path: root/src/cdap_interface.erl
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authorTommy Carpenter <>2017-08-22 18:07:40 -0400
committerTommy Carpenter <>2017-08-22 18:08:22 -0400
commit647addf5d6c78b2b8c941cc9cd8c57a3eb9f30b4 (patch)
tree4de88ed0c8b175b271b5d7da6076ebf3da40e466 /src/cdap_interface.erl
parentc7b6dc90e4cde0ac8524539fc02ab2943c88048a (diff)
[DCAEGEN2-42] Initial commit of broker
Change-Id: I1c553c82d5b39a4c134c44e2320ac0e44785e0ef Signed-off-by: Tommy Carpenter <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cdap_interface.erl')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cdap_interface.erl b/src/cdap_interface.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce3b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdap_interface.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+% ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+% org.onap.dcae
+% ================================================================================
+% Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+% ================================================================================
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+% limitations under the License.
+% ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+% ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ get_app_healthcheck/4,
+ push_down_config/5,
+ form_service_json_from_service_tuple/4,
+ form_stream_url_from_streamname/3,
+ exec_programs/6,
+ push_down_program_preferences/5,
+ push_down_app_preferences/5,
+ deploy_app/8,
+ deploy_pipeline/5,
+ delete_app/4,
+ %get_app_programs/3,
+ exec_pipeline/5,
+ exec_pipeline_workflow/5,
+ get_pipeline_healthcheck/5,
+ get_pipeline_metrics/3,
+ deploy_pipeline_dependencies/4,
+ deploy_pipeline_dependencies_properties/4,
+ create_namespace/3,
+ get_app_config/4,
+ get_app_preferences/4,
+ get_cdap_cluster_version/2,
+ get_cdap_gui_port_from_version/1
+ ]).
+-define(SC(L), util:concat(L)).
+-define(BAD_HEALTH_CODE, 400). %%not sure if this is the best status code for "unhealthy". I don't like 500 because I am able to complete the user's request (healthcheck)
+map_appname(Appname) ->
+ %CDAP APIs do not allow app names with any special characters. Here we will map the
+ %name to ensure it does not contain special characters using a regex whitelist
+ %see
+ re:replace(Appname, "[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "", [{return, binary}, global]).
+get_metrics_list_for_app(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/metrics/search?target=metric&tag=namespace:", Namespace, "&tag=app:", map_appname(Appname)]),
+ {ReturnCode, RetBody} = httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", ""),
+ case ReturnCode of
+ 200 -> [ X || X <- jiffy:decode(RetBody),binary:match(X, <<"user.">>) /= nomatch];
+ _ -> 504 %must bubble this up
+ end.
+-spec get_app_healthcheck_program(string(), binary(), binary(), string(), #program{}) -> integer().
+get_app_healthcheck_program(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, P) ->
+ %helper function: checks for a partocular program from an app
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/", P#program.type, "/",]),
+ {RC, _} = httpabs:get(XER, URL),
+ case RC of
+ 200 ->
+ %Next make sure it's status is running
+ {RC2, RB2} = httpabs:get(XER, ?SC([URL, "/status"])),
+ case RC2 of
+ 200 ->
+ S = jiffy:decode(RB2, [return_maps]),
+ case maps:is_key(<<"status">>, S) andalso maps:get(<<"status">>, S) == <<"RUNNING">> of
+ true -> 200; %return 200
+ false -> ?BAD_HEALTH_CODE %return
+ end;
+ end;
+ end.
+-spec exec_program(string(), binary(), binary(), string(), #program{}, string()) -> httpstat().
+exec_program(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, P, Exec) ->
+ %Exec should be 'start' or 'stop'
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/", P#program.type, "/",, "/", Exec]),
+ httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", "").
+push_down_program_preference(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, {PT, PI, PP}) ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/", PT, "/", PI, "/", "preferences"]),
+ httpabs:put(XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(PP)).
+deploy_pipeline_dependency(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, {ArtExtendsHeader, ArtName, ArtVerHeader, ArtURL, _}) ->
+ %deploys a single dependency
+ %TODO! I should really be using Erlang records more and not relying on positional arguments so much. For example, I could add a record that represents a Dependency instead of using a positionally-based tuple.
+ {200, JarBody} = httpabs:get(XER, ArtURL),
+ Headers = [{"Artifact-Extends", ArtExtendsHeader}, {"Artifact-Version", ArtVerHeader}],
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/artifacts/", ArtName]),
+ httpabs:post(XER, URL, Headers, "application/octet-stream", JarBody).
+deploy_pipeline_dependency_property(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, {_, ArtName, ArtVerHeader, _, UIPropertiesURL}) ->
+ %TODO! I should really be using Erlang records more and not relying on positional arguments so much. For example, I could add a record that represents a Dependency instead of using a positionally-based tuple.
+ case UIPropertiesURL of
+ none -> {200, ""}; %nothing to do
+ _ ->
+ {200, PropertiesJSON} = httpabs:get(XER, UIPropertiesURL),
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/artifacts/", ArtName, "/versions/", ArtVerHeader, "/properties"]),
+ httpabs:put(XER, URL, "application/json", PropertiesJSON)
+ end.
+get_app_metrics(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ %Namespace should be a binary
+ MetricsList = get_metrics_list_for_app(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL), %assert 200 or bomb
+ case MetricsList of
+ 504 -> {504, []};
+ %TODO! cdap seems to return a {200, []} for above call even if the app is not deployed. Is that OK? for now return empty list but maybe we should determine this and error with a 404 or something
+ [] -> {200, []};
+ _ ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/metrics/query"]),
+ Body = jiffy:encode(
+ {[{<<"appmetrics">>,
+ {[{<<"tags">>, {[{<<"namespace">>, Namespace}, {<<"app">>, map_appname(Appname)}]}},
+ {<<"metrics">>, MetricsList}]}
+ }]}),
+ {ReturnCode, RetBody} = httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", Body), %even when app does not exist this seems to return a 200 so assert it!
+ case ReturnCode of
+ 200 -> {200, jiffy:decode(RetBody)};
+ 504 -> {504, []}
+ end
+ end.
+%It gets the list of all programs in a running CDAP app.
+%However this is no longer used due to a feature request where people want to start/healthcheck only *some* programs in their application
+%So now this information is sourced from the initial PUT request, where those programs are saved as supplemntal state
+%However, leaving it here because maybe one day it will be useful
+%%%get_app_programs(Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+%%% %fetch the list of programs from a running CDAP app.
+%%% %Parse this into a list of [{ProgramType, ProgramID}] tuples.
+%%% %Used as part of healthcheck, and also as part of undeploy so I don't have to keep Programs in MNesia pipeline.
+%%% %get informaation about application
+%%% URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname)]),
+%%% {ReturnCode, RetBody} = httpabs:http_get(URL),
+%%% case ReturnCode of
+%%% 504 -> 504;
+%%% 404 -> 404;
+%%% 400 -> 400;
+%%% 200 ->
+%%% Drb = jiffy:decode(RetBody, [return_maps]),
+%%% Programs = maps:get(<<"programs">>, Drb),
+%%% lists:map(fun(X) -> #program{
+%%% %stupid CDAP APIs require a different get call then what is returned as the Program Type. For example you need to get "flows" to get a program of type Flow. im filing a bug with them. see program-typeOne of flows, mapreduce, services, spark, workers, or workflows here: I filed an issue:
+%%% %From
+%%% %All the uppercase ones are: Flow, MapReduce, Service, Spark, Worker, Workflow
+%%% %From
+%%% %All the lowercase ones are: flows, mapreduce, services, spark, workers, or workflows
+%%% program_type = case maps:get(<<"type">>, X) of
+%%% <<"Flow">> -> <<"flows">>; %cdap api fail man
+%%% <<"Mapreduce">> -> <<"mapreduce">>;
+%%% <<"Service">> -> <<"services">>;
+%%% <<"Spark">> -> <<"spark">>;
+%%% <<"Worker">> -> <<"workers">>;
+%%% <<"Workflow">> -> <<"workflows">>
+%%% end,
+%%% program_id = maps:get(<<"id">>, X)
+%%% }
+%%% end, Programs)
+%%% end.
+-spec get_app_healthcheck(string(), binary(), binary(), string()) -> integer().
+get_app_healthcheck(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ %cdap does not provide a simple "heathcheck" api for apps like it does metrics
+ %what I am using is:
+ % making sure the application is there
+ % making sure all programs (flows, services, etc) are there
+ %for now. From:
+ Programs = util:get_programs_for_pfapp_from_db(Appname),
+ %check each program
+ M = lists:map(fun(X) -> get_app_healthcheck_program(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, X) end, Programs),
+ case lists:foldl(fun(X, Y) -> X == 200 andalso Y end, true, M) of %check all 200s
+ true -> 200;
+ false -> ?BAD_HEALTH_CODE
+ end.
+push_down_config(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, ConfigJson) ->
+ %
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/update"]),
+ Body = jiffy:encode(
+ {[
+ {<<"config">>, ConfigJson}
+ ]}),
+ httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", Body). %returns {ReturnCode, ReturnBody}
+push_down_program_preferences(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, ParsedProgramPreferences) ->
+ FClosure = fun(X) -> push_down_program_preference(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, X) end,
+ workflows:all_200s_else_showerror(FClosure, ParsedProgramPreferences).
+form_service_json_from_service_tuple(Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, {SN, SE, EM}) ->
+ %transforms {SN, SE, EM} into {url: foo, method: bar}
+ URL = list_to_binary(?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/services/", SN, "/methods/", SE])),
+ {[{<<"url">>, URL},
+ {<<"method">>, EM}
+ ]}.
+form_stream_url_from_streamname(CDAPURL, Namespace, Streamname) ->
+ list_to_binary(?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/streams/", Streamname])).
+-spec exec_programs(string(), binary(), binary(), string(), lprogram(), string()) -> httpstat().
+exec_programs(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, Programs, Exec) ->
+ FClosure = fun(X) -> exec_program(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, X, Exec) end,
+ workflows:all_200s_else_showerror(FClosure, Programs).
+push_down_app_preferences(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, AppPreferences) ->
+ %use app level preferences API if specified
+ %
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/preferences"]),
+ httpabs:put(XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(AppPreferences)).
+deploy_app(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, JarBody, ArtifactName, ArtifactVersion, AppConfig) ->
+ %Create Artifact
+ %Deploy App
+ %post the artifact, OK if already exists, no check
+ %explicitly set artifact version becausme some JARS do not have it
+ httpabs:post(XER, ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/artifacts/", ArtifactName]), [{"Artifact-Version", erlang:binary_to_list(ArtifactVersion)}], "application/octet-stream", JarBody),
+ %deploy the application
+ PutBody = jiffy:encode(
+ {[
+ {<<"artifact">>, {[
+ {<<"name">>, ArtifactName},
+ {<<"version">>, ArtifactVersion},
+ {<<"scope">>, <<"user">>}
+ ]}},
+ {<<"config">>, AppConfig}
+ ]}),
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname)]),
+ httpabs:put(XER, URL, "application/json", PutBody).
+delete_app(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ %delete an application; works for prog-flow and hydrator
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname)]),
+ httpabs:delete(XER, URL).
+deploy_pipeline(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, PipelineJson) ->
+ %Deploy a hydrator pipeline, assumes namespace has already been set up
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname)]),
+ httpabs:put(XER, URL, "application/json", PipelineJson).
+exec_pipeline(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, Exec) ->
+ %Exec assumed to be: "resume" or "suspend"
+ %TODO! REVISIT WHETHER datapipelineschedule is a parameter
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/schedules/dataPipelineSchedule/", Exec]),
+ httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", ""). %this CDAP API is a POST but there is no body.
+exec_pipeline_workflow(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, Exec) ->
+ %Exec assumed to be: "stop" or
+ %TODO! REVISIT WHETHER DataPipelineWorkflow is a parameter
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/workflows/DataPipelineWorkflow/", Exec]),
+ httpabs:post(XER, URL, "application/json", ""). %this CDAP API is a POST but there is no body.
+get_pipeline_healthcheck(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL, PipelineHealthLimit) ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/schedules/dataPipelineSchedule/status"]),
+ {RC, RB} = httpabs:get(XER, URL),
+ case RC /= 200 of
+ true -> ?BAD_HEALTH_CODE; %failed to even hit the status.
+ false ->
+ Status = jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps]),
+ case maps:is_key(<<"status">>, Status) andalso maps:get(<<"status">>, Status) == <<"SCHEDULED">> of
+ false -> ?BAD_HEALTH_CODE; %status is malformed or the pipeline is not scheduled, both not good
+ true ->
+ %Next, check the last <LIMIT> number of runs, and report a failure if they were not sucessful, or report of more than one of them is running at the same time.
+ %This logic came from Terry.
+ %His logic is essentially that, if your application is running, but is failing, that should be interpeted as unhealthy and needs investigation.
+ %His logic was also that if you have two runs running at the same time, that requires investigation as that should not happen.
+ %RE list_to_binary(integer_to_list( see
+ L = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(PipelineHealthLimit)),
+ {RC2, RB2} = httpabs:get(XER, ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/workflows/DataPipelineWorkflow/runs?limit=", L])),
+ case RC2 /= 200 of
+ true -> RC2; %failed to even hit the status
+ false ->
+ LRST = lists:map(fun(S) ->
+ case maps:is_key(<<"status">>, S) of
+ false -> critical;
+ true -> case maps:get(<<"status">>, S) of <<"COMPLETED">> -> ok; <<"RUNNING">> -> running; <<"FAILED">> -> critical end
+ end end, jiffy:decode(RB2, [return_maps])),
+ %now process the transformed list
+ %check if any had failed or if the status JSONs were malformed, or check if more than 2 running at once
+ case lists:any(fun(X) -> X == critical end, LRST) orelse length(lists:filter(fun(X) -> X == running end, LRST)) > 1 of
+ true -> ?BAD_HEALTH_CODE;
+ false -> 200 %ALL TESTS PASS
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+get_pipeline_metrics(_Appname, _Namespace, _CDAPURL) ->
+ lager:warning("WARNING, metrics not actually implemented yet for pipelines!!"),
+ {200, []}.
+deploy_pipeline_dependencies(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, ParsedDependencies) ->
+ FClosure = fun(X) -> deploy_pipeline_dependency(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, X) end,
+ workflows:all_200s_else_showerror(FClosure, ParsedDependencies).
+deploy_pipeline_dependencies_properties(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, ParsedDependencies) ->
+ FClosure = fun(X) -> deploy_pipeline_dependency_property(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL, X) end,
+ workflows:all_200s_else_showerror(FClosure, ParsedDependencies).
+create_namespace(_XER, <<"default">>, _) -> {200, ""}; %no-op, already exists
+create_namespace(XER, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ httpabs:put(XER, ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace]), "", "").
+get_app_config(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname)]),
+ {RC, RB} = httpabs:get(XER, URL),
+ case RC of
+ 200 -> {200, maps:get(<<"configuration">>, jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps]))};
+ _ -> {RC, RB}
+ end.
+get_app_preferences(XER, Appname, Namespace, CDAPURL) ->
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/namespaces/", Namespace, "/apps/", map_appname(Appname), "/preferences"]),
+ {RC, RB} = httpabs:get(XER, URL),
+ case RC of
+ 200 -> {200, jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps])};
+ _ -> {RC, RB}
+ end.
+get_cdap_cluster_version(XER, CDAPURL) ->
+ %CDAP decided to change their port numbers between release 3 and 4.
+ %The broker works with both.
+ %In order to add the correct GUI information into the broker "info endpoint", I have to know what CDAP version we are connected to.
+ %The GUI information is a convinence function for component developers that hit the broker via the CLI tool.
+ URL = ?SC([CDAPURL, "/v3/version"]),
+ {RC, RB} = httpabs:get(XER, URL),
+ case RC of
+ 200 -> maps:get(<<"version">>, jiffy:decode(RB, [return_maps]));
+ end.
+-spec get_cdap_gui_port_from_version(binary() | string()) -> 9999 | 11011 | binary().
+get_cdap_gui_port_from_version(Version) ->
+ %given the cdap clsuter version, return the GUI port
+ case re:run(Version, "3\.\[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") of
+ nomatch ->
+ case re:run(Version, "4\.\[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") of
+ nomatch -> <<"UNKNOWN CDAP VERSION">>;
+ _ -> 11011
+ end;
+ _ -> 9999
+ end.