path: root/cps-ri/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cps-ri/src')
6 files changed, 89 insertions, 437 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/java/org/onap/cps/spi/repository/FragmentQueryBuilder.java b/cps-ri/src/main/java/org/onap/cps/spi/repository/FragmentQueryBuilder.java
index b2014757d7..eb61d56632 100644
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/java/org/onap/cps/spi/repository/FragmentQueryBuilder.java
+++ b/cps-ri/src/main/java/org/onap/cps/spi/repository/FragmentQueryBuilder.java
@@ -24,14 +24,12 @@ package org.onap.cps.spi.repository;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import jakarta.persistence.Query;
-import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
-import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.onap.cps.cpspath.parser.CpsPathPrefixType;
import org.onap.cps.cpspath.parser.CpsPathQuery;
import org.onap.cps.spi.PaginationOption;
@@ -43,10 +41,8 @@ import org.onap.cps.spi.utils.EscapeUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
- private static final AnchorEntity ACROSS_ALL_ANCHORS = null;
private EntityManager entityManager;
@@ -59,8 +55,14 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
* @return a executable query object
public Query getQueryForAnchorAndCpsPath(final AnchorEntity anchorEntity, final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery) {
- return getQueryForDataspaceOrAnchorAndCpsPath(anchorEntity.getDataspace(),
- anchorEntity, cpsPathQuery, Collections.emptyList());
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT fragment.* FROM fragment");
+ addWhereClauseForAnchor(anchorEntity, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
+ addNodeSearchConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, false);
+ return getQuery(sqlStringBuilder.toString(), queryParameters, FragmentEntity.class);
@@ -73,8 +75,18 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
public Query getQueryForDataspaceAndCpsPath(final DataspaceEntity dataspaceEntity,
final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
final List<Long> anchorIdsForPagination) {
- return getQueryForDataspaceOrAnchorAndCpsPath(dataspaceEntity, ACROSS_ALL_ANCHORS,
- cpsPathQuery, anchorIdsForPagination);
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT fragment.* FROM fragment");
+ if (anchorIdsForPagination.isEmpty()) {
+ addWhereClauseForDataspace(dataspaceEntity, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
+ } else {
+ addWhereClauseForAnchorIds(anchorIdsForPagination, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
+ }
+ addNodeSearchConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, true);
+ return getQuery(sqlStringBuilder.toString(), queryParameters, FragmentEntity.class);
@@ -89,52 +101,52 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
final PaginationOption paginationOption) {
final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
final Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
- sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT distinct(fragment.anchor_id) FROM fragment "
- + "JOIN anchor ON anchor.id = fragment.anchor_id WHERE dataspace_id = :dataspaceId");
- queryParameters.put("dataspaceId", dataspaceEntity.getId());
- addAbsoluteParentXpathSearchCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, ACROSS_ALL_ANCHORS);
- addXpathSearchCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
- addLeafConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder);
- addTextFunctionCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
- addContainsFunctionCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
- if (PaginationOption.NO_PAGINATION != paginationOption) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" ORDER BY fragment.anchor_id");
- addPaginationCondition(sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, paginationOption);
- }
- final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sqlStringBuilder.toString());
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT distinct(fragment.anchor_id) FROM fragment");
+ addWhereClauseForDataspace(dataspaceEntity, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
+ addNodeSearchConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, true);
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" ORDER BY fragment.anchor_id");
+ addPaginationCondition(sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, paginationOption);
+ return getQuery(sqlStringBuilder.toString(), queryParameters, Long.class);
+ }
+ private Query getQuery(final String sql, final Map<String, Object> queryParameters, final Class<?> returnType) {
+ final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql, returnType);
setQueryParameters(query, queryParameters);
return query;
- private Query getQueryForDataspaceOrAnchorAndCpsPath(final DataspaceEntity dataspaceEntity,
- final AnchorEntity anchorEntity,
- final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
- final List<Long> anchorIdsForPagination) {
- final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- final Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
+ private static void addWhereClauseForAnchor(final AnchorEntity anchorEntity,
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters) {
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" WHERE anchor_id = :anchorId");
+ queryParameters.put("anchorId", anchorEntity.getId());
+ }
- if (anchorEntity == ACROSS_ALL_ANCHORS) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT fragment.* FROM fragment JOIN anchor ON anchor.id = fragment.anchor_id"
- + " WHERE dataspace_id = :dataspaceId");
- queryParameters.put("dataspaceId", dataspaceEntity.getId());
- if (!anchorIdsForPagination.isEmpty()) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND anchor_id IN (:anchorIdsForPagination)");
- queryParameters.put("anchorIdsForPagination", anchorIdsForPagination);
- }
- } else {
- sqlStringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM fragment WHERE anchor_id = :anchorId");
- queryParameters.put("anchorId", anchorEntity.getId());
- }
- addAbsoluteParentXpathSearchCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, anchorEntity);
+ private static void addWhereClauseForAnchorIds(final List<Long> anchorIdsForPagination,
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters) {
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" WHERE anchor_id IN (:anchorIdsForPagination)");
+ queryParameters.put("anchorIdsForPagination", anchorIdsForPagination);
+ }
+ private static void addWhereClauseForDataspace(final DataspaceEntity dataspaceEntity,
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters) {
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" JOIN anchor ON anchor.id = fragment.anchor_id WHERE dataspace_id = :dataspaceId");
+ queryParameters.put("dataspaceId", dataspaceEntity.getId());
+ }
+ private static void addNodeSearchConditions(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
+ final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
+ final Map<String, Object> queryParameters,
+ final boolean acrossAnchors) {
+ addAbsoluteParentXpathSearchCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters, acrossAnchors);
addXpathSearchCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
addLeafConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder);
addTextFunctionCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
addContainsFunctionCondition(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder, queryParameters);
- final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sqlStringBuilder.toString(), FragmentEntity.class);
- setQueryParameters(query, queryParameters);
- return query;
private static void addXpathSearchCondition(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
@@ -152,12 +164,12 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
private static void addAbsoluteParentXpathSearchCondition(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
final Map<String, Object> queryParameters,
- final AnchorEntity anchorEntity) {
+ final boolean acrossAnchors) {
if (CpsPathPrefixType.ABSOLUTE.equals(cpsPathQuery.getCpsPathPrefixType())) {
if (cpsPathQuery.getNormalizedParentPath().isEmpty()) {
sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND parent_id IS NULL");
} else {
- if (anchorEntity == ACROSS_ALL_ANCHORS) {
+ if (acrossAnchors) {
sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM fragment WHERE xpath = :parentXpath)");
} else {
sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND parent_id = (SELECT id FROM fragment WHERE xpath = :parentXpath"
@@ -171,10 +183,12 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
private static void addPaginationCondition(final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder,
final Map<String, Object> queryParameters,
final PaginationOption paginationOption) {
- final Integer offset = (paginationOption.getPageIndex() - 1) * paginationOption.getPageSize();
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" LIMIT :pageSize OFFSET :offset");
- queryParameters.put("pageSize", paginationOption.getPageSize());
- queryParameters.put("offset", offset);
+ if (PaginationOption.NO_PAGINATION != paginationOption) {
+ final Integer offset = (paginationOption.getPageIndex() - 1) * paginationOption.getPageSize();
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" LIMIT :pageSize OFFSET :offset");
+ queryParameters.put("pageSize", paginationOption.getPageSize());
+ queryParameters.put("offset", offset);
+ }
private static Integer getTextValueAsInt(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery) {
@@ -185,40 +199,34 @@ public class FragmentQueryBuilder {
- private void addLeafConditions(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery, final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder) {
+ private static void addLeafConditions(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery, final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder) {
if (cpsPathQuery.hasLeafConditions()) {
- queryLeafConditions(cpsPathQuery, sqlStringBuilder);
- }
- }
- private void queryLeafConditions(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery, final StringBuilder sqlStringBuilder) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND (");
- final Queue<String> booleanOperatorsQueue = new LinkedList<>(cpsPathQuery.getBooleanOperators());
- final Queue<String> comparativeOperatorQueue = new LinkedList<>(cpsPathQuery.getComparativeOperators());
- cpsPathQuery.getLeavesData().forEach(leaf -> {
- final String nextComparativeOperator = comparativeOperatorQueue.poll();
- if (leaf.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append("(attributes ->> '").append(leaf.getName()).append("')\\:\\:int");
- sqlStringBuilder.append(nextComparativeOperator);
- sqlStringBuilder.append(leaf.getValue());
- } else {
- if ("=".equals(nextComparativeOperator)) {
- final String leafValueAsText = leaf.getValue().toString();
- sqlStringBuilder.append("attributes ->> '").append(leaf.getName()).append("'");
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" = '");
- sqlStringBuilder.append(EscapeUtils.escapeForSqlStringLiteral(leafValueAsText));
- sqlStringBuilder.append("'");
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" AND (");
+ final Queue<String> booleanOperatorsQueue = new LinkedList<>(cpsPathQuery.getBooleanOperators());
+ cpsPathQuery.getLeafConditions().forEach(leafCondition -> {
+ if (leafCondition.value() instanceof Integer) {
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("(attributes ->> '").append(leafCondition.name()).append("')\\:\\:int");
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(leafCondition.operator());
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(leafCondition.value());
} else {
- throw new CpsPathException(" can use only " + nextComparativeOperator + " with integer ");
+ if ("=".equals(leafCondition.operator())) {
+ final String leafValueAsText = leafCondition.value().toString();
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("attributes ->> '").append(leafCondition.name()).append("'");
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" = '");
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(EscapeUtils.escapeForSqlStringLiteral(leafValueAsText));
+ sqlStringBuilder.append("'");
+ } else {
+ throw new CpsPathException(" can use only " + leafCondition.operator() + " with integer ");
+ }
- }
- if (!booleanOperatorsQueue.isEmpty()) {
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" ");
- sqlStringBuilder.append(booleanOperatorsQueue.poll());
- sqlStringBuilder.append(" ");
- }
- });
- sqlStringBuilder.append(")");
+ if (!booleanOperatorsQueue.isEmpty()) {
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" ");
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(booleanOperatorsQueue.poll());
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(" ");
+ }
+ });
+ sqlStringBuilder.append(")");
+ }
private static void addTextFunctionCondition(final CpsPathQuery cpsPathQuery,
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/generated-csv/README.md b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/generated-csv/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 212acb9006..0000000000
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/generated-csv/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation.
- ================================================================================
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-##Placeholder folder for generated CSV files as part of yang models.
-Do not remove this folder \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2021-12-13.yang b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2021-12-13.yang
deleted file mode 100644
index ed3559bf61..0000000000
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2021-12-13.yang
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-module dmi-registry {
- yang-version 1.1;
- namespace "org:onap:cps:ncmp";
- prefix dmi-reg;
- contact "dylan.byrne@est.tech";
- revision "2021-05-20" {
- description
- "Initial Version";
- }
- revision "2021-10-20" {
- description
- "Added dmi-data-service-name & dmi-model-service-name to allow separate DMI instances for each responsibility";
- }
- revision "2021-12-13" {
- description
- "Added new list of public additonal properties for a Cm-Handle which are exposed to clients of the NCMP interface";
- }
- container dmi-registry {
- list cm-handles {
- key "id";
- leaf id {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-data-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-model-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- list additional-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- list public-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-02-10.yang b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-02-10.yang
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6d990c5d..0000000000
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-02-10.yang
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-module dmi-registry {
- yang-version 1.1;
- namespace "org:onap:cps:ncmp";
- prefix dmi-reg;
- contact "toine.siebelink@est.tech";
- revision "2022-02-10" {
- description
- "Added State, LockReason, LockReasonDetails to aid with cmHandle sync and timestamp to aid with retry/timeout scenarios";
- }
- revision "2021-12-13" {
- description
- "Added new list of public additional properties for a Cm-Handle which are exposed to clients of the NCMP interface";
- }
- revision "2021-10-20" {
- description
- "Added dmi-data-service-name & dmi-model-service-name to allow separate DMI instances for each responsibility";
- }
- revision "2021-05-20" {
- description
- "Initial Version";
- }
- container dmi-registry {
- list cm-handles {
- key "id";
- leaf id {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-data-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-model-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- list additional-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- list public-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- leaf state {
- type string;
- }
- leaf lock-reason {
- type string;
- }
- leaf lock-reason-details {
- type string;
- }
- leaf last-update-time {
- type string;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-05-10.yang b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-05-10.yang
deleted file mode 100644
index 77517968c6..0000000000
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/dmi-registry@2022-05-10.yang
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-module dmi-registry {
- yang-version 1.1;
- namespace "org:onap:cps:ncmp";
- prefix dmi-reg;
- contact "toine.siebelink@est.tech";
- revision "2022-05-10" {
- description
- "Added DataSyncEnabled, SyncState with State, LastSyncTime, DataStoreSyncState with Operational and Running syncstate";
- }
- revision "2022-02-10" {
- description
- "Added State, LockReason, LockReasonDetails to aid with cmHandle sync and timestamp to aid with retry/timeout scenarios";
- }
- revision "2021-12-13" {
- description
- "Added new list of public additional properties for a Cm-Handle which are exposed to clients of the NCMP interface";
- }
- revision "2021-10-20" {
- description
- "Added dmi-data-service-name & dmi-model-service-name to allow separate DMI instances for each responsibility";
- }
- revision "2021-05-20" {
- description
- "Initial Version";
- }
- grouping LockReason {
- leaf reason {
- type string;
- }
- leaf details {
- type string;
- }
- }
- grouping SyncState {
- leaf sync-state {
- type string;
- }
- leaf last-sync-time {
- type string;
- }
- }
- grouping Datastores {
- container operational {
- uses SyncState;
- }
- container running {
- uses SyncState;
- }
- }
- container dmi-registry {
- list cm-handles {
- key "id";
- leaf id {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-data-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf dmi-model-service-name {
- type string;
- }
- list additional-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- list public-properties {
- key "name";
- leaf name {
- type string;
- }
- leaf value {
- type string;
- }
- }
- container state {
- leaf cm-handle-state {
- type string;
- }
- container lock-reason {
- uses LockReason;
- }
- leaf last-update-time {
- type string;
- }
- leaf data-sync-enabled {
- type boolean;
- default "false";
- }
- container datastores {
- uses Datastores;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/yangResourceCsvGenerator.py b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/yangResourceCsvGenerator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a076d4378..0000000000
--- a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/yangResourceCsvGenerator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
-# Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation
-# ================================================================================
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-import csv
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import sys
-import re
-yang_source = ''
-checksum = ''
-regexForModuleName = '(?<=module)(.*)(?={)'
-regexForRevision = '(?<=revision)(.*)(?={)'
-def main():
- for yang_source in sys.argv[1:]:
- checksum = hashlib.sha256(str(yang_source).encode()).hexdigest()
- with open('changelog/db/changes/data/yang-models/' + yang_source + '.yang', 'r') as content:
- dmiRegistry = content.read()
- try:
- latestRevision = re.search(regexForRevision, dmiRegistry).group(0).replace('\"','').strip()
- except:
- print("ERROR IN in yangResourceCsvGenerator.py: Unable to find revision for " + yang_source + '.yang')
- try:
- module_name = re.search(regexForModuleName, dmiRegistry).group(0).strip()
- except:
- print("ERROR IN in yangResourceCsvGenerator.py: Unable to find module name for " + yang_source + '.yang')
- #If true, file was created after module_name and revision columns were added to yang-resources table
- writeWithModuleNameAndRevision = yang_source != 'dmi-registry@2021-12-13'
- try:
- # open the file in the write mode
- with open('changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/generated-csv/generated_yang_resource_' + yang_source + '.csv', 'w', newline='') \
- as file:
- writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter='|')
- if(writeWithModuleNameAndRevision):
- writer.writerow(["name", "content", "checksum", "module_name", "revision"])
- writer.writerow([yang_source + '.yang', dmiRegistry, checksum, module_name, latestRevision])
- else:
- writer.writerow(["name", "content", "checksum"])
- writer.writerow([yang_source + '.yang', dmiRegistry, checksum])
- except:
- print("ERROR IN in yangResourceCsvGenerator.py: Unable to write to changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/generated-csv/generated_yang_resource_" + yang_source + ".csv")
-main() \ No newline at end of file