BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRelease 1.11.0Viresh Navalli4 weeks
london[DCAEGEN2] Release dcaegen2-collectors-datafile containersushant5323 months
kohn[DCAE] INFO.yaml updateVijay Venkatesh Kumar2 years
jakarta[DCAE] INFO.yaml updatevv770d3 years
istanbul[DCAE] INFO.yaml updatevv770d3 years
guilinUpdate image tag to guilin-latestPiotr Marcinkiewicz3 years
honoluluUpdate image tag to honolulu-latestPiotr Marcinkiewicz3 years
frankfurtRemove latest tag from docker pushRemigiusz Janeczek5 years
elaltoFix feed creation conflictJoeOLeary5 years
el-altobump dfc version to 1.2.2Vijay Venkatesh Kumar6 years
dublinDo not publish Dublin DFC images with 'latest' tagmaximesson6 years
casablancaMerge "Make DFC handle multiple messages from MR DMaaP" into casablancaVijay Venkatesh Kumar6 years