path: root/docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst
diff options
authorMichal Banka <>2020-08-21 13:36:37 +0200
committerEdyta Krukowska <>2020-08-26 12:09:02 +0200
commitd628e674df545e8eb4c632514d3f358f01a95ca3 (patch)
tree406715556a71347ae771bbd846d3a056b80b7727 /docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst
parent35ceec52c9c51065dd19848f6a67d3da46dd05da (diff)
Add new DCAE SDK subproject description to RTD
external-schema-manager subproject decription has been added. Signed-off-by: Michal Banka <> Issue-ID: DCAEGEN2-2277 Change-Id: I78413234d379b315c0b54e3c337c9f3ab96caa78
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst b/docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst
index d68aa3fb..a4937f73 100644
--- a/docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/sdk/apis.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Available APIs
.. toctree::
:depth: 3
@@ -186,3 +187,104 @@ Sample usage:
.doOnSuccess(() ->"All events has been sent"))
.doOnError(ex -> logger.warn("Failed to send one or more events", ex))
+external-schema-manager - JSON Validator with schema mapping
+This library can be used to validate any JSON content incoming as JsonNode. What differs it from other validation
+libraries is mapping of externally located schemas to local schema files.
+Validated JSON must have one field that will refer to an external schema, which will be mapped to local file and then
+validation of any chosen part of JSON is executed using local schema.
+Mapping file is cached on validator creation, so it's not read every time validation is performed.
+Schemas' content couldn't be cached due to external library restrictions (OpenAPI4j).
+Example JSON:
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "schemaReference": "",
+ "data":
+ {
+ "exampleData: "SAMPLE_VALUE"
+ }
+ }
+There are two methods, that are interface of this sub-project.
+Validator builder:
+.. code-block:: java
+ new StndDefinedValidator.ValidatorBuilder()
+ .mappingFilePath(mappingFilePath)
+ .schemasPath(schemasPath)
+ .schemaRefPath(schemaRefPath)
+ .stndDefinedDataPath(stndDefinedDataPath)
+ .build();
+Validator usage:
+.. code-block:: java
+ stndDefinedValidator.validate(event);
+There are 4 string parameters of the builder:
+.. csv-table:: **String parameters of the builder**
+ :header: "Name", "Description", "Example", "Note"
+ :widths: 10, 20, 20, 20
+ "mappingFilePath", "This should be a local filesystem path to file with mappings of public URLs to local URLs. Format of the schema mapping file is a JSON file with list of mappings", "etc/externalRepo/schema-map.json", " "
+ "schemasPath", "Schemas path is a directory under which external-schema-manager will search for local schemas", "./etc/externalRepo/ and first mapping from example mappingFile is taken, validator will look for schema under the path: ./etc/externalRepo/3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/blob/REL-16/OpenAPI/faultMnS.yaml", " "
+ "schemaRefPath", "This is an internal path from validated JSON. It should define which field will be taken as public schema reference, which is later mapped", "/event/stndDefinedFields/schemaReference", "In SDK version 1.4.2 this path doesn't use JSON path notation (with . signs). It might change in further versions"
+ "stndDefinedDataPath", "This is path to stndDefined data in JSON. This fields will be validated during stndDefined validation.", "/event/stndDefinedFields/data", "In SDK version 1.4.2 this path doesn't use JSON path notation (with . signs). It might change in further versions."
+Format of the schema mapping file is a JSON file with list of mappings, as shown in the example below.
+.. code-block:: json
+ [
+ {
+ "publicURL": "",
+ "localURL": "3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/blob/REL-16/OpenAPI/faultMnS.yaml"
+ },
+ {
+ "publicURL": "",
+ "localURL": "3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/blob/REL-16/OpenAPI/heartbeatNtf.yaml"
+ },
+ {
+ "publicURL": "",
+ "localURL": "3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/blob/REL-16/OpenAPI/PerDataFileReportMnS.yaml"
+ },
+ {
+ "publicURL": "",
+ "localURL": "3gpp/rep/sa5/data-models/blob/REL-16/OpenAPI/provMnS.yaml"
+ }
+ ]
+**Possible scenarios when using external-schema-manger:**
+When the schema-map file, the schema and the sent event are correct, then the validation is successful and the log
+shows "Validation of stndDefinedDomain has been successful".
+Errors in the schema-map - none of the mappings are cached:
+- When no schema-map file exists, "Unable to read mapping file. Mapping file path: {}" is logged.
+- When a schema-map file exists, but has an incorrect format, a warning is logged: "Schema mapping file has incorrect format. Mapping file path: {}"
+Errors in one of the mappings in schema-map - this mapping is not cached, a warning is logged "Mapping for publicURL ({}) will not be cached to validator.":
+- When the local url in the schema-map file references a file that does not exist, the warning "Local schema resource missing. Schema file with path {} has not been found."
+- When the schema file is empty, the information "Schema file is empty. Schema path: {}" is logged
+- When a schema file has an incorrect format (not a yaml), the following information is logged: Schema has incorrect YAML structure. Schema path: {} "
+Errors in schemaRefPath returns errors:
+- If in the schemaRef path in the event we provide an url that refers to an existing schema, but the part after # refers to a non-existent part of it, then an error is thrown: IncorrectInternalFileReferenceException ("Schema reference refer to existing file, but internal reference (after #) is incorrect.") "
+- When in the schemaRef path in the event, we provide a url that refers to a non-existent mapping from public to localURL, a NoLocalReferenceException is thrown, which logs to the console: "Couldn't find mapping for public url. PublicURL: {}" \ No newline at end of file