path: root/docs/DatabaseTables.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/DatabaseTables.md')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/DatabaseTables.md b/docs/DatabaseTables.md
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+# Database Tables
+As of version 0.12.0.
+## `dcae_service_types`
+### Relationships
+* 1:1 - `dcae_services`
+### Schema
+ Table "public.dcae_service_types"
+ Column | Type | Modifiers
+ type_name | character varying | not null
+ owner | character varying | not null
+ vnf_types | character varying[] | not null
+ service_ids | character varying[] |
+ service_locations | character varying[] |
+ blueprint_template | text | not null
+ created | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ is_active | boolean | not null
+ "pk_type_created" PRIMARY KEY, btree (type_name, created)
+## `dcae_services`
+### Relationships
+* 1:1 - `dcae_service_types`
+* N:N - `dcae_service_components` mapped through `dcae_services_components_maps`
+### Schema
+ Table "public.dcae_services"
+ Column | Type | Modifiers
+ service_id | character varying | not null
+ type_name | character varying | not null
+ vnf_id | character varying | not null
+ vnf_type | character varying | not null
+ vnf_location | character varying | not null
+ deployment_ref | character varying |
+ created | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ modified | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ status | character varying | not null
+ "dcae_services_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (service_id)
+Referenced by:
+ TABLE "dcae_services_components_maps" CONSTRAINT "dcae_services_components_maps_service_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (service_id) REFERENCES dcae_services(service_id)
+## `dcae_service_components`
+### Relationships
+* N:N - `dcae_services` mapped through `dcae_services_components_maps`
+### Schema
+ Table "public.dcae_service_components"
+ Column | Type | Modifiers
+ component_id | character varying | not null
+ component_type | character varying | not null
+ component_source | character varying | not null
+ shareable | integer | default 0
+ created | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ modified | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ "dcae_service_components_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (component_id)
+Referenced by:
+ TABLE "dcae_services_components_maps" CONSTRAINT "dcae_services_components_maps_component_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (component_id) REFERENCES dcae_service_components(component_id)
+## `dcae_services_components_maps`
+### Schema
+ Table "public.dcae_services_components_maps"
+ Column | Type | Modifiers
+ service_id | character varying | not null
+ component_id | character varying | not null
+ created | timestamp without time zone | not null
+ "dcae_services_components_maps_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (service_id, component_id)
+Foreign-key constraints:
+ "dcae_services_components_maps_component_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (component_id) REFERENCES dcae_service_components(component_id)
+ "dcae_services_components_maps_service_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (service_id) REFERENCES dcae_services(service_id)