path: root/src/test/resources/http-cache/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/resources/http-cache/')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/resources/http-cache/ b/src/test/resources/http-cache/
index 72ea4958..29d34cc8 100755
--- a/src/test/resources/http-cache/
+++ b/src/test/resources/http-cache/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--root", "-r", default=tempfile.mkdtemp, type=str, help
parser.add_argument("--proxy" , type=str, help="Url of the Act as a proxy. If not set, this script only uses the cache and will return a 404 if files aren't found")
parser.add_argument("--port", "-P", type=int, default="8081", help="Port on which the proxy should listen to")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", type=bool, help="Print more information in case of error")
+parser.add_argument("--proxyaddress","-a", type=str, help="Address of this proxy, generally either third_party_proxy:8085 or localhost:8085 depending if started with docker-compose or not")
options = parser.parse_args()
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ HOST = options.proxy
AUTH = (options.username, options.password)
CACHE_ROOT = options.root
def signal_handler(signal_sent, frame):
global httpd
@@ -116,7 +118,17 @@ class Proxy(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
os.makedirs(cached_file, True)
with open(cached_file_header, 'w') as f:
- f.write("{\"Content-Length\": \"144\", \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}")
+ f.write("{\"Content-Length\": \"" + str(len(jsonGenerated)) + "\", \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}")
+ with open(cached_file_content, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(jsonGenerated)
+ elif self.path.startswith("/dcae-operationstatus"):
+ print "self.path start with /dcae-operationstatus, generating response json..."
+ jsonGenerated = "{\"operationType\": \"operationType1\", \"status\": \"succeeded\"}"
+ print "jsonGenerated: " + jsonGenerated
+ os.makedirs(cached_file, True)
+ with open(cached_file_header, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("{\"Content-Length\": \"" + str(len(jsonGenerated)) + "\", \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}")
with open(cached_file_content, 'w') as f:
@@ -215,27 +227,91 @@ class Proxy(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
cached_file_header = "%s/.header" % (cached_file,)
_file_available = os.path.exists(cached_file_content)
- if not _file_available and not HOST:
- print("No file corresponding in cache and no HOST specified: %s" % HOST)
- self.send_response(404)
- return "404 Not found"
if not _file_available:
- print("Request for data currently not present in cache: %s" % (cached_file,))
+ if self.path.startswith("/dcae-deployments/"):
+ print "self.path start with /dcae-deployments/, generating response json..."
+ #jsondata = json.loads(self.data_string)
+ jsonGenerated = "{\"links\":{\"status\":\"http:\/\/" + PROXY_ADDRESS + "\/dcae-operationstatus\",\"test2\":\"test2\"}}"
+ print "jsonGenerated: " + jsonGenerated
+ os.makedirs(cached_file, True)
+ with open(cached_file_header, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("{\"Content-Length\": \"" + str(len(jsonGenerated)) + "\", \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}")
+ with open(cached_file_content, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(jsonGenerated)
+ else:
+ if not HOST:
+ self.send_response(404)
+ return "404 Not found"
+ print("Request for data currently not present in cache: %s" % (cached_file,))
+ url = '%s%s' % (HOST, self.path)
+ print("url: %s" % (url,))
+ response = requests.put(url, data=self.data_string, headers=self.headers, stream=True)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ self._write_cache(cached_file, cached_file_header, cached_file_content, response)
+ else:
+ print('Error when requesting file :')
+ print('Requested url : %s' % (url,))
+ print('Status code : %s' % (response.status_code,))
+ print('Content : %s' % (response.content,))
+ self.send_response(response.status_code)
+ return response.content
+ else:
+ print("Request for data present in cache: %s" % (cached_file,))
+ self._send_content(cached_file_header, cached_file_content)
- url = '%s%s' % (HOST, self.path)
- print("url: %s" % (url,))
- response = requests.put(url, data=self.data_string, headers=self.headers, stream=True)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- self._write_cache(cached_file, cached_file_header, cached_file_content, response)
+ def do_DELETE(self):
+ print("\n\n\nGot a DELETE for %s " % self.path)
+ self.check_credentials()
+ print("self.headers:\n %s" % self.headers)
+ cached_file = '%s/%s' % (CACHE_ROOT, self.path,)
+ print("Cached file name before escaping : %s" % cached_file)
+ cached_file = cached_file.replace('<','&#60;').replace('>','&#62;').replace('?','&#63;').replace('*','&#42;').replace('\\','&#42;').replace(':','&#58;').replace('|','&#124;')
+ print("Cached file name after escaping (used for cache storage) : %s" % cached_file)
+ cached_file_content = "%s/.file" % (cached_file,)
+ cached_file_header = "%s/.header" % (cached_file,)
+ _file_available = os.path.exists(cached_file_content)
+ if not _file_available:
+ if self.path.startswith("/dcae-deployments/"):
+ print "self.path start with /dcae-deployments/, generating response json..."
+ #jsondata = json.loads(self.data_string)
+ jsonGenerated = "{\"links\":{\"status\":\"http:\/\/" + PROXY_ADDRESS + "\/dcae-operationstatus\",\"test2\":\"test2\"}}"
+ print "jsonGenerated: " + jsonGenerated
+ os.makedirs(cached_file, True)
+ with open(cached_file_header, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("{\"Content-Length\": \"" + str(len(jsonGenerated)) + "\", \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}")
+ with open(cached_file_content, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(jsonGenerated)
- print('Error when requesting file :')
- print('Requested url : %s' % (url,))
- print('Status code : %s' % (response.status_code,))
- print('Content : %s' % (response.content,))
- self.send_response(response.status_code)
- return response.content
+ if not HOST:
+ self.send_response(404)
+ return "404 Not found"
+ print("Request for data currently not present in cache: %s" % (cached_file,))
+ url = '%s%s' % (HOST, self.path)
+ print("url: %s" % (url,))
+ response = requests.put(url, data=self.data_string, headers=self.headers, stream=True)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ self._write_cache(cached_file, cached_file_header, cached_file_content, response)
+ else:
+ print('Error when requesting file :')
+ print('Requested url : %s' % (url,))
+ print('Status code : %s' % (response.status_code,))
+ print('Content : %s' % (response.content,))
+ self.send_response(response.status_code)
+ return response.content
print("Request for data present in cache: %s" % (cached_file,))