path: root/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src')
3 files changed, 2180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DcaePlatformConfiguration.groovy b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DcaePlatformConfiguration.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234e98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DcaePlatformConfiguration.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.controller.operation.utils
+import static org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.console.Utils.*
+import static org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.Base64.decode64;
+import static org.openecomp.dcae.controller.operation.utils.DocUtils.*
+import java.security.KeyFactory;
+import java.security.PrivateKey;
+import java.security.spec.KeySpec;
+import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
+import javax.crypto.Cipher;
+import org.json.JSONArray
+import org.junit.After;
+import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.CryptoUtils;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.webservice.utils.IpUtils
+class DcaePlatformConfiguration {
+ def env
+ def release
+ String envName
+ def tenants
+ def locationTypes
+ def serviceName
+ def instanceName
+ def tenant
+ def locationName
+ def streams
+ def networking
+ def ipAssignments
+ def passwords
+ Map deploymentType = [:]
+ Map types = [:]
+ def vms // for now use old setup.
+ def dockers // for now use old setup.
+ public DcaePlatformConfiguration(String release, String envName, String root, String destRoot) {
+ DocUtils docUtils = new DocUtils(release,envName,root,destRoot)
+ this.envName = envName
+ this.release = release
+ vms = docUtils.vms()
+ dockers = docUtils.dockers()
+ env = file2object("$release-$envName/env.yaml", false) ?: [:]
+ tenants = file2object("$release-$envName/tenants.yaml", false)
+ ipAssignments = file2object("$release-$envName/ip-assignment.yaml", false) ?: [:]
+ locationTypes = file2object("$release/location-types.yaml", false)
+ streams = file2object("$release/streams.yaml", false)
+ networking = file2object("$release/networking.yaml")
+ passwords = file2object("$release-$envName/certificates/passwords.yaml", false) ?: [:]
+ tenants.each { n, v ->
+ v.tenantName = n
+ if (locationTypes[v.type].tenantNames == null)
+ locationTypes[v.type].tenantNames = []
+ locationTypes[v.type].tenantNames += n
+ }
+ locationTypes.each { n, v ->
+ def deployments = []
+ [
+ 'vm-deployments',
+ 'docker-deployments',
+ 'cdap-deployments',
+ 'other-deployments'
+ ].each { t ->
+ def typeDir = t.replace("deployments","templates")
+ def typeName = t.replace("deployments","type")
+// println "n=$n v=$v t=$t"
+ v[t].each { n1, v1 ->
+ deployments += n1
+ // println "n1=$n1 v1=$v1 $release/$typeDir/${v1[typeName]}.yaml"
+ deploymentType[n1] = v1
+ v1.type = file2object("$release/$typeDir/${v1[typeName]}.yaml", false)
+ if (v1.type == null) {
+ println "n1=$n1 v1=$v1"
+ System.err.println "Unknown type: $release/$typeDir/${v1[typeName]}.yaml"
+ System.exit(3)
+ }
+ types[v1[typeName]] = v1.type
+ }
+ }
+ locationTypes[n].deployments = deployments
+// System.err.println "n=$n v=${locationTypes[n].deployments} $deployments"
+ }
+ deploymentType.each { n,v ->
+ addInstances(n)
+ }
+ }
+ def init(s,i) {
+ serviceName = s
+ instanceName = i
+ tenant = tenants[i]
+ locationName = i
+ }
+ def p(o) {
+ object2json(o).toString(2)
+ }
+ def addInstances(String n) {
+ def instances = [:]
+ deploymentType[n].instances = instances
+ deploymentType[n].tenantNames = []
+ tenants.each { tenantName, tenant ->
+ // System.err.println "tenantName $tenantName $tenant.type ${locationTypes[tenant.type].deployments}"
+ locationTypes[tenant.type].deployments.each { n1 ->
+ // println "$n $tenantName $n1"
+ if (n != n1) return
+ deploymentType[n].tenantNames += tenantName
+ def instance = [:]
+ instances[tenantName] = instance
+ if (n.startsWith("vm-")) {
+ // println "$n $tenantName $n1 ${p(vms[n])}"
+ instance.servers = vms[n].locations["$n1-$tenantName"].vms
+ if (instance.servers == null) {
+ println "No servers for: $n $tenantName $n1 ${p(vms[n])}"
+ System.exit(3)
+ }
+ instance.servers.each { n2, v2 ->
+ v2.ip = ipAssignments[n2] ?: "TBD - ip-assignment.yaml@$n2"
+ v2['dns-cnames'] = []
+ v2['dns-gss'] = []
+ v2['dns-arecords'] = [ "${n2}.${tenant['dns-surfix']}"]
+ def envDns = env.get("dns") ?: [:]
+ def shortName = deploymentType[n].type['short-name']
+ def shortNameGlobal = "$shortName${envDns['global-fix'] ?: ''}"
+ def globalDns = envDns.get("service-suffix") ?: "TBD - env.yaml@dns.service-suffix"
+ def tenantDns = tenant.get("dns-surfix") ?: "TBD - tenants.yaml@${tenantName}.dns-surfix"
+ (deploymentType[n].type['dns-cnames'] ?: []).each { dns1 ->
+ if (dns1=="central" && tenant.type != "opendcae-central") return
+ if (dns1=="central-site" && tenant.type != "opendcae-central") return
+ v2['dns-cnames'] += dnsName(n,tenant,dns1)
+ }
+ (deploymentType[n].type['dns-gss'] ?: []).each { dns1 ->
+ if (dns1=="central" && tenant.type != "opendcae-central") return
+ v2['dns-gss'] += dnsName(n,tenant,dns1)
+ }
+ (deploymentType[n].type['dns-arecords'] ?: []).each { dns1 ->
+ if (dns1=="central" && tenant.type != "opendcae-central") return
+ v2['dns-arecords'] += dnsName(n,tenant,dns1)
+ }
+ // dns-service: [ drsub: [ 'dns-type' : 'arecords': 'cluster-type' : 'site' ] ]
+ (deploymentType[n].type['dns-service'] ?: [:]).each { n3, v3 ->
+ v2["dns-${v3['dns-type']}"] += dnsName(n,tenant,v3['cluster-type'],n3)
+ switch (v3['cluster-type']) {
+ case "gss" :
+ v2["dns-cnames"] += dnsName(n,tenant,"global",n3)
+ break
+ case "gss-edge" :
+ v2["dns-cnames"] += dnsName(n,tenant,"site",n3)
+// println "$n ${p(v2)}"
+// System.exit(3)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+// println "$n ${p(v2)}"
+// System.exit(3)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+// println "$n $tenantName $n1 ${p(deploymentType[n])}"
+ def path = substitute(deploymentType[n].container,[:],n,tenantName)
+ def a = path.split("/")
+ instance.hostService = a[2]
+ instance.hostServiceInstance = a[4]
+ }
+ }
+// println "$n ${p(instances)}"
+// println "$n ${p(deploymentType[n])}"
+// System.exit(0)
+ }
+ def dnsName(n,tenant,dnsType, extra = null) {
+ def tenant1 = tenant ?: [tenantName:"NA"]
+ def ee = envName.toLowerCase()
+ def envDns = env.get("dns") ?: [:]
+ if (deploymentType[n] == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown deploymentType: $n")
+ }
+ def shortName = deploymentType[n].type['short-name']
+ def shortNameGlobal = "$shortName${envDns['global-fix'] ?: ''}"
+ def globalDns = envDns.get("service-suffix") ?: "TBD - env.yaml@dns.service-suffix"
+ def gssDns = env("dns.gss-idns-suffix")
+ def tenantDns = tenant1.get("dns-surfix") ?: "TBD - tenants.yaml@${tenant1.tenantName}.dns-surfix"
+ extra = (extra != null) ? "-$extra" : ""
+ switch (dnsType) {
+ case "gss": return "dcae-${shortNameGlobal}$extra-${ee}.${gssDns}"
+ case "gss-edge": return "dcae-${shortName}$extra-$tenant.tenantName-${ee}.${gssDns}"
+ case "global":
+ case "central":
+ case "central-site":
+ case "global-site": return "dcae-${shortNameGlobal}$extra-${ee}.${globalDns}"
+ case "site": return "dcae-${shortName}$extra-$tenant.tenantName-${ee}.${tenantDns}"
+ }
+ }
+ def aEnv() {
+ switch (release) {
+ case "1607": return ! envName.contains("FTL"); break;
+ case "1610": return ! envName.equals("FTL2"); break;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ }
+ def genVmType(n) {
+ def o = types[n]['openstack-vm-type']
+ def m = [:]
+ m.diskSizeGB = o.diskSizeGB ?: 0
+ m.volumeSizeGB = o.volumeSizeGB ?: 0
+ m.memorySizeMB = o.memorySizeGB ?: 4
+ m.memorySizeMB *= 1024
+ m.needPublicIp = "${o.needPublicIp ?: true}"
+ m.numberOfCores = o.numberOfCores ?: 2
+ m.rootDiskSizeGB = o.rootDiskSizeGB ?: 80
+ m.imageName = o.imageName ?: "m1.large"
+ if (! aEnv()) {
+ if (o['dev-diskSizeGB'] != null) m.diskSizeGB = o['dev-diskSizeGB']
+ if (o['dev-volumeSizeGB'] != null) m.volumeSizeGB = o['dev-volumeSizeGB']
+ if (o['dev-memorySizeMB'] != null) m.memorySizeMB = o['dev-memorySizeMB']
+ }
+ m.incomingSecurityRules = [
+ "manager": [
+ "ipProtocol": "tcp",
+ "portRangeStart": "1",
+ "portRangeEnd": "59996",
+ ]
+ ]
+ if (n == "vm-docker-host") {
+ m.incomingSecurityRules['udp'] = [
+ "ipProtocol": "udp",
+ "portRangeStart": "162",
+ "portRangeEnd": "6162",
+ ]
+ }
+ // println object2json(m).toString(2)
+ return m
+ }
+ def serviceFqdn(deploymentTypeName = null, extra = null) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ return dnsName(deploymentTypeName,tenant,"global",extra)
+ }
+ def httpProtocol(deploymentTypeName = null) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ // TODO
+ return "http"
+ }
+ def siteServiceFqdn(deploymentTypeName = null, extra = null) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ return dnsName(deploymentTypeName,tenant,"site",extra)
+ }
+ def serversFqdn(deploymentTypeName = null, tName = instanceName) {
+ def res = []
+ servers(deploymentTypeName,tName).each { n -> res += "$n.${tenants[tName]['dns-surfix']}" }
+ return res
+ }
+ def privateKey = null
+ def vmKey = null
+ def vmName = null
+ def password(s) {
+ def o = env.passwords ?: [:]
+ boolean error = false
+ s.split('\\.').each { n ->
+ if (error) return
+ if (o[n] == null) {
+ o = "TBD: env.yaml@passwords.$s"
+ error = true
+ }
+ else
+ o = o[n]
+ }
+ if (privateKey != null && vmKey != null && o.startsWith("rsa:")) {
+ def key = verifyKey(privateKey)
+ o = CryptoUtils.decryptPrivate(key, o.substring(4));
+ def k = vmKey
+ if (vmKey.startsWith("rsa:")) {
+ k = CryptoUtils.decryptPrivate(key, vmKey.substring(4));
+ }
+// System.err.println "+++++ s=$serviceName i=$instanceName vm=$vmName s=$s k=$k o=$o"
+ o = "%{vm.decrypt('${CryptoUtils.encrypt(k,o)}')}"
+ }
+ return o.trim()
+ }
+ public static String verifyKey(String privateKey) {
+ try {
+ def key = CryptoUtils.getKey(privateKey)
+ if (decode64(key) == null) {
+ System.err.println "ERROR: BAD private key: bad base64 encoding: $privateKey"
+ System.exit(1)
+ }
+ KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
+ KeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decode64(key));
+ PrivateKey key1 = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
+ return key
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ System.err.println "ERROR: BAD private key: $privateKey"
+ System.exit(1)
+ }
+ }
+ def streams(s) {
+ def o = env.streams ?: [:]
+ boolean error = false
+ s.split('\\.').each { n ->
+ if (error) return
+ if (o[n] == null) {
+ o = "TBD: env.yaml@streams.$s"
+ error = true
+ }
+ else
+ o = o[n]
+ }
+ return o
+ }
+ def env(s) {
+ def o = env
+ boolean error = false
+ s.split('\\.').each { n ->
+ if (error) return
+ if (o[n] == null) {
+ o = "TBD:env.yaml@$s"
+ error = true
+ }
+ else
+ o = o[n]
+ }
+ return o
+ }
+ def vmEnv(s) {
+ def o = (env['vm-templates'] ?: [:])[serviceName] ?: [:]
+ boolean error = false
+ s.split('\\.').each { n ->
+ if (error) return
+ if (o[n] == null) {
+ o = "TBD:env.yaml@vm-templates.${serviceName}.$s"
+ error = true
+ }
+ else
+ o = o[n]
+ }
+ return o
+ }
+ def allServersFqdn(deploymentTypeName = null) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ def d = deploymentType[deploymentTypeName]
+ def res = []
+ if (d == null) return [
+ "NO DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ if (d.instances == null) return [
+ "NO instances DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ d.instances.each { instanceName, instance ->
+ instance.servers.each { n, v ->
+ res += "$n.${tenants[instanceName]['dns-surfix']}"
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def servers(deploymentTypeName = null, tName = instanceName) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ def d = deploymentType[deploymentTypeName]
+ def res = []
+ if (d == null) return [
+ "NO DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ if (d.instances == null) return [
+ "NO instances DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ if (d.instances[tName] == null) return [
+ "NO instance DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName with name $instanceName"
+ ]
+ d.instances[tName].servers.each { n, v ->
+ res += n
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def allServers(deploymentTypeName = null) {
+ if (deploymentTypeName == null) deploymentTypeName = serviceName
+ def d = deploymentType[deploymentTypeName]
+ def res = []
+ if (d == null) return [
+ "NO DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ if (d.instances == null) return [
+ "NO instances DeploymentType $deploymentTypeName"
+ ]
+ d.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ v1.servers.each { n, v ->
+ res += n
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def eforc() {
+ def res = [:]
+ def list = []
+ def d = [:]
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ d[n]=v
+ }
+ d['vm-all'] = [
+ type : ['openstack-vm-type': networking ]
+ ]
+ d.each { n, v ->
+// println "n=$n v=${p(v)}"
+ def x = [outbound:[:],inbound:[:]]
+ res[n] = x
+ def out
+ if (n.startsWith('vm-')) {
+ def vm = v.type['openstack-vm-type'] ?: [:]
+// println "n=$n vm=$vm"
+ out = vm['application-outbound-security-rules'] ?: [:]
+ }
+ else {
+ out = v.type['application-outbound-security-rules'] ?: [:]
+ }
+// println "n=$n out=$out"
+ out.each { n1, v1 ->
+// println "n1=$n1 v1=$v1 dest=${destination2deployment(n1,v1)}"
+ if (v1['only-local']) return
+ x.outbound[n1] = []
+ findEndpoints(n).each { from ->
+ destination2deployment(n1,v1).each { n2 ->
+// println "n1=$n1 v1=$v1 endpoints=${findEndpoints(n2,v1)}"
+ findEndpoints(n2,v1).each { to ->
+ if (from == to) return
+ if (both_local(from,to)) return
+ def ip1 = findIps(n,from)
+ def ip2 = findIps(n2,to,v1)
+ def ports = v1.ports ?: ( v1.port ?: 'TBD')
+ def protocol = v1.protocol ?: 'tcp'
+// println "out=$n1 from=$from to=$to $ip1 $ip2"
+ x.outbound[n1] += [
+ from: "$n@$from($ip1)",
+ to: "$n2@$to($ip2) ${protocol}:$ports",
+ ]
+ ip1.each { y1 ->
+ def subnet1 = ip2subnet(y1,from)
+ ip2.each { y2 ->
+ def subnet2 = ip2subnet(y2,to)
+ list += [[n,"in",n1,n,n2,from,to,y1,y2,subnet1,subnet2,protocol,ports]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def inn
+ if (n.startsWith('vm-')) {
+ def vm = v.type['openstack-vm-type'] ?: [:]
+// println "n=$n vm=$vm"
+ inn = vm['application-inbound-security-rules'] ?: [:]
+ }
+ else {
+ inn = v.type['application-inbound-security-rules'] ?: [:]
+ }
+// println "n=$n in=$in"
+ inn.each { n1, v1 ->
+// println "n1=$n1 v1=$v1"
+ if (v1['only-local']) return
+ x.inbound[n1] = []
+ destination2deployment(n1,v1).each { n2 ->
+ findEndpoints(n2,v1).each { from ->
+ findEndpoints(n).each { to ->
+ if (from == to) return
+ if (both_local(from,to)) return
+ def ip1 = findIps(n2,from,v1)
+ def ip2 = findIps(n,to)
+ def ports = v1.ports ?: [ ( v1.port ?: 'TBD') ]
+ def protocol = v1.protocol ?: 'tcp'
+ // println "in=$n1 from=$from to=$to $ip1 $ip2"
+ x.inbound[n1] += [
+ from: "$n2@$from($ip1)",
+ to: "$n@$to($ip2) $protocol:$ports",
+ ]
+ ip1.each { y1 ->
+ def subnet1 = ip2subnet(y1,from)
+ ip2.each { y2 ->
+ def subnet2 = ip2subnet(y2,to)
+ list += [[n,"out",n1,n2,n,from,to,y1,y2,subnet1,subnet2,protocol,ports]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// println p(x)
+// println p(res)
+// System.exit(3)
+ }
+ def res1 = [:]
+ res.each { n,v ->
+ if (v.inbound.size()==0) v.inbound=null
+ if (v.outbound.size()==0) v.outbound=null
+ if (v.inbound == null && v.outbound ==null) return
+ res1[n] = v
+ }
+ def m2 = [:]
+ list.each { l ->
+ def siteA = l[5]
+ def siteB = l[6]
+ def sA = l[9]
+ def sB = l[10]
+ def protocol = l[11]
+ def ports = l[12]
+ def k = "$siteA:$siteB:$sA:$sB:$protocol"
+ if (m2[k] == null) {
+ m2[k] = [
+ siteA:siteA,
+ siteB:siteB,
+ subnetA:sA,
+ subnetB:sB,
+ protocol:protocol,
+ ports : []
+ ]
+ }
+ ports.each { port ->
+ if ( ! m2[k].ports.contains(port))
+ m2[k].ports.add(port)
+ }
+ }
+ def list2 = []
+ m2.each { n, v ->
+ list2 += [ [ v.siteA, v.siteB, v.subnetA, v.subnetB, v.protocol, v.ports.join(":") ]]
+ }
+ return [m:res1,list:list,m2:m2,list2:list2]
+ }
+ def site2subnet = [:]
+ def ip2subnet(ip,site) {
+ if (tenants[site]== null) return ip
+ if (! IpUtils.isIpv4(ip) ) return ip
+ def subnets = tenants[site].subnets ?: []
+ def res = null
+ subnets.each { subnet ->
+ if (res != null) return
+ String[] a = subnet.split("/")
+ def ip2 = a[0]
+ def len = a[1]
+ if (! IpUtils.isIpv4(ip2) || ! len.isInteger()) {
+ println "Bad subnet: $subnet at $site"
+ System.exit(2)
+ }
+ if (IpUtils.containedIn(IpUtils.toInetAddress(ip),IpUtils.toInetAddress(ip2),len.toInteger())) res = subnet
+ }
+ if (res != null) return res
+ if (site2subnet[site] == null) site2subnet[site] = [] as Set
+ site2subnet[site] += "${IpUtils.mask(IpUtils.toInetAddress(ip),29)}/29".substring(1)
+ return "$ip not in any $site subnets"
+ }
+ def both_local(from,to) {
+ if (tenants[from] == null || tenants[from].type != "opendcae-local-ntc") return false
+ if (tenants[to] == null || tenants[to].type != "opendcae-local-ntc") return false
+ return true
+ }
+ def dns() {
+ def cnames = [:]
+ def arecords = [:]
+ def gss = [:]
+ def currentCnames = (env['dns'] ?: [:])['current-cnames'] ?: [:]
+ def currentGss = (env['dns'] ?: [:])['current-gss'] ?: [:]
+ def res = ['dns-arecords':arecords, 'dns-cnames':cnames, 'dns-gss':gss]
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith('vm-')) return
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ v1.servers.each { n2, v2 ->
+ (v2['dns-cnames'] ?: []).each { d ->
+ if (cnames[d] == null) cnames[d] = [value :"", values:[],status:dnsLookup(d)]
+ cnames[d].values += v2['dns-name'] ?: "$n2 missing DNS"
+ cnames[d].value = currentCnames[d] ?: cnames[d].values[0]
+ }
+ (v2['dns-gss'] ?: []).each { d ->
+ if (gss[d] == null) gss[d] = [value :"", values:[],status:dnsLookup(d,false)]
+ gss[d].values += v2['dns-name'] ?: "$n2 missing DNS"
+ gss[d].value = currentGss[d] ?: gss[d].values[0]
+ }
+ (v2['dns-arecords'] ?: []).each { d ->
+ if (arecords[d] == null) arecords[d] = [values:[],status:dnsLookup(d)]
+ def dns = v2['dns-name'] ?: "$n2 missing DNS"
+ def ip = ipAssignments[n2] ?: "TBD - ip-assignment.yaml@$n2"
+ arecords[d].values += "$dns $ip"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith('vm-')) return
+ (v.type['dns-gss'] ?: []).each { gssType ->
+// println "n=$n gssType=$gssType"
+ switch (gssType) {
+ case "gss":
+ def d = dnsName(n,null,'global')
+ cnames[d] = [value:dnsName(n,null,'gss'),status:dnsLookup(d,false)]
+ break;
+ case "gss-edge":
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+// println "n=$n gssType=$gssType n1=$n1 v1=$v1"
+ def v2 = tenants[n1]
+ def d = dnsName(n,v2,'site')
+ cnames[d] = [value:dnsName(n,v2,'gss-edge'),status:dnsLookup(d,false)]
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (v.type['dns-cnames'] ?: []).each { cnameType ->
+// println "n=$n cnameType=$cnameType"
+ switch (cnameType) {
+ case "central-site":
+ def d = dnsName(n,null,'global')
+ cnames[d] = [values:[],status:dnsLookup(d,false)]
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ def v2 = tenants[n1]
+ if (v2.type != "opendcae-central") return
+ def d1 = dnsName(n,v2,'site')
+ if (cnames[d].value == null) cnames[d].value = d1
+ cnames[d].values += d1
+ }
+// println "n=$n cnameType=$cnameType ${p(cnames[d])}"
+// System.exit(3)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (deploymentType[n].type['dns-service'] ?: [:]).each { n3, v3 ->
+ switch (v3['cluster-type']) {
+ case "gss" :
+ def d = dnsName(n,null,'global',n3)
+ cnames[d] = [value:dnsName(n,null,'gss',n3),status:dnsLookup(d)]
+ break
+ case "gss-edge" :
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ def v2 = tenants[n1]
+ def d = dnsName(n,v2,'site',n3)
+ cnames[d] = [value:dnsName(n,v2,'gss-edge',n3),status:dnsLookup(d)]
+ }
+// println "n=$n n3=$n3 ${p(cnames)}"
+// System.exit(3)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def dnsLookup(n,boolean showDetails = true) {
+ def x = "nslookup $n".execute().text
+ List res = []
+ if (x.contains("server can't find")) return "Not registered"
+ def first = true
+ x.split('\n').each { line ->
+ if (line.startsWith("Address:")) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false
+ return
+ }
+ def ip = line.substring(9)
+ res += "${ip2hostname(ip)} $ip"
+ }
+ }
+ return showDetails ? res.sort() : "Registered"
+ }
+ def ip2hostname(ip) {
+ def res = null
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith('vm-')) return
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ v1.servers.each { n2, v2 ->
+ if (ip == v2.ip) res = n2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res ?: "Unknown server"
+ }
+ def ssl() {
+ def res = [:]
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith('vm-')) return
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ v1.servers.each { n2, v2 ->
+ res[n2] = [ names: v2['dns-arecords']]
+ res[n2].names += v2['dns-cnames']
+ res[n2].names += v2['dns-gss']
+ File f = new File("$root/$release-$envName/certificates/${n2}.pkcs12")
+ if (!f.exists())
+ res[n2].status = "No certificate"
+ else
+ res[n2].status = passwords[n2] ? "Certificate Exists" : "No Password"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def destination2deployment(n,extra) {
+ if (extra['destination-entity-type']) {
+ def res = []
+ deploymentType.each { n1, v ->
+ if (n1.startsWith(extra['destination-entity-type'])) res += n1
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ return [ extra['destination-entity'] ?: n ]
+ }
+ def findEndpoints(n, extra = [:]) {
+ if (n == "vm-all") {
+ return tenants.collect { n1, t -> n1 }
+ }
+ n = extra['destination-entity'] ?: n
+ if (deploymentType[n])
+ return deploymentType[n].tenantNames
+ // external entity
+ return [ n ]
+ }
+ def findIps(String n, String t, extra = [:]) {
+ n = extra['destination-entity'] ?: n
+ if (n == "vm-all") {
+ def res = []
+ deploymentType.each { n1, v1 ->
+ if (! n1.startsWith("vm-")) return
+ res += findIps(n1,t,extra)
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ if (deploymentType[n] == null) {
+ // external entity
+ def v = ((env.networking ?: [:])['external-entities'] ?: [:])[n]
+ if (v == null) return ["TBD - env.yaml@networking.external-entities.$n" ]
+ if (v.ips != null) return v.ips
+ return v.collect {n1,v1 -> v1.ip}
+ }
+ def v = deploymentType[n].instances[t]
+// println "n=$n v=${p(deploymentType[n].instances[t])}"
+ if (n.startsWith("vm-")) {
+// println "n=$n v=${p(v.servers)}"
+ if (v==null) return []
+ return v.servers.collect { n1,v1 -> v1.ip }
+ }
+// println "n=$n v=${p(deploymentType.collect {n1,v1 -> n1})}"
+// println p(dockers)
+ return findIps(v.hostService,v.hostServiceInstance)
+ }
+ def streams2bus() {
+ def res = [:]
+ def otherFeeds = [:]
+ streams.streams.each { n, v ->
+// println "n=$n v=${object2json(v).toString(2)}"
+ def streamNames = []
+ def location = [:]
+ def auth = [:]
+ switch (v['databus-type']) {
+ case "topic":
+ streamNames += "topic:$n"
+ auth["topic:$n"] = "aaf"
+ break
+ case "topic-public":
+ streamNames += "topic:$n"
+ auth["topic:$n"] = "none"
+ break
+ case "ecomp":
+ streamNames += "ecomp:$n"
+ break
+ case "local":
+ tenants.each { n1, v1 -> streamNames += "local:$n:$n1" }
+ break
+ case "local-ecomp":
+ streamNames += "ecomp:$n"
+ tenants.each { n1, v1 ->
+ streamNames += "local:$n:$n1"
+ otherFeeds["local:$n:$n1"] = [ "ecomp:$n" ]
+ }
+ break
+ default: println "Unknown databus type: ${v['databus-type']}"
+ }
+ streamNames.each { streamName ->
+ switch (v['stream-type']) {
+ case "data-router":
+ def stream = [
+ '$class' : "org.openecomp.dcae.controller.core.stream.DatabusStreamFeed",
+ publishers : [:],
+ subscribers : [:],
+ feedDescription : v['description'],
+ asprClassification : v['aspr-classification'],
+ ]
+ if (v['databus-type'] == "local-ecomp") {
+ stream.publishers['forward'] = [:]
+ }
+ res[streamName] = stream
+ v.publishers.each { n1, v1 ->
+ switch (v1['publisher-type']) {
+ default:
+ if (streamName.startsWith("local")) {
+ def loc = streamName.split(':')[2]
+ def n2 = "$n1:$loc"
+ stream.publishers[n2] = [
+ localStreamId : v1['local-name'],
+ dcaeLocationName: loc
+ ]
+ }
+ if (streamName.startsWith("ecomp")) {
+ locationTypes['opendcae-central'].tenantNames.each { n3 ->
+// System.err.println "n1=$n1 n3=$n3 ${deploymentType[n1].instances[n3]}"
+ if (deploymentType[n1].instances[n3] == null || deploymentType[n1].instances[n3].size() == 0) return
+ def n2 = "$n1:$n3"
+// System.err.println "n2=$n2"
+ stream.publishers[n2] = [ localStreamId : v1['local-name'] ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ v.subscribers.each { n1, v1 ->
+ switch (v1['subscriber-type']) {
+ case "external":
+ if (streamName.startsWith("ecomp")) {
+ def n2 = "external:$n1"
+ stream.subscribers[n2] = [:]
+ stream.subscribers[n2].deliveryURL = substitute(v1['subscriber-url'],[:],null,null)
+ stream.subscribers[n2].username = substitute(v1['subscriber-user'],[:],null,null)
+ stream.subscribers[n2].userpwd = substitute(v1['subscriber-password'],[:],null,null)
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ if (streamName.startsWith("local")) {
+ def loc = streamName.split(':')[2]
+ def n2 = "$n1:${loc}"
+ stream.subscribers[n2] = [
+ dcaeLocationName : loc,
+ localStreamId : v1['local-name'],
+ deliveryURL : substitute(v1['subscriber-url'],[:],n2,loc)
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (otherFeeds[streamName]) {
+ // Add additional subscriber for forwarding to that feed
+ otherFeeds[streamName].each { n3 ->
+ def n2 = "forward:$n3"
+ stream.subscribers[n2] = [
+ otherFeedName : n3
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case "message-router":
+ def stream = [
+ '$class' : "org.openecomp.dcae.controller.core.stream.DatabusStreamTopic",
+ clients : [:],
+ topicDescription : v['description'],
+ asprClassification : v['aspr-classification'],
+ authenticationMethod : auth[streamName],
+ ]
+ res[streamName] = stream
+ tenants.each { loc, w1 ->
+ v.publishers.each { n1, v1 ->
+ def n2 = "$n1:${loc}"
+ stream.clients[n2] = [
+ localStreamId : v1['local-name'],
+ clientRole : v1['role'],
+ username : v1['user'] ? substitute(v1['user'],[:],n1,loc) : null,
+ userpwd : v1['password'] ? substitute(v1['password'],[:],n1,loc) : null,
+ action : ["pub","view"],
+ dcaeLocationName: loc,
+ ]
+ }
+ v.subscribers.each { n1, v1 ->
+ def n2 = "$n1:${loc}"
+ stream.clients[n2] = [
+ localStreamId : v1['local-name'],
+ clientRole : v1['role'],
+ username : v1['user'] ? substitute(v1['user'],[:],n1,loc) : null,
+ userpwd : v1['password'] ? substitute(v1['password'],[:],n1,loc) : null,
+ action : ["sub","view"],
+ dcaeLocationName: loc,
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// println "res=${object2json(res).toString(2)}"
+ return res
+ }
+ def substitute(o, env1, s, i) {
+ SimpleTemplateEngine engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
+ String res = o
+ env1.dcae = this
+ env1.passwords = env.passwords
+ init(s, i)
+ switch (o) {
+ case List:
+ def l = []
+ o.each { e ->
+ l += substitute(e, env1, s, i)
+ }
+ return l
+ case Map:
+ def m = [:]
+ o.each { n,v ->
+ m[n] = substitute(v, env1, s, i)
+ }
+ return m
+ }
+ try {
+ res = engine.createTemplate("$o").make(env1)
+ if (res.startsWith("_LIST_:") && res.endsWith(":_LIST_")) {
+ res = res.replace("_LIST_:","").replace(":_LIST_","")
+ JSONArray a = new JSONArray(res)
+ return json2object(a)
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ System.out.println "$o"
+ System.err.println "ERROR $e"
+ System.exit(2)
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def orchOld(format = null) {
+ def res = [
+ central : [
+ postgresURL: "jdbc:postgresql://${serviceFqdn('vm-postgres-sql')}:5432/XXX",
+ postgresUser: "YYYYY",
+ postgresPassword: "\${env.passwords.postgres.XXX.YYYYY}",
+ dmaapDcaeLocation: "????",
+ dmaapMRHosts: allServersFqdn("vm-databus-mr-node")
+ ],
+ locations:[:]
+ ]
+ tenants.each { n, tenant ->
+ res[n] = [
+ locationType: tenant.type,
+ dmaapDcaeLocation : n,
+ dmaapMrService : dnsName("vm-databus-mr-node",tenant,"site"),
+ aaiLocationName: tenant['aai-location-name'] ?: "TBD tenant.yaml#${n}.aai-location-name",
+ clli: tenant['clli'] ?: "TBD tenant.yaml#${n}.clli",
+ ]
+ }
+ /*
+ "locations" : {
+ "central" : {
+ },
+ },
+ Similar to above
+ }
+ /* Repeat for all edge locations in the environment
+ * Could use a looping construct if your template language has one
+ */
+ switch (format) {
+ case "base64" : return "'" + object2json(res).toString(2).bytes.encodeBase64(true) + "'"
+ default: return res
+ }
+ }
+ def orch(format = null) {
+ def postgres = release == "1607" ? 'vm-postgres-sql' : 'vm-postgresql-central'
+ def res = [
+ central : [
+ postgresHost: "${serviceFqdn(postgres)}",
+ postgresDTIPassword: "${password('postgres.dti.viewer')}"
+ ]
+ ]
+ tenants.each { n, tenant ->
+ res[tenant['aai-location-name'] ?: "TBD - tenants.yaml@${n}.aai-location-name"] = [
+ aaiLocationName:tenant['aai-location-name'],
+ locationType: tenant.type,
+ dcaeLocationName : n,
+ dmaapMrService : dnsName("vm-databus-mr-node",tenant,"site"),
+ dockerHost1: serversFqdn("vm-docker-host-1", n)[0],
+ dockerHost2: serversFqdn("vm-docker-host-2", n)[0],
+ dockerHost3: serversFqdn("vm-docker-host-3", n)[0],
+ ]
+ }
+ switch (format) {
+ case "base64" : return "'${object2json(res).toString(2).bytes.encodeBase64(true)}'".replace('\n','\n\n')
+ case "json" : return object2json(res).toString(2)
+ default: return res
+ }
+ }
+ def controllerCluster() {
+ def res = [servers:[:]]
+ def ee = (env['vm-templates'] ?: [:])['vm-controller'] ?: [:]
+ def roles = ee['server-roles'] ?: [:]
+ deploymentType['vm-controller'].instances.each { n, v ->
+ v.servers.each { n1, v1 ->
+ println "$n1 ${roles[n1] ?: 'UNKNOWN'}"
+ res.servers[n1] = [
+ role : roles[n1] ?: 'UNKNOWN',
+ data : [
+ state :[:]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def chefTopo() {
+ def topo = "$release-$envName"
+ def chef = [
+ id: topo,
+ name: topo,
+ chef_environment: "_default",
+ tags: [],
+ strategy: "via_cookbook",
+ strategy_data: [ cookbook: topo, filename: "topology"],
+ nodes : []
+ ]
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (! n.startsWith("vm-")) return
+ println "$n"
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ v1.servers.each { n2, v2 ->
+// println "$n $n1 $n2 $v2"
+ chef.nodes += [
+ name : v2['dns-name'],
+ tags : [],
+ chef_environment: "_default",
+ run_list: [ "recipe[$release]","recipe[dcae-nagios]" ],
+ normal: [ tags: [] ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return chef
+ }
+ def flavor(n,t) {
+ def tt = tenants[t]
+ if (tt == null) return "NONE $n $t"
+ def v = deploymentType[n]
+ if (!aEnv())
+ return v['vm-type'].replace('vm-','dcae-')
+ def vmType = v.type['openstack-vm-type'] ?: [:]
+ def e = (env['vm-templates'] ?: [:])[v['vm-type']] ?:[:]
+ def d = e['openstack-flavor-name'] ? e['openstack-flavor-name'] : vmType['openstack-flavor-name']
+ switch (d) {
+ case String: return d
+ case Map: return d[tt['type']]
+ }
+ }
+ def showFlavors() {
+ def res = [:]
+ deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith('vm')) return
+ res[n] = [:]
+ v.instances.each { n1, v1 ->
+ res[n][n1] = flavor(n,n1)
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ def list(x) {
+ return "_LIST_:${object2json(x)}:_LIST_"
+ }
+ static main(args) {
+ }
diff --git a/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DocUtils.java b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DocUtils.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b30cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/DocUtils.java
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.controller.operation.utils;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions;
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.maps.CounterMap;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.webservice.utils.JsonUtils;
+import static org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.console.Utils.*;
+public class DocUtils {
+ protected String env;
+ protected static String root = "/home/vagrant/git/org.openecomp.dcae.controller.operation";
+ protected String release;
+// public DocUtils(String release, String env) {
+// super();
+// this.release = release;
+// this.env = env;
+// }
+ public DocUtils(String release, String env, String root1, String root2) {
+ super();
+ this.release = release;
+ this.env = env;
+ if (root1 != null) root = root1;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ public Map tenants() {
+ String fileName = release + "-" + env + "/tenants.yaml";
+ Map o = (Map) file2object(fileName);
+ return o;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ public Map vms() {
+ LinkedHashMap<String,LinkedHashMap<String,Object>> s = new LinkedHashMap<String,LinkedHashMap<String,Object>>();
+ LinkedHashMap<String,LinkedHashMap<String,Object>> ss = new LinkedHashMap<String,LinkedHashMap<String,Object>>();
+ CounterMap<String> index = new CounterMap<String>();
+ Map<String,Object> locationTypes = locationTypes();
+ Map<String,Object> vmTypes = (Map<String, Object>) types("vm");
+ Map<String,Object> tenants = tenants();
+ for (String t : locationTypes.keySet()) {
+ for (String tenantKey : tenants.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> tenant = (Map<String, Object>) tenants.get(tenantKey);
+ if (! t.equals(tenant.get("type"))) continue;
+ Map<String,Object> locationType = (Map<String, Object>) locationTypes.get(t);
+ Map<String,Object> vmDeployments = (Map<String, Object>) locationType.get("vm-deployments");
+ for (String vmDeploymentKey : vmDeployments.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> vmDeployment = (Map<String, Object>) vmDeployments.get(vmDeploymentKey);
+ Map<String,Object> vmType = (Map<String, Object>) vmTypes.get(vmDeployment.get("vm-type"));
+ if (s.get(vmDeploymentKey) == null) {
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s1 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s.put(vmDeploymentKey, s1);
+ s1.put("vm-type", vmDeployment.get("vm-type"));
+ s1.put("release", vmDeployment.get("release"));
+ s1.put("milestone", vmDeployment.get("milestone"));
+ boolean useController = (Boolean) get(vmType,"lifecycle-management", "use-dcae-manager",new Boolean(false));
+ s1.put("use-controller", useController);
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s2 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s1.put("locations", s2);
+ ss.put(vmDeploymentKey, s2);
+ }
+// System.err.println (" XXx:" + t + " " + vmDeploymentKey + " " + vmTypes.keySet()+ " " + vmDeployment.get("vm-type"));
+// if (vmType.containsKey("error")) continue;
+ if (vmType == null) {
+ }
+ Integer numVms = (Integer) vmType.get("number-vms-per-location");
+ if (numVms == null) numVms = 2;
+// System.err.println (" XXx:" + t + " " + vmDeploymentKey + " " + vmType.keySet()+ " " + tenant.keySet());
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s1 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> sss = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s1.put("dcae-service", vmDeploymentKey);
+ s1.put("dcae-service-instance", tenantKey);
+ s1.put("dcae-container", "/locations/" + tenantKey);
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s2 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s1.put("vms", s2);
+ String shortName = short_name(vmDeployment.get("vm-type"));
+ String indexKey = tenant.get("name-short") + ":" + shortName;
+ numVms = (Integer) vmType.get("number-vms-per-location");
+ if (numVms == null) numVms = 2;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < numVms; i++) {
+ String name = vmname(tenant,vmType,index.get(indexKey));
+// System.err.println ("new VM: " + name + " " + index.get(indexKey));
+ index.increment(indexKey);
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s3 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s3.put("dns-name", name + "." + tenant.get("dns-surfix"));
+ s2.put(name, s3);
+ }
+ ss.get(vmDeploymentKey).put(vmDeploymentKey+"-"+tenantKey, s1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ private String short_name(Object object) {
+ String fileName = release + "/vm-templates/" + object + ".yaml";
+ Map o = (Map) file2object(fileName);
+ return (String) o.get("short-name");
+ }
+ Map<String,Object> locationTypes() {
+ String fileName = release + "/location-types.yaml";
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ Map<String,Object> locationTypes = (Map) file2object(fileName);
+ return locationTypes;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ public Map dockers() {
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ Map<String,Object> locationTypes = locationTypes();
+ Map<String,Object> dockerTypes = (Map<String, Object>) types("docker");
+ Map<String,Object> tenants = tenants();
+ for (String t : locationTypes.keySet()) {
+ for (String tenantKey : tenants.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> tenant = (Map<String, Object>) tenants.get(tenantKey);
+ if (! t.equals(tenant.get("type"))) continue;
+ Map<String,Object> locationType = (Map<String, Object>) locationTypes.get(t);
+ Map<String,Object> dockerDeployments = (Map<String, Object>) locationType.get("docker-deployments");
+ if (dockerDeployments == null) continue;
+ for (String dockerDeploymentKey : dockerDeployments.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> dockerDeployment = (Map<String, Object>) dockerDeployments.get(dockerDeploymentKey);
+ Map<String,Object> dockerType = (Map<String, Object>) dockerTypes.get(dockerDeployment.get("docker-type"));
+// if (dockerType.containsKey("error")) continue;
+// System.err.println (" XXx:" + t + " " + vmDeploymentKey + " " + vmType.keySet()+ " " + container.keySet());
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s1 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ s1.put("docker-type", dockerDeployment.get("docker-type"));
+ s1.put("release", dockerDeployment.get("release"));
+ s1.put("milestone", dockerDeployment.get("milestone"));
+ s1.put("use-controller", true);
+ s1.put("dcae-service", dockerDeploymentKey);
+ s1.put("dcae-service-instance", tenantKey);
+ String container = (String) dockerDeployment.get("container");
+// container = container.replace("${location-name}", tenantKey);
+ s1.put("dcae-container", container);
+ s1.put("location-type", t);
+ s.put(dockerDeploymentKey, s1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ private Map<String, Object> containers() {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
+ private Object get(Map<String, Object> m, String k1, String k2, Object def) {
+ Object o = m.get(k1);
+ if (o instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ Map<String, Object> m1 = (Map<String, Object>) o;
+ return get(m1,k2,def);
+ }
+ return def;
+ }
+ private Object get(Map<String, Object> m, String k1, Object def) {
+ Object o = m.get(k1);
+ return o == null ? def : o;
+ }
+ static LinkedHashMap<String,String> env2char = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
+ static {
+ env2char.put("DEV", "zldc");
+ env2char.put("FTL", "zldc");
+ env2char.put("FTL2", "zldc");
+ env2char.put("IST", "zltc");
+ env2char.put("ISTFTL", "zltc");
+ env2char.put("ETE", "zlsc");
+ env2char.put("PROD", "zlpc");
+ }
+ private String vmname(Map<String, Object> tenant, Map<String, Object> vmType, int i) {
+ String env1 = (String) tenant.get("environment-type");
+ if (env1 == null) env1 = env;
+ String s = env2char.get(env1);
+ if (s == null) s = env2char.get("DEV");
+ return s + tenant.get("name-short") + vmType.get("short-name") + String.format("%02d", i);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ public Map types(String dType) {
+ LinkedHashMap<String,Object> s = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
+ Map<String,Object> locationTypes = locationTypes();
+ for (String locationType : locationTypes.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> o1 = (Map<String, Object>) locationTypes.get(locationType);
+ Map<String,Object> o2 = (Map<String, Object>) o1.get(dType + "-deployments");
+ if (o2 == null) continue;
+ for (String type : o2.keySet()) {
+ Map<String,Object> o3 = (Map<String, Object>) o2.get(type);
+ if (o3.containsKey(dType + "-type"))
+ type = (String) o3.get(dType + "-type");
+ if (s.containsKey(type)) continue;
+ String path = release + "/" + dType + "-templates/" + type + ".yaml";
+ s.put(type,file2object(path));
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ protected static Object file2object(String path) {
+ return file2object(path, true);
+ }
+ protected static Object file2object(String path, boolean required) {
+// System.err.println (root + "/" + path);
+ try {
+ if (path.endsWith(".json")) {
+// System.err.println (root + "/" + path);
+ return json2object(JsonUtils.file2json(root + "/" + path));
+ }
+ else {
+ Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
+ String s = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(root + "/" + path)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ Object o = yaml.load(s);
+ if (o != null) return o;
+ }
+ } catch (org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException e) {
+ System.err.println("YAML exception: " + path + " " + e);
+ System.exit(2);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ System.err.println("exception: " + path + " " + e.getClass());
+ if (required)
+ System.err.println("exception: " + path + " " + e);
+ else {
+// System.err.println("exception: " + path + " " + e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ HashMap<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ m.put("error", "No information about: " + path);
+ return m;
+ }
+ private static String object2yaml(Object object, List<String> l) {
+ DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
+ options.setDefaultFlowStyle(DumperOptions.FlowStyle.BLOCK);
+ options.setSplitLines(true);
+ options.setWidth(100000);
+ Yaml y = new Yaml(options);
+ Object o = object2json(object);
+ if (o instanceof JSONArray) {
+ JSONObject j = new JSONObject();
+ j.put("ARRAY", object);
+ o = j;
+ }
+ JSONObject json = (JSONObject) o;
+ if (l != null) {
+ for (String s : l) {
+ if (json.has(s))
+ json.remove(s);
+ }
+ }
+ // the replace is due to JSONObject changes "</" to "<\/"
+ Object data = y.load(json.toString().replace("<\\/", "</"));
+ return y.dump(data);
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ DocUtils d = new DocUtils("1607", "ISTFLT",null,null);
+// System.err.println(object2yaml(d.tenants().get("local-willows"),null));
+// System.err.println(object2yaml(d.types("vm"),null));
+// System.err.println(object2yaml(d.types("docker"),null));
+// System.err.println(object2yaml(d.types("cdap"),null));
+// System.err.println(object2yaml(d.vms(),null));
+ System.err.println(object2yaml(d.dockers(),null));
+ }
diff --git a/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/GenControllerConfiguration.groovy b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/GenControllerConfiguration.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f48b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcae-controller-core/dcae-controller-operation-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/controller/operation/utils/GenControllerConfiguration.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.controller.operation.utils
+import groovy.json.JsonOutput;
+import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CatchStatement;
+import groovy.io.FileType
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
+import org.json.JSONArray
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.controller.core.service.DcaeLocation;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.controller.core.service.ServiceFactory;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.controller.platform.controller.ControllerFactory;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.controller.platform.controller.DcaePlatformController;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.OpenstackFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.LocationFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.LocationPackage;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.OpenStackLocation
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.OpenStackProject;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.util.OpenstackAdapterFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.ManagementServer;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.StringUtil;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.webservice.utils.FileUtils;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.console.Utils
+import static org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.console.Utils.*
+class GenControllerConfiguration extends DocUtils {
+ String destinationRoot
+ ManagementServer server
+ DcaePlatformController o
+ DcaePlatformConfiguration platformConfig
+ String destRoot
+ String release
+ String env
+ public GenControllerConfiguration(String release, String env, String root1, String root2) {
+ super(release,env,root1,root2);
+ this.release = release
+ this.env = env
+ destinationRoot = (root2 ?: root) + "/" + release + "-" + env + "/controller-gen"
+ destRoot = root2 ?: root
+ File d = new File(destinationRoot)
+ server = new ManagementServer()
+ o = ControllerFactory.eINSTANCE.createDcaePlatformController()
+ platformConfig = new DcaePlatformConfiguration(release,env,root1,root2)
+ server.setObject(o)
+ ["controller-gen","chef-repo-gen","cloudify-gen","general-gen"].each { dd ->
+ d = new File("${root2 ?: root}/$release-$env/$dd")
+ if (d.exists())
+ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(d)
+ }
+ println "destinationRoot=$destinationRoot"
+ }
+ void copyFile(File source, File destination, boolean doSub = false) {
+ destination.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ if (doSub && source.bytes == source.text.bytes) {
+ // TEXT file
+ destination << substitute(source.text,[:],"???","???")
+ }
+ else
+ destination.bytes = source.bytes
+ }
+ void copyDirectory(File sourceDir, File destDir, boolean doSub = false) throws IOException {
+ if (!destDir.exists()) {
+ destDir.mkdirs();
+ }
+ for (File f : sourceDir.listFiles()) {
+ File dest = new File(destDir, f.getName());
+ if (f.isDirectory()) {
+ copyDirectory(f, dest, doSub);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (f.isFile()) {
+ copyFile(f, dest, doSub);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void copyFileFromDirectory(File sourceDir, File destDir) throws IOException {
+ if (!destDir.exists()) {
+ destDir.mkdirs();
+ }
+ for (File f : sourceDir.listFiles()) {
+ File dest = new File(destDir, f.getName());
+ if (f.isDirectory()) {
+ copyDirectory(f, dest);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (f.isFile()) {
+ copyFile(f, dest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def void createChefConfiguration() {
+ save2("/topologies/${release}-${env}", platformConfig.chefTopo(), "chef")
+ if (release == "1607") return
+ platformConfig.deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (v.type == null || ! n.startsWith("vm-")) return
+ def ooo = v.type['vm-setup']
+ def oo = [
+ 'nagios-configuration' : ooo['nagios-configuration'],
+ 'splunk-configuration' : ooo['splunk-configuration'],
+ 'configuration-files':[:]
+ ]
+ def xx = oo['configuration-files']
+ v.instances.each { i, instance ->
+ def n2 = v['vm-type']
+ [
+ [dirname : "$root/$release/vm-config/$n2", nameType : "a"],
+ [dirname : "$root/$release/vm-config-chef/$n2", nameType : "a"],
+ [dirname : "$root/$release/other-config/$n2", nameType : "b"],
+ [dirname : "$root/$release/monitoring-config", nameType: "c"]
+ ].each { v3 ->
+ def dir = new File(v3.dirname)
+ if (dir.exists()) {
+ recurseFiles(dir).each { File file ->
+ def nn
+ switch (v3.nameType) {
+ case "a": nn = "$n2-$file.name"; break;
+ case "b": nn = "$file.name"; break;
+ case "c": nn = "monitoring-agent-$file.name"; break;
+ }
+ if (nn.endsWith(".base64")) {
+ nn = nn.replace(".base64","")
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/var/config/DCAE/chef/$nn", encoding:"base64", content: file.text]
+ }
+ else
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/var/config/DCAE/chef/$nn", content: file.text]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def o = []
+ String str
+ str = object2json(oo)
+ str = DocUtils.object2yaml(oo,[])
+// println str
+// str = str.replace("\\n", "\\\\n").replace("\\\\", "\\")
+// println str
+// def ENV = ((envMapGlobal['vm-templates'] ?: [:])[n2]) ?: [:]
+// println "ENV $n2 $ENV"
+// str = substitute(str,ENV,n,i)
+// f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+// println str
+// f << str
+// System.exit(0)
+ instance.servers.each { n3, v3 ->
+ def ENV = ((envMapGlobal['vm-templates'] ?: [:])[n2]) ?: [:]
+// println "ENV $n2 $ENV"
+ platformConfig.vmKey = certificatePassword(n3)
+ platformConfig.vmName = n3
+// println "n3=$n3 v3=$v3 vmKey=$platformConfig.vmKey"
+// System.exit(0)
+ def str1 = substitute(str,ENV,n,i)
+ saveYaml("files/${n3}",str1,"chef")
+ platformConfig.vmKey = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def recurseFiles(File dir) {
+ def l = []
+ dir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file -> l += file }
+ return l.sort { it }
+ }
+ def void createConfiguration() {
+ def envMap = file2object("$release-$env/env.yaml", false)
+ save("/configuration", new JSONObject())
+ File dir = new File(root + "/" + release + "/controller-template")
+ File dir2 = new File(destinationRoot + "/resources")
+ File dir3 = new File(destinationRoot + "/resources/descriptors")
+ copyDirectory(dir, dir2);
+ (platformConfig.env['users'] ?: [:]).each { n, v ->
+ save("/users/$n",v)
+ }
+ ["vm","docker","cdap","other"].each { t ->
+ File dir4 = new File("$root/$release/${t}-descriptors")
+ dir4.listFiles().each { f ->
+ copyFile(f, new File(dir3,f.name));
+ }
+ }
+ File config1 = new File(root + "/" + release + "/vm-config/vm-controller")
+ File config2 = new File(destinationRoot + "/config")
+ copyDirectory(config1, config2, true);
+ File config11 = new File(root + "/" + release + "-" + env + "/config")
+ File config21 = new File(destinationRoot + "/config")
+ copyDirectory(config11, config21);
+ File cert1 = new File(root + "/" + release + "-" + env + "/certificates")
+ File cert2 = new File(destinationRoot + "/config")
+ copyDirectory(cert1, cert2);
+ // TODO remove this old stuff
+// println platformConfig.types.collect { String n, v -> n }
+ platformConfig.types.each { String n, v ->
+ if (!n.startsWith("vm")) return
+ if (!platformConfig.types[n]['openstack-vm-type']) {
+ System.err.println "No vm type for $n"
+ return
+ }
+ def n1 = n.replace("vm-", "dcae-")
+ save("/openstack/vmTypes/$n1",platformConfig.genVmType(n))
+ }
+ def chef = file2object("$release-$env/chef.yaml", false)
+ def maven = file2object("$release-$env/maven.yaml", false)
+ def ssl = file2object("$release-$env/ssl.yaml", false)
+ platformConfig.deploymentType.each { n, v ->
+ if (v.type == null || ! n.startsWith("vm-")) return
+ if (v.type['vm-setup'] == null) v.type['vm-setup'] = ['configuration-files' :[:]]
+ def oo = v.type['vm-setup']
+ if (oo['configuration-files'] == null) oo['configuration-files'] = [:]
+ def xx = oo['configuration-files']
+ v.instances.each { i, instance ->
+ File f = new File("$destinationRoot/config/instances/$n/${i}.yaml")
+// println platformConfig.p(oo)
+ if (v.type['openstack-vm-type'] && v.type['openstack-vm-type']['disk-partitions']) {
+ xx.mount_config = [
+ destination: "/tmp/dcae-mount.conf",
+ content: DocUtils.object2yaml(v.type['openstack-vm-type']['disk-partitions'],[])
+ ]
+ }
+ if (chef) {
+ chef['pem-files'].each { n1, v1 ->
+ xx["chef-$n1"] = v1
+ }
+ }
+ if (maven && maven.settings) {
+ xx["maven-settings"] = maven.settings
+ }
+ if (ssl && ssl.certificates) {
+ ssl.certificates.each { n4, v4 ->
+ xx[n4] = v4
+ }
+ }
+ def aa = file2object("$release-$env/vm-instances/${n}.yaml", false) ?: [:]
+ def aaa = aa['configuration-files'] ?: [:]
+ aaa.each { n4, v4 ->
+ xx[n4] = v4
+ }
+ def n2 = v['vm-type']
+ def vmConfigDir = new File("$root/$release/vm-config/$n2")
+ if (vmConfigDir.exists()) {
+ recurseFiles(vmConfigDir).each { file ->
+ def nn = "$n2-$file.name"
+ if (nn.endsWith(".base64")) {
+ nn = nn.replace(".base64","")
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/tmp/$nn", encoding:"base64", content: file.text]
+ }
+ else
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/tmp/$nn", content: file.text]
+ }
+ }
+ def vmConfigDir2 = new File("$root/$release-$env/vm-config/$n2")
+ System.err.println "XXXXX: $vmConfigDir2"
+ if (vmConfigDir2.exists()) {
+ System.err.println "XXXXX: $vmConfigDir2"
+ recurseFiles(vmConfigDir2).each { file ->
+ System.err.println "XXXXX: $file"
+ def nn = "$n2-$file.name"
+ if (nn.endsWith(".base64")) {
+ nn = nn.replace(".base64","")
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/tmp/$nn", encoding:"base64", content: file.text]
+ }
+ else
+ xx[nn] = [ destination: "/tmp/$nn", content: file.text]
+ }
+ }
+ def otherConfigDir = new File("$root/$release/other-config/$n2")
+ if (otherConfigDir.exists()) {
+ recurseFiles(otherConfigDir).each { file ->
+ def nn = "$file.name"
+ xx[nn] = [
+ destination: "/tmp/$nn",
+ content: file.text
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ recurseFiles(new File("$root/$release/monitoring-config")).each { file ->
+ def nn = "monitoring-agent-$file.name"
+ xx[nn] = [
+ destination: "/tmp/$nn",
+ content: file.text
+ ]
+ }
+ def o = []
+ String str
+ str = object2json(oo)
+ str = DocUtils.object2yaml(oo,[])
+// println str
+ str = str.replace("\\n", "\\\\n").replace("\\\\", "\\")
+// println str
+ def ENV = ((envMapGlobal['vm-templates'] ?: [:])[n2]) ?: [:]
+// println "ENV $n2 $ENV"
+ str = substitute(str,ENV,n,i)
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+// println str
+ f << str
+// System.exit(0)
+ if (release == "1607") {
+ instance.servers.each { n3, v3 ->
+ saveYaml("files/${n3}",str,"chef")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ save("/databus",[streams : platformConfig.streams2bus()])
+ save("/cluster",platformConfig.controllerCluster())
+ }
+ void createLocations() {
+ Map tenants = tenants();
+ o.openstack = OpenstackFactory.eINSTANCE.createOpenStackController()
+ save("/openstack", new JSONObject())
+ tenants.each { n, tenant ->
+ DcaeLocation loc = ServiceFactory.eINSTANCE.createDcaeLocation()
+ o.getLocations().add(loc)
+ loc.name = n
+ loc.locationType = tenant.type
+ if (tenant.openstack != null) {
+ OpenStackLocation l = genEcore(LocationPackage.eINSTANCE.openStackLocation, tenant.openstack)
+ l.name = n
+ o.openstack.locations += l
+ OpenStackProject p = genEcore(LocationPackage.eINSTANCE.openStackProject, tenant.openstack.tenant)
+ l.projects += p
+ loc.openstackProject = p
+ l.allowCreateFlavor = (! platformConfig.aEnv() )
+ save("/openstack/locations/$n",l)
+ }
+ save("/locations/$n",loc)
+ }
+ }
+ def throw1(s) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(s)
+ }
+ void createServiceInstances() {
+ def envMap = file2object("$release-$env/env.yaml", false) ?: ['vm-templates':[:]]
+ vms().each { n1, vmDeployment ->
+// System.err.println "$n1 $vmDeployment"
+ def t = vmDeployment['vm-type']
+ vmDeployment.locations.each { n , vm ->
+// System.err.println "$n $vm"
+ def m = [:]
+ def s = vm['dcae-service']
+ def i = vm['dcae-service-instance']
+ def descriptor = file2object("$release/vm-descriptors/${s}.json", false)
+ if (descriptor == null) {
+ System.err.println "No descriptor for $s"
+ return
+ }
+ def template = file2object("$release/vm-service-instance-templates/${n}.yaml", false)
+ def vmTemplate = file2object("$release/vm-templates/${t}.yaml")
+// System.err.println "$n descript=$descriptor"
+// System.err.println "$n template=$template"
+ m['$class'] = "${descriptor.servicePackage}.${descriptor.serviceInstanceClass}"
+ m.vmType = [ '$ref' : "/openstack/vmTypes/${t.replace('vm-','dcae-')}" ]
+ m.location = [ '$ref' : vm['dcae-container'] ]
+ m.numberOfServers = vmTemplate['number-vms-per-location']
+ m.iedsAdmin = (envMap['ieds'] ?: [:])['admin-user'] ?: "TBD - env.yaml@ieds.admin-user"
+ m.chefUser = (envMap['chef'] ?: [:])['user'] ?: "TBD - env.yaml@chef.user"
+ m.chefOrg = (envMap['chef'] ?: [:])['org'] ?: "TBD - env.yaml@chef.group"
+ m.chefTopology = "$release-$env"
+ m.openstackFlavor = platformConfig.flavor(s,i)
+ if ((vmTemplate['dns-arecords'] ?: []).contains('site')) {
+ platformConfig.init(s,i)
+ m.serviceFqdn = platformConfig.siteServiceFqdn()
+ }
+ ["users","adminUsers"].each { xx ->
+ def xx1 = envMap['vm-templates'] ?: [:]
+ if (xx1 == null) { throw1 "No vm-templates in $release-$env/env.yaml" }
+ def xx2 = xx1[t]
+ if (xx2 == null) { xx2 = xx1['default'] ?: [users:[],adminUsers:[]] }
+ if (xx2 == null) { throw1 "No vm-template for $t in $release-$env/env.yaml" }
+ def xx3 = xx.replace("U", "-u")
+// System.err.println "$xx1 $t"
+ m[xx] = []
+ xx2[xx3].each { u ->
+ m[xx] += [ '$ref' : "/users/$u" ]
+ }
+ }
+ m.servers = [:]
+ vm.vms.each { n2, vm2 ->
+ m.servers[n2] = [
+ certificatePassword: certificatePassword(n2),
+ networks : [ public : [
+ dnsName:vm2['dns-name'],
+ ip:ipAssignment(n2),
+ ]]
+ ]
+ }
+// System.err.println "$n m=$m"
+ m.applicationIds = vmTemplate['application-ids'] ?: ["dcae"]
+ m.adminId = vmTemplate['admin-id'] ?: "attcloud"
+ def iConf = vmTemplate['controller-instance-configuration'] ?: [:]
+ iConf.each { nn, v -> m[nn] = substitute(v,envMap['vm-templates'][t],s,i) }
+ // manager port
+ def x = vmTemplate['lifecycle-management'] ?: ['use-dcae-manager': false]
+ if (! x['use-dcae-manager']) {
+ m.managerPortNumber = -1
+ }
+ else {
+ m.managerPortNumber = x['manager-port'] ?: 9999
+ }
+ def installSteps = vmTemplate['installation-steps'] ?: []
+ m.steps = [:]
+ def stepIndex = 0
+ def pp = "org.openecomp.dcae.controller.service.vm"
+ installSteps.each { step ->
+ def stepName = "step-${stepIndex++}"
+ switch (step.step) {
+ case "shell":
+ m.steps[stepName] = [
+ '$class' : "${pp}.ShellInstallationStep",
+ command : substitute(step.command,[:],s,i)
+ ]
+ break
+ case "maven-artifact":
+ m.steps[stepName] = [
+ '$class' : "${pp}.MavenArtifactInstallationStep",
+ groupId : step['group-id'],
+ artifactId : step['artifact-id'],
+ version : substitute(step['version'],[:],s,i),
+ type : step['type'],
+ assemblyId : step['assembly-id'],
+ applicationId : step['application-id'],
+ ]
+ break
+ case "http":
+ m.steps[stepName] = [
+ '$class' : "${pp}.HttpInstallationStep",
+ url : substitute(step['url'],[:],s,i),
+ userName : substitute(step['user-name'],[:],s,i),
+ password : substitute(step['password'],[:],s,i),
+ type : step['type'],
+ artifactId : step['artifact-id'],
+ applicationId : step['application-id'],
+ ]
+ break
+ default:
+ System.err.println "Unknown step: $s $i: $step.step"
+ }
+ }
+ save("/services/$s/instances/$i",m,true)
+ def m1 = [:]
+ def sConf = vmTemplate['controller-configuration'] ?: [:]
+ sConf.each { nn, v -> m1[nn] = v }
+ m1['$class'] = "${descriptor.servicePackage}.${descriptor.serviceClass}"
+ save("/services/$s",m1,true)
+ // System.exit(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void createDockerServiceInstances() {
+ def envMap = file2object("$release-$env/env.yaml", false)
+ dockers().each { s, dockerDeployment ->
+ def t = dockerDeployment['docker-type']
+ Map tenants = tenants();
+ def dockerTemplate = file2object("$release/docker-templates/${t}.yaml")
+ def dockerInstances = file2object("$release-$env/docker-instances/${s}.yaml",false)
+ def descriptor = file2object("$release/docker-descriptors/${s}.json", false)
+ if (descriptor == null) {
+ System.err.println "no docker descriptor for $s"
+ return
+ }
+// println dockerDeployment
+// println dockerTemplate
+// println dockerInstances
+ tenants.each { i, tenant ->
+ if (tenant.type != dockerDeployment['location-type']) return
+ def m = [:]
+ m.hostService = ['$ref' : substitute(dockerDeployment['dcae-container'],[:],s,i) ]
+ def iConf = dockerTemplate['controller-instance-configuration'] ?: [:]
+ iConf.each { nn, v -> m[nn] = substitute(v,(envMap['docker-templates'] ?: [:])[t],s,i) }
+ if (dockerInstances != null && dockerInstances.instances != null) {
+ def iConf2 = dockerInstances.instances[i] ?: [:]
+ iConf2.each { nn, v -> m[nn] = v }
+ }
+ def x = dockerTemplate['lifecycle-management'] ?: ['use-dcae-manager': true]
+ if (! x['use-dcae-manager']) {
+ m.managerPortNumber = -1
+ }
+ else {
+ m.managerPortNumber = x['manager-port'] ?: 9999
+ }
+ save("/services/$s/instances/$i",m,true)
+// createCloudifyBlueprint("docker",s,i,m)
+// println m
+// System.exit(3)
+ }
+ def m1 = [:]
+ def sConf = dockerTemplate['controller-configuration'] ?: [:]
+ sConf.each { nn, v -> m1[nn] = v }
+ m1['$class'] = "${descriptor.servicePackage}.${descriptor.serviceClass}"
+ save("/services/$s",m1,true)
+ }
+ }
+ def p(o) {
+ object2json(o).toString(2)
+ }
+ void createGeneralServiceInstances(t) {
+ def envMap = file2object("$release-$env/env.yaml", false)
+ platformConfig.deploymentType.each { s, v ->
+ if (! s.startsWith(t)) return
+ def instances = file2object("$release-$env/$t-instances/${s}.yaml",false) ?: [:]
+ def descriptor = file2object("$release/$t-descriptors/${s}.json", false)
+ if (descriptor == null) {
+ System.err.println "no $t descriptor for $s"
+ return
+ }
+ v.instances.each { i, v2 ->
+ def m = [:]
+ m.clusterService = ['$ref' : "/services/$v2.hostService/instances/$v2.hostServiceInstance" ]
+ def iConf = v.type['controller-instance-configuration'] ?: [:]
+ iConf.each { nn, vv -> m[nn] = substitute(vv,[:],s,i) }
+ def iConf2 = instances[i] ?: [:]
+ iConf2.each { nn, vv -> m[nn] = vv }
+ save("/services/$s/instances/$i",m,true)
+// createCloudifyBlueprint("docker",s,i,m)
+// println p(m)
+// println p(v)
+// System.exit(3)
+ }
+// def m1 = [:]
+// def sConf = dockerTemplate['controller-configuration'] ?: [:]
+// sConf.each { nn, vv -> m1[nn] = vv }
+// m1['$class'] = "${descriptor.servicePackage}.${descriptor.serviceClass}"
+// save("/services/$s",m1,true)
+ }
+ }
+ def createCloudifyBlueprint(t,s,i,m) {
+ def blue = file2object("$release/cloudify-templates/${t}.yaml", false)
+ def str = object2json(m).toString(2)
+// println blue
+ blue.node_templates.docker.properties = [
+ deployment_JSON : str,
+ service_name : s,
+ ]
+ saveYaml("/blueprints/$s-$i",blue,"cloudify")
+ }
+ def createEforc() {
+ def x = platformConfig.eforc()
+ saveYaml("/eforc",x.m,"general")
+ saveYaml("/dns",platformConfig.dns(),"general")
+ saveYaml("/ssl",platformConfig.ssl(),"general")
+ saveTable("/eforc-table",x.list,"general")
+ saveTable("/eforc-subnet-table",x.list2,"general")
+ saveYaml("/flavors",platformConfig.showFlavors(),"general")
+ }
+ def envMapGlobal = file2object("$release-$env/env.yaml", false) ?: [:]
+ def substitute(o, env, s, i) {
+ SimpleTemplateEngine engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
+ String res = o
+ env = env ?: [:]
+ env.dcae = platformConfig
+ env.passwords = envMapGlobal.passwords ?: [:]
+ env.ENV = env
+// env['class'] = '$class'
+ platformConfig.init(s, i)
+ switch (o) {
+ case List:
+ def l = []
+ o.each { e ->
+ l += substitute(e, env, s, i)
+ }
+ return l
+ case Map:
+ def m = [:]
+ o.each { n,v ->
+ m[n] = substitute(v, env, s, i)
+ }
+ return m
+ }
+ try {
+ res = engine.createTemplate("$o").make(env)
+ if (res.startsWith("_LIST_:") && res.endsWith(":_LIST_")) {
+ res = res.replace("_LIST_:","").replace(":_LIST_","")
+ JSONArray a = new JSONArray(res)
+ return json2object(a)
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ System.out.println "$o"
+ System.out.println "$env"
+ System.err.println "ERROR $e"
+ System.err.println "ERROR ${e.printStackTrace()}"
+ System.exit(2)
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ String ipAssignment(n) {
+ def m = file2object("$release-$env/ip-assignment.yaml")
+ return m[n]
+ }
+ String certificatePassword(n) {
+ def m = file2object("$release-$env/certificates/passwords.yaml")
+ return m[n]
+ }
+ def genEcore(EClass eclass,m) {
+ if (m == null) return null
+ JSONObject json = object2json(yamlNames2ecore(m))
+// System.err.println json.toString(2)
+ return server.json2ecore(eclass, json)
+ }
+ String yamlNames2ecore2(String n) {
+ String r = ""
+ boolean first = true
+ n.split("-").each { n1 ->
+ if (first) {
+ first = false
+ r+=n1
+ } else {
+ r += StringUtil.capitalize(n1)
+ }
+ }
+// System.err.println "$n $r"
+ return r
+ }
+ def yamlNames2ecore(o) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case List:
+ def l = []
+ o.each { l = yamlNames2ecore(it) }
+ return l
+ case Map:
+ def m1 = [:]
+ o.each { k,v -> m1[yamlNames2ecore2(k)] = yamlNames2ecore(v) }
+ return m1
+ case boolean:
+ case long:
+ case int:
+ case double:
+ case Boolean:
+ case Long:
+ case Integer:
+ case String: return o; break
+ case GString: return o.toString(); break
+ case null: break;
+ default: println "Unable to convert: $o ${o.getClass().name}"
+ }
+ }
+ void save(String path, o, isService = false ) {
+ File f = new File(destinationRoot + "/${isService ? 'services-' : ''}resources/${path}.json")
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ if (f.exists()) f.delete()
+ switch (o) {
+ case EObject: f << ManagementServer.ecore2json(o, 1000, null, false).toString(2); break
+ case JSONObject : f << o.toString(2); break
+ case Map : f << object2json(o).toString(2); break
+ default: System.err.println "Unable to save object: path=$path $o"
+ }
+// println "Wrote $f"
+ }
+ void save2(String path, o, String type ) {
+ File f
+ switch (type) {
+ case "chef": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/chef-repo-gen/${path}.json")
+ }
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ if (f.exists()) f.delete()
+ switch (o) {
+ case EObject: f << ManagementServer.ecore2json(o, 1000, null, false).toString(2); break
+ case JSONObject : f << o.toString(2); break
+ case Map : f << object2json(o).toString(2); break
+ default: System.err.println "Unable to save2 object: path=$path $o"
+ }
+ }
+ void saveYaml(String path, o, String type ) {
+ File f
+ switch (type) {
+ case "cloudify": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/cloudify-gen/${path}.yaml"); break
+ case "general": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/general-gen/${path}.yaml"); break
+ case "chef": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/chef-repo-gen/${path}.yaml"); break
+ }
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ if (f.exists()) f.delete()
+ switch (o) {
+ case String : f << o; break
+ case Map : f << object2yaml(o, []); break
+ default: System.err.println "Unable to save yaml object: path=$path $o"
+ }
+ }
+ void saveTable(String path, l, String type ) {
+ File f
+ switch (type) {
+ case "cloudify": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/cloudify-gen/${path}.csv");break
+ case "general": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/general-gen/${path}.csv");break
+ case "chef": f = new File("$destRoot/$release-$env/chef-repo-gen/${path}.csv");break
+ }
+ f.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ if (f.exists()) f.delete()
+ l.each { row -> f << "${row.join(",")}\n" }
+ }
+ static main(args) {
+// println object2yaml(file2object("1607/dcae_admin_db_pgaas.json"), [])
+ String root = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null
+ String destRoot = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null
+ String rel = args.length > 3 ? args[3] : "1607"
+ GenControllerConfiguration d = new GenControllerConfiguration(rel, args[0], root, destRoot);
+ d.platformConfig.privateKey = args.length > 4 ? args[4] : null
+ d.createGeneralServiceInstances('cdap');
+ d.createGeneralServiceInstances('other');
+ d.createDockerServiceInstances();
+ d.createConfiguration();
+ d.createLocations();
+ d.createServiceInstances();
+ d.createChefConfiguration();
+ d.createEforc()
+ System.exit(0);
+ }