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diff --git a/docs/content/deployment.rst b/docs/content/deployment.rst
index 4734b49..da5a6d2 100644
--- a/docs/content/deployment.rst
+++ b/docs/content/deployment.rst
@@ -8,8 +8,126 @@
CPS Temporal Deployment
-.. warning:: Draft
+* Deployment_
+* Configuration_
+* `Running With Docker`_
-* Deployment
-* Logging
-* Monitoring
+Refer to `CPS Deployment <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/deployment.html>`_
+page for documentation related to CPS Temporal and all CPS components
+Once CPS Temporal is successfully deployed and running 2 pods are started,
+one for running the service and another one for running the database instance:
+.. code:: text
+ cps-temporal-d4cf495b9-bbn7b 1/1 Running 0 8h
+ cps-temporal-db-0 1/1 Running 0 8h
+Application Properties
+The following table lists some properties that can be specified as Helm chart
+values to configure the application to be deployed. This list is not
+| Property | Description | Default Value |
+| config.appUserName | User name used by CPS Temporal service to configure the authentication for REST API it exposes. | ``cpstemporaluser`` |
+| | | |
+| | This is the user name to be used by CPS Temporal REST clients to authenticate themselves. | |
+| config.appUserPassword | Password used by CPS Temporal service to configure the authentication for REST API it exposes. | Not defined |
+| | | |
+| | This is the password to be used by CPS Temporal REST clients to authenticate themselves. | |
+| | | |
+| | If not defined, the password is generated when deploying the application. | |
+| | | |
+| | See also :ref:`credentials` section. | |
+| timescaledb.config.pgUserName | Internal user name used bt CPS Temporal to connect to its own database. | ``cpstemporal`` |
+| timescaledb.config.pgUserPassword | Internal password used bt CPS Temporal to connect to its own database. | Not defined |
+| | | |
+| | If not defined, the password is generated when deploying the application. | |
+| | | |
+| | See also :ref:`credentials` section. | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka hostname and port | ``message-router-kafka:9092`` |
+| spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers | | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka consumer group id | ``cps-temporal-group`` |
+| spring.kafka.consumer.group-id | | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka topic to listen to | ``cps.data-updated-events`` |
+| app.listener.data-updated.topic | | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security protocol. | ``PLAINTEXT`` |
+| spring.kafka.security.protocol | Some possible values are: | |
+| | | |
+| | * ``PLAINTEXT`` | |
+| | * ``SASL_PLAINTEXT``, for authentication | |
+| | * ``SASL_SSL``, for authentication and encryption | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL mechanism. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.properties. | Some possible values are: | |
+| sasl.mechanism | | |
+| | * ``PLAIN``, for PLAINTEXT | |
+| | * ``SCRAM-SHA-512``, for SSL | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL JAAS configuration. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.properties. | Some possible values are: | |
+| sasl.jaas.config | | |
+| | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``, | |
+| | for PLAINTEXT | |
+| | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``, | |
+| | for SSL | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL SSL store type. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-type | Some possible values are: | |
+| | | |
+| | * ``JKS`` | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL SSL store file location. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-location | | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL SSL store password. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-password | | |
+| config.eventConsumption. | Kafka security SASL SSL broker hostname identification verification. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
+| spring.kafka.properties. | Possible value is: | |
+| ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm | | |
+| | * ``""``, empty string to disable | |
+| config.additional. | Maximum number of elements that can be retrieved by a single REST API query request | ``20`` |
+| app.query.response.max-page-size | using pagination feature. | |
+| config.additional. | Maximum number of database connections in the connection pool. | ``10`` |
+| spring.datasource.hikari. | | |
+| maximumPoolSize | | |
+.. _credentials:
+Once the deployment is completed, refer to Credentials Retrieval section in
+`CPS Deployment <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-cps/en/latest/deployment.html>`_
+page for more information related to credentials retrieval.
+Running With Docker
+For development purposes, CPS Temporal can be ran on any environment using
+Docker. Refer to `README.md <https://github.com/onap/cps-cps-temporal/blob/master/README.md>`_
+and `docker-compose.yml <https://github.com/onap/cps-cps-temporal/blob/master/docker-compose.yml>`_
+files for more details.
diff --git a/docs/content/release-notes.rst b/docs/content/release-notes.rst
index b7f680c..522f247 100644
--- a/docs/content/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/content/release-notes.rst
@@ -8,31 +8,39 @@
CPS Temporal Release Notes
-This document contains information about CPS Temporal component releases.
+Version: 1.0.0
-Following releases are available:
+* Release Date: 2021-09-14 (Istanbul)
-* `1.0.0`_ (Istanbul)
+Artifacts released
-Istanbul Releases
+.. table::
+ =============================== ===============================
+ **Repository** **Docker Image**
+ onap/cps-temporal onap/cps-temporal:1.0.0
+ =============================== ===============================
-.. warning:: Draft
+New features
-.. table::
+* `CPS-369 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-369>`_ - Feature to store temporal data corresponding to CPS Core data node updates.
+* `CPS-370 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-370>`_ - Feature to query temporal data from REST API.
+Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
+* None
+Security Notes
+Known Security Issues:
- ===================== =========================================
- **Release Component** CPS Temporal
- **Release Name** Istanbul 1.0.0
- **Release Delivery** Docker Image: ``onap/cps-temporal:1.0.0``
- **Release Date** *To be defined*
- ===================== =========================================
+* `CPS-488 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-488>`_ - Authentication and authorization for REST API is limited to one generic user.
+Fixed Security Issues:
-* `CPS-369 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-369>`__ - Feature to store temporal data corresponding to CPS Core data node updates.
-* `CPS-370 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-370>`__ - Feature to query temporal data from REST API.
+* None