path: root/mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java
diff options
authorVijay Venkatesh Kumar <>2020-01-08 17:13:22 +0000
committerVijay Venkatesh Kumar <>2020-01-08 17:24:31 +0000
commit9b30373a6f1b1bc123250a9a598bc7a164b7e9b7 (patch)
treec1038b6a3c94582dbf8ea7f7dfeb1753832997e5 /mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java
parent77900bb3097491cd9fca964c111ea70724e53989 (diff)
bp-gen code clone from cli repo
dcaegen2/platform/mod will host all design component code cli/component-json-schemas and cli/dcae-cli already moved original cli repo will be marked as RO after this is merged Change-Id: Ie88dbd273d218c89a95afe0e58742a948c04eae5 Signed-off-by: Vijay Venkatesh Kumar <> Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1852 Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-1860 Signed-off-by: Vijay Venkatesh Kumar <>
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java/org/onap/blueprintgenerator/core/ b/mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java/org/onap/blueprintgenerator/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404b899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/bpgenerator/src/test/java/org/onap/blueprintgenerator/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ org.onap.dcae
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.blueprintgenerator.core;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.blueprint.Blueprint;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.blueprint.GetInput;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Artifacts;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Auxilary;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.CallsObj;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.ComponentSpec;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Container;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.HealthCheck;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Host;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Parameters;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Policy;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.ProvidesObj;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Publishes;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Self;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Services;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Streams;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Subscribes;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.componentspec.Volumes;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.dmaapbp.DmaapNode;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.onapbp.OnapNode;
+import org.onap.blueprintgenerator.models.policymodel.PolicyModel;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
+import picocli.CommandLine;
+// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
+ * The Class BlueprintGeneratorTest.
+ */
+public class BlueprintGeneratorTest {
+ /**
+ * Component spec test.
+ *
+ * @throws JsonParseException the json parse exception
+ * @throws JsonMappingException the json mapping exception
+ * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void componentSpecTest() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
+ ComponentSpec spec = new ComponentSpec();
+ TestComponentSpec test = new TestComponentSpec();
+ spec.createComponentSpecFromString(test.getCs());
+ //Manually fill a component spec object with the values from the file itself
+ ComponentSpec manualSpec = new ComponentSpec();
+ Self self = new Self();
+ self.setComponent_type("docker");
+ self.setDescription("Test component spec");
+ self.setName("test.component.spec");
+ self.setVersion("1.0.1");
+ manualSpec.setSelf(self);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getSelf(), spec.getSelf());
+ Services services = new Services();
+ CallsObj[] calls = new CallsObj[0];
+ ProvidesObj[] provides = new ProvidesObj[0];
+ services.setCalls(calls);
+ services.setProvides(provides);
+ manualSpec.setServices(null);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getServices(), spec.getServices());
+ Streams streams = new Streams();
+ Publishes[] publishes = new Publishes[2];
+ Publishes pub1 = new Publishes();
+ pub1.setConfig_key("TEST-PUB-DR");
+ pub1.setFormat("dataformat_Hello_World_PM");
+ pub1.setType("data_router");
+ pub1.setVersion("1.0.0");
+ Publishes pub2 = new Publishes();
+ pub2.setConfig_key("TEST-PUB-MR");
+ pub2.setFormat("dataformat_Hello_World_PM");
+ pub2.setType("message_router");
+ pub2.setVersion("1.0.0");
+ publishes[0] = pub1;
+ publishes[1] = pub2;
+ streams.setPublishes(publishes);
+ Subscribes[] subscribes = new Subscribes[2];
+ Subscribes sub1 = new Subscribes();
+ sub1.setConfig_key("TEST-SUB-MR");
+ sub1.setFormat("dataformat_Hello_World_PM");
+ sub1.setRoute("/TEST_HELLO_WORLD_SUB_MR");
+ sub1.setType("message_router");
+ sub1.setVersion("1.0.0");
+ Subscribes sub2 = new Subscribes();
+ sub2.setConfig_key("TEST-SUB-DR");
+ sub2.setFormat("dataformat_Hello_World_PM");
+ sub2.setRoute("/TEST-HELLO-WORLD-SUB-DR");
+ sub2.setType("data_router");
+ sub2.setVersion("1.0.0");
+ subscribes[0] = sub1;
+ subscribes[1] = sub2;
+ streams.setSubscribes(subscribes);
+ manualSpec.setStreams(streams);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getStreams(), spec.getStreams());
+ Parameters[] parameters = new Parameters[1];
+ Parameters par1 = new Parameters();
+ par1.setName("testParam1");
+ par1.setValue("test-param-1");
+ par1.setDescription("test parameter 1");
+ par1.setSourced_at_deployment(true);
+ par1.setDesigner_editable(true);
+ par1.setPolicy_editable(true);
+ par1.setPolicy_group("Test_Parameters");
+ par1.setRequired(true);
+ par1.setType("string");
+ parameters[0] = par1;
+ manualSpec.setParameters(parameters);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getParameters(), spec.getParameters());
+ Auxilary auxilary = new Auxilary();
+ HealthCheck healthcheck = new HealthCheck();
+ healthcheck.setInterval("300s");
+ healthcheck.setTimeout("120s");
+ healthcheck.setScript("/etc/init.d/nagios status");
+ healthcheck.setType("docker");
+ auxilary.setHealthcheck(healthcheck);
+ Volumes[] volumes = new Volumes[1];
+ Volumes vol1 = new Volumes();
+ Container con1 = new Container();
+ con1.setBind("/opt/app/manager/config/hostname");
+ Host host1 = new Host();
+ host1.setPath("/etc/hostname");
+ host1.setMode("ro");
+ vol1.setContainer(con1);
+ vol1.setHost(host1);
+ volumes[0] = vol1;
+ auxilary.setVolumes(volumes);
+ ArrayList<Object> ports = new ArrayList();
+ ports.add("80:90");
+ ports.add("99:99");
+ TreeMap<String, String> dataBases = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+ dataBases.put("TestDB1", "PGaaS");
+ dataBases.put("TestDB2", "PGaaS");
+ auxilary.setDatabases(dataBases);
+ Policy pol = new Policy();
+ pol.setTrigger_type("docker");
+ pol.setScript_path("/opt/app/manager/bin/");
+ auxilary.setPolicy(pol);
+ auxilary.setPorts(ports);
+ manualSpec.setAuxilary(auxilary);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getAuxilary(), spec.getAuxilary());
+ Artifacts[] artifacts = new Artifacts[1];
+ Artifacts art = new Artifacts();
+ art.setType("docker image");
+ art.setUri("test.tester");
+ artifacts[0] = art;
+ manualSpec.setArtifacts(artifacts);
+ //assertEquals(manualSpec.getArtifacts(), spec.getArtifacts());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tosca definition test.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void toscaDefinitionTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ TestComponentSpec test = new TestComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromString(test.getCs());
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ assertEquals(bp.getTosca_definitions_version(), "cloudify_dsl_1_3");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Imports test.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void importsTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ TestComponentSpec test = new TestComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromString(test.getCs());
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ ArrayList<String> imps = new ArrayList<String>();
+ imps.add("");
+ imps.add("");
+ imps.add("");
+ assertEquals(bp.getImports(), imps);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void inputTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ TreeMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> inputs = new TreeMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Object>>();
+ //mr inputs
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> stringType = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
+ stringType.put("type", "string");
+ //necessary inputs
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> tag = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
+ tag.put("type", "string");
+ String tester = "test.tester";
+ tag.put("default", '"' + tester + '"');
+ String tagVersion = "tag_version";
+ inputs.put("tag_version", tag);
+ inputs.put("log_directory", stringType);
+ LinkedHashMap cert = new LinkedHashMap();
+ cert.put("type", "string");
+ cert.put("default", "");
+ inputs.put("cert_directory", cert);
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> env = new LinkedHashMap();
+ env.put("default", "{}");
+ inputs.put("envs", env);
+ LinkedHashMap port = new LinkedHashMap();
+ port.put("type", "string");
+ port.put("description", "Kubernetes node port on which collector is exposed");
+ port.put("default", "99");
+ inputs.put("external_port", port);
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> rep = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
+ rep.put("type", "integer");
+ rep.put("description", "number of instances");
+ rep.put("default", 1);
+ inputs.put("replicas", rep);
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> aaf = new LinkedHashMap();
+ aaf.put("type", "boolean");
+ aaf.put("default", false);
+ inputs.put("use_tls", aaf);
+ //parmaeter input
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> test = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
+ test.put("type", "string");
+ String testParam = "test-param-1";
+ test.put("default", '"' + testParam + '"');
+ inputs.put("testParam1", test);
+ //mr/dr inputs
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-DR_feed0_client_role", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-DR_feed0_password", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-DR_feed0_username", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-MR_topic1_aaf_password", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-MR_topic1_aaf_username", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-PUB-MR_topic1_client_role", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-DR_feed1_client_role", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-DR_feed1_password", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-DR_feed1_username", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-MR_topic0_client_role", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-MR_topic2_aaf_password", stringType);
+ inputs.put("TEST-SUB-MR_topic2_aaf_username", stringType);
+ inputs.put("namespace", stringType);
+ inputs.put("idn_fqdn", cert);
+ inputs.put("feed0_name", stringType);
+ inputs.put("feed1_name", stringType);
+ inputs.put("topic0_name", stringType);
+ inputs.put("topic1_name", stringType);
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> cpu = new LinkedHashMap();
+ cpu.put("type", "string");
+ cpu.put("default", "250m");
+ inputs.put("test.component.spec_cpu_limit", cpu);
+ inputs.put("test.component.spec_cpu_request", cpu);
+ LinkedHashMap<String, Object> mem = new LinkedHashMap();
+ mem.put("type", "string");
+ mem.put("default", "128Mi");
+ inputs.put("test.component.spec_memory_limit", mem);
+ inputs.put("test.component.spec_memory_request", mem);
+ assertEquals(true, true);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void interfaceTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ OnapNode node = (OnapNode) bp.getNode_templates().get("test.component.spec");
+ OnapNode testNode = new OnapNode();
+ //set the type
+ testNode.setType("dcae.nodes.ContainerizedPlatformComponent");
+ ArrayList<String> ports = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ports.add("concat: [\"80:\", {get_input: external_port }]");
+ ports.add("concat: [\"99:\", {get_input: external_port }]");
+ assertEquals(true, true);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parametersTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ OnapNode node = (OnapNode) bp.getNode_templates().get("test.component.spec");
+ GetInput par = (GetInput) node.getProperties().getApplication_config().getParams().get("testParam1");
+ assertEquals(par.getGet_input(), "testParam1");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void streamPublishesTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'o', "", "");
+ OnapNode node = (OnapNode) bp.getNode_templates().get("test.component.spec");
+ boolean test = false;
+ if(!node.getProperties().getApplication_config().getStreams_publishes().isEmpty()) {
+ test = true;
+ System.out.println("tst");
+ }
+ assertEquals(true, test);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void dmaapPluginTest() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ Blueprint bp = new Blueprint();
+ bp = bp.createBlueprint(cs, "", 'd', "", "");
+ DmaapNode dmaap = (DmaapNode) bp.getNode_templates().get("test.component.spec");
+ //check if the stream publishes and subscribes are not null to see if the dmaap plugin was invoked properly
+ boolean d = false;
+ if(dmaap.getProperties().getStreams_publishes() != null || dmaap.getProperties().getStreams_subscribes() != null) {
+ d = true;
+ }
+ assertEquals(true, d);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPrintInstructionsBlueprintCommand() {
+ BlueprintCommand objUnderTest = new BlueprintCommand();
+ CommandLine cli = new CommandLine(objUnderTest);
+ PrintStream mockStdOutWriter = Mockito.mock(PrintStream.class);
+ ArgumentCaptor<String> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
+ cli.usage(mockStdOutWriter);
+ verify(mockStdOutWriter, times(1)).print(any(Object.class));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPrintInstructionsPolicyCommand() {
+ PolicyCommand objUnderTest = new PolicyCommand();
+ CommandLine cli = new CommandLine(objUnderTest);
+ PrintStream mockStdOutWriter = Mockito.mock(PrintStream.class);
+ ArgumentCaptor<String> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
+ cli.usage(mockStdOutWriter);
+ verify(mockStdOutWriter, times(1)).print(any(Object.class));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPolicyModels() {
+ ComponentSpec cs = new ComponentSpec();
+ cs.createComponentSpecFromFile("TestCases/testComponentSpec.json");
+ PolicyModel p = new PolicyModel();
+ p.createPolicyModels(cs, "TestModels");
+ assertEquals(true, true);
+ }