path: root/cps-ri/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/impl/CpsDataPersistenceServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Bell Canada.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.cps.spi.impl
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.ConcurrencyException
+import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS
+import static org.onap.cps.spi.FetchDescendantsOption.OMIT_DESCENDANTS
+import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsDataPersistenceService
+import org.onap.cps.spi.entities.FragmentEntity
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AlreadyDefinedException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.AnchorNotFoundException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataNodeNotFoundException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DataspaceNotFoundException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNode
+import org.onap.cps.spi.model.DataNodeBuilder
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
+import org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql
+import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException
+class CpsDataPersistenceServiceIntegrationSpec extends CpsPersistenceSpecBase {
+ @Autowired
+ CpsDataPersistenceService objectUnderTest
+ static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().create()
+ static final String SET_DATA = '/data/fragment.sql'
+ static final long ID_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS = 4001
+ static final String XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS = '/parent-1'
+ static final String XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_LEAVES = '/parent-100'
+ static final long UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID = 4202L
+ static final long UPDATE_DATA_NODE_SUB_FRAGMENT_ID = 4203L
+ static final long LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT_FRAGMENT_ID = 4206L
+ static final DataNode newDataNode = new DataNodeBuilder().build()
+ static DataNode existingDataNode
+ static DataNode existingChildDataNode
+ def expectedLeavesByXpathMap = [
+ '/parent-100' : ['parent-leaf': 'parent-leaf value'],
+ '/parent-100/child-001' : ['first-child-leaf': 'first-child-leaf value'],
+ '/parent-100/child-002' : ['second-child-leaf': 'second-child-leaf value'],
+ '/parent-100/child-002/grand-child': ['grand-child-leaf': 'grand-child-leaf value']
+ ]
+ static {
+ existingDataNode = createDataNodeTree(XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS)
+ existingChildDataNode = createDataNodeTree('/parent-1/child-1')
+ }
+ def 'StoreDataNode with descendants.'() {
+ when: 'a fragment with descendants is stored'
+ def parentXpath = "/parent-new"
+ def childXpath = "/parent-new/child-new"
+ def grandChildXpath = "/parent-new/child-new/grandchild-new"
+ objectUnderTest.storeDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1,
+ createDataNodeTree(parentXpath, childXpath, grandChildXpath))
+ then: 'it can be retrieved by its xpath'
+ def parentFragment = getFragmentByXpath(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath)
+ and: 'it contains the children'
+ parentFragment.childFragments.size() == 1
+ def childFragment = parentFragment.childFragments[0]
+ childFragment.xpath == childXpath
+ and: "and its children's children"
+ childFragment.childFragments.size() == 1
+ def grandchildFragment = childFragment.childFragments[0]
+ grandchildFragment.xpath == grandChildXpath
+ }
+ def 'Store data node for multiple anchors using the same schema.'() {
+ def xpath = "/parent-new"
+ given: 'a fragment is stored for an anchor'
+ objectUnderTest.storeDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, createDataNodeTree(xpath))
+ when: 'another fragment is stored for an other anchor, using the same schema set'
+ objectUnderTest.storeDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, createDataNodeTree(xpath))
+ then: 'both fragments can be retrieved by their xpath'
+ def fragment1 = getFragmentByXpath(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, xpath)
+ fragment1.xpath == xpath
+ def fragment2 = getFragmentByXpath(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, xpath)
+ fragment2.xpath == xpath
+ }
+ def 'Store datanode error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ when: 'attempt to store a data node with #scenario'
+ objectUnderTest.storeDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, dataNode)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | dataNode || expectedException
+ 'dataspace does not exist' | 'unknown' | 'not-relevant' | newDataNode || DataspaceNotFoundException
+ 'schema set does not exist' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'unknown' | newDataNode || AnchorNotFoundException
+ 'anchor already exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_NAME1 | newDataNode || ConstraintViolationException
+ 'datanode already exists' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_NAME1 | existingDataNode || AlreadyDefinedException
+ }
+ def 'Add a child to a Fragment that already has a child.'() {
+ given: ' a new child node'
+ def newChild = createDataNodeTree('xpath for new child')
+ when: 'the child is added to an existing parent with 1 child'
+ then: 'the parent is now has to 2 children'
+ def expectedExistingChildPath = '/parent-1/child-1'
+ def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.findById(ID_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS).orElseThrow()
+ parentFragment.getChildFragments().size() == 2
+ and: 'it still has the old child'
+ parentFragment.getChildFragments().find({ it.xpath == expectedExistingChildPath })
+ and: 'it has the new child'
+ parentFragment.getChildFragments().find({ it.xpath == newChild.xpath })
+ }
+ def 'Add child error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ when: 'attempt to add a child data node with #scenario'
+ objectUnderTest.addChildDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME1, parentXpath, dataNode)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | parentXpath | dataNode || expectedException
+ 'parent does not exist' | 'unknown' | newDataNode || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ 'already existing child' | XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_DESCENDANTS | existingChildDataNode || AlreadyDefinedException
+ }
+ def 'Add list-node fragment with multiple elements.'() {
+ given: 'list node data fragment as a collection of data nodes'
+ def listNodeXpaths = ['/parent-201/child-204[@key="B"]', '/parent-201/child-204[@key="C"]']
+ def listNodeCollection = buildDataNodeCollection(listNodeXpaths)
+ when: 'list-node elements added to existing parent node'
+ objectUnderTest.addListDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, '/parent-201', listNodeCollection)
+ then: 'new entries successfully persisted, parent node now contains 5 children (2 new + 3 existing before)'
+ def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def allChildXpaths = parentFragment.getChildFragments().collect { it.getXpath() }
+ assert allChildXpaths.size() == 5
+ assert allChildXpaths.containsAll(listNodeXpaths)
+ }
+ def 'Add list-node fragment error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ given: 'list node data fragment as a collection of data nodes'
+ def listNodeCollection = buildDataNodeCollection(listNodeXpaths)
+ when: 'list-node elements added to existing parent node'
+ objectUnderTest.addListDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, parentNodeXpath, listNodeCollection)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'following parameters were used'
+ scenario | parentNodeXpath | listNodeXpaths || expectedException
+ 'parent node does not exist' | '/unknown' | ['irrelevant'] || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ 'already existing fragment' | '/parent-201' | ['/parent-201/child-204[@key="A"]'] || AlreadyDefinedException
+ }
+ static def createDataNodeTree(String... xpaths) {
+ def dataNodeBuilder = new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpaths[0])
+ if (xpaths.length > 1) {
+ def xPathsDescendant = Arrays.copyOfRange(xpaths, 1, xpaths.length)
+ def childDataNode = createDataNodeTree(xPathsDescendant)
+ dataNodeBuilder.withChildDataNodes(ImmutableSet.of(childDataNode))
+ }
+ }
+ def getFragmentByXpath(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath) {
+ def dataspace = dataspaceRepository.getByName(dataspaceName)
+ def anchor = anchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName(dataspace, anchorName)
+ return fragmentRepository.findByDataspaceAndAnchorAndXpath(dataspace, anchor, xpath).orElseThrow()
+ }
+ def 'Get data node by xpath without descendants.'() {
+ when: 'data node is requested'
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES,
+ then: 'data node is returned with no descendants'
+ assert result.getXpath() == XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_LEAVES
+ and: 'expected leaves'
+ assert result.getChildDataNodes().size() == 0
+ assertLeavesMaps(result.getLeaves(), expectedLeavesByXpathMap[XPATH_DATA_NODE_WITH_LEAVES])
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | inputXPath
+ 'some xpath' | '/parent-100'
+ 'root xpath' | '/'
+ 'empty xpath' | ''
+ }
+ def 'Get data node by xpath with all descendants.'() {
+ when: 'data node is requested with all descendants'
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getDataNode(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES,
+ def mappedResult = treeToFlatMapByXpath(new HashMap<>(), result)
+ then: 'data node is returned with all the descendants populated'
+ assert mappedResult.size() == 4
+ assert result.getChildDataNodes().size() == 2
+ assert mappedResult.get('/parent-100/child-001').getChildDataNodes().size() == 0
+ assert mappedResult.get('/parent-100/child-002').getChildDataNodes().size() == 1
+ and: 'extracted leaves maps are matching expected'
+ mappedResult.forEach(
+ (xPath, dataNode) -> assertLeavesMaps(dataNode.getLeaves(), expectedLeavesByXpathMap[xPath]))
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | inputXPath
+ 'some xpath' | '/parent-100'
+ 'root xpath' | '/'
+ 'empty xpath' | ''
+ }
+ def 'Get data node error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ when: 'attempt to get data node with #scenario'
+ objectUnderTest.getDataNode(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, OMIT_DESCENDANTS)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | xpath || expectedException
+ 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' | 'not relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' | 'not relevant' || AnchorNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing xpath' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES | 'NO XPATH' || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ }
+ def 'Update data node leaves.'() {
+ when: 'update is performed for leaves'
+ "/parent-200/child-201", ['leaf-value': 'new'])
+ then: 'leaves are updated for selected data node'
+ def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment)
+ assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1
+ assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ and: 'existing child entry remains as is'
+ def childFragment = updatedFragment.getChildFragments().iterator().next()
+ def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment)
+ assert childFragment.getId() == UPDATE_DATA_NODE_SUB_FRAGMENT_ID
+ assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'original'
+ }
+ def 'Update data leaves error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ when: 'attempt to update data node for #scenario'
+ objectUnderTest.updateDataLeaves(dataspaceName, anchorName, xpath, ['leaf-name': 'leaf-value'])
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | xpath || expectedException
+ 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' | 'not relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' | 'not relevant' || AnchorNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing xpath' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES | 'NON-EXISTING XPATH' || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ }
+ def 'Replace data node tree with descendants removal.'() {
+ given: 'data node object with leaves updated, no children'
+ def submittedDataNode = buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [])
+ when: 'replace data node tree is performed'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceDataNodeTree(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNode)
+ then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node'
+ def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment)
+ assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1
+ assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ and: 'updated entry has no children'
+ updatedFragment.getChildFragments().isEmpty()
+ and: 'previously attached child entry is removed from database'
+ fragmentRepository.findById(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_SUB_FRAGMENT_ID).isEmpty()
+ }
+ def 'Replace data node tree with descendants.'() {
+ given: 'data node object with leaves updated, having child with old content'
+ def submittedDataNode = buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [
+ buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201/grand-child", ['leaf-value': 'original'], [])
+ ])
+ when: 'update is performed including descendants'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceDataNodeTree(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNode)
+ then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node'
+ def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment)
+ assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1
+ assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ and: 'existing child entry is not updated as content is same'
+ def childFragment = updatedFragment.getChildFragments().iterator().next()
+ childFragment.getXpath() == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child'
+ def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment)
+ assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'original'
+ }
+ def 'Replace data node tree with same descendants but changed leaf value.'() {
+ given: 'data node object with leaves updated, having child with old content'
+ def submittedDataNode = buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [
+ buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201/grand-child", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [])
+ ])
+ when: 'update is performed including descendants'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceDataNodeTree(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNode)
+ then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node'
+ def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment)
+ assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1
+ assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ and: 'existing child entry is updated with the new content'
+ def childFragment = updatedFragment.getChildFragments().iterator().next()
+ childFragment.getXpath() == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child'
+ def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment)
+ assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ }
+ def 'Replace data node tree with different descendants xpath'() {
+ given: 'data node object with leaves updated, having child with old content'
+ def submittedDataNode = buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [
+ buildDataNode("/parent-200/child-201/grand-child-new", ['leaf-value': 'new'], [])
+ ])
+ when: 'update is performed including descendants'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceDataNodeTree(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES, submittedDataNode)
+ then: 'leaves have been updated for selected data node'
+ def updatedFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def updatedLeaves = getLeavesMap(updatedFragment)
+ assert updatedLeaves.size() == 1
+ assert updatedLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ and: 'previously attached child entry is removed from database'
+ fragmentRepository.findById(UPDATE_DATA_NODE_SUB_FRAGMENT_ID).isEmpty()
+ and: 'new child entry is persisted'
+ def childFragment = updatedFragment.getChildFragments().iterator().next()
+ childFragment.getXpath() == '/parent-200/child-201/grand-child-new'
+ def childLeaves = getLeavesMap(childFragment)
+ assert childLeaves.'leaf-value' == 'new'
+ }
+ def 'Replace data node tree error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ given: 'data node object'
+ def submittedDataNode = buildDataNode(xpath, ['leaf-name': 'leaf-value'], [])
+ when: 'attempt to update data node for #scenario'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceDataNodeTree(dataspaceName, anchorName, submittedDataNode)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | dataspaceName | anchorName | xpath || expectedException
+ 'non-existing dataspace' | 'NO DATASPACE' | 'not relevant' | 'not relevant' || DataspaceNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing anchor' | DATASPACE_NAME | 'NO ANCHOR' | 'not relevant' || AnchorNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing xpath' | DATASPACE_NAME | ANCHOR_FOR_DATA_NODES_WITH_LEAVES | 'NON-EXISTING XPATH' || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ }
+ def 'Replace list-node content of #scenario.'() {
+ given: 'list node data fragment as a collection of data nodes'
+ def listNodeCollection = buildDataNodeCollection(listNodeXpaths)
+ when: 'list-node elements replaced within the existing parent node'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceListDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, '/parent-201', listNodeCollection)
+ then: 'child list elements are updated as expected, non-list element remains as is'
+ def parentFragment = fragmentRepository.getOne(LIST_DATA_NODE_PARENT_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ def allChildXpaths = parentFragment.getChildFragments().collect { it.getXpath() }
+ assert allChildXpaths.size() == expectedChildXpaths.size()
+ assert allChildXpaths.containsAll(expectedChildXpaths)
+ where: 'following parameters were used'
+ scenario | listNodeXpaths || expectedChildXpaths
+ 'existing list-node' | ['/parent-201/child-204[@key="B"]'] || ['/parent-201/child-203', '/parent-201/child-204[@key="B"]']
+ 'non-existing list-node' | ['/parent-201/child-205[@key="1"]'] || ['/parent-201/child-203', '/parent-201/child-204[@key="A"]', '/parent-201/child-204[@key="X"]', '/parent-201/child-205[@key="1"]']
+ }
+ def 'Replace list-node fragment error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ given: 'list node data fragment as a collection of data nodes'
+ def listNodeCollection = buildDataNodeCollection(listNodeXpaths)
+ when: 'list-node elements were replaced under existing parent node'
+ objectUnderTest.replaceListDataNodes(DATASPACE_NAME, ANCHOR_NAME3, parentNodeXpath, listNodeCollection)
+ then: 'a #expectedException is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'following parameters were used'
+ scenario | parentNodeXpath | listNodeXpaths || expectedException
+ 'parent node does not exist' | '/unknown' | ['irrelevant'] || DataNodeNotFoundException
+ }
+ static Collection<DataNode> buildDataNodeCollection(xpaths) {
+ return xpaths.collect { new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(it).build() }
+ }
+ static DataNode buildDataNode(xpath, leaves, childDataNodes) {
+ return new DataNodeBuilder().withXpath(xpath).withLeaves(leaves).withChildDataNodes(childDataNodes).build()
+ }
+ static Map<String, Object> getLeavesMap(FragmentEntity fragmentEntity) {
+ return GSON.fromJson(fragmentEntity.getAttributes(), Map<String, Object>.class)
+ }
+ def static assertLeavesMaps(actualLeavesMap, expectedLeavesMap) {
+ expectedLeavesMap.forEach((key, value) -> {
+ def actualValue = actualLeavesMap[key]
+ if (value instanceof Collection<?> && actualValue instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ assert value.size() == actualValue.size()
+ assert value.containsAll(actualValue)
+ } else {
+ assert value == actualValue
+ }
+ })
+ return true
+ }
+ def static treeToFlatMapByXpath(Map<String, DataNode> flatMap, DataNode dataNodeTree) {
+ flatMap.put(dataNodeTree.getXpath(), dataNodeTree)
+ dataNodeTree.getChildDataNodes()
+ .forEach(childDataNode -> treeToFlatMapByXpath(flatMap, childDataNode))
+ return flatMap
+ }