path: root/releases/0.0.1.yaml
blob: 6cca9a3a9ba2000db40af9f4a8de626387e5f834 (plain)
distribution_type: maven
log_dir: cps-maven-stage-master/109/
project: cps
version: 0.0.1
> 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
# CDS Artifact Manager

Artifact Manager is a very simple gRPC service that lets you upload, download and delete CBA archives. It can be ran as a standalone micro service (using `server.py`) or you can include it's methods in a service like `py-executor`.

## Configuration
Configuration is stored in `.ini` file, you can specify a path and name of a file using `CONFIGURATION` env variable.
For possible variables please see example below (with inline comments):
port=50052                    # A port on which the server will be listening
logFile=server.log            # Path to a log file
maxWorkers=20                 # Max number of concurent workers
debug=true                    # Debug flag
logConfig=logging.yaml        # A special MDC logger config
fileRepositoryBasePath=/tmp/  # A FS path where we should store CBA files

## Methods
Below is a list of gRPC methods handled by the service. The `proto` files are available in `artifact-manager/manager/proto` directory.

All methods expect `CommonHeader` with:
* `timestamp` - datetime in UTC with this: `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ` format
* `originatorId` - name of the component (eg. `CDS`)
* `requestId` - ID of the request
* `subRequestId` - Sub ID of the request
* `flag` - TBD

and an `ActionIdentifiers` with following fields:
* `blueprintName` - name of the blueprint
* `blueprintVersion` - version number of blueprint (as string)
* `actionName` - TBD
* `mode` - TBD

### Upload

Upload `CBA.zip` file for storage in artifact manager. File needs to be sent as a binary data in `fileChunk` field.

#### Example

stub: BluePrintManagementServiceStub = BluePrintManagementServiceStub(channel)
with  open(file_path, "rb") as cba_file:
    msg: BluePrintUploadInput = BluePrintUploadInput()
    msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName =  "Test"
    msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion =  "0.0.1"
    msg.fileChunk.chunk = cba_file.read()
return  stub.uploadBlueprint(msg)

### Download

Download existing `CBA.zip` file.

#### Example

stub: BluePrintManagementServiceStub = BluePrintManagementServiceStub(channel)
msg: BluePrintDownloadInput = BluePrintDownloadInput()
msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName =  "Test"
msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion =  "0.0.1"
return  stub.downloadBlueprint(msg)
### Remove

Delete existing `CBA.zip` file.

#### Example

stub: BluePrintManagementServiceStub = BluePrintManagementServiceStub(channel)
msg: BluePrintRemoveInput = BluePrintRemoveInput()
msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName =  "Test"
msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion =  "0.0.1"
return  stub.removeBlueprint(msg)

## Full gRPC Client Example

import logging
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, Namespace
from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import zipfile

from grpc import Channel, ChannelCredentials, insecure_channel, secure_channel, ssl_channel_credentials

from proto.BluePrintManagement_pb2 import (
from proto.BluePrintManagement_pb2_grpc import BluePrintManagementServiceStub


class ClientArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
    """Client argument parser.

    It has two arguments:
     - config_file - provide a path to configuration file. Default is ./configuration-local.ini
     - actions - list of actions to do by client. It have to be a list of given values: upload, download, remove.

    DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: str = str(Path(__file__).resolve().with_name("configuration-local.ini"))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize argument parser."""
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.description: str = "Artifact Manager client example"

            help="Path to the client configuration file. By default it's `configuration-local.ini` file from Artifact Manager directory",
            "--actions", nargs="+", default=["upload", "download", "remove"], choices=["upload", "download", "remove"]

class Client:
    """Client class.

    Implements methods which can be called to server.

    def __init__(self, channel: Channel, config: ConfigParser) -> None:
        """Initialize client class.

        :param channel: gprc channel object
        :param config: ConfigParser object with "client" section
        self.channel: Channel = channel
        self.stub: BluePrintManagementServiceStub = BluePrintManagementServiceStub(self.channel)
        self.config = config

    def upload(self) -> BluePrintManagementOutput:
        """Prepare upload message and send it to server."""
        logging.info("Call upload client method")
        with open(self.config.get("client", "cba_file"), "rb") as cba_file:
            msg: BluePrintUploadInput = BluePrintUploadInput()
            msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName = "Test"
            msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion = "0.0.1"
            msg.fileChunk.chunk = cba_file.read()
        return self.stub.uploadBlueprint(msg)

    def download(self) -> BluePrintManagementOutput:
        """Prepare download message and send it to server."""
        logging.info("Call download client method")
        msg: BluePrintDownloadInput = BluePrintDownloadInput()
        msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName = "Test"
        msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion = "0.0.1"
        return self.stub.downloadBlueprint(msg)

    def remove(self) -> BluePrintManagementOutput:
        """Prepare remove message and send it to server."""
        logging.info("Call remove client method")
        msg: BluePrintRemoveInput = BluePrintRemoveInput()
        msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintName = "Test"
        msg.actionIdentifiers.blueprintVersion = "0.0.1"
        return self.stub.removeBlueprint(msg)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arg_parser: ClientArgumentParser = ClientArgumentParser()
    args: Namespace = arg_parser.parse_args()

    config_parser: ConfigParser = ConfigParser()

    server_address: str = f"{config_parser.get('client', 'address')}:{config_parser.get('client', 'port')}"
    if config_parser.getboolean("client", "use_ssl", fallback=False):
        logging.info(f"Create secure connection on {server_address}")
        with open(config_parser.get("client", "private_key_file"), "rb") as private_key_file, open(
            config_parser.get("client", "certificate_chain_file"), "rb"
        ) as certificate_chain_file:
            ssl_credentials: ChannelCredentials = ssl_channel_credentials(
                private_key=private_key_file.read(), certificate_chain=certificate_chain_file.read()
        channel: Channel = secure_channel(server_address, ssl_credentials)
        logging.info(f"Create insecure connection on {server_address}")
        channel: Channel = insecure_channel(server_address)

    with channel:
        client: Client = Client(channel, config_parser)
        for action in args.actions:
            logging.info("Get response")
            logging.info(getattr(client, action)())
