path: root/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml
diff options
authorputhuparambil.aditya <>2021-02-23 15:51:00 +0000
committerputhuparambil.aditya <>2021-02-24 10:10:34 +0000
commit495ae8e49f0131bf461ea52baa87004c39f40bd3 (patch)
tree667898db10d46db52617e92157c13781537c3796 /cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml
parent861ecab596c548d77cc18f1581a992159ada82ee (diff)
Schema creation and Data pre-load to on cps-xnf-proxy start-up using liquibase
1. Common change-log master used only to specify the different change sets. 2. Specific change set created for cpsTables creation and for loading data to each cps component like dataspace, schema-set, anchor and dataNode 3. The data load cabability is configurable in the sense, it will be trigered only if the label is specified in the application.yaml Issue-ID: CPS-173, CPS-242 Signed-off-by: puthuparambil.aditya <> Change-Id: I44c640ce50b7203f5799d722149397478a98bc05
Diffstat (limited to 'cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbf77dc03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cps-ri/src/main/resources/changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-1
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: anchor_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ name: name
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ name: schema_set_id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: dataspace_id
+ type: INTEGER
+ tableName: anchor
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-2
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: from_fragment_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: to_fragment_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: relation_type_id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: from_rel_xpath
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: to_rel_xpath
+ type: TEXT
+ tableName: relation
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-3
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: relation_type
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: relation_type_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: INTEGER
+ tableName: relation_type
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-4
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: fragment_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: xpath
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ name: attributes
+ type: JSONB
+ - column:
+ name: anchor_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ name: parent_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: dataspace_id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ name: schema_node_id
+ type: INTEGER
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-5
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: schema_set_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: name
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: dataspace_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ tableName: schema_set
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-6
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: yang_resource_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: name
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: content
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: checksum
+ type: TEXT
+ tableName: yang_resource
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-7
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: dataspace_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: INTEGER
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: name
+ type: TEXT
+ tableName: dataspace
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-8
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: schema_node_identifier
+ type: TEXT
+ - column:
+ autoIncrement: true
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ primaryKey: true
+ primaryKeyName: schema_node_pkey
+ name: id
+ type: INTEGER
+ tableName: schema_node
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-9
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createTable:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: schema_set_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ - column:
+ constraints:
+ nullable: false
+ name: yang_resource_id
+ type: BIGINT
+ tableName: schema_set_yang_resources
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-10
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: schema_set_id
+ tableName: anchor
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-11
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addUniqueConstraint:
+ columnNames: dataspace_id, name
+ constraintName: anchor_dataspace_id_name_key
+ tableName: anchor
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-12
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: anchor_id
+ baseTableName: fragment
+ constraintName: fragment_anchor_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: anchor
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-13
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: from_fragment_id
+ tableName: relation
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-14
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: to_fragment_id
+ tableName: relation
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-15
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: relation_type_id
+ tableName: relation
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-16
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addPrimaryKey:
+ columnNames: to_fragment_id, from_fragment_id, relation_type_id
+ constraintName: relation_pkey
+ tableName: relation
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-17
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: anchor_id
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-18
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: dataspace_id
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-19
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: parent_id
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-20
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: schema_node_id
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-21
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: xpath
+ - column:
+ name: dataspace_id
+ tableName: fragment
+ unique: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-22
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addUniqueConstraint:
+ columnNames: dataspace_id, anchor_id, xpath
+ constraintName: fragment_dataspace_id_anchor_id_xpath_key
+ tableName: fragment
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-23
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: from_fragment_id
+ baseTableName: relation
+ constraintName: relation_from_fragment_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: fragment
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-24
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: to_fragment_id
+ baseTableName: relation
+ constraintName: relation_to_fragment_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: fragment
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-25
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addUniqueConstraint:
+ columnNames: name, dataspace_id
+ constraintName: schema_set_name_dataspace_id_key
+ tableName: schema_set
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-26
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: schema_set_id
+ baseTableName: schema_set_yang_resources
+ constraintName: schema_set_resource
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: CASCADE
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: schema_set
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-27
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addUniqueConstraint:
+ columnNames: checksum
+ constraintName: yang_resource_checksum_key
+ tableName: yang_resource
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-28
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addUniqueConstraint:
+ columnNames: name
+ constraintName: UQ_NAME
+ tableName: dataspace
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-29
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: dataspace_id
+ baseTableName: fragment
+ constraintName: fragment_dataspace_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: dataspace
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-30
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: dataspace_id
+ baseTableName: schema_set
+ constraintName: schema_set_dataspace
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: CASCADE
+ onUpdate: CASCADE
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: dataspace
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-31
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - createIndex:
+ columns:
+ - column:
+ name: schema_node_identifier
+ tableName: schema_node
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-32
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: yang_resource_id
+ baseTableName: schema_set_yang_resources
+ constraintName: schema_set_yang_resources_yang_resource_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: yang_resource
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-33
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: dataspace_id
+ baseTableName: anchor
+ constraintName: anchor_dataspace_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: dataspace
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-34
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: schema_set_id
+ baseTableName: anchor
+ constraintName: anchor_schema_set_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: schema_set
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-35
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: relation_type_id
+ baseTableName: relation
+ constraintName: relation_relation_type_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: relation_type
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-36
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: parent_id
+ baseTableName: fragment
+ constraintName: fragment_parent_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: fragment
+ validate: true
+ - changeSet:
+ id: 1-37
+ author: cps
+ changes:
+ - addForeignKeyConstraint:
+ baseColumnNames: schema_node_id
+ baseTableName: fragment
+ constraintName: fragment_schema_node_id_fkey
+ deferrable: false
+ initiallyDeferred: false
+ onDelete: NO ACTION
+ onUpdate: NO ACTION
+ referencedColumnNames: id
+ referencedTableName: schema_node
+ validate: true