path: root/sources/hv-collector-configuration/src/test/kotlin/org/onap/dcae/collectors/veshv/config/impl/ConfigurationTransformerTest.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/hv-collector-configuration/src/test/kotlin/org/onap/dcae/collectors/veshv/config/impl/ConfigurationTransformerTest.kt')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/hv-collector-configuration/src/test/kotlin/org/onap/dcae/collectors/veshv/config/impl/ConfigurationTransformerTest.kt b/sources/hv-collector-configuration/src/test/kotlin/org/onap/dcae/collectors/veshv/config/impl/ConfigurationTransformerTest.kt
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+++ b/sources/hv-collector-configuration/src/test/kotlin/org/onap/dcae/collectors/veshv/config/impl/ConfigurationTransformerTest.kt
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * dcaegen2-collectors-veshv
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 NOKIA
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl
+import arrow.core.None
+import arrow.core.Option
+import arrow.core.Some
+import arrow.core.getOrElse
+import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock
+import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.whenever
+import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
+import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.fail
+import org.jetbrains.spek.api.Spek
+import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.describe
+import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.given
+import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.it
+import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.on
+import org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.utils.logging.LogLevel
+import org.onap.dcaegen2.services.sdk.model.streams.dmaap.KafkaSink
+import org.onap.dcaegen2.services.sdk.security.ssl.SecurityKeys
+import java.io.File
+import java.time.Duration
+internal object ConfigurationTransformerTest : Spek({
+ describe("ConfigurationTransformer") {
+ val cut = ConfigurationTransformer()
+ describe("transforming partial configuration to final") {
+ val config = ValidatedPartialConfiguration(
+ listenPort = defaultListenPort,
+ idleTimeoutSec = defaultIdleTimeoutSec,
+ cbsConfiguration = ValidatedCbsConfiguration(
+ firstRequestDelaySec = defaultFirstReqDelaySec,
+ requestIntervalSec = defaultRequestIntervalSec
+ ),
+ securityConfiguration = Some(ValidatedSecurityPaths(
+ keyStoreFile = KEYSTORE,
+ keyStorePasswordFile = KEYSTORE_PASS_FILE,
+ trustStoreFile = TRUSTSTORE,
+ trustStorePasswordFile = TRUSTSTORE_PASS_FILE
+ )),
+ streamPublishers = sampleStreamsDefinition,
+ logLevel = Some(LogLevel.TRACE)
+ )
+ given("transformed configuration") {
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ it("should create server configuration") {
+ assertThat(result.server.listenPort).isEqualTo(defaultListenPort)
+ assertThat(result.server.idleTimeout)
+ .describedAs("idleTimeout transformed from number to duration")
+ .isEqualTo(Duration.ofSeconds(defaultIdleTimeoutSec))
+ }
+ it("should create CBS configuration") {
+ assertThat(result.cbs.firstRequestDelay)
+ .describedAs("firstRequestDelay transformed from number to duration")
+ .isEqualTo(Duration.ofSeconds(defaultFirstReqDelaySec))
+ assertThat(result.cbs.requestInterval)
+ .describedAs("requestInterval transformed from number to duration")
+ .isEqualTo(Duration.ofSeconds(defaultRequestIntervalSec))
+ }
+ it("should create collector configuration") {
+ assertThat(result.collector.routing)
+ .describedAs("routing transformed from kafka sinks to routes")
+ .isEqualTo(sampleRouting)
+ assertThat(result.collector.maxPayloadSizeBytes)
+ .describedAs("maxPayloadSizeBytes calculated from kafka sinks")
+ }
+ it("should use specified log level") {
+ assertThat(result.logLevel)
+ .describedAs("logLevel was not transformed when present")
+ .isEqualTo(LogLevel.TRACE)
+ }
+ it("should create security keys") {
+ result.security.keys.fold({ fail("Should be Some") }, {
+ assertThat(it.keyStore().path()).isEqualTo(File(KEYSTORE).toPath())
+ assertThat(it.trustStore().path()).isEqualTo(File(TRUSTSTORE).toPath())
+ it.keyStorePassword().use { assertThat(it).isEqualTo(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray()) }
+ it.trustStorePassword().use { assertThat(it).isEqualTo(TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray()) }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ describe("transforming configuration with empty log level") {
+ val config = validatedConfiguration(
+ logLevel = None
+ )
+ it("should use default log level") {
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ assertThat(result.logLevel).isEqualTo(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
+ }
+ }
+ describe("transforming configuration with security disabled") {
+ val config = validatedConfiguration(
+ sslDisable = Some(true),
+ keyStoreFile = "",
+ keyStorePasswordFile = "",
+ trustStoreFile = "",
+ trustStorePasswordFile = ""
+ )
+ it("should create valid configuration with empty security keys") {
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ assertThat(result.security.keys).isEqualTo(None)
+ }
+ }
+ describe("transforming configuration with ssl disable missing") {
+ val config = validatedConfiguration(
+ sslDisable = None
+ )
+ it("should create configuration with ssl enabled") {
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ val securityKeys = result.security.keys
+ .getOrElse { fail("Should be immutableSecurityKeys") } as SecurityKeys
+ assertThat(securityKeys.keyStore().path()).isEqualTo(File(KEYSTORE).toPath())
+ assertThat(securityKeys.trustStore().path()).isEqualTo(File(TRUSTSTORE).toPath())
+ securityKeys.keyStorePassword().use { assertThat(it).isEqualTo(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray()) }
+ securityKeys.trustStorePassword().use { assertThat(it).isEqualTo(TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray()) }
+ }
+ }
+ describe("calculating maxPayloadSizeBytes") {
+ on("defined routes") {
+ val highestMaxPayloadSize = 3
+ val sink1 = mock<KafkaSink>().also {
+ whenever(it.name()).thenReturn("1")
+ whenever(it.maxPayloadSizeBytes()).thenReturn(1)
+ }
+ val sink2 = mock<KafkaSink>().also {
+ whenever(it.name()).thenReturn("2")
+ whenever(it.maxPayloadSizeBytes()).thenReturn(highestMaxPayloadSize)
+ }
+ val config = validatedConfiguration(
+ streamPublishers = listOf(sink1, sink2)
+ )
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ it("should use the highest value among all routes") {
+ assertThat(result.collector.maxPayloadSizeBytes)
+ .isEqualTo(highestMaxPayloadSize)
+ }
+ }
+ on("empty routing") {
+ val config = validatedConfiguration(
+ streamPublishers = emptyList()
+ )
+ val result = cut.toFinalConfiguration(config)
+ it("should use default value") {
+ assertThat(result.collector.maxPayloadSizeBytes)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+private fun validatedConfiguration(listenPort: Int = defaultListenPort,
+ idleTimeoutSec: Long = defaultIdleTimeoutSec,
+ firstReqDelaySec: Long = defaultFirstReqDelaySec,
+ requestIntervalSec: Long = defaultRequestIntervalSec,
+ sslDisable: Option<Boolean> = Some(false),
+ keyStoreFile: String = KEYSTORE,
+ keyStorePasswordFile: String = KEYSTORE_PASS_FILE,
+ trustStoreFile: String = TRUSTSTORE,
+ trustStorePasswordFile: String = TRUSTSTORE_PASS_FILE,
+ streamPublishers: List<KafkaSink> = sampleStreamsDefinition,
+ logLevel: Option<LogLevel> = Some(LogLevel.INFO)
+): ValidatedPartialConfiguration = PartialConfiguration(
+ listenPort = Some(listenPort),
+ idleTimeoutSec = Some(idleTimeoutSec),
+ firstRequestDelaySec = Some(firstReqDelaySec),
+ requestIntervalSec = Some(requestIntervalSec),
+ streamPublishers = Some(streamPublishers),
+ sslDisable = sslDisable,
+ keyStoreFile = Some(keyStoreFile),
+ keyStorePasswordFile = Some(keyStorePasswordFile),
+ trustStoreFile = Some(trustStoreFile),
+ trustStorePasswordFile = Some(trustStorePasswordFile),
+ logLevel = logLevel