path: root/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
index 55ef60a2e7..54b4c3a099 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
@@ -20,8 +20,17 @@
export const NCMP_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8883';
export const DMI_PLUGIN_URL = 'http://ncmp-dmi-plugin-demo-and-csit-stub:8092';
-export const TOTAL_CM_HANDLES = Number(__ENV.TOTAL_CM_HANDLES) || 20000;
+export const TOTAL_CM_HANDLES = 20000;
+export const REGISTRATION_BATCH_SIZE = 100;
+export const CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM = { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} };
+export function recordTimeInSeconds(functionToExecute) {
+ const startTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ functionToExecute();
+ const endTimeInMillis = Date.now();
+ const totalTimeInSeconds = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis) / 1000.0;
+ return totalTimeInSeconds;
* Generates a batch of CM-handle IDs based on batch size and number.
@@ -33,7 +42,7 @@ export function makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(batchSize, batchNumber) {
const batchOfIds = [];
const startIndex = 1 + batchNumber * batchSize;
for (let i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
- let cmHandleId = 'ch-' + (startIndex + i);
+ let cmHandleId = `ch-${startIndex + i}`;
return batchOfIds;
@@ -43,22 +52,20 @@ export function getRandomCmHandleId() {
return `ch-${Math.floor(Math.random() * TOTAL_CM_HANDLES) + 1}`;
-function removeBracketsAndQuotes(str) {
- return str.replace(/\[|\]|"/g, '');
export function makeCustomSummaryReport(data, options) {
- const moduleName = `${__ENV.K6_MODULE_NAME}`;
- let body = ``;
- for (const condition in options.thresholds) {
- let limit = JSON.stringify(options.thresholds[condition])
- limit = removeBracketsAndQuotes(limit)
- let limitKey = limit.split(' ')[0]
- const actual = Math.ceil(data.metrics[condition].values[limitKey])
- const result = data.metrics[condition].thresholds[limit].ok ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'
- const row = `${moduleName}\t${condition}\t${limit}\t${actual}\t${result}\n`;
- body += row;
- }
- return body;
+ let summaryCsv = '#,Test Name,Unit,Limit,Actual\n';
+ summaryCsv += makeSummaryCsvLine(1, 'Registration of CM-handles', 'CM-handles/second', 'cmhandles_created_per_second', data, options);
+ summaryCsv += makeSummaryCsvLine(2, 'De-registration of CM-handles', 'CM-handles/second', 'cmhandles_deleted_per_second', data, options);
+ summaryCsv += makeSummaryCsvLine(3, 'CM-handle ID search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'http_req_duration{scenario:id_search_module}', data, options);
+ summaryCsv += makeSummaryCsvLine(4, 'CM-handle search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'http_req_duration{scenario:cm_search_module}', data, options);
+ summaryCsv += makeSummaryCsvLine(5, 'Synchronous single CM-handle pass-through read', 'milliseconds', 'http_req_duration{scenario:passthrough_read}', data, options);
+ return summaryCsv;
+function makeSummaryCsvLine(testCase, testName, unit, thresholdInK6, data, options) {
+ const thresholdArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options.thresholds[thresholdInK6]));
+ const thresholdString = thresholdArray[0];
+ const [thresholdKey, thresholdOperator, thresholdValue] = thresholdString.split(/\s+/);
+ const actualValue = data.metrics[thresholdInK6].values[thresholdKey].toFixed(3);
+ return `${testCase},${testName},${unit},${thresholdValue},${actualValue}\n`;