path: root/src/resource_handler.erl
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authorTommy Carpenter <tommy@research.att.com>2017-08-22 18:07:40 -0400
committerTommy Carpenter <tommy@research.att.com>2017-08-22 18:08:22 -0400
commit647addf5d6c78b2b8c941cc9cd8c57a3eb9f30b4 (patch)
tree4de88ed0c8b175b271b5d7da6076ebf3da40e466 /src/resource_handler.erl
parentc7b6dc90e4cde0ac8524539fc02ab2943c88048a (diff)
[DCAEGEN2-42] Initial commit of broker
Change-Id: I1c553c82d5b39a4c134c44e2320ac0e44785e0ef Signed-off-by: Tommy Carpenter <tommy@research.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/resource_handler.erl')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/resource_handler.erl b/src/resource_handler.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9703fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/resource_handler.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+-compile({parse_transform, leptus_pt}).
+%% leptus callbacks
+-export([get/3, put/3, delete/3, post/3]).
+%%for keeping state
+%%The application record is defined in application.hrl
+%%In Mnesia, the first element is the type of record and the second element is the key
+-define(CONSURL, dict:fetch("consulurl", State)).
+-define(CDAPURL, dict:fetch("cdapurl", State)).
+%below come from config map
+-define(HCInterval, maps:get(<<"hcinterval">>, dict:fetch("configmap", State))).
+-define(AutoDeregisterAfter, maps:get(<<"autoderegisterafter">>, dict:fetch("configmap", State))).
+-define(PipelineHealthLimit, maps:get(<<"pipelinehealthlimit">>, dict:fetch("configmap", State))).
+-define(PUBLICFIELDS, [<<"appname">>, <<"apptype">>, <<"namespace">>, <<"healthcheckurl">>, <<"metricsurl">>, <<"url">>, <<"connectionurl">>, <<"serviceendpoints">>]).
+%super lazy macros/imports...
+-import(logging, [audit/3, metrics/3, err/2]).
+-import(util, [iso/0, to_str/1]).
+%lazy concat
+-define(SC(L), util:concat(L)).
+%lazy shorthand to write info audit records. man I miss defines in python. c ftw.
+-define(AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode), audit(info, Req, [{bts, Bts}, {xer,XER}, {rcode, RCode}, {mod, mod()}])).
+%%Helper functions
+mod() -> to_str(?MODULE).
+get_request_id(Req) ->
+ %ECOMP request tracing
+ %see if we got a X-ECOMP-REQUESTID, or generate a new one if not
+ HXER = leptus_req:header(Req, <<"x-ecomp-requestid">>),
+ case HXER of
+ undefined ->
+ XER = util:gen_uuid(),
+ %LOL, use the client ip here to shame them into their request id
+ audit(warning, Req, [{bts, iso()}, {xer, XER}, {mod, mod()}, {msg, "Request is missing requestID. Assigned this one."}]), %eelf documentation says to log this message if requestid was missing
+ XER;
+ _ ->
+ binary_to_list(HXER) %httpc expects strings as headers, so this needs to be str for subsequent passing
+ end.
+%shared-code function initlization that creates a begining timestamp and gets or generates a request ID
+init_api_call(Req) ->
+ Bts = iso(), %record begining timestamp
+ XER = get_request_id(Req), %get or generate XER
+ {Bts, XER}.
+lookup_application(Appname) ->
+ %do a lookup in mnesia of an appname
+ Ret = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(application, {application, Appname, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'}, read) end),
+ case Ret of
+ {atomic, []} -> none; %no matches
+ {atomic, [Rec]} -> Rec
+ %fail hard if there was more than one result
+ end.
+appname_to_application_map(Appname) ->
+ %return a Map of an Mnesia record
+ Rec = lookup_application(Appname),
+ case Rec of
+ none -> none;
+ {application, Appname, AppType, Namespace, Healthcheckurl, Metricsurl, Url, Connectionurl, ServiceEndpoints, CreationTime} ->
+ #{<<"appname">> => Appname,
+ <<"apptype">> => AppType,
+ <<"namespace">> => Namespace,
+ <<"healthcheckurl">> => Healthcheckurl,
+ <<"metricsurl">> => Metricsurl,
+ <<"url">> => Url,
+ <<"connectionurl">> => Connectionurl,
+ <<"serviceendpoints">> => ServiceEndpoints,
+ <<"creationtime">> => CreationTime
+ }
+ end.
+appname_to_field_vals(Appname, FieldList) ->
+ %Return just a list of values of an application with fields FieldList
+ M = appname_to_application_map(Appname),
+ case M of
+ none -> none;
+ _ -> [maps:get(F, M) || F <- FieldList]
+ end.
+appname_to_application_http(XER, Appname, State) ->
+ %Return an HTTP response of an application record. If this is a program flowlet style app, additionally return it's bound and unbound config
+ A = appname_to_application_map(Appname),
+ case A of
+ none -> {404, "", State};
+ _ ->
+ Body = maps:with(?PUBLICFIELDS, A),
+ case maps:get(<<"apptype">>, Body) of
+ %if program-flowlet style app, append the bound and unbound config into the return JSON
+ <<"program-flowlet">> ->
+ UB = case consul_interface:consul_get_configuration(XER, Appname, ?CONSURL) of
+ {200, Unbound} -> Unbound;
+ end,
+ B = case cdap_interface:get_app_config(XER, Appname, maps:get(<<"namespace">>, Body), ?CDAPURL) of
+ {200, Bound} -> Bound;
+ end,
+ CM = #{<<"unbound_config">> => UB,
+ <<"bound_config">> => B},
+ {200, {json, maps:merge(Body, CM)}, State};
+ %TODO! can we do something for hydrator apps?
+ <<"hydrator-pipeline">> ->
+ {200, {json, Body}, State}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec parse_progflow_put_body_map(map()) ->
+ {binary(), binary(), string(), binary(), binary(), map(), map(), any(), lprogram(), any()}. %TODO! Spec parsedservices and parsedprogrampreferences so we don't have any() here...
+parse_progflow_put_body_map(Body) ->
+ Namespace = maps:get(<<"namespace">>, Body),
+ Streamname = maps:get(<<"streamname">>, Body),
+ JarURL = maps:get(<<"jar_url">>, Body),
+ ArtifactName = maps:get(<<"artifact_name">>, Body),
+ ArtifactVersion = maps:get(<<"artifact_version">>, Body),
+ AppConfig = maps:get(<<"app_config">>, Body),
+ AppPreferences = maps:get(<<"app_preferences">>, Body),
+ ParsedServices = lists:map(fun(S) -> {maps:get(<<"service_name">>, S),
+ maps:get(<<"service_endpoint">>, S),
+ maps:get(<<"endpoint_method">>, S)}
+ end, maps:get(<<"services">>, Body)),
+ Programs = lists:map(fun(P) -> #program{type=maps:get(<<"program_type">>, P),
+ id= maps:get(<<"program_id">>, P)}
+ end, maps:get(<<"programs">>, Body)),
+ ParsedProgramPreferences = lists:map(fun(P) -> {maps:get(<<"program_type">>, P),
+ maps:get(<<"program_id">>, P),
+ maps:get(<<"program_pref">>, P)}
+ end, maps:get(<<"program_preferences">>, Body)),
+ {Namespace, Streamname, JarURL, ArtifactName, ArtifactVersion, AppConfig, AppPreferences, ParsedServices, Programs, ParsedProgramPreferences}.
+parse_hydrator_pipeline_put_body_map(Body) ->
+ Namespace = maps:get(<<"namespace">>, Body),
+ Streamname = maps:get(<<"streamname">>, Body),
+ PipelineConfigJsonURL = maps:get(<<"pipeline_config_json_url">>, Body),
+ %Dependencies is optional. This function will normalize it's return with [] if the dependencies key was not passed in.
+ ParsedDependencies = case maps:is_key(<<"dependencies">>, Body) of
+ true ->
+ D = maps:get(<<"dependencies">>, Body),
+ %crash and let caller deal with it if not a list or if required keys are missing. Else parse it into
+ % {artifact-extends-header, artifact_name, artifact-version-header, artifact_url}
+ %tuples
+ %
+ %regarding the binart_to_lists: these all come in as binaries but they need to be "strings" (which are just lists of integers in erlang)
+ %for headers requiring strings, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28292576/setting-headers-in-a-httpc-post-request-in-erlang
+ %
+ lists:map(fun(X) -> {binary_to_list(maps:get(<<"artifact_extends_header">>, X)),
+ maps:get(<<"artifact_name">>, X),
+ binary_to_list(maps:get(<<"artifact_version_header">>, X)),
+ maps:get(<<"artifact_url">>, X),
+ %even if dependencies is specified, ui_properties is optional. This will normalize it's return with 'none' if not passed in
+ case maps:is_key(<<"ui_properties_url">>, X) of true -> maps:get(<<"ui_properties_url">>, X); false -> none end
+ } end, D);
+ false -> [] %normalize optional user input into []; just prevents user from having to explicitly pass in []
+ end,
+ {Namespace, Streamname, PipelineConfigJsonURL, ParsedDependencies}.
+parse_put_body(B) ->
+ Body = jiffy:decode(B, [return_maps]),
+ Type = maps:get(<<"cdap_application_type">>, Body),
+ case Type of
+ <<"program-flowlet">> ->
+ {pf, <<"program-flowlet">>, parse_progflow_put_body_map(Body)};
+ <<"hydrator-pipeline">> ->
+ {hp, <<"hydrator-pipeline">>, parse_hydrator_pipeline_put_body_map(Body)};
+ _ ->
+ unsupported
+ end.
+delete_app_helper(Appname, State, XER, Req) ->
+ %Helper because it is used by both delete and rollback on failed deploy
+ %
+ %%Internal Crisis Alert:
+ %
+ %I pondered this for some time. There are three points of state for this: the cdap cluster, consul, and the broker's internal database
+ %The question is, if something in the delete fails, do we:
+ %1) Tell the user to try again later
+ %2) Clean up as much as we can, log the error, and keep going
+ %
+ %I have decided for now on taking number 2). This is the "Cloudify" way of doing things where you don't raise a NonRecoerable in a Delete operation.
+ %This has the benefit that this delete operation can be used as the *rollback*, so if anything fails in the deploy, this delete function is called to clean up any dirty state.
+ %
+ %Number 1 is not so straitforward, because "putting back things the way they were" is difficult. For example, the deletion from CDAP succeeds, but Consul can't be reached.
+ %What happens? Do I *redeploy* the CDAP app to try to make their state as it was before the botched delete was called?
+ %
+ %My conclusion is that transactions across distributed systems is hard. It's much easier if it is all local (e.g., Transactions in a single Postgres DB)
+ %
+ %SO, as a result of this decision, the broker does *NOT* assert the status code of any delete operations to be 200.
+ %The only way this function does not return a 200 is if I can't even delete from my own database.
+ %
+ metrics(info, Req, [{bts, iso()}, {xer, XER}, {mod, mod()}, {msg, io_lib:format("Delete recieved for ~s", [Appname])}]),
+ case appname_to_field_vals(Appname, [<<"apptype">>, <<"namespace">>]) of
+ none -> {404, "Tried to delete an application that was not registered", State};
+ [AppType, Namespace] ->
+ try
+ case AppType of
+ <<"program-flowlet">> ->
+ ok = workflows:undeploy_cdap_app(Req, XER, Appname, ?CDAPURL, ?CONSURL, Namespace),
+ %delete from the program-flowlet supplementary table
+ {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:delete(prog_flow_supp, Appname, write) end);
+ <<"hydrator-pipeline">> -> ok = workflows:undeploy_hydrator_pipeline(Req, XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL, ?CONSURL)
+ end,
+ %delete from application table (shared between both types of apps)
+ {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:delete(application, Appname, write) end),
+ {200, "", State} %Return
+ catch
+ %this is really bad, means I can't even delete from my own database. For now, log and pray.
+ %generic failure catch-all, catastrophic
+ Class:Reason ->
+ err(emergency, [{xer, XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("Catastrophic failure, can't delete ~s from my database. ~s:~s", [Appname, Class, Reason])}]),
+ err(error, [{xer, XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~nError Stacktrace:~s", [lager:pr_stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), {Class, Reason})])}]),
+ {500, "Please report this error", State}
+ end
+ end.
+init(_Route, _Req, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _Route, _Req, _State) ->
+ ok.
+%%%FOR Cors support
+%%%Note! only matches on host. Does not handle ports. See: https://github.com/s1n4/leptus/issues/55
+cross_domains(_Route, _Req, State) ->
+ {['_'], State}.
+%%%GET Methods
+get("/", Req, State) ->
+ %The broker's "info" endpoint; returns some possibly useful information
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Apps = util:get_all_appnames_from_db(),
+ {UT, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
+ CDAPVer = cdap_interface:get_cdap_cluster_version(XER, ?CDAPURL),
+ RB = {[
+ {<<"cdap cluster version">>, CDAPVer},
+ {<<"managed cdap url">>, ?CDAPURL},
+ {<<"cdap GUI port">>, cdap_interface:get_cdap_gui_port_from_version(CDAPVer)},
+ {<<"number of applications registered">>, length(Apps)},
+ {<<"uptime (s)">>, UT/1000},
+ {<<"broker API version">>, util:get_my_version()}
+ ]},
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = {200, {json, RB}, State},
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState};
+get("/application", Req, State) ->
+ %get a list of all registered apps
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = {200, {json, util:get_all_appnames_from_db()}, State},
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState};
+get("/application/:appname", Req, State) ->
+ %get information about a registered application
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = appname_to_application_http(XER, Appname, State),
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState};
+get("/application/:appname/metrics", Req, State) ->
+ %get metrics for a registered application
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = case appname_to_field_vals(Appname, [<<"apptype">>, <<"namespace">>]) of
+ none -> {404, "", State};
+ [<<"program-flowlet">>, Namespace] ->
+ {ReturnCode, ReturnBody} = cdap_interface:get_app_metrics(XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL), %warning, see note in README, this always reutrns 200
+ {ReturnCode, {json, ReturnBody}, State};
+ [<<"hydrator-pipeline">>, Namespace] ->
+ lager:warning("WARNING, metrics not actually implemented yet for pipelines!!"),
+ {ReturnCode, ReturnBody} = cdap_interface:get_pipeline_metrics(Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL),
+ {ReturnCode, {json, ReturnBody}, State}
+ end,
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState};
+get("/application/:appname/healthcheck", Req, State) ->
+ %get healthcheck of an application
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ lager:info(io_lib:format("Get Healthcheck recieved for ~s", [Appname])),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = case appname_to_field_vals(Appname, [<<"apptype">>, <<"namespace">>]) of
+ none -> {404, "", State};
+ [<<"program-flowlet">>, Namespace] ->
+ {cdap_interface:get_app_healthcheck(XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL), "", State};
+ [<<"hydrator-pipeline">>, Namespace] ->
+ {cdap_interface:get_pipeline_healthcheck(XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL, ?PipelineHealthLimit), "", State}
+ end,
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState}.
+%%%DELETE Methods
+delete("/application/:appname", Req, State) ->
+ %Uninstall and delete a CDAP app
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = delete_app_helper(Appname, State, XER, Req),
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState}.
+%%%PUT Methods
+put("/application/:appname", Req, State) ->
+ %create a new registration; deploys and starts a cdap application
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = case appname_to_field_vals(Appname, [<<"appname">>]) of
+ [Appname] ->
+ {400, "Put recieved on /application/:appname but appname is already registered. Call /application/:appname/reconfigure if trying to reconfigure or delete first", State};
+ none -> %no matches, create the resource, return the application record
+ %Initial put requires the put body parameters
+ case try parse_put_body(leptus_req:body_raw(Req)) catch _:_ -> invalid end of
+ %could not parse the body
+ invalid -> {400, "Invalid PUT Body or unparseable URL", State};
+ %unsupported cdap application type
+ unsupported -> {404, "Unsupported CDAP Application Type", State};
+ {Type, AppType, Params} ->
+ %form shared info
+ %hateaos cuz they aintaos
+ {RequestUrl,_} = cowboy_req:url((leptus_req:get_req(Req))),
+ Metricsurl = <<RequestUrl/binary, <<"/metrics">>/binary>>,
+ Healthcheckurl = <<RequestUrl/binary, <<"/healthcheck">>/binary>>,
+ try
+ case Type of
+ hp ->
+ {Namespace, Streamname, PipelineConfigJsonURL, ParsedDependencies} = Params,
+ ConnectionURL = cdap_interface:form_stream_url_from_streamname(?CDAPURL, Namespace, Streamname),
+ %TODO: This!
+ ServiceEndpoints = [], %unclear if this is possible with pipelines
+ %write into mnesia, deploy
+ A = #application{appname = Appname, apptype = AppType, namespace = Namespace, healthcheckurl = Healthcheckurl, metricsurl = Metricsurl, url = RequestUrl, connectionurl = ConnectionURL, serviceendpoints = ServiceEndpoints, creationtime=erlang:system_time()},
+ {atomic,ok} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(A) end),
+ ok = workflows:deploy_hydrator_pipeline(Req, XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL, PipelineConfigJsonURL, ParsedDependencies, ?CONSURL, RequestUrl, Healthcheckurl, ?HCInterval, ?AutoDeregisterAfter),
+ metrics(info, Req, [{bts, iso()}, {xer, XER}, {mod, mod()}, {msg, io_lib:format("New Hydrator Application Created: ~p", [lager:pr(A, ?MODULE)])}]), %see Record Pretty Printing: https://github.com/basho/lager
+ ok;
+ pf ->
+ {Namespace, Streamname, JarURL, ArtifactName, ArtifactVersion, AppConfig, AppPreferences, ParsedServices, Programs, ParsedProgramPreferences} = Params,
+ %Form URLs that are part of the record
+ %NOTE: These are both String concatenation functions and neither make an HTTP call so not catching normal {Code, Status} return here
+ ConnectionURL = cdap_interface:form_stream_url_from_streamname(?CDAPURL, Namespace, Streamname),
+ ServiceEndpoints = lists:map(fun(X) -> cdap_interface:form_service_json_from_service_tuple(Appname, Namespace, ?CDAPURL, X) end, ParsedServices),
+ %write into mnesia. deploy
+ A = #application{appname = Appname, apptype = AppType, namespace = Namespace, healthcheckurl = Healthcheckurl, metricsurl = Metricsurl, url = RequestUrl, connectionurl = ConnectionURL, serviceendpoints = ServiceEndpoints, creationtime=erlang:system_time()},
+ ASupplemental = #prog_flow_supp{appname = Appname, programs = Programs},
+ {atomic,ok} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(A) end), %warning, here be mnesia magic that knows what table you want to write to based on the record type
+ {atomic,ok} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(ASupplemental) end), %warning: ""
+ ok = workflows:deploy_cdap_app(Req, XER, Appname, ?CONSURL, ?CDAPURL, ?HCInterval, ?AutoDeregisterAfter, AppConfig, JarURL, ArtifactName, ArtifactVersion, Namespace, AppPreferences, ParsedProgramPreferences, Programs, RequestUrl, Healthcheckurl),
+ metrics(info, Req, [{bts, iso()}, {xer, XER}, {mod, mod()}, {msg, io_lib:format("New Program-Flowlet Application Created: ~p with supplemental data: ~p", [lager:pr(A, ?MODULE), lager:pr(ASupplemental, ?MODULE)])}]),
+ ok
+ end,
+ appname_to_application_http(XER, Appname, State)
+ catch
+ %catch a bad HTTP error code
+ error:{badmatch, {BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg}} ->
+ err(error, [{xer, XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("Badmatch caught in Deploy. Rolling Back. ~p ~s", [BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg])}]),
+ {_,_,_} = delete_app_helper(Appname, State, XER, Req),
+ {BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg, State}; %pass the bad error/status back to user
+ Class:Reason ->
+ %generic failure catch-all, catastrophic
+ err(error, [{xer, XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~nUnexpected Exception caught in Deploy. Error Stacktrace:~s", [lager:pr_stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), {Class, Reason})])}]),
+ {_,_,_} = delete_app_helper(Appname, State, XER, Req),
+ {500, "Please report this error", State}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState};
+put("/application/:appname/reconfigure", Req, State) ->
+ %if appname already is registerd, trigger a consul pull and reconfigure
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ Appname = leptus_req:param(Req, appname),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = case appname_to_field_vals(Appname, [<<"namespace">>]) of
+ none -> {404, "Reconfigure recieved but the app is not registered", State};
+ [Namespace] ->
+ D = jiffy:decode(leptus_req:body_raw(Req), [return_maps]),
+ case try maps:get(<<"config">>, D) catch _:_ -> invalid end of
+ invalid -> {400, "Invalid PUT Reconfigure Body: key 'config' is missing", State};
+ Config ->
+ case try maps:get(<<"reconfiguration_type">>, D) catch _:_ -> invalid end of
+ invalid -> {400, "Invalid PUT Reconfigure Body: key 'reconfiguration_type' is missing", State};
+ <<"program-flowlet-app-config">> ->
+ %reconfigure a program-flowlet style app's app config
+ try
+ ok = workflows:app_config_reconfigure(Req, XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CONSURL, ?CDAPURL, Config),
+ {200, "", State}
+ catch Class:Reason ->
+ err(error, [{xer,XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~nError Stacktrace:~s", [lager:pr_stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), {Class, Reason})])}]),
+ {500, "", State}
+ end;
+ <<"program-flowlet-app-preferences">> ->
+ %reconfigure a program-flowlet style app's app config
+ try
+ ok = workflows:app_preferences_reconfigure(Req, XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CONSURL, ?CDAPURL, Config),
+ {200, "", State}
+ catch Class:Reason ->
+ err(error, [{xer,XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~nError Stacktrace:~s", [lager:pr_stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), {Class, Reason})])}]),
+ {500, "", State}
+ end;
+ <<"program-flowlet-smart">> ->
+ %try to "figure out" whether the supplied JSON contains keys in appconfig, app preferences, or both
+ try
+ ok = workflows:smart_reconfigure(Req, XER, Appname, Namespace, ?CONSURL, ?CDAPURL, Config),
+ {200, "", State}
+ catch
+ %catch a bad HTTP error code; also catches the non-overlapping configuration case
+ error:{badmatch, {BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg}} ->
+ err(error, [{xer, XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~p ~s", [BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg])}]),
+ {BadErrorCode, BadStatusMsg, State};
+ Class:Reason ->
+ err(error, [{xer,XER}, {msg, io_lib:format("~nError Stacktrace:~s", [lager:pr_stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace(), {Class, Reason})])}]),
+ {500, "", State}
+ end;
+ NI ->
+ %TODO! Implement other types of reconfig once CDAP APIs exis
+ {501, io_lib:format("This type (~s) of reconfiguration is not implemented", [NI]), State}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState}.
+%%%POST methods
+post("/application/delete", Req, State) ->
+ %This follows the AWS S3 Multi Key Delete: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
+ %Except I added an additional special value called "*"
+ {Bts, XER} = init_api_call(Req),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState} = case try
+ B = maps:get(<<"appnames">>, jiffy:decode(leptus_req:body_raw(Req), [return_maps])),
+ true = erlang:is_list(B),
+ B
+ catch _:_ ->
+ invalid
+ end
+ of
+ invalid -> {400, "Invalid PUT Body", State};
+ IDs ->
+ case IDs of
+ [] -> {200, "EMPTY PUT BODY", State};
+ _ ->
+ %<<"*">> ->
+ %this block deleted all apps, but decided this backdoor wasn't very RESTy
+ %% {atomic, Apps} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(application, {application, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'}, read) end),
+ % AppsToDelete = lists:map(fun(X) -> {application, Appname, _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} = X, Appname end, Apps),
+ Returns = lists:map(fun(X) -> delete_app_helper(X, State, XER, Req) end, IDs),
+ RL = lists:map(fun({RC, _, _}) -> RC end, Returns),
+ {200, jiffy:encode(RL), State}
+ end
+ end,
+ ?AUDI(Req, Bts, XER, Rcode),
+ {RCode, RBody, RState}.