path: root/integration-test/src/test
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authorArpit Singh <as00745003@techmahindra.com>2023-09-07 17:05:37 +0530
committerArpit Singh <as00745003@techmahindra.com>2024-06-06 14:13:32 +0530
commitd7fa9601a1409ee3a156ac2f6a6ec11853989cd7 (patch)
tree1967c1bebdfca2e116bdd6acf630d87e39ccf3ae /integration-test/src/test
parentf8ca09bf4e5d76fb95bd1eda17f15a7fd92d0f63 (diff)
CPS Delta API 2: Delta between anchor and payload
- Second API to get Delta between an anchor and JSON payload - added new API getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload - added controller and service layer methods getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload - Core Delta algorithm remains same as the first API. getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload will call getDeltaBetweenDataNodes Issue-ID: CPS-1836 Signed-off-by: Arpit Singh <as00745003@techmahindra.com> Change-Id: Id74cd930ce48e5cb414aa62c5381b79675788a37
Diffstat (limited to 'integration-test/src/test')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy
index 897d4aeb5e..779c0b84c4 100644
--- a/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy
+++ b/integration-test/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/integration/functional/CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Nordix Foundation
- * Modifications Copyright (C) 2024 TechMahindra Ltd.
+ * Modifications Copyright (C) 2023-2024 TechMahindra Ltd.
* ================================================================================
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ class CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec extends FunctionalSpecBase {
- def 'Get delta between 2 anchors for when #scenario'() {
+ def 'Get delta between 2 anchors'() {
when: 'attempt to get delta report between anchors'
def result = objectUnderTest.getDeltaByDataspaceAndAnchors(FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3, BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_3, BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_5, '/', OMIT_DESCENDANTS)
then: 'delta report contains expected number of changes'
@@ -585,6 +585,46 @@ class CpsDataServiceIntegrationSpec extends FunctionalSpecBase {
assert deltaReportEntities.get('targetPayload').containsAll(expectedTargetDataInChildNode)
+ def 'Get delta between anchor and JSON payload'() {
+ when: 'attempt to get delta report between anchor and JSON payload'
+ def jsonPayload = "{\"book-store:bookstore\":{\"bookstore-name\":\"Crossword Bookstores\"},\"book-store:bookstore-address\":{\"address\":\"Bangalore, India\",\"postal-code\":\"560062\",\"bookstore-name\":\"Crossword Bookstores\"}}"
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload(FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3, BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_3, '/', [:], jsonPayload, OMIT_DESCENDANTS)
+ then: 'delta report contains expected number of changes'
+ result.size() == 3
+ and: 'delta report contains UPDATE action with expected xpath'
+ assert result[0].getAction() == 'update'
+ assert result[0].getXpath() == '/bookstore'
+ and: 'delta report contains REMOVE action with expected xpath'
+ assert result[1].getAction() == 'remove'
+ assert result[1].getXpath() == "/bookstore-address[@bookstore-name='Easons-1']"
+ and: 'delta report contains ADD action with expected xpath'
+ assert result[2].getAction() == 'add'
+ assert result[2].getXpath() == "/bookstore-address[@bookstore-name='Crossword Bookstores']"
+ }
+ def 'Get delta between anchor and payload returns empty response when JSON payload is identical to anchor data'() {
+ when: 'attempt to get delta report between anchor and JSON payload (replacing the string Easons with Easons-1 because the data in JSON file is modified, to append anchor number, during the setup process of the integration tests)'
+ def jsonPayload = readResourceDataFile('bookstore/bookstoreData.json').replace('Easons', 'Easons-1')
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload(FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3, BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_3, '/', [:], jsonPayload, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS)
+ then: 'delta report is empty'
+ assert result.isEmpty()
+ }
+ def 'Get delta between anchor and payload error scenario: #scenario'() {
+ when: 'attempt to get delta between anchor and json payload'
+ objectUnderTest.getDeltaByDataspaceAnchorAndPayload(dataspaceName, sourceAnchor, xpath, [:], jsonPayload, INCLUDE_ALL_DESCENDANTS)
+ then: 'expected exception is thrown'
+ thrown(expectedException)
+ where: 'following data was used'
+ scenario | dataspaceName | sourceAnchor | xpath | jsonPayload || expectedException
+ 'invalid dataspace name' | 'Invalid dataspace' | 'not-relevant' | '/' | '{some-json}' || DataValidationException
+ 'invalid anchor name' | FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3 | 'invalid anchor' | '/' | '{some-json}' || DataValidationException
+ 'non-existing dataspace' | 'non-existing' | 'not-relevant' | '/' | '{some-json}' || DataspaceNotFoundException
+ 'non-existing anchor' | FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3 | 'non-existing-anchor' | '/' | '{some-json}' || AnchorNotFoundException
+ 'empty json payload with root node xpath' | FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3 | BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_3 | '/' | '' || DataValidationException
+ 'empty json payload with non-root node xpath' | FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DATASPACE_3 | BOOKSTORE_ANCHOR_3 | '/bookstore' | '' || DataValidationException
+ }
def getDeltaReportEntities(List<DeltaReport> deltaReport) {
def xpaths = []
def action = []