticmethod
- def init(service_name, service_version, config_file_path):
- """init static invariants and loggers"""
- Audit._service_name = service_name
- Audit._service_version = service_version
- Audit._logger_debug = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "debug", \
- instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_uuid, serviceName=Audit._service_name)
- Audit._logger_error = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "error", \
- instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_uuid, serviceName=Audit._service_name)
- Audit._logger_metrics = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "metrics", \
- instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_uuid, serviceName=Audit._service_name)
- Audit._logger_audit = CommonLogger(config_file_path, "audit", \
- instanceUUID=Audit._service_instance_uuid, serviceName=Audit._service_name)
- @staticmethod
- def health():
- """returns json for health check"""
- now =
- return {
- "service_name" : Audit._service_name,
- "service_version" : Audit._service_version,
- "service_instance_UUID" : Audit._service_instance_uuid,
- "python" : Audit._py_ver,
- "started" : str(Audit._started),
- "now" : str(now),
- "uptime" : str(now - Audit._started),
- "stats" : Audit._health.dump(),
- "packages" : "N/A" # Audit._packages
- }
- def __init__(self, request_id=None, req_message=None, aud_parent=None, **kwargs):
- """create audit object per each request in the system
- :request_id: is the X-ECOMP-RequestID for tracing
- :req_message: is the request message string for logging
- :aud_parent: is the parent Audit - used for sub-query metrics to other systems
- :kwargs: - put any request related params into kwargs
- """
- self.request_id = request_id
- self.req_message = req_message or ""
- self.aud_parent = aud_parent
- self.kwargs = kwargs or {}
- self.retry_get_config = False
- self.max_http_status_code = 0
- self._lock = Lock()
- if self.aud_parent:
- if not self.request_id:
- self.request_id = self.aud_parent.request_id
- if not self.req_message:
- self.req_message = self.aud_parent.req_message
- self.kwargs = self.aud_parent.merge_all_kwargs(**self.kwargs)
- else:
- headers = self.kwargs.get("headers", {})
- if headers:
- if not self.request_id:
- self.request_id = headers.get(REQUEST_X_ECOMP_REQUESTID)
- if AUDIT_IPADDRESS not in self.kwargs:
- self.kwargs[AUDIT_IPADDRESS] = headers.get(REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDR)
- if AUDIT_SERVER not in self.kwargs:
- self.kwargs[AUDIT_SERVER] = headers.get(REQUEST_HOST)
- if AUDIT_SERVER not in self.kwargs:
- self.kwargs[AUDIT_SERVER] = os.environ.get(HOSTNAME)
- created_req = ""
- if not self.request_id:
- created_req = " with new"
- self.request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- self.kwargs[AUDIT_REQUESTID] = self.request_id
- self._started = time.time()
- self._start_event = Audit._logger_audit.getStartRecordEvent()
- self.metrics_start()
- if not self.aud_parent:
-"new audit{0} request_id {1}, msg({2}), kwargs({3})"\
- .format(created_req, self.request_id, self.req_message, json.dumps(self.kwargs)))
- def merge_all_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
- """returns the merge of copy of self.kwargs with the param kwargs"""
- all_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
- if kwargs:
- all_kwargs.update(kwargs)
- return all_kwargs
- def set_http_status_code(self, http_status_code):
- """accumulate the highest(worst) http status code"""
- self._lock.acquire()
- if self.max_http_status_code < AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value:
- self.max_http_status_code = max(http_status_code, self.max_http_status_code)
- self._lock.release()
- def get_max_http_status_code(self):
- """returns the highest(worst) http status code"""
- self._lock.acquire()
- max_http_status_code = self.max_http_status_code
- self._lock.release()
- return max_http_status_code
- @staticmethod
- def get_status_code(success):
- """COMPLETE versus ERROR"""
- if success:
- return 'COMPLETE'
- return 'ERROR'
- @staticmethod
- def hide_secrets(obj):
- """hides the known secret field values of the dictionary"""
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return obj
- for key in obj:
- obj[key] = "*"
- elif isinstance(obj[key], dict):
- obj[key] = Audit.hide_secrets(obj[key])
- return obj
- @staticmethod
- def log_json_dumps(obj, **kwargs):
- """hide the known secret field values of the dictionary and return json.dumps"""
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return json.dumps(obj, **kwargs)
- return json.dumps(Audit.hide_secrets(copy.deepcopy(obj)), **kwargs)
- def is_serious_error(self, status_code):
- """returns whether the response_code is success and a human text for response code"""
- return AuditResponseCode.PERMISSION_ERROR.value \
- == AuditResponseCode.get_response_code(status_code).value \
- or self.get_max_http_status_code() >= AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value
- def _get_response_status(self):
- """calculates the response status fields from max_http_status_code"""
- max_http_status_code = self.get_max_http_status_code()
- response_code = AuditResponseCode.get_response_code(max_http_status_code)
- success = (response_code.value == AuditResponseCode.SUCCESS.value)
- response_description = AuditResponseCode.get_human_text(response_code)
- return success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description
- def is_success(self):
- """returns whether the response_code is success and a human text for response code"""
- success, _, _, _ = self._get_response_status()
- return success
- def debug(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug - the debug=lowest level of logging"""
- Audit._logger_debug.debug(log_line, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs))
- def info(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug - the info level of logging"""
-, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs))
- def info_requested(self, result=None, **kwargs):
- """info "requested ..." - the info level of logging"""
-"requested {0} {1}".format(self.req_message, result or ""), \
- **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs))
- def warn(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug+error - the warn level of logging"""
- all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
- Audit._logger_debug.warn(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- Audit._logger_error.warn(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- def error(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug+error - the error level of logging"""
- all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
- Audit._logger_debug.error(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- Audit._logger_error.error(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- def fatal(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug+error - the fatal level of logging"""
- all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
- Audit._logger_debug.fatal(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- Audit._logger_error.fatal(log_line, **all_kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def get_elapsed_time(started):
- """returns the elapsed time since started in milliseconds"""
- return int(round(1000 * (time.time() - started)))
- def metrics_start(self, log_line=None, **kwargs):
- """reset metrics timing"""
- self._metrics_started = time.time()
- self._metrics_start_event = Audit._logger_metrics.getStartRecordEvent()
- if log_line:
-, **self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs))
- def metrics(self, log_line, **kwargs):
- """debug+metrics - the metrics=sub-audit level of logging"""
- all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
- success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description = \
- self._get_response_status()
- metrics_func = None
- timer = Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._metrics_started)
- if success:
- log_line = "done: {0}".format(log_line)
-, **all_kwargs)
- metrics_func =
- Audit._health.success(all_kwargs.get(AUDIT_TARGET_ENTITY, Audit._service_name), timer)
- else:
- log_line = "failed: {0}".format(log_line)
- self.error(log_line, errorCode=response_code.value, \
- errorDescription=response_description, **all_kwargs)
- metrics_func = Audit._logger_metrics.error
- Audit._health.error(all_kwargs.get(AUDIT_TARGET_ENTITY, Audit._service_name), timer)
- metrics_func(log_line, begTime=self._metrics_start_event, timer=timer,
- statusCode=Audit.get_status_code(success), responseCode=response_code.value,
- responseDescription=response_description,
- **all_kwargs
- )
- self.metrics_start()
- return (success, max_http_status_code, response_description)
- def audit_done(self, result=None, **kwargs):
- """debug+audit - the audit=top level of logging"""
- all_kwargs = self.merge_all_kwargs(**kwargs)
- success, max_http_status_code, response_code, response_description = \
- self._get_response_status()
- log_line = "{0} {1}".format(self.req_message, result or "").strip()
- audit_func = None
- timer = Audit.get_elapsed_time(self._started)
- if success:
- log_line = "done: {0}".format(log_line)
-, **all_kwargs)
- audit_func =
- Audit._health.success(all_kwargs.get(AUDIT_TARGET_ENTITY, Audit._service_name), timer)
- else:
- log_line = "failed: {0}".format(log_line)
- self.error(log_line, errorCode=response_code.value,
- errorDescription=response_description, **all_kwargs)
- audit_func = Audit._logger_audit.error
- Audit._health.error(all_kwargs.get(AUDIT_TARGET_ENTITY, Audit._service_name), timer)
- audit_func(log_line, begTime=self._start_event, timer=timer,
- statusCode=Audit.get_status_code(success),
- responseCode=response_code.value,
- responseDescription=response_description,
- **all_kwargs
- )
- return (success, max_http_status_code, response_description)
- # this line added to test
diff --git a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/ b/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39edc0d..0000000
--- a/oti/event-handler/otihandler/onap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# ================================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-"""generic class to keep track of app health"""
-import uuid
-from datetime import datetime
-from threading import Lock
-class HealthStats(object):
- """keep track of stats for calls"""
- def __init__(self, name):
- """keep track of stats for metrics calls"""
- self._name = name or "stats_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
- self._lock = Lock()
- self._call_count = 0
- self._error_count = 0
- self._longest_timer = 0
- self._total_timer = 0
- self._last_success = None
- self._last_error = None
- def dump(self):
- """returns dict of stats"""
- dump = None
- with self._lock:
- dump = {
- "call_count" : self._call_count,
- "error_count" : self._error_count,
- "last_success" : str(self._last_success),
- "last_error" : str(self._last_error),
- "longest_timer_millisecs" : self._longest_timer,
- "ave_timer_millisecs" : (float(self._total_timer)/self._call_count \
- if self._call_count else 0)
- }
- return dump
- def success(self, timer):
- """records the successful execution"""
- with self._lock:
- self._call_count += 1
- self._last_success =
- self._total_timer += timer
- if not self._longest_timer or self._longest_timer < timer:
- self._longest_timer = timer
- def error(self, timer):
- """records the errored execution"""
- with self._lock:
- self._call_count += 1
- self._error_count += 1
- self._last_error =
- self._total_timer += timer
- if not self._longest_timer or self._longest_timer < timer:
- self._longest_timer = timer
-class Health(object):
- """Health stats for multiple requests"""
- def __init__(self):
- """Health stats for application"""
- self._all_stats = {}
- self._lock = Lock()
- def _add_or_get_stats(self, stats_name):
- """add to or get from the ever growing dict of HealthStats"""
- stats = None
- with self._lock:
- stats = self._all_stats.get(stats_name)
- if not stats:
- self._all_stats[stats_name] = stats = HealthStats(stats_name)
- return stats
- def success(self, stats_name, timer):
- """records the successful execution on stats_name"""
- stats = self._add_or_get_stats(stats_name)
- stats.success(timer)
- def error(self, stats_name, timer):
- """records the error execution on stats_name"""
- stats = self._add_or_get_stats(stats_name)
- stats.error(timer)
- def dump(self):
- """returns dict of stats"""
- with self._lock:
- stats = dict((k, v.dump()) for (k, v) in self._all_stats.items())
- return stats