path: root/docs/API.adoc
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1 files changed, 623 insertions, 0 deletions
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+= DCAE Inventory API
+== Overview
+DCAE Inventory is a web service that provides the following:
+. Real-time data on all DCAE services and their components
+. Comprehensive details on available DCAE service types
+=== Version information
+_Version_ : 1.0.0
+== Paths
+=== GET /dcae-service-types
+==== Description
+Get a list of `DCAEServiceType` objects.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Query*|*offset* +
+_optional_|Query resultset offset used for pagination (zero-based)|integer(int32)|
+|*Query*|*serviceId* +
+|*Query*|*serviceLocation* +
+|*Query*|*vnfType* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|List of `DCAEServiceType` objects|<<_inlineresponse200,InlineResponse200>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== GET /dcae-service-types/{typeName}
+==== Description
+Get a `DCAEServiceType` object.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*typeName* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|Single `DCAEServiceType` object|<<_dcaeservicetype,DCAEServiceType>>
+|*404*|Resource not found|<<_dcaeservicetype,DCAEServiceType>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== PUT /dcae-service-types/{typeName}
+==== Description
+Inserts a new `DCAEServiceType` or updates an existing instance. Updates are only allowed iff there are no running DCAE services of the requested type,
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*typeName* +
+|*Body*|*body* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|Single `DCAEServiceType` object.|<<_dcaeservicetype,DCAEServiceType>>
+|*400*|Bad request provided.|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+|*409*|Failed to update because there are still DCAE services of the requested type running.|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== GET /dcae-services
+==== Description
+Get a list of `DCAEService` objects.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Query*|*componentType* +
+_optional_|Use to filter by a specific DCAE service component type|string|
+|*Query*|*created* +
+_optional_|Use to filter by created time|string|
+|*Query*|*offset* +
+_optional_|Query resultset offset used for pagination (zero-based)|integer(int32)|
+|*Query*|*shareable* +
+_optional_|Use to filter by DCAE services that have shareable components or not|boolean|
+|*Query*|*typeName* +
+_optional_|DCAE service type name|string|
+|*Query*|*vnfId* +
+|*Query*|*vnfLocation* +
+|*Query*|*vnfType* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|List of `DCAEService` objects|<<_inlineresponse2001,InlineResponse2001>>
+|*502*|Bad response from DCAE controller|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+|*504*|Failed to connect with DCAE controller|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== GET /dcae-services-groupby/{propertyName}
+==== Description
+Get a list of unique values for the given `propertyName`
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*propertyName* +
+_required_|Property to find unique values. Restricted to `type`, `vnfType`, `vnfLocation`|string|
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|List of unique property values|<<_dcaeservicegroupbyresults,DCAEServiceGroupByResults>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== GET /dcae-services/{serviceId}
+==== Description
+Get a `DCAEService` object.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*serviceId* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|Single `DCAEService` object|<<_dcaeservice,DCAEService>>
+|*404*|DCAE service not found|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+|*502*|Bad response from DCAE controller|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+|*504*|Failed to connect with DCAE controller|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== PUT /dcae-services/{serviceId}
+==== Description
+Put a new or update an existing `DCAEService` object.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*serviceId* +
+|*Body*|*body* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|Single `DCAEService` object|<<_dcaeservice,DCAEService>>
+|*422*|Bad request provided|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+=== DELETE /dcae-services/{serviceId}
+==== Description
+Remove an existing `DCAEService` object.
+==== Parameters
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^9,.^4,.^2"]
+|*Path*|*serviceId* +
+==== Responses
+[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
+|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
+|*200*|DCAE service has been removed|No Content
+|*404*|Unknown DCAE service|<<_apiresponsemessage,ApiResponseMessage>>
+==== Consumes
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+* `application/json`
+==== Produces
+* `application/json`
+* `application/vnd.dcae.inventory.v1+json`
+== Definitions
+=== ApiResponseMessage
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*code* +
+|*message* +
+|*type* +
+=== DCAEService
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*components* +
+_optional_||< <<_dcaeservicecomponent,DCAEServiceComponent>> > array
+|*created* +
+|*deploymentRef* +
+_optional_|Reference to a Cloudify deployment|string
+|*modified* +
+|*selfLink* +
+_optional_|Link.title is serviceId|<<_link,Link>>
+|*serviceId* +
+|*typeLink* +
+_optional_|Link.title is typeName|<<_link,Link>>
+|*vnfId* +
+|*vnfLink* +
+_optional_|Link.title is vnfId|<<_link,Link>>
+|*vnfLocation* +
+_optional_|Location information of the associated VNF|string
+|*vnfType* +
+=== DCAEServiceComponent
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*componentId* +
+_required_|The id format is unique to the source|string
+|*componentLink* +
+_required_|Link to the underlying resource of this component|<<_link,Link>>
+|*componentSource* +
+_required_|Specifies the name of the underying source service that is responsible for this components|enum (DCAEController, DMaaPController)
+|*componentType* +
+|*created* +
+|*location* +
+_optional_|Location information of the component|string
+|*modified* +
+|*shareable* +
+_required_|Used to determine if this component can be shared amongst different DCAE services|integer(int32)
+|*status* +
+=== DCAEServiceComponentRequest
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*componentId* +
+_required_|The id format is unique to the source|string
+|*componentSource* +
+_required_|Specifies the name of the underying source service that is responsible for this components|enum (DCAEController, DMaaPController)
+|*componentType* +
+|*shareable* +
+_required_|Used to determine if this component can be shared amongst different DCAE services|integer(int32)
+=== DCAEServiceGroupByResults
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*propertyName* +
+_optional_|Property name of DCAE service that the group by operation was performed on|string
+|*propertyValues* +
+_optional_||< <<_dcaeservicegroupbyresultspropertyvalues,DCAEServiceGroupByResultsPropertyValues>> > array
+=== DCAEServiceGroupByResultsPropertyValues
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*count* +
+|*dcaeServiceQueryLink* +
+_optional_|Link.title is the DCAE service property value. Following this link will provide a list of DCAE services that all have this property value.|<<_link,Link>>
+|*propertyValue* +
+=== DCAEServiceRequest
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*components* +
+_required_|List of DCAE service components that this service is composed of|< <<_dcaeservicecomponentrequest,DCAEServiceComponentRequest>> > array
+|*deploymentRef* +
+_optional_|Reference to a Cloudify deployment|string
+|*typeName* +
+_required_|Name of the associated DCAE service type|string
+|*vnfId* +
+_required_|Id of the associated VNF that this service is monitoring|string
+|*vnfLocation* +
+_required_|Location identifier of the associated VNF that this service is monitoring|string
+|*vnfType* +
+_required_|The type of the associated VNF that this service is monitoring|string
+=== DCAEServiceType
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*blueprintTemplate* +
+_required_|String representation of a Cloudify blueprint with unbound variables|string
+|*created* +
+_required_|Created timestamp for this DCAE service type in epoch time|string(date-time)
+|*owner* +
+_required_|Name of the owner of this DCAE service type|string
+|*selfLink* +
+_optional_|Link.title is typeName|<<_link,Link>>
+|*serviceIds* +
+_optional_|List of service ids that are associated with this DCAE service type|< string > array
+|*serviceLocations* +
+_optional_|List of service locations that are associated with this DCAE service type|< string > array
+|*typeName* +
+_required_|Unique name for this DCAE service type|string
+|*vnfTypes* +
+_required_|List of VNF types associated with this DCAE service type|< string > array
+=== DCAEServiceTypeRequest
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*blueprintTemplate* +
+_required_|String representation of a Cloudify blueprint with unbound variables|string
+|*owner* +
+|*serviceIds* +
+_optional_|List of service ids that are used to associate with DCAE service type. DCAE service types with this propery as null or empty means them apply for every service id.|< string > array
+|*serviceLocations* +
+_optional_|List of service locations that are used to associate with DCAE service type. DCAE service types with this propery as null or empty means them apply for every service location.|< string > array
+|*vnfTypes* +
+_required_||< string > array
+=== InlineResponse200
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*items* +
+_optional_||< <<_dcaeservicetype,DCAEServiceType>> > array
+|*links* +
+|*totalCount* +
+=== InlineResponse2001
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*items* +
+_optional_||< <<_dcaeservice,DCAEService>> > array
+|*links* +
+|*totalCount* +
+=== InlineResponse200Links
+Pagination links
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*nextLink* +
+|*previousLink* +
+=== Link
+[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
+|*params* +
+_optional_||< string, string > map
+|*rel* +
+|*rels* +
+_optional_||< string > array
+|*title* +
+|*type* +
+|*uri* +
+|*uriBuilder* +
+=== UriBuilder
+_Type_ : object