path: root/k6-tests/ncmp
diff options
authorsourabh_sourabh <sourabh.sourabh@est.tech>2024-08-30 16:25:04 +0100
committerSourabh Sourabh <sourabh.sourabh@est.tech>2024-09-10 09:07:17 +0000
commit175d12da41b1257fe3be5b3e95540e99c8952f82 (patch)
treefce9bc5589eb88e3b1c4bcaf7366324f5bf13f84 /k6-tests/ncmp
parent8b3258f21f9957f356bed6cb222361ec09cefd04 (diff)
Fix high-cardinality metrics in k6, causing high memory use
- Added unique IDs as metric tags for all the endpoints. - Re-arranged order of public and prive js methods. Issue-ID: CPS-2331 Change-Id: Ib876a647fb35110c50670c7222986e8a8a6f5ca0 Signed-off-by: sourabh_sourabh <sourabh.sourabh@est.tech>
Diffstat (limited to 'k6-tests/ncmp')
4 files changed, 101 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/cmhandle-crud.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/cmhandle-crud.js
index aa3beb3091..7fab62abd8 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/cmhandle-crud.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/cmhandle-crud.js
@@ -18,42 +18,24 @@
* ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-import http from 'k6/http';
import { sleep } from 'k6';
-import {
} from './utils.js';
import { executeCmHandleIdSearch } from './search-base.js';
export function createCmHandles(cmHandleIds) {
const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmpInventory/v1/ch`;
- const payload = {
- "dmiPlugin": DMI_PLUGIN_URL,
- "createdCmHandles": cmHandleIds.map((cmHandleId, index) => ({
- "cmHandle": cmHandleId,
- "alternateId": cmHandleId.replace('ch-', 'alt-'),
- "moduleSetTag": MODULE_SET_TAGS[index % MODULE_SET_TAGS.length],
- "cmHandleProperties": {"neType": "RadioNode"},
- "publicCmHandleProperties": {
- "Color": "yellow",
- "Size": "small",
- "Shape": "cube"
- }
- })),
- };
- const response = http.post(url, JSON.stringify(payload), CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM);
- return response;
+ const payload = JSON.stringify(createCmHandlePayload(cmHandleIds));
+ return performPostRequest(url, payload, 'createCmHandles');
export function deleteCmHandles(cmHandleIds) {
const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmpInventory/v1/ch`;
- const payload = {
+ const payload = JSON.stringify({
"dmiPlugin": DMI_PLUGIN_URL,
"removedCmHandles": cmHandleIds,
- };
- const response = http.post(url, JSON.stringify(payload), CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM);
- return response;
+ });
+ return performPostRequest(url, payload, 'deleteCmHandles');
export function waitForAllCmHandlesToBeReady() {
@@ -66,6 +48,23 @@ export function waitForAllCmHandlesToBeReady() {
} while (cmHandlesReady < TOTAL_CM_HANDLES);
+function createCmHandlePayload(cmHandleIds) {
+ return {
+ "dmiPlugin": DMI_PLUGIN_URL,
+ "createdCmHandles": cmHandleIds.map((cmHandleId, index) => ({
+ "cmHandle": cmHandleId,
+ "alternateId": cmHandleId.replace('ch-', 'alt-'),
+ "moduleSetTag": MODULE_SET_TAGS[index % MODULE_SET_TAGS.length],
+ "cmHandleProperties": {"neType": "RadioNode"},
+ "publicCmHandleProperties": {
+ "Color": "yellow",
+ "Size": "small",
+ "Shape": "cube"
+ }
+ })),
+ };
function getNumberOfReadyCmHandles() {
const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('readyCmHandles');
const arrayOfCmHandleIds = JSON.parse(response.body);
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/passthrough-crud.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/passthrough-crud.js
index c5f2dddcf1..0cd96ad64d 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/passthrough-crud.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/passthrough-crud.js
@@ -18,33 +18,37 @@
* ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-import http from 'k6/http';
import { randomIntBetween } from 'https://jslib.k6.io/k6-utils/1.2.0/index.js';
+import {
+ performPostRequest,
+ performGetRequest,
+} from './utils.js';
export function passthroughRead(useAlternateId) {
const cmHandleReference = getRandomCmHandleReference(useAlternateId);
const resourceIdentifier = 'my-resource-identifier';
- const includeDescendants = true;
const datastoreName = 'ncmp-datastore:passthrough-operational';
- const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/ch/${cmHandleReference}/data/ds/${datastoreName}?resourceIdentifier=${resourceIdentifier}&include-descendants=${includeDescendants}`
- const response = http.get(url);
- return response;
+ const includeDescendants = true;
+ const url = generatePassthroughUrl(cmHandleReference, datastoreName, resourceIdentifier, includeDescendants);
+ return performGetRequest(url, 'passthroughRead');
export function passthroughWrite(useAlternateId) {
const cmHandleReference = getRandomCmHandleReference(useAlternateId);
const resourceIdentifier = 'my-resource-identifier';
const datastoreName = 'ncmp-datastore:passthrough-running';
- const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/ch/${cmHandleReference}/data/ds/${datastoreName}?resourceIdentifier=${resourceIdentifier}`
- const body = `{"neType": "BaseStation"}`
- const response = http.post(url, JSON.stringify(body), CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM);
- return response;
+ const includeDescendants = false;
+ const url = generatePassthroughUrl(cmHandleReference, datastoreName, resourceIdentifier, includeDescendants);
+ const payload = JSON.stringify({"neType": "BaseStation"});
+ return performPostRequest(url, payload, 'passthroughWrite');
export function batchRead(cmHandleIds) {
- const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/data?topic=${TOPIC_DATA_OPERATIONS_BATCH_READ}`
- const payload = {
+ const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/data?topic=${TOPIC_DATA_OPERATIONS_BATCH_READ}`;
+ const payload = JSON.stringify({
"operations": [
"resourceIdentifier": "parent/child",
@@ -55,12 +59,16 @@ export function batchRead(cmHandleIds) {
"operation": "read"
- };
- const response = http.post(url, JSON.stringify(payload), CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM);
- return response;
+ });
+ return performPostRequest(url, payload, 'batchRead');
function getRandomCmHandleReference(useAlternateId) {
const prefix = useAlternateId ? 'alt' : 'ch';
return `${prefix}-${randomIntBetween(1, TOTAL_CM_HANDLES)}`;
+function generatePassthroughUrl(cmHandleReference, datastoreName, resourceIdentifier, includeDescendants) {
+ const descendantsParam = includeDescendants ? `&include-descendants=${includeDescendants}` : '';
+ return `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/ch/${cmHandleReference}/data/ds/${datastoreName}?resourceIdentifier=${resourceIdentifier}${descendantsParam}`;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/search-base.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/search-base.js
index beb3aad07c..a6424fe5d0 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/search-base.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/search-base.js
@@ -18,8 +18,22 @@
* ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
-import http from 'k6/http';
-import { NCMP_BASE_URL, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM } from './utils.js';
+import {performPostRequest, NCMP_BASE_URL} from './utils.js';
+export function executeCmHandleSearch(scenario) {
+ return executeSearchRequest('searches', scenario);
+export function executeCmHandleIdSearch(scenario) {
+ return executeSearchRequest('id-searches', scenario);
+function executeSearchRequest(searchType, scenario) {
+ const searchParameters = SEARCH_PARAMETERS_PER_SCENARIO[scenario];
+ const payload = JSON.stringify(searchParameters);
+ const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/ch/${searchType}`;
+ return performPostRequest(url, payload, searchType);
"module-and-properties": {
@@ -43,19 +57,3 @@ const SEARCH_PARAMETERS_PER_SCENARIO = {
-export function executeCmHandleSearch(scenario) {
- return executeSearchRequest('searches', scenario);
-export function executeCmHandleIdSearch(scenario) {
- return executeSearchRequest('id-searches', scenario);
-function executeSearchRequest(searchType, scenario) {
- const searchParameters = SEARCH_PARAMETERS_PER_SCENARIO[scenario];
- const payload = JSON.stringify(searchParameters);
- const url = `${NCMP_BASE_URL}/ncmp/v1/ch/${searchType}`;
- const response = http.post(url, payload, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM);
- return response;
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
index 8391d5c3bd..e6d9c92ee6 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
* ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+import http from 'k6/http';
export const NCMP_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8883';
export const DMI_PLUGIN_URL = 'http://ncmp-dmi-plugin-demo-and-csit-stub:8092';
export const TOTAL_CM_HANDLES = 20000;
export const REGISTRATION_BATCH_SIZE = 100;
export const READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS = 300; // must have same value as in docker-compose.yml
export const WRITE_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS = 670; // must have same value as in docker-compose.yml
-export const CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM = { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} };
+export const CONTENT_TYPE_JSON_PARAM = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'};
export const TOPIC_DATA_OPERATIONS_BATCH_READ = 'topic-data-operations-batch-read';
export const KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS = ['localhost:9092'];
@@ -42,6 +43,43 @@ export function makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(batchSize, batchNumber) {
return Array.from({ length: batchSize }, (_, i) => `ch-${startIndex + i}`);
+ * Helper function to perform POST requests with JSON payload and content type.
+ * @param {string} url - The URL to send the POST request to.
+ * @param {Object} payload - The JSON payload to send in the POST request.
+ * @param {string} metricTag - A tag for the metric endpoint.
+ * @returns {Object} The response from the HTTP POST request.
+ */
+export function performPostRequest(url, payload, metricTag) {
+ const metricTags = {
+ endpoint: metricTag
+ };
+ return http.post(url, payload, {
+ tags: metricTags
+ });
+ * Helper function to perform GET requests with metric tags.
+ *
+ * This function sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL and attaches
+ * a metric tag to the request, which is useful for monitoring and analytics.
+ *
+ * @param {string} url - The URL to which the GET request will be sent.
+ * @param {string} metricTag - A string representing the metric tag to associate with the request.
+ * This tag is used for monitoring and tracking the request.
+ * @returns {Object} The response from the HTTP GET request. The response includes the status code,
+ * headers, body, and other related information.
+ */
+export function performGetRequest(url, metricTag) {
+ const metricTags = {
+ endpoint: metricTag
+ };
+ return http.get(url, {tags: metricTags});
export function makeCustomSummaryReport(data, options) {
const summaryCsvLines = [
'#,Test Name,Unit,Limit,Actual',