path: root/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-test-runner.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-test-runner.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-test-runner.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-test-runner.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e33ff1852a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-test-runner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 Nordix Foundation
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import { check } from 'k6';
+import { Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
+import { Reader } from 'k6/x/kafka';
+import {
+ makeCustomSummaryReport, makeBatchOfCmHandleIds, LEGACY_BATCH_THROUGHPUT_TEST_BATCH_SIZE,
+} from './common/utils.js';
+import { createCmHandles, deleteCmHandles, waitForAllCmHandlesToBeReady } from './common/cmhandle-crud.js';
+import { executeCmHandleSearch, executeCmHandleIdSearch } from './common/search-base.js';
+import { passthroughRead, passthroughWrite, legacyBatchRead } from './common/passthrough-crud.js';
+let cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondTrend = new Trend('cmhandles_created_per_second', false);
+let cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondTrend = new Trend('cmhandles_deleted_per_second', false);
+let passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrend = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read', true);
+let passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read_alt_id', true);
+let passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrend = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_write', true);
+let passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_write_alt_id', true);
+let idSearchNoFilterDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_nofilter_duration', true);
+let idSearchModuleDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_module_duration', true);
+let idSearchPropertyDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_property_duration', true);
+let idSearchCpsPathDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_cpspath_duration', true);
+let idSearchTrustLevelDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_trustlevel_duration', true);
+let cmSearchNoFilterDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_nofilter_duration', true);
+let cmSearchModuleDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_module_duration', true);
+let cmSearchPropertyDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_property_duration', true);
+let cmSearchCpsPathDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_cpspath_duration', true);
+let cmSearchTrustLevelDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_trustlevel_duration', true);
+let legacyBatchReadCmHandlesPerSecondTrend = new Trend('legacy_batch_read_cmhandles_per_second', false);
+export const legacyBatchEventReader = new Reader({
+export const options = {
+ setupTimeout: '20m',
+ teardownTimeout: '20m',
+ scenarios: testConfig.scenarios,
+ thresholds: testConfig.thresholds,
+export function setup() {
+ const startTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ for (let batchNumber = 0; batchNumber < TOTAL_BATCHES; batchNumber++) {
+ const nextBatchOfCmHandleIds = makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(REGISTRATION_BATCH_SIZE, batchNumber);
+ const response = createCmHandles(nextBatchOfCmHandleIds);
+ check(response, { 'create CM-handles status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
+ }
+ waitForAllCmHandlesToBeReady();
+ const endTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ const totalRegistrationTimeInSeconds = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis) / 1000.0;
+ cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondTrend.add(TOTAL_CM_HANDLES / totalRegistrationTimeInSeconds);
+export function teardown() {
+ const startTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ for (let batchNumber = 0; batchNumber < TOTAL_BATCHES; batchNumber++) {
+ const nextBatchOfCmHandleIds = makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(REGISTRATION_BATCH_SIZE, batchNumber);
+ const response = deleteCmHandles(nextBatchOfCmHandleIds);
+ if (response.error_code === 0) {
+ }
+ check(response, { 'delete CM-handles status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
+ }
+ const endTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ const totalDeregistrationTimeInSeconds = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis) / 1000.0;
+ cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondTrend.add(DEREGISTERED_CM_HANDLES / totalDeregistrationTimeInSeconds);
+export function passthroughReadScenario() {
+ const response = passthroughRead(false);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough read status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ }
+export function passthroughReadAltIdScenario() {
+ const response = passthroughRead(true);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough read with alternate Id status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId.add(overhead);
+ }
+export function passthroughWriteScenario() {
+ const response = passthroughWrite(false);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough write status equals 201': (r) => r.status === 201 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - WRITE_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ }
+export function passthroughWriteAltIdScenario() {
+ const response = passthroughWrite(true);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough write with alternate Id status equals 201': (r) => r.status === 201 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - WRITE_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId.add(overhead);
+ }
+export function cmHandleIdSearchNoFilterScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('no-filter');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID no-filter search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle ID no-filter search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ idSearchNoFilterDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleSearchNoFilterScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleSearch('no-filter');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle no-filter search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle no-filter search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ cmSearchNoFilterDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleIdSearchModuleScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('module');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID module search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle ID module search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ idSearchModuleDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleSearchModuleScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleSearch('module');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle module search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle module search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ cmSearchModuleDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleIdSearchPropertyScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('property');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID property search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle ID property search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ idSearchPropertyDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleSearchPropertyScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleSearch('property');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle property search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle property search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ cmSearchPropertyDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleIdSearchCpsPathScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('cps-path-for-ready-cm-handles');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID cps path search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle ID cps path search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ idSearchCpsPathDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleSearchCpsPathScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleSearch('cps-path-for-ready-cm-handles');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle cps path search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle cps path search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ cmSearchCpsPathDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleIdSearchTrustLevelScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('trust-level');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID trust level search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle ID trust level search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ idSearchTrustLevelDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function cmHandleSearchTrustLevelScenario() {
+ const response = executeCmHandleSearch('trust-level');
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle trust level search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })
+ && check(response, { 'CM handle trust level search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES })) {
+ cmSearchTrustLevelDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
+export function legacyBatchProduceScenario() {
+ const nextBatchOfCmHandleIds = makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(LEGACY_BATCH_THROUGHPUT_TEST_BATCH_SIZE, 0);
+ const response = legacyBatchRead(nextBatchOfCmHandleIds);
+ check(response, { 'data operation batch read status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
+export function legacyBatchConsumeScenario() {
+ try {
+ let messagesConsumed = 0;
+ let startTime = Date.now();
+ while (messagesConsumed < TOTAL_MESSAGES_TO_CONSUME) {
+ let messages = legacyBatchEventReader.consume({ limit: LEGACY_BATCH_THROUGHPUT_TEST_BATCH_SIZE });
+ if (messages.length > 0) {
+ messagesConsumed += messages.length;
+ }
+ }
+ let endTime = Date.now();
+ const timeToConsumeMessagesInSeconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;
+ legacyBatchReadCmHandlesPerSecondTrend.add(TOTAL_MESSAGES_TO_CONSUME / timeToConsumeMessagesInSeconds);
+ } catch (error) {
+ legacyBatchReadCmHandlesPerSecondTrend.add(0);
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+export function handleSummary(data) {
+ return {
+ stdout: makeCustomSummaryReport(data, options),
+ };