path: root/integration-test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'integration-test')
22 files changed, 316 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/integration-test/pom.xml b/integration-test/pom.xml
index d4ee0cc685..f228e01194 100644
--- a/integration-test/pom.xml
+++ b/integration-test/pom.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- <version>3.4.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -33,15 +33,6 @@
<!-- T E S T D E P E N D E N C I E S -->
- <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>
- <artifactId>groovy</artifactId>
- <scope>test</scope>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>
- <artifactId>junit-jupiter</artifactId>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
@@ -67,6 +58,26 @@
+ <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId>
+ <artifactId>groovy</artifactId>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>org.testcontainers</groupId>
+ <artifactId>kafka</artifactId>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>com.squareup.okhttp3</groupId>
+ <artifactId>mockwebserver</artifactId>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>org.testcontainers</groupId>
+ <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
@@ -93,19 +104,9 @@
- <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId>
- <scope>test</scope>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.testcontainers</groupId>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.testcontainers</groupId>
- <artifactId>kafka</artifactId>
- <scope>test</scope>
- </dependency>
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/CpsIntegrationSpecBase.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/CpsIntegrationSpecBase.groovy
index 51b02387ed..44fc258355 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/CpsIntegrationSpecBase.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/CpsIntegrationSpecBase.groovy
@@ -20,8 +20,13 @@
package org.onap.cps.integration.base
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR
+import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_PARENT
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer
import org.onap.cps.api.CpsAnchorService
import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataService
import org.onap.cps.api.CpsDataspaceService
@@ -48,23 +53,12 @@ import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMock
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.config.EnableJpaRepositories
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
-import org.springframework.http.MediaType
-import org.springframework.test.web.client.ExpectedCount
-import org.springframework.test.web.client.MockRestServiceServer
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc
-import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate
import org.testcontainers.spock.Testcontainers
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.util.concurrent.PollingConditions
-import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DATASPACE_NAME
-import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_ANCHOR
-import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.ncmppersistence.NcmpPersistence.NCMP_DMI_REGISTRY_PARENT
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers.requestTo
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.response.MockRestResponseCreators.withStatus
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK, classes = [CpsDataspaceService])
@@ -111,17 +105,16 @@ abstract class CpsIntegrationSpecBase extends Specification {
NetworkCmProxyQueryService networkCmProxyQueryService
- RestTemplate restTemplate
- @Autowired
ModuleSyncWatchdog moduleSyncWatchdog
JsonObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper
- MockRestServiceServer mockDmiServer = null
+ MockWebServer mockDmiServer = null
+ DmiDispatcher dmiDispatcher = new DmiDispatcher()
+ def DMI_URL = null
- static DMI_URL = 'http://mock-dmi-server'
static NO_MODULE_SET_TAG = ''
static GENERAL_TEST_DATASPACE = 'generalTestDataspace'
static BOOKSTORE_SCHEMA_SET = 'bookstoreSchemaSet'
@@ -135,7 +128,14 @@ abstract class CpsIntegrationSpecBase extends Specification {
initialized = true
- mockDmiServer = MockRestServiceServer.bindTo(restTemplate).ignoreExpectOrder(true).build()
+ mockDmiServer = new MockWebServer()
+ mockDmiServer.setDispatcher(dmiDispatcher)
+ mockDmiServer.start()
+ DMI_URL = String.format("http://%s:%s", mockDmiServer.getHostName(), mockDmiServer.getPort())
+ }
+ def cleanup() {
+ mockDmiServer.shutdown()
def static readResourceDataFile(filename) {
@@ -217,23 +217,6 @@ abstract class CpsIntegrationSpecBase extends Specification {
networkCmProxyDataService.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin: dmiPlugin, removedCmHandles: cmHandleIds))
- def mockDmiResponsesForModuleSync(dmiPlugin, cmHandleId, dmiModuleReferencesResponse, dmiModuleResourcesResponse) {
- mockDmiServer.expect(requestTo("${dmiPlugin}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/modules"))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).body(dmiModuleReferencesResponse))
- mockDmiServer.expect(requestTo("${dmiPlugin}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/moduleResources"))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).body(dmiModuleResourcesResponse))
- }
- def mockDmiIsNotAvailableForModuleSync(dmiPlugin, cmHandleId) {
- mockDmiServer.expect(requestTo("${dmiPlugin}/dmi/v1/ch/${cmHandleId}/modules"))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE))
- }
- def mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(dmiPlugin) {
- mockDmiServer.expect(ExpectedCount.between(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), requestTo("${dmiPlugin}/actuator/health"))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).body('{"status":"UP"}'))
- }
def overrideCmHandleLastUpdateTime(cmHandleId, newUpdateTime) {
String ISO_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ";
DateTimeFormatter ISO_TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(ISO_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN);
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/DmiDispatcher.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/DmiDispatcher.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6676cb74c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/base/DmiDispatcher.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 Nordix Foundation
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.integration.base
+import static org.onap.cps.integration.base.CpsIntegrationSpecBase.readResourceDataFile
+import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
+import java.util.regex.Matcher
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.Dispatcher
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.RecordedRequest
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
+import org.springframework.http.MediaType
+ * This class simulates responses from the DMI server in NCMP integration tests.
+ *
+ * It is to be used with a MockWebServer, using mockWebServer.setDispatcher(new DmiDispatcher()).
+ *
+ * It currently implements the following endpoints:
+ * - /actuator/health: healthcheck endpoint that responds with 200 OK / {"status":"UP"}
+ * - /dmi/v1/ch/{cmHandleId}/modules: returns module references for a CM handle
+ * - /dmi/v1/ch/{cmHandleId}/moduleResources: returns modules resources for a CM handle
+ *
+ * The module resource/reference responses are generated based on the module names in the map moduleNamesPerCmHandleId.
+ * To configure the DMI so that CM handle 'ch-1' will have modules 'M1' and 'M2', you may use:
+ * dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId.put('ch-1', ['M1', 'M2']);
+ *
+ * To simulate the DMI not being available, the boolean isAvailable may be set to false, in which case the mock server
+ * will always respond with 503 Service Unavailable.
+ */
+class DmiDispatcher extends Dispatcher {
+ static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/moduleReferencesTemplate.json')
+ static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE_TEMPLATE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/moduleResourcesTemplate.json')
+ def isAvailable = true
+ Map<String, List<String>> moduleNamesPerCmHandleId = [:]
+ @Override
+ MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest request) {
+ if (!isAvailable) {
+ return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.value())
+ }
+ switch (request.path) {
+ case ~/^\/dmi\/v1\/ch\/(.*)\/modules$/:
+ def cmHandleId = Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1]
+ return getModuleReferencesResponse(cmHandleId)
+ case ~/^\/dmi\/v1\/ch\/(.*)\/moduleResources$/:
+ def cmHandleId = Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1]
+ return getModuleResourcesResponse(cmHandleId)
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException('Mock DMI does not handle path ' + request.path)
+ }
+ }
+ private getModuleReferencesResponse(cmHandleId) {
+ def moduleReferences = '{"schemas":[' + getModuleNamesForCmHandle(cmHandleId).collect {
+ }.join(',') + ']}'
+ return mockOkResponseWithBody(moduleReferences)
+ }
+ private getModuleResourcesResponse(cmHandleId) {
+ def moduleResources = '[' + getModuleNamesForCmHandle(cmHandleId).collect {
+ }.join(',') + ']'
+ return mockOkResponseWithBody(moduleResources)
+ }
+ private getModuleNamesForCmHandle(cmHandleId) {
+ if (!moduleNamesPerCmHandleId.containsKey(cmHandleId)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException('Mock DMI has no modules configured for ' + cmHandleId)
+ }
+ return moduleNamesPerCmHandleId.get(cmHandleId)
+ }
+ private static mockOkResponseWithBody(responseBody) {
+ return new MockResponse()
+ .setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.value())
+ .addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .setBody(responseBody)
+ }
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec.groovy
index 28c4280468..4ffe586a99 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec.groovy
@@ -20,35 +20,45 @@
package org.onap.cps.integration.functional
-import java.time.Duration
-import org.onap.cps.integration.base.CpsIntegrationSpecBase
-import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
-import org.springframework.http.MediaType
-import org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers
import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.GET
import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.DELETE
import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.PATCH
import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.POST
import static org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.PUT
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers.method
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers.requestTo
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.response.MockRestResponseCreators.withStatus
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.request
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.Dispatcher
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.RecordedRequest
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull
+import org.onap.cps.integration.base.CpsIntegrationSpecBase
+import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
+import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
+import org.springframework.http.MediaType
+import spock.util.concurrent.PollingConditions
class NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
- static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json')
- static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json')
+ def lastAuthHeaderReceived = null
def setup() {
- mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(DMI_URL)
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId['ch-1'] = ['M1', 'M2']
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, 'ch-1', NO_MODULE_SET_TAG)
- mockDmiServer.reset()
- mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(DMI_URL)
+ mockDmiServer.setDispatcher(new Dispatcher() {
+ @Override
+ MockResponse dispatch(@NotNull RecordedRequest request) throws InterruptedException {
+ if (request.path == '/actuator/health') {
+ return new MockResponse()
+ .addHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setBody('{"status":"UP"}')
+ .setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.value())
+ } else {
+ lastAuthHeaderReceived = request.getHeader('Authorization')
+ return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.value())
+ }
+ }
+ })
def cleanup() {
@@ -56,12 +66,6 @@ class NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'Bearer token is passed from NCMP to DMI in pass-through data operations.'() {
- given: 'DMI will expect to receive a request with a bearer token'
- def targetDmiUrl = "$DMI_URL/dmi/v1/ch/ch-1/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=my-resource-id"
- mockDmiServer.expect(requestTo(targetDmiUrl))
- .andExpect(MockRestRequestMatchers.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, 'Bearer some-bearer-token'))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
when: 'a pass-through data request is sent to NCMP with a bearer token'
mvc.perform(request(httpMethod, '/ncmp/v1/ch/ch-1/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running')
.queryParam('resourceIdentifier', 'my-resource-id')
@@ -71,19 +75,13 @@ class NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
then: 'DMI has received request with bearer token'
- mockDmiServer.verify()
+ lastAuthHeaderReceived == 'Bearer some-bearer-token'
where: 'all HTTP operations are applied'
httpMethod << [GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE]
def 'Basic auth header is NOT passed from NCMP to DMI in pass-through data operations.'() {
- given: 'DMI will expect to receive a request with no authorization header'
- def targetDmiUrl = "$DMI_URL/dmi/v1/ch/ch-1/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running?resourceIdentifier=my-resource-id"
- mockDmiServer.expect(requestTo(targetDmiUrl))
- .andExpect(MockRestRequestMatchers.headerDoesNotExist(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
when: 'a pass-through data request is sent to NCMP with basic authentication'
mvc.perform(request(httpMethod, '/ncmp/v1/ch/ch-1/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running')
.queryParam('resourceIdentifier', 'my-resource-id')
@@ -93,18 +91,13 @@ class NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
then: 'DMI has received request with no authorization header'
- mockDmiServer.verify()
+ lastAuthHeaderReceived == null
where: 'all HTTP operations are applied'
httpMethod << [GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE]
def 'Bearer token is passed from NCMP to DMI in async batch pass-through data operation.'() {
- given: 'DMI will expect to receive a request with a bearer token'
- mockDmiServer.expect(method(POST))
- .andExpect(MockRestRequestMatchers.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, 'Bearer some-bearer-token'))
- .andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.OK).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
when: 'a pass-through async data request is sent to NCMP with a bearer token'
def requestBody = """{"operations": [{
"operation": "read",
@@ -121,7 +114,9 @@ class NcmpBearerTokenPassthroughSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
then: 'DMI will receive the async request with bearer token'
- mockDmiServer.verify(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
+ new PollingConditions().within(3, () -> {
+ assert lastAuthHeaderReceived == 'Bearer some-bearer-token'
+ })
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec.groovy
index a6b516cd74..5c337f179b 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec.groovy
@@ -41,19 +41,13 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def kafkaConsumer = KafkaTestContainer.getConsumer('ncmp-group', StringDeserializer.class)
- static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE_A = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json')
- static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE_A = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json')
- static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE_B = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json')
- static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE_B = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json')
def setup() {
objectUnderTest = networkCmProxyDataService
- mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(DMI_URL)
def 'CM Handle registration is successful.'() {
given: 'DMI will return modules when requested'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId['ch-1'] = ['M1', 'M2']
and: 'consumer subscribed to topic'
@@ -88,16 +82,13 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
and: 'the CM-handle has expected modules'
assert ['M1', 'M2'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences('ch-1').moduleName.sort()
- and: 'DMI received expected requests'
- mockDmiServer.verify()
cleanup: 'deregister CM handle'
deregisterCmHandle(DMI_URL, 'ch-1')
def 'CM Handle goes to LOCKED state when DMI gives error during module sync.'() {
given: 'DMI is not available to handle requests'
- mockDmiIsNotAvailableForModuleSync(DMI_URL, 'ch-1')
+ dmiDispatcher.isAvailable = false
when: 'a CM-handle is registered for creation'
def cmHandleToCreate = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: 'ch-1')
@@ -122,13 +113,11 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'Create a CM-handle with existing moduleSetTag.'() {
- given: 'existing CM-handles cm-1 with moduleSetTag "A", and cm-2 with moduleSetTag "B"'
+ given: 'DMI will return modules when requested'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId = ['ch-1': ['M1', 'M2'], 'ch-2': ['M1', 'M3']]
+ and: 'existing CM-handles cm-1 with moduleSetTag "A", and cm-2 with moduleSetTag "B"'
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, 'ch-1', 'A')
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, 'ch-2', 'B')
- assert ['M1', 'M2'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences('ch-1').moduleName.sort()
- assert ['M1', 'M3'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences('ch-2').moduleName.sort()
when: 'a CM-handle is registered for creation with moduleSetTag "B"'
def cmHandleToCreate = new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: 'ch-3', moduleSetTag: 'B')
@@ -152,11 +141,7 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'CM Handle retry after failed module sync.'() {
given: 'DMI is not initially available to handle requests'
- mockDmiIsNotAvailableForModuleSync(DMI_URL, 'ch-1')
- mockDmiIsNotAvailableForModuleSync(DMI_URL, 'ch-2')
- and: 'DMI will be available for retry'
+ dmiDispatcher.isAvailable = false
when: 'CM-handles are registered for creation'
def cmHandlesToCreate = [new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: 'ch-1'), new NcmpServiceCmHandle(cmHandleId: 'ch-2')]
@@ -179,7 +164,11 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
assert objectUnderTest.getCmHandleCompositeState('ch-1').cmHandleState == CmHandleState.ADVISED
assert objectUnderTest.getCmHandleCompositeState('ch-2').cmHandleState == CmHandleState.ADVISED
- when: 'module sync runs'
+ when: 'DMI is available for retry'
+ dmiDispatcher.isAvailable = true
+ and: 'DMI will return expected modules'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId = ['ch-1': ['M1', 'M2'], 'ch-2': ['M1', 'M3']]
+ and: 'module sync runs'
then: 'CM-handles go to READY state'
new PollingConditions().within(3, () -> {
@@ -192,8 +181,6 @@ class NcmpCmHandleCreateSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
and: 'CM-handles have expected module set tags (blank)'
assert objectUnderTest.getNcmpServiceCmHandle('ch-1').moduleSetTag == ''
assert objectUnderTest.getNcmpServiceCmHandle('ch-2').moduleSetTag == ''
- and: 'DMI received expected requests'
- mockDmiServer.verify()
cleanup: 'deregister CM handle'
deregisterCmHandles(DMI_URL, ['ch-1', 'ch-2'])
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec.groovy
index 5421ad3237..4d1d77e694 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec.groovy
@@ -27,38 +27,26 @@ import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory.LockReasonCategory
import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.CmHandleRegistrationResponse
import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.DmiPluginRegistration
import org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.models.UpgradedCmHandles
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
import spock.util.concurrent.PollingConditions
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers.anything
-import static org.springframework.test.web.client.response.MockRestResponseCreators.withStatus
class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
NetworkCmProxyDataService objectUnderTest
- static final INITIAL_MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json')
- static final INITIAL_MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json')
- static final UPDATED_MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json')
- static final UPDATED_MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json')
static final CM_HANDLE_ID = 'ch-1'
def setup() {
objectUnderTest = networkCmProxyDataService
- mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(DMI_URL)
def 'Upgrade CM-handle with new moduleSetTag or no moduleSetTag.'() {
- given: 'DMI will return modules for initial registration'
- and: 'DMI returns different modules for upgrade'
- when: 'a CM-handle is created with expected initial modules: M1 and M2'
+ given: 'a CM-handle is created with expected initial modules: M1 and M2'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID] = ['M1', 'M2']
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, CM_HANDLE_ID, initialModuleSetTag)
assert ['M1', 'M2'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleName.sort()
- and: "the CM-handle is upgraded with given moduleSetTag '${updatedModuleSetTag}'"
+ when: "the CM-handle is upgraded with given moduleSetTag '${updatedModuleSetTag}'"
def cmHandlesToUpgrade = new UpgradedCmHandles(cmHandles: [CM_HANDLE_ID], moduleSetTag: updatedModuleSetTag)
def dmiPluginRegistrationResponse = networkCmProxyDataService.updateDmiRegistrationAndSyncModule(
new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin: DMI_URL, upgradedCmHandles: cmHandlesToUpgrade))
@@ -72,14 +60,16 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
assert cmHandleCompositeState.lockReason.lockReasonCategory == LockReasonCategory.MODULE_UPGRADE
assert cmHandleCompositeState.lockReason.details == "Upgrade to ModuleSetTag: ${updatedModuleSetTag}"
- when: 'module sync runs'
+ when: 'DMI will return different modules for upgrade: M1 and M3'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID] = ['M1', 'M3']
+ and: 'module sync runs'
then: 'CM-handle goes to READY state'
- new PollingConditions().within(3, () -> {
+ new PollingConditions().eventually {
assert CmHandleState.READY == objectUnderTest.getCmHandleCompositeState(CM_HANDLE_ID).cmHandleState
- })
+ }
and: 'the CM-handle has expected moduleSetTag'
assert objectUnderTest.getNcmpServiceCmHandle(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleSetTag == updatedModuleSetTag
@@ -87,9 +77,6 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
and: 'CM-handle has expected updated modules: M1 and M3'
assert ['M1', 'M3'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleName.sort()
- and: 'DMI received expected requests'
- mockDmiServer.verify()
cleanup: 'deregister CM-handle'
deregisterCmHandle(DMI_URL, CM_HANDLE_ID)
@@ -103,8 +90,8 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'Upgrade CM-handle with existing moduleSetTag.'() {
given: 'DMI will return modules for registration'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID] = ['M1', 'M2']
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID_WITH_EXISTING_MODULE_SET_TAG] = ['M1', 'M3']
and: "an existing CM-handle handle with moduleSetTag '${updatedModuleSetTag}'"
assert ['M1', 'M3'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences(CM_HANDLE_ID_WITH_EXISTING_MODULE_SET_TAG).moduleName.sort()
@@ -125,9 +112,9 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
then: 'CM-handle goes to READY state'
- new PollingConditions().within(3, () -> {
+ new PollingConditions().eventually {
assert CmHandleState.READY == objectUnderTest.getCmHandleCompositeState(CM_HANDLE_ID).cmHandleState
- })
+ }
and: 'the CM-handle has expected moduleSetTag'
assert objectUnderTest.getNcmpServiceCmHandle(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleSetTag == updatedModuleSetTag
@@ -146,7 +133,7 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'Skip upgrade of CM-handle with same moduleSetTag as before.'() {
given: 'an existing CM-handle with expected initial modules: M1 and M2'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID] = ['M1', 'M2']
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, CM_HANDLE_ID, 'same')
assert ['M1', 'M2'] == objectUnderTest.getYangResourcesModuleReferences(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleName.sort()
@@ -169,14 +156,13 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
def 'Upgrade of CM-handle fails due to DMI error.'() {
- given: 'DMI will return modules for initial registration'
- and: 'DMI returns error code for upgrade'
- mockDmiServer.expect(anything()).andRespond(withStatus(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE))
- when: 'a CM-handle is created'
+ given: 'a CM-handle exists'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId[CM_HANDLE_ID] = ['M1', 'M2']
registerCmHandle(DMI_URL, CM_HANDLE_ID, 'oldTag')
- and: 'the CM-handle is upgraded'
+ and: 'DMI is not available for upgrade'
+ dmiDispatcher.isAvailable = false
+ when: 'the CM-handle is upgraded'
def cmHandlesToUpgrade = new UpgradedCmHandles(cmHandles: [CM_HANDLE_ID], moduleSetTag: 'newTag')
new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin: DMI_URL, upgradedCmHandles: cmHandlesToUpgrade))
@@ -186,11 +172,11 @@ class NcmpCmHandleUpgradeSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
then: 'CM-handle goes to LOCKED state with reason MODULE_UPGRADE_FAILED'
- new PollingConditions().within(3, () -> {
+ new PollingConditions(timeout: 3).eventually {
def cmHandleCompositeState = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleCompositeState(CM_HANDLE_ID)
assert cmHandleCompositeState.cmHandleState == CmHandleState.LOCKED
assert cmHandleCompositeState.lockReason.lockReasonCategory == LockReasonCategory.MODULE_UPGRADE_FAILED
- })
+ }
and: 'the CM-handle has same moduleSetTag as before'
assert objectUnderTest.getNcmpServiceCmHandle(CM_HANDLE_ID).moduleSetTag == 'oldTag'
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmNotificationSubscriptionSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmNotificationSubscriptionSpec.groovy
index 9129f09fb5..302c7e512c 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmNotificationSubscriptionSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpCmNotificationSubscriptionSpec.groovy
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 Nordix Foundation
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
package org.onap.cps.integration.functional
import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.operations.DatastoreType.PASSTHROUGH_RUNNING;
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpRestApiSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpRestApiSpec.groovy
index d7f8771e18..950cd65e72 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpRestApiSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/NcmpRestApiSpec.groovy
@@ -32,20 +32,13 @@ import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.
class NcmpRestApiSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
- static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE_A = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json')
- static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE_A = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json')
- static final MODULE_REFERENCES_RESPONSE_B = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json')
- static final MODULE_RESOURCES_RESPONSE_B = readResourceDataFile('mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json')
- def setup() {
- mockDmiWillRespondToHealthChecks(DMI_URL)
- }
def 'Register CM Handles using REST API.'() {
given: 'DMI will return modules'
+ dmiDispatcher.moduleNamesPerCmHandleId = [
+ 'ch-1': ['M1', 'M2'],
+ 'ch-2': ['M1', 'M2'],
+ 'ch-3': ['M1', 'M3']
+ ]
and: 'a POST request is made to register the CM Handles'
def requestBody = '{"dmiPlugin":"'+DMI_URL+'","createdCmHandles":[{"cmHandle":"ch-1"},{"cmHandle":"ch-2"},{"cmHandle":"ch-3"}]}'
@@ -53,10 +46,12 @@ class NcmpRestApiSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
when: 'module sync runs'
then: 'CM-handles go to READY state'
- new PollingConditions(timeout: 3, delay: 0.5).eventually {
- mvc.perform(get('/ncmp/v1/ch/ch-1'))
- .andExpect(status().isOk())
- .andExpect(jsonPath('$.state.cmHandleState').value('READY'))
+ new PollingConditions().eventually {
+ (1..3).each {
+ mvc.perform(get('/ncmp/v1/ch/ch-'+it))
+ .andExpect(status().isOk())
+ .andExpect(jsonPath('$.state.cmHandleState').value('READY'))
+ }
@@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ class NcmpRestApiSpec extends CpsIntegrationSpecBase {
expect: "a search for module ${moduleName} returns expected CM handles"
- mvc.perform(post(DMI_URL+'/ncmp/v1/ch/id-searches').contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).content(requestBodyWithModuleCondition))
+ mvc.perform(post('/ncmp/v1/ch/id-searches').contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).content(requestBodyWithModuleCondition))
.andExpect(jsonPath('$[*]', containsInAnyOrder(expectedCmHandles.toArray())))
.andExpect(jsonPath('$', hasSize(expectedCmHandles.size())));
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest.groovy
index a4ee23ae94..135586936a 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest.groovy
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def durationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'the operation completes within 12 seconds'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Creating 33,000 books", 16, durationInSeconds, 150, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Creating 33,000 books", 18.891, durationInSeconds, 150, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Get data nodes from multiple xpaths 32K (2^15) limit exceeded.'() {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CpsDataServiceLimitsPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def durationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'test data is deleted in 1 second'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Deleting test data", 0.1, durationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Deleting test data", 0.141, durationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def countDataNodes() {
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/DeletePerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/DeletePerfTest.groovy
index f76c3c5159..1b449b8da5 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/DeletePerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/DeletePerfTest.groovy
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def setupDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'setup duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete test setup', 100, setupDurationInSeconds, 800, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete test setup', 103, setupDurationInSeconds, 800, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete 100 container nodes'() {
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 containers', 2.2, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 containers', 3.9, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Batch delete 100 container nodes'() {
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 containers', 0.7, deleteDurationInSeconds, 2, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 containers', 0.87, deleteDurationInSeconds, 2, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete 100 list elements'() {
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 lists elements', 2.1, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 lists elements', 4.22, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Batch delete 100 list elements'() {
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 lists elements', 0.7, deleteDurationInSeconds, 2, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 lists elements', 0.87, deleteDurationInSeconds, 2, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete 100 whole lists'() {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 whole lists', 4, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete 100 whole lists', 5.4, deleteDurationInSeconds, 20, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Batch delete 100 whole lists'() {
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 whole lists', 3, deleteDurationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 whole lists', 1.98, deleteDurationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete 1 large data node'() {
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete one large node', 2, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete one large node', 2.35, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete root node with many descendants'() {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete root node', 2, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete root node', 2.23, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Delete data nodes for an anchor'() {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete data nodes for anchor', 1.9, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete data nodes for anchor', 2.25, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Batch delete 100 non-existing nodes'() {
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 non-existing', 1, deleteDurationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Batch delete 100 non-existing', 0.74, deleteDurationInSeconds, 3, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Clean up test data'() {
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class DeletePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
def deleteDurationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'delete duration is within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete test cleanup', 10, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Delete test cleanup', 11.09, deleteDurationInSeconds, 1, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/GetPerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/GetPerfTest.groovy
index cb7680dd2a..060c9cb6d5 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/GetPerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/GetPerfTest.groovy
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class GetPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
where: 'the following parameters are used'
scenario | fetchDescendantsOption || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
'no descendants' | OMIT_DESCENDANTS || 0.01 | 1 | 1
- 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.05 | 5 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR
+ 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.06 | 5 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR
def 'Read data trees for multiple xpaths'() {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class GetPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
then: 'requested nodes and their descendants are returned'
and: 'all data is read within expected time and memory used is within limit'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Read datatrees for multiple xpaths", 1.8 , durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Read datatrees for multiple xpaths", 2.2, durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Read for multiple xpaths to non-existing datanodes'() {
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ class GetPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Read datatrees using ${scenario}", durationLimit, durationInSeconds, memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
where: 'the following xpaths are used'
scenario | xpath || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
- 'openroadm root' | '/' || 1.0 | 250 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
- 'openroadm top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 1.0 | 250 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
- 'openroadm whole list' | '/openroadm-devices/openroadm-device' || 1.7 | 250 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
+ 'openroadm root' | '/' || 1.28 | 250 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
+ 'openroadm top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 1.3 | 250 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
+ 'openroadm whole list' | '/openroadm-devices/openroadm-device' || 1.51 | 250 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/QueryPerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/QueryPerfTest.groovy
index 7b9bf62e34..f31c6a988a 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/QueryPerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/QueryPerfTest.groovy
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ class QueryPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Query 1 anchor ${scenario}", durationLimit, durationInSeconds, memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
where: 'the following parameters are used'
scenario | cpsPath || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
- 'top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 1.1 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
- 'leaf condition' | '//openroadm-device[@ne-state="inservice"]' || 1.1 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
- 'ancestors' | '//openroadm-device/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 1.1 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
- 'leaf condition + ancestors' | '//openroadm-device[@status="success"]/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 1.1 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
- 'non-existing data' | '/path/to/non-existing/node[@id="1"]' || 0.009 | 1 | 0
+ 'top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 1.27 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
+ 'leaf condition' | '//openroadm-device[@ne-state="inservice"]' || 1.3 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE
+ 'ancestors' | '//openroadm-device/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 1.46 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
+ 'leaf condition + ancestors' | '//openroadm-device[@status="success"]/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 1.32 | 400 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1
+ 'non-existing data' | '/path/to/non-existing/node[@id="1"]' || 0.01 | 1 | 0
def 'Query complete data trees across all anchors with #scenario.'() {
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ class QueryPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Query across anchors ${scenario}", durationLimit, durationInSeconds, memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
where: 'the following parameters are used'
scenario | cpspath || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
- 'top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 3 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
- 'leaf condition' | '//openroadm-device[@ne-state="inservice"]' || 3 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE)
- 'ancestors' | '//openroadm-device/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 3 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
- 'leaf condition + ancestors' | '//openroadm-device[@status="success"]/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 3 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
+ 'top element' | '/openroadm-devices' || 3.76 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
+ 'leaf condition' | '//openroadm-device[@ne-state="inservice"]' || 3.3 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE)
+ 'ancestors' | '//openroadm-device/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 3.96 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
+ 'leaf condition + ancestors' | '//openroadm-device[@status="success"]/ancestor::openroadm-devices' || 3.76 | 600 | OPENROADM_ANCHORS * (OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * OPENROADM_DATANODES_PER_DEVICE + 1)
def 'Query with leaf condition and #scenario.'() {
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ class QueryPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
where: 'the following parameters are used'
scenario | fetchDescendantsOption || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
- 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.1 | 12 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * 2
+ 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.16 | 12 | OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR * 2
def 'Query ancestors with #scenario.'() {
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ class QueryPerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Query ancestors with ${scenario}", durationLimit, durationInSeconds, memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
where: 'the following parameters are used'
scenario | fetchDescendantsOption || durationLimit | memoryLimit | expectedNumberOfDataNodes
- 'no descendants' | OMIT_DESCENDANTS || 0.08 | 3 | 1
- 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.1 | 8 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR
+ 'no descendants' | OMIT_DESCENDANTS || 0.09 | 3 | 1
+ 'direct descendants' | DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY || 0.11 | 8 | 1 + OPENROADM_DEVICES_PER_ANCHOR
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/UpdatePerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/UpdatePerfTest.groovy
index 360fecad9c..1d3943f36b 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/UpdatePerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/UpdatePerfTest.groovy
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class UpdatePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
timeLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds(),
memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
- scenario | totalNodes | startId | changeLeaves || timeLimit | memoryLimit
- 'Replace 0 nodes with 100' | 100 | 1 | false || 3.2 | 200
- 'Replace 100 using same data' | 100 | 1 | false || 5.6 | 200
- 'Replace 100 with new leaf values' | 100 | 1 | true || 5.5 | 200
- 'Replace 100 with 100 new nodes' | 100 | 101 | false || 10.0 | 200
- 'Replace 50 existing and 50 new' | 100 | 151 | true || 8.0 | 200
- 'Replace 100 nodes with 0' | 0 | 1 | false || 7.0 | 200
+ scenario | totalNodes | startId | changeLeaves || timeLimit | memoryLimit
+ 'Replace 0 nodes with 100' | 100 | 1 | false || 3.99 | 200
+ 'Replace 100 using same data' | 100 | 1 | false || 7.46 | 200
+ 'Replace 100 with new leaf values' | 100 | 1 | true || 7.87 | 200
+ 'Replace 100 with 100 new nodes' | 100 | 101 | false || 13.85 | 200
+ 'Replace 50 existing and 50 new' | 100 | 151 | true || 10.82 | 200
+ 'Replace 100 nodes with 0' | 0 | 1 | false || 8.91 | 200
def 'Replace list content: #scenario.'() {
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ class UpdatePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
timeLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds(),
memoryLimit, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
- scenario | totalNodes | startId | changeLeaves || timeLimit | memoryLimit
- 'Replace list of 0 with 100' | 100 | 1 | false || 3.0 | 200
- 'Replace list of 100 using same data' | 100 | 1 | false || 5.4 | 200
- 'Replace list of 100 with new leaf values' | 100 | 1 | true || 5.6 | 200
- 'Replace list with 100 new nodes' | 100 | 101 | false || 9.9 | 200
- 'Replace list with 50 existing and 50 new' | 100 | 151 | true || 8.0 | 200
- 'Replace list of 100 nodes with 1' | 1 | 1 | false || 7.0 | 200
+ scenario | totalNodes | startId | changeLeaves || timeLimit | memoryLimit
+ 'Replace list of 0 with 100' | 100 | 1 | false || 4.01 | 200
+ 'Replace list of 100 using same data' | 100 | 1 | false || 5.53 | 200
+ 'Replace list of 100 with new leaf values' | 100 | 1 | true || 6.96 | 200
+ 'Replace list with 100 new nodes' | 100 | 101 | false || 12.82 | 200
+ 'Replace list with 50 existing and 50 new' | 100 | 151 | true || 10.42 | 200
+ 'Replace list of 100 nodes with 1' | 1 | 1 | false || 9.26 | 200
def 'Update leaves for 100 data nodes.'() {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class UpdatePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
assert 100 == countDataNodes('/openroadm-devices/openroadm-device[@status="fail"]')
and: 'update completes within expected time and memory used is within limit'
recordAndAssertResourceUsage('Update leaves for 100 data nodes',
- 0.3, resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds(),
+ 0.35, resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds(),
120, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/WritePerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/WritePerfTest.groovy
index c3dd2af146..0195611740 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/WritePerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/cps/WritePerfTest.groovy
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ class WritePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
totalNodes || expectedDuration | memoryLimit
- 50 || 1.6 | 100
- 100 || 3.3 | 200
- 200 || 6.8 | 400
- 400 || 13.0 | 500
+ 50 || 1.98 | 100
+ 100 || 3.84 | 200
+ 200 || 8.6 | 400
+ 400 || 16.37 | 500
def 'Writing bookstore data has exponential time.'() {
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ class WritePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
totalBooks || expectedDuration | memoryLimit
- 800 || 0.3 | 50
- 1600 || 0.8 | 100
- 3200 || 2.6 | 150
- 6400 || 6.7 | 200
+ 800 || 0.38 | 50
+ 1600 || 0.95 | 100
+ 3200 || 2.71 | 150
+ 6400 || 8.08 | 200
def 'Writing openroadm list data using saveListElements.'() {
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ class WritePerfTest extends CpsPerfTestBase {
totalNodes || expectedDuration | memoryLimit
- 50 || 1.5 | 100
- 100 || 3.0 | 200
- 200 || 6.3 | 400
- 400 || 14.0 | 500
+ 50 || 1.8 | 100
+ 100 || 3.93 | 200
+ 200 || 7.77 | 400
+ 400 || 16.59 | 500
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest.groovy
index 53b2194239..fc2f8cf00d 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest.groovy
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
matches.size() == numberOfFiltersPerCmHandle * numberOfCmHandlesPerCmDataSubscription
and: 'query all subscribers within 1 second'
def durationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Query all subscribers", 1.2, durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Query all subscribers", 2.56, durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Worst case subscription update (200x10 matching entries).'() {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
assert resultAfter.collect {it.leaves.subscribers.size()}.sum() == totalNumberOfEntries * (1 + numberOfCmDataSubscribers)
and: 'update matching subscription within 15 seconds'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Update matching subscription", 11, durationInSeconds, 1000, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Update matching subscription", 13.86, durationInSeconds, 1000, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def 'Worst case new subscription (200x10 new entries).'() {
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class CmDataSubscriptionsPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
def durationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'insert new subscription with 1 second'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Insert new subscription", 2, durationInSeconds, 100, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("Insert new subscription", 1.28, durationInSeconds, 100, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
def querySubscriptionsByIteration(Collection<DataNode> allSubscriptionsAsDataNodes, targetSubscriptionSequenceNumber) {
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmHandleQueryPerfTest.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmHandleQueryPerfTest.groovy
index 91b28f9e12..d518234f5c 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmHandleQueryPerfTest.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/performance/ncmp/CmHandleQueryPerfTest.groovy
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class CmHandleQueryPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
def durationInSeconds = resourceMeter.getTotalTimeInSeconds()
then: 'the required operations are performed within required time'
- recordAndAssertResourceUsage("CpsPath Registry attributes Query", 3.4, durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
+ recordAndAssertResourceUsage("CpsPath Registry attributes Query", 3.96, durationInSeconds, 300, resourceMeter.getTotalMemoryUsageInMB())
and: 'all nodes are returned'
result.size() == TOTAL_CM_HANDLES
and: 'the tree contains all the expected descendants too'
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class CmHandleQueryPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
expectedAverageResponseTime, averageResponseTime,
15, resourceMeter.totalMemoryUsageInMB)
- expectedAverageResponseTime = 6 * MILLISECONDS
+ expectedAverageResponseTime = 8 * MILLISECONDS
def 'CM-handle is looked up by alternate-id.'() {
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class CmHandleQueryPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
expectedAverageResponseTime, averageResponseTime,
15, resourceMeter.totalMemoryUsageInMB)
- expectedAverageResponseTime = 1 * MILLISECONDS
+ expectedAverageResponseTime = 4 * MILLISECONDS
def 'Find any CM-handle given moduleSetTag when there are 20K READY handles with same moduleSetTag.'() {
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class CmHandleQueryPerfTest extends NcmpPerfTestBase {
expectedAverageResponseTime, averageResponseTime,
500, resourceMeter.totalMemoryUsageInMB)
- expectedAverageResponseTime = 360 * MILLISECONDS
+ expectedAverageResponseTime = 438 * MILLISECONDS
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d713914d6..0000000000
--- a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_ResourcesResponse.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- {
- "moduleName": "M1",
- "revision": "2024-01-01",
- "yangSource": "module M1 {\n\n namespace \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:M1\";\n prefix \"yang\";\n\n organization\n \"IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group\";\n\n contact\n \"WG Web: <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>\n WG List: <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>\n\n WG Chair: David Kessens\n <mailto:david.kessens@nsn.com>\n\n WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\n\n Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\";\n\n description\n \"This module contains a collection of generally useful derived\n YANG data types.\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as\n authors of the code. All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\n without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject\n to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License\n set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions\n Relating to IETF Documents\n (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).\n\n This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see\n the RFC itself for full legal notices.\";\n\n revision 2024-01-01 {\n description\n \"This revision adds the following new data types:\n - yang-identifier\n - hex-string\n - uuid\n - dotted-quad\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n revision 2010-09-24 {\n description\n \"Initial revision.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n /*** collection of counter and gauge types ***/\n\n typedef counter32 {\n type uint32;\n description\n \"The counter32 type represents a non-negative integer\n that monotonically increases until it reaches a\n maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it\n wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.\n\n Counters have no defined 'initial' value, and thus, a\n single value of a counter has (in general) no information\n content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing\n value normally occur at re-initialization of the\n management system, and at other times as specified in the\n description of a schema node using this type. If such\n other times can occur, for example, the creation of\n a schema node of type counter32 at times other than\n re-initialization, then a corresponding schema node\n should be defined, with an appropriate type, to indicate\n the last discontinuity.\n\n The counter32 type should not be used for configuration\n schema nodes. A default statement SHOULD NOT be used in\n combination with the type counter32.\n\n In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent\n to the Counter32 type of the SMIv2.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 2578: Structure of Management Information Version 2\n (SMIv2)\";\n }\n}\n"
- },
- {
- "moduleName": "M2",
- "revision": "2024-01-02",
- "yangSource": "module M2 {\n\n namespace \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:M2\";\n prefix \"yang\";\n\n organization\n \"IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group\";\n\n contact\n \"WG Web: <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>\n WG List: <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>\n\n WG Chair: David Kessens\n <mailto:david.kessens@nsn.com>\n\n WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\n\n Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\";\n\n description\n \"This module contains a collection of generally useful derived\n YANG data types.\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as\n authors of the code. All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\n without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject\n to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License\n set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions\n Relating to IETF Documents\n (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).\n\n This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see\n the RFC itself for full legal notices.\";\n\n revision 2024-01-02 {\n description\n \"This revision adds the following new data types:\n - yang-identifier\n - hex-string\n - uuid\n - dotted-quad\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n revision 2010-09-24 {\n description\n \"Initial revision.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n /*** collection of counter and gauge types ***/\n\n typedef counter32 {\n type uint32;\n description\n \"The counter32 type represents a non-negative integer\n that monotonically increases until it reaches a\n maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it\n wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.\n\n Counters have no defined 'initial' value, and thus, a\n single value of a counter has (in general) no information\n content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing\n value normally occur at re-initialization of the\n management system, and at other times as specified in the\n description of a schema node using this type. If such\n other times can occur, for example, the creation of\n a schema node of type counter32 at times other than\n re-initialization, then a corresponding schema node\n should be defined, with an appropriate type, to indicate\n the last discontinuity.\n\n The counter32 type should not be used for configuration\n schema nodes. A default statement SHOULD NOT be used in\n combination with the type counter32.\n\n In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent\n to the Counter32 type of the SMIv2.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 2578: Structure of Management Information Version 2\n (SMIv2)\";\n }\n}\n"
- }
-] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f20564f04..0000000000
--- a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreAWithModules_M1_M2_Response.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- "schemas": [
- {
- "moduleName": "M1",
- "revision": "2024-01-01"
- },
- {
- "moduleName": "M2",
- "revision": "2024-01-02"
- }
- ]
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9b85f926..0000000000
--- a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_ResourcesResponse.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- {
- "moduleName": "M1",
- "revision": "2024-01-01",
- "yangSource": "module M1 {\n\n namespace \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:M1\";\n prefix \"yang\";\n\n organization\n \"IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group\";\n\n contact\n \"WG Web: <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>\n WG List: <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>\n\n WG Chair: David Kessens\n <mailto:david.kessens@nsn.com>\n\n WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\n\n Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\";\n\n description\n \"This module contains a collection of generally useful derived\n YANG data types.\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as\n authors of the code. All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\n without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject\n to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License\n set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions\n Relating to IETF Documents\n (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).\n\n This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see\n the RFC itself for full legal notices.\";\n\n revision 2024-01-01 {\n description\n \"This revision adds the following new data types:\n - yang-identifier\n - hex-string\n - uuid\n - dotted-quad\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n revision 2010-09-24 {\n description\n \"Initial revision.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n /*** collection of counter and gauge types ***/\n\n typedef counter32 {\n type uint32;\n description\n \"The counter32 type represents a non-negative integer\n that monotonically increases until it reaches a\n maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it\n wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.\n\n Counters have no defined 'initial' value, and thus, a\n single value of a counter has (in general) no information\n content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing\n value normally occur at re-initialization of the\n management system, and at other times as specified in the\n description of a schema node using this type. If such\n other times can occur, for example, the creation of\n a schema node of type counter32 at times other than\n re-initialization, then a corresponding schema node\n should be defined, with an appropriate type, to indicate\n the last discontinuity.\n\n The counter32 type should not be used for configuration\n schema nodes. A default statement SHOULD NOT be used in\n combination with the type counter32.\n\n In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent\n to the Counter32 type of the SMIv2.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 2578: Structure of Management Information Version 2\n (SMIv2)\";\n }\n}\n"
- },
- {
- "moduleName": "M3",
- "revision": "2024-01-03",
- "yangSource": "module M3 {\n\n namespace \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:M3\";\n prefix \"yang\";\n\n organization\n \"IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group\";\n\n contact\n \"WG Web: <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>\n WG List: <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>\n\n WG Chair: David Kessens\n <mailto:david.kessens@nsn.com>\n\n WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\n\n Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\";\n\n description\n \"This module contains a collection of generally useful derived\n YANG data types.\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as\n authors of the code. All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\n without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject\n to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License\n set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions\n Relating to IETF Documents\n (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).\n\n This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see\n the RFC itself for full legal notices.\";\n\n revision 2024-01-03 {\n description\n \"This revision adds the following new data types:\n - yang-identifier\n - hex-string\n - uuid\n - dotted-quad\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n revision 2010-09-24 {\n description\n \"Initial revision.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n /*** collection of counter and gauge types ***/\n\n typedef counter32 {\n type uint32;\n description\n \"The counter32 type represents a non-negative integer\n that monotonically increases until it reaches a\n maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it\n wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.\n\n Counters have no defined 'initial' value, and thus, a\n single value of a counter has (in general) no information\n content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing\n value normally occur at re-initialization of the\n management system, and at other times as specified in the\n description of a schema node using this type. If such\n other times can occur, for example, the creation of\n a schema node of type counter32 at times other than\n re-initialization, then a corresponding schema node\n should be defined, with an appropriate type, to indicate\n the last discontinuity.\n\n The counter32 type should not be used for configuration\n schema nodes. A default statement SHOULD NOT be used in\n combination with the type counter32.\n\n In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent\n to the Counter32 type of the SMIv2.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 2578: Structure of Management Information Version 2\n (SMIv2)\";\n }\n}\n"
- }
-] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 513c749a26..0000000000
--- a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/bookStoreBWithModules_M1_M3_Response.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- "schemas": [
- {
- "moduleName": "M1",
- "revision": "2024-01-01"
- },
- {
- "moduleName": "M3",
- "revision": "2024-01-03"
- }
- ]
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleReferencesTemplate.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleReferencesTemplate.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2551ad4e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleReferencesTemplate.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "moduleName": "<MODULE_NAME>",
+ "revision": "2024-01-01"
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleResourcesTemplate.json b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleResourcesTemplate.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e189f1885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/resources/data/mock-dmi-responses/moduleResourcesTemplate.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "moduleName": "<MODULE_NAME>",
+ "revision": "2024-01-01",
+ "yangSource": "module <MODULE_NAME> {\n\n namespace \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:<MODULE_NAME>\";\n prefix \"yang\";\n\n organization\n \"IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group\";\n\n contact\n \"WG Web: <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>\n WG List: <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>\n\n WG Chair: David Kessens\n <mailto:david.kessens@nsn.com>\n\n WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\n\n Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder\n <mailto:j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de>\";\n\n description\n \"This module contains a collection of generally useful derived\n YANG data types.\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as\n authors of the code. All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or\n without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject\n to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License\n set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions\n Relating to IETF Documents\n (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).\n\n This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see\n the RFC itself for full legal notices.\";\n\n revision 2024-01-01 {\n description\n \"This revision adds the following new data types:\n - yang-identifier\n - hex-string\n - uuid\n - dotted-quad\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n revision 2010-09-24 {\n description\n \"Initial revision.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types\";\n }\n\n /*** collection of counter and gauge types ***/\n\n typedef counter32 {\n type uint32;\n description\n \"The counter32 type represents a non-negative integer\n that monotonically increases until it reaches a\n maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it\n wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.\n\n Counters have no defined 'initial' value, and thus, a\n single value of a counter has (in general) no information\n content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing\n value normally occur at re-initialization of the\n management system, and at other times as specified in the\n description of a schema node using this type. If such\n other times can occur, for example, the creation of\n a schema node of type counter32 at times other than\n re-initialization, then a corresponding schema node\n should be defined, with an appropriate type, to indicate\n the last discontinuity.\n\n The counter32 type should not be used for configuration\n schema nodes. A default statement SHOULD NOT be used in\n combination with the type counter32.\n\n In the value set and its semantics, this type is equivalent\n to the Counter32 type of the SMIv2.\";\n reference\n \"RFC 2578: Structure of Management Information Version 2\n (SMIv2)\";\n }\n}\n"