path: root/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy
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Diffstat (limited to 'cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy')
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy
index 3af4fc00e9..3f82f5e0b7 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec.groovy
@@ -50,26 +50,36 @@ class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplModelSyncSpec extends Specification {
def cmHandle = new CmHandle()
def dmiServiceName = 'some service name'
cmHandle.cmHandleID = 'cm handle id 1'
- cmHandle.dmiProperties = dmiProperties
def persistenceCmHandle = PersistenceCmHandle.toPersistenceCmHandle(dmiServiceName, '' , '', cmHandle)
and: 'DMI operations returns some module references'
def moduleReferences = [ new ModuleReference(moduleName:'module1',revision:'1'),
new ModuleReference(moduleName:'module2',revision:'2') ]
mockDmiModelOperations.getModuleReferences(persistenceCmHandle) >> moduleReferences
and: 'CPS-Core returns list of existing module resources'
- mockCpsModuleService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(expectedDataspaceName) >> existingModuleResourcesInCps
+ mockCpsModuleService.getYangResourceModuleReferences(expectedDataspaceName) >> toModuleReference(existingModuleResourcesInCps)
and: 'DMI-Plugin returns resource(s) for "new" module(s)'
mockDmiModelOperations.getNewYangResourcesFromDmi(persistenceCmHandle, [new ModuleReference('module1', '1')]) >> yangResourceToContentMap
when: 'module sync is triggered'
+ mockCpsModuleService.identifyNewModuleReferences(moduleReferences) >> toModuleReference(identifiedNewModuleReferences)
then: 'the CPS module service is called once with the correct parameters'
- 1 * mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSetFromModules(expectedDataspaceName, persistenceCmHandle.getId(), yangResourceToContentMap, expectedKnownModules)
+ 1 * mockCpsModuleService.createSchemaSetFromModules(expectedDataspaceName, persistenceCmHandle.getId(), yangResourceToContentMap, toModuleReference(expectedKnownModules))
and: 'admin service create anchor method has been called with correct parameters'
1 * mockCpsAdminService.createAnchor(expectedDataspaceName, persistenceCmHandle.getId(), persistenceCmHandle.getId())
where: 'the following parameters are used'
- scenario | dmiProperties | existingModuleResourcesInCps | yangResourceToContentMap || expectedKnownModules
- 'one unknown module' | ['name1': 'value1'] | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')] | [module1: 'some yang source'] || [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]
- 'no add. properties' | [:] | [new ModuleReference('module2', '2'), new ModuleReference('module3', '3')] | [module1: 'some yang source'] || [new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]
- 'no unknown module' | [:] | [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'), new ModuleReference('module2', '2')] | [:] || [new ModuleReference('module1', '1'), new ModuleReference('module2', '2')]
+ scenario | existingModuleResourcesInCps | identifiedNewModuleReferences | yangResourceToContentMap || expectedKnownModules
+ 'one new module' | [['module2' : '2'], ['module3' : '3']] | [['module1' : '1']] | [module1: 'some yang source'] || [['module2' : '2']]
+ 'no add. properties' | [['module2' : '2'], ['module3' : '3']] | [['module1' : '1']] | [module1: 'some yang source'] || [['module2' : '2']]
+ 'no new module' | [['module1' : '1'], ['module2' : '2']] | [] | [:] || [['module1' : '1'], ['module2' : '2']]
+ def toModuleReference(moduleReferenceAsMap) {
+ def moduleReferences = [].withDefault { [:] }
+ moduleReferenceAsMap.forEach(property ->
+ property.forEach((moduleName, revision) -> {
+ moduleReferences.add(new ModuleReference('moduleName' : moduleName, 'revision' : revision))
+ }))
+ return moduleReferences
+ }
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy
index 00fda149f2..a475f9c345 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec.groovy
@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@ class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec extends Specification {
expectedCallsToSaveNode * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements('NCMP-Admin', 'ncmp-dmi-registry',
'/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
and: 'update data node leaves is called with correct parameters'
- expectedCallsToPropertyHandler * mockNetworkCmProxyDataServicePropertyHandler.updateCmHandleProperties(updatedCmHandles)
+ expectedCallsToUpdateCmHandleProperty * mockNetworkCmProxyDataServicePropertyHandler.updateCmHandleProperties(updatedCmHandles)
and: 'delete schema set is invoked with the correct parameters'
expectedCallsToDeleteSchemaSetAndListElement * mockCpsModuleService.deleteSchemaSet('NFP-Operational', 'cmHandle001', CASCADE_DELETE_ALLOWED)
and: 'delete list or list element is invoked with the correct parameters'
expectedCallsToDeleteSchemaSetAndListElement * mockCpsDataService.deleteListOrListElement('NCMP-Admin',
'ncmp-dmi-registry', "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@id='cmHandle001']", noTimestamp)
- scenario | createdCmHandles | updatedCmHandles | removedCmHandles || expectedCallsToSaveNode | expectedCallsToDeleteSchemaSetAndListElement | expectedCallsToPropertyHandler
- 'create' | [persistenceCmHandle] | [] | [] || 1 | 0 | 1
+ scenario | createdCmHandles | updatedCmHandles | removedCmHandles || expectedCallsToSaveNode | expectedCallsToDeleteSchemaSetAndListElement | expectedCallsToUpdateCmHandleProperty
+ 'create' | [persistenceCmHandle] | [] | [] || 1 | 0 | 0
'update' | [] | [persistenceCmHandle] | [] || 0 | 0 | 1
- 'delete' | [] | [] | cmHandlesArray || 0 | 1 | 1
+ 'delete' | [] | [] | cmHandlesArray || 0 | 1 | 0
'create, update and delete' | [persistenceCmHandle] | [persistenceCmHandle] | cmHandlesArray || 1 | 1 | 1
- 'no valid data' | null | null | null || 0 | 0 | 0
+ 'no valid data' | [] | [] | [] || 0 | 0 | 0
def 'Register a DMI Plugin for the given cm-handle(s) without DMI properties.'() {
@@ -107,22 +107,17 @@ class NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImplRegistrationSpec extends Specification {
'/dmi-registry', expectedJsonData, noTimestamp)
- def 'Register a DMI Plugin for a given cm-handle(s) with JSON processing errors during #scenario process.'() {
+ def 'Register a DMI Plugin for a given cm-handle(s) with JSON processing errors during process.'() {
given: 'a registration without cm-handle properties '
NetworkCmProxyDataServiceImpl objectUnderTest = getObjectUnderTestWithModelSyncDisabled()
def dmiPluginRegistration = new DmiPluginRegistration(dmiPlugin:'some-plugin')
- dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = createdCmHandles
- dmiPluginRegistration.updatedCmHandles = updatedCmHandles
+ dmiPluginRegistration.createdCmHandles = [persistenceCmHandle]
and: 'an json processing exception occurs'
spiedJsonObjectMapper.asJsonString(_) >> { throw (new JsonProcessingException('')) }
when: 'registration is updated and modules are synced'
then: 'a data validation exception is thrown'
- where:
- scenario | createdCmHandles | updatedCmHandles
- 'create' | [persistenceCmHandle] | []
- 'update' | [] | [persistenceCmHandle]
def 'Register a DMI Plugin for the given cm-handle(s) with no data found during delete process.'() {