path: root/catalog-be
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-08-05Disable locking during deploymentdavsad4-10/+235
2021-08-04Import VSP top. template handling non SDC modelMichaelMorris11-104/+523
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2021 Pantheon.tech
.. Modifications Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Nordix Foundation

.. _overview:

CPS Overview

The Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) is a platform component that is designed to serve as a
data repository for runtime data that needs persistence.

Types of data that is stored:

- **Configuration Parameters**

  These are configuration parameters that are used by xNFs during installation & commissioning. Configuration
  parameters are typically used before the xNF has been brought up or is operational. For example, a 5G Network
  configuration parameter for a PNFs that sets the mechanical tilt which is a configuration setting upon

- **Operational Parameters**

  This operational information could be either an actual state or configuration of a network service or device.
  These are parameters that are derived, discovered, computed that are used by xNFs during run time AFTER the
  xNF becomes operational i.e. AFTER it has "booted up", been installed or configured. For example, in 5G Network,
  5G PNFs may need to adjust a tower electrical antenna tilt. These operational parameters are Exo-inventory
  information, meaning it is information that doesn't belong in A&AI. In principle, some parameters might be both
  configuration and operational parameters depending on how they are used.

CPS Components

This is the component of CPS which encompasses the generic storage of Yang module data.


The Network Configuration Management Proxy (NCMP) provides access to network configuration data and is a part of CPS-Core.
NCMP accesses all network Data-Model-Inventory (DMI) information via NCMP-DMI-Plugins. The ONAP0-DMI-Plugin described in the next section is one such plugin.

**Note:** This documentation will often refer to "CPS-NCMP" which is the component (container image) that contains both CPS-Core and NCMP since NCMP is not a stand-alone component
even though CPS-Core could be deployed without the NCMP extension.


The Data-Model-Inventory (DMI) Plugin is a rest interface used to synchronize CM Handles data between CPS and DMI through the DMI-Plugin.
This is built previously from the CPS-NF-Proxy component.

CPS Project

* Wiki: `Configuration Persistence Service Project <https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/16398157/Configuration+Persistence+Service+Project>`_
* Contact Information: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
* Meeting details: `Join  <https://zoom.us/j/836561560?pwd=TTZNcFhXTWYxMmZ4SlgzcVZZQXluUT09>`_ & `Agenda <https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/18644995>`_
pan class='decoration'>marine3-5/+11 2021-07-05Support for associating node types to modelsaribeiro24-70/+600 2021-07-05Create REST endpoint to retrieve modelsandre.schmid4-17/+109 2021-07-05Refactor Substitution filters structureKrupaNagabhushan2-14/+42 2021-06-14Init ONAP model imports using the model APIandre.schmid11-34/+2436 2021-06-14Add models imports endpoint and persistence structureandre.schmid11-53/+426 2021-06-14Support adding capability types to modelMichaelMorris4-11/+34 2021-06-08Support adding data types to modelMichaelMorris9-108/+30 2021-06-08Support adding of relationship type to modelMichaelMorris3-15/+45 2021-06-04Fix dependencies with Critical Violationsvasraz1-1316/+1342 2021-05-28Add Support for creating model typearibeiro6-1/+469 2021-05-27Update vulnerable package dependenciesvasraz36-40/+40 2021-05-24[SDC] Fix sonar issuessliard35-262/+242 2021-05-15Update vulnerable package dependenciesvasraz1-0/+10 2021-05-15Improve test coveragevasraz3-83/+39 2021-05-15Support for selection of capabilitiesandre.schmid14-8/+858 2021-05-12Use integration-java11 Dockerfilesebdet23-176/+170 2021-04-28Add Service Template instance attributes to TOSCA Exportvasraz6-287/+453 2021-04-19Fix VSP update backend processandre.schmid1-1/+5 2021-04-19Fix 'Unable to save changed attributes default value'vasraz2-54/+244 2021-04-19Include 4.1.1 vduCp in deploymentMichaelMorris3-1/+3 2021-04-13Fix 'Unable to delete declared outputs'vasraz5-162/+4 2021-04-12Fix default imports being amendedMichaelMorris1-2/+2 2021-04-09Set default value for ETSI versionMichaelMorris1-1/+2 2021-04-09Allow property to take its value from defined input listKrupaNagabhushan3-5/+49 2021-03-29Fix restricting valid values for ONAP service metadatadavsad1-1/+3 2021-03-26Improve test coveragexuegao2-48/+86 2021-03-26Fix issue with global substitutionsMichaelMorris1-1/+5 2021-03-24Handles ComponentException during Import VSPandre.schmid1-1/+6 2021-03-24Skip swagger in fast build profilevasraz1-14/+37 2021-03-24Improve test coveragexuegao5-66/+84 2021-03-24Improve test coveragexuegao15-249/+461 2021-03-24Enable selection of base type of servicevasraz11-18/+168