path: root/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/trustlevel/DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec.groovy
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1 files changed, 36 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/trustlevel/DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/trustlevel/DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec.groovy
index 48de23dca..80778b9c7 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/trustlevel/DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/api/impl/trustlevel/DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec.groovy
@@ -21,81 +21,70 @@
package org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.trustlevel
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
-import com.hazelcast.collection.ISet
import io.cloudevents.CloudEvent
import io.cloudevents.core.builder.CloudEventBuilder
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord
import org.onap.cps.utils.JsonObjectMapper
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import spock.lang.Specification
@SpringBootTest(classes = [ObjectMapper, JsonObjectMapper])
class DeviceHeartbeatConsumerSpec extends Specification {
- def mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet = Mock(ISet<String>)
+ def mockTrustLevelPerCmHandle = Mock(Map<String, TrustLevel>)
+ def objectUnderTest = new DeviceHeartbeatConsumer(mockTrustLevelPerCmHandle)
def objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
- def objectUnderTest = new DeviceHeartbeatConsumer(mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet)
+ @Autowired
+ JsonObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper
+ def static trustLevelString = '{"data":{"trustLevel": "COMPLETE"}}'
- def 'Operations to be done in an empty untrustworthy set for #scenario'() {
- given: 'an event with trustlevel as #trustLevel'
- def incomingEvent = testCloudEvent(trustLevel)
- and: 'transformed as a kafka record'
- def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'cmhandle1', incomingEvent)
+ def 'Consume a trustlevel event'() {
+ given: 'an event from dmi with trust level complete'
+ def payload = jsonObjectMapper.convertJsonString(trustLevelString, DeviceTrustLevel.class)
+ def eventFromDmi = createTrustLevelEvent(payload)
+ and: 'transformed to a consumer record with a cloud event id (ce_id)'
+ def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'sample-message-key', eventFromDmi)
consumerRecord.headers().add('ce_id', objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes('cmhandle1'))
when: 'the event is consumed'
- then: 'untrustworthy cmhandles are stored'
- untrustworthyCmHandlesSetInvocationForAdd * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.add(_)
- and: 'trustworthy cmHandles will be removed from untrustworthy set'
- untrustworthyCmHandlesSetInvocationForContains * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.contains(_)
- where: 'below scenarios are applicable'
- scenario | trustLevel || untrustworthyCmHandlesSetInvocationForAdd | untrustworthyCmHandlesSetInvocationForContains
- 'None trust' | TrustLevel.NONE || 1 | 0
- 'Complete trust' | TrustLevel.COMPLETE || 0 | 1
+ then: 'cm handles are stored with correct trust level'
+ 1 * mockTrustLevelPerCmHandle.put('"cmhandle1"', TrustLevel.COMPLETE)
- def 'Invalid trust'() {
- when: 'we provide an invalid trust in the event'
- def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'cmhandle1', testCloudEvent(null))
- consumerRecord.headers().add('ce_id', objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes('cmhandle1'))
+ def 'Consume trustlevel event without cloud event id'() {
+ given: 'an event from dmi'
+ def payload = jsonObjectMapper.convertJsonString(trustLevelString, DeviceTrustLevel.class)
+ def eventFromDmi = createTrustLevelEvent(payload)
+ and: 'transformed to a consumer record WITHOUT Cloud event ID (ce_id)'
+ def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'sample-message-key', eventFromDmi)
+ when: 'the event is consumed'
- then: 'no interaction with the untrustworthy cmhandles set'
- 0 * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.add(_)
- 0 * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.contains(_)
- 0 * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.remove(_)
- and: 'control flow returns without any exception'
- noExceptionThrown()
+ then: 'no cm handle has been stored in the map'
+ 0 * mockTrustLevelPerCmHandle.put(*_)
- def 'Remove trustworthy cmhandles from untrustworthy cmhandles set'() {
- given: 'an event with COMPLETE trustlevel'
- def incomingEvent = testCloudEvent(TrustLevel.COMPLETE)
- and: 'transformed as a kafka record'
- def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'cmhandle1', incomingEvent)
- consumerRecord.headers().add('ce_id', objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes('cmhandle1'))
- and: 'untrustworthy cmhandles set contains cmhandle1'
- 1 * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.contains(_) >> true
+ def 'Consume a trust level event without payload'() {
+ given: 'a consumer record with ce_id header but without payload'
+ def consumerRecord = new ConsumerRecord<String, CloudEvent>('test-device-heartbeat', 0, 0, 'cmhandle1', createTrustLevelEvent(null))
+ consumerRecord.headers().add('some_other_header_value', objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes('cmhandle1'))
when: 'the event is consumed'
- then: 'cmhandle removed from untrustworthy cmhandles set'
- 1 * mockUntrustworthyCmHandlesSet.remove(_) >> {
- args ->
- {
- args[0].equals('cmhandle1')
- }
- }
+ then: 'no cm handle has been stored in the map'
+ 0 * mockTrustLevelPerCmHandle.put(*_)
- def testCloudEvent(trustLevel) {
- return CloudEventBuilder.v1().withData(objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(new DeviceTrustLevel(trustLevel)))
+ def createTrustLevelEvent(eventPayload) {
+ return CloudEventBuilder.v1().withData(objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(eventPayload))
- .withType('')
+ .withType('')