path: root/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 727 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js b/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dda8479..00000000
--- a/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
- * reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END============================================
- * ===================================================================
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-/* App Module */
-var app = angular
-[ 'ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-loading-bar', 'ngAnimate',
- 'dialogs.main', 'ngSanitize', 'ngCookies', 'ui.bootstrap.modal' ])
-.config([ 'cfpLoadingBarProvider', function(cfpLoadingBarProvider) {
- cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeBar = true;
- cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = true;
-} ])
-.config(function($httpProvider) {
- $httpProvider.interceptors.push('myHttpInterceptor');
- var spinnerFunction = function spinnerFunction(data, headersGetter) {
- return data;
- };
- $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.push(spinnerFunction);
- '$routeProvider',
- '$locationProvider',
- '$compileProvider',
- 'cfpLoadingBarProvider',
- function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, cfpLoadingBarProvider,
- $timeout, dialogs, $cookies) {
- $locationProvider.html5Mode(false);
- $routeProvider.when('/otherwise', {
- templateUrl : 'please_wait.html',
- controller : 'QueryParamsHandlerCtrl'
- }).when('/dashboard', {
- templateUrl : 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
- controller : 'DashboardCtrl'
- }).when('/activity_modelling', {
- templateUrl : 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
- controller : 'DashboardCtrl'
- }).when('/authenticate', {
- templateUrl : 'authenticate.html',
- controller : 'AuthenticateCtrl'
- }).when('/invalidlogin', {
- templateUrl : 'invalid_login.html',
- controller : 'PageUnderConstructionCtrl'
- }).otherwise({
- redirectTo : '/otherwise'
- });
- } ])
-function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs) {
- // -- Variables --//
- $scope.lang = 'en-US';
- $scope.language = 'English';
- var _progress = 100;
- $scope.name = '';
- $scope.confirmed = 'No confirmation yet!';
- $scope.custom = {
- val : 'Initial Value'
- };
- // -- Listeners & Watchers --//
- $scope.$watch('lang', function(val, old) {
- switch (val) {
- case 'en-US':
- $scope.language = 'English';
- break;
- case 'es':
- $scope.language = 'Spanish';
- break;
- }
- });
- // -- Methods --//
- $rootScope.testCaseRequirements = [];
- $rootScope.validTestRequirements = [];
- $scope.setLanguage = function(lang) {
- $scope.lang = lang;
- $translate.use(lang);
- };
- $rootScope.launch = function(which) {
- switch (which) {
- case 'error':
- dialogs.error();
- break;
- case 'wait':
- break;
- case 'customwait':
- break;
- case 'notify':
- dialogs.notify();
- break;
- case 'confirm':
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm();
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
- }, function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom':
- var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom.html',
- 'customDialogCtrl', {}, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- $scope.name = name;
- }, function() {
- if (angular.equals($scope.name, ''))
- $scope.name = 'You did not enter in your name!';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom2':
- var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom2.html',
- 'customDialogCtrl2', $scope.custom, {
- size : 'lg'
- });
- break;
- case 'custom3':
- var dlg = dialogs
- .notify(
- 'Message',
- 'All is not supported, Please select interface(s)/version(s) to fetch real time federated coverage report.');
- break;
- case 'custom4':
- var dlg = dialogs
- .confirm(
- 'Message',
- 'You are about to fetch real time federated coverage report.This may take sometime!!!.');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
- }, function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom5':
- var dlg = dialogs.notify('Success',
- 'Request has been successfully processed.');
- break;
- case 'custom6':
- var dlg = dialogs.notify('Message',
- 'Please type Testscenario Name');
- break;
- }
- }; // end launch
- var _fakeWaitProgress = function() {
- $timeout(function() {
- if (_progress < 100) {
- _progress += 33;
- $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.progress', {
- 'progress' : _progress
- });
- _fakeWaitProgress();
- } else {
- $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.complete');
- _progress = 0;
- }
- }, 1000);
- };
- '$scope',
- '$rootScope',
- '$timeout',
- 'dialogs',
- '$location',
- 'MenuService',
- 'Datafactory',
- 'userPreferencesService',
- 'cldsModelService',
- 'extraUserInfoService',
- function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs, $location, MenuService,
- Datafactory, userPreferencesService, cldsModelService,
- extraUserInfoService) {
- console.log("MenuCtrl");
- $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
- $rootScope.loop_logs = [];
- $rootScope.testSet = null;
- $rootScope.contactUs = function() {
- console.log("contactUs");
- var link = "mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org?subject=CLAMP&body=Please send us suggestions or feature enhancements or defect. If possible, please send us the steps to replicate any defect.";
- window.location.href = link;
- };
- extraUserInfoService.getUserInfo().then(function(pars) {
- $scope.userInfo = pars;
- if (!($scope.userInfo["permissionUpdateCl"])) {
- readMOnly = true;
- }
- ;
- });
- $scope.emptyMenuClick = function(value, name) {
- if ($rootScope.isNewClosed
- && name != "Close Model" && name != "Properties CL") {
- saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp();
- } else {
- isSaveCheck(name);
- }
- function saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp() {
- $scope.saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp(function(data) {
- if (data) {
- $rootScope.isNewClosed = false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- function isSaveCheck(name) {
- if (name == "User Info") {
- $scope.extraUserInfo();
- } else if (name == "Wiki") {
- window.open(value);
- } else if (name == "Contact Us") {
- $rootScope.contactUs();
- } else if (name == "Close Model") {
- $scope.cldsClose();
- } else if (name == "Open CL") {
- $scope.cldsOpenModel();
- } else if (name == "Submit") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("SUBMIT");
- } else if (name == "Update") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("UPDATE");
- } else if (name == "Delete") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("DELETE");
- } else if (name == "Stop") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("STOP");
- } else if (name == "Restart") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("RESTART");
- } else if (name == "Refresh Status") {
- $scope.refreshStatus();
- } else if (name == "Properties CL") {
- $scope.cldsOpenModelProperties();
- } else if (name == "Deploy") {
- $scope.cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction();
- } else if (name == "UnDeploy") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction("UnDeploy");
- } else {
- $rootScope.screenName = name;
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb(value);
- $location.path(value);
- }
- }
- };
- $rootScope.impAlerts = function() {
- };
- $scope.tabs = {
- "Closed Loop" : [ {
- link : "/cldsOpenModel",
- name : "Open CL"
- }, {
- link : "/cldsOpenModelProperties",
- name : "Properties CL"
- }, {
- link : "/Close",
- name : "Close Model"
- } ],
- "Manage" : [ {
- link : "/cldsSubmit",
- name : "Submit"
- }, {
- // disabled for Dublin since Policy doesn't support updating in this release
- // link : "/cldsUpdate",
- // name : "Update"
- //}, {
- link : "/cldsStop",
- name : "Stop"
- }, {
- link : "/cldsRestart",
- name : "Restart"
- }, {
- link : "/cldsDelete",
- name : "Delete"
- }, {
- link : "/cldsDeploy",
- name : "Deploy"
- }, {
- link : "/cldsUnDeploy",
- name : "UnDeploy"
- } ],
- "View" : [ {
- link : "/refreshStatus",
- name : "Refresh Status"
- } ],
- "Help" : [ {
- link : "http://wiki.onap.org",
- name : "Wiki"
- }, {
- link : "/contact_us",
- name : "Contact Us"
- }, {
- link : "/extraUserInfo",
- name : "User Info"
- } ]
- };
- if (!Object.keys) {
- Object.keys = function(obj) {
- var keys = [];
- for ( var i in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- keys.push(i);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
- $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
- } else {
- $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
- }
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb = function(path) {
- var currentURL = $location.path();
- if (path != undefined) {
- currentURL = path;
- }
- if (currentURL == "/dashboard") {
- $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
- $rootScope.parentMenu = "Home";
- $rootScope.rightTabName = "UTM Build Configuration";
- } else {
- var found = false;
- angular.forEach($scope.keyList, function(value, key) {
- if (!found) {
- $rootScope.parentMenu = value;
- angular.forEach($scope.tabs[value],
- function(value, key) {
- if (currentURL == value.link) {
- $rootScope.screenName = value.name;
- found = true;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- };
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb();
- $scope.homePage = function() {
- $location.path('/dashboard');
- };
- $scope.propertyExplorerErrorMessage = function(msg) {
- dialogs.notify('Error', msg);
- }
- $scope.activityModelling = function() {
- };
- $scope.cldsClose = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/confirmation_window.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable : true,
- draggable : true
- }, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $scope.name = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($scope.name,''))
- // $scope.name = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- };
- $scope.saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp = function(callBack) {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/save_confirmation.html',
- 'saveConfirmationModalPopUpCtrl', {
- closable : true,
- draggable : true
- }, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- callBack("OK");
- }, function() {
- callBack(null);
- });
- };
- $rootScope.cldsOpenModelProperties = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/global_properties.html',
- 'GlobalPropertiesCtrl', {}, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- }, function() {
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsOpenModel = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/clds_open_model.html', 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable : true,
- draggable : true
- }, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- }, function() {
- });
- };
- $rootScope.refreshLoopLog = function() {
- var newLogArray = [];
- if (getLoopLogsArray() != undefined) {
- newLogArray=getLoopLogsArray();
- }
- $rootScope.loop_logs.splice(0, $rootScope.loop_logs.length);
- for (var i=0;i<newLogArray.length;i++) {
- $rootScope.loop_logs.push(newLogArray[i]);
- }
- }
- $scope.extraUserInfo = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/extra_user_info.html', 'ExtraUserInfoCtrl', {
- closable : true,
- draggable : true
- }, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- }, function() {
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
- var modelName = selected_model;
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " modelName="
- + modelName);
- cldsModelService.processAction(uiAction, modelName).then(function(pars) {
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: pars=" + pars);
- cldsModelService.refreshStatus(modelName).then(function(pars) {
- console.log("refreshStatus: pars=" + pars);
- $rootScope.refreshLoopLog();
- }, function(data) {
- });
- }, function(data) {
- });
- };
- $scope.refreshStatus = function() {
- var modelName = selected_model;
- console.log("refreshStatus modelName=" + modelName);
- cldsModelService.refreshStatus(modelName).then(function(pars) {
- console.log("refreshStatus: pars=" + pars);
- $rootScope.refreshLoopLog();
- }, function(data) {
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message', 'Do you want to '
- + uiAction.toLowerCase() + ' the closed loop?');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.cldsPerformAction(uiAction);
- }, function(btn) {
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/deploy_parameters.html', 'DeploymentCtrl', {},
- {
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : true,
- windowClass : 'deploy-parameters'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function() {
- var confirm = dialogs.confirm('Deploy',
- 'Are you sure you want to deploy the closed loop?');
- confirm.result.then(function() {
- $scope.cldsPerformAction("deploy");
- });
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message', 'Do you want to '
- + uiAction.toLowerCase() + ' the closed loop?');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.cldsPerformAction(uiAction.toLowerCase());
- }, function(btn) {
- });
- };
- $scope.ToscaModelWindow = function (tosca_model) {
- var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/tosca_model_properties.html','ToscaModelCtrl',{closable:true,draggable:true},{size:'lg',keyboard: true,backdrop: 'static',windowClass: 'my-class'});
- dlg.result.then(function(name){
- },function(){
- });
- };
- $scope.PolicyWindow = function(policy) {
- var dlg = dialogs.create(
- 'partials/portfolios/operational_policy_window.html',
- 'operationalPolicyCtrl', {
- closable : true,
- draggable : true
- }, {
- size : 'lg',
- keyboard : true,
- backdrop : 'static',
- windowClass : 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- }, function() {
- });
- };
- } ]);
-app.service('MenuService', [ '$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
-} ]);
-app.directive('focus', function($timeout) {
- return {
- scope : {
- trigger : '@focus'
- },
- link : function(scope, element) {
- scope.$watch('trigger', function(value) {
- if (value === "true") {
- $timeout(function() {
- element[0].focus();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- };
-app.directive('draggable', function($document) {
- return function(scope, element, attr) {
- var startX = 0, startY = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
- element.css({
- position : 'relative',
- backgroundColor : 'white',
- cursor : 'move',
- display : 'block',
- });
- element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
- startX = event.screenX - x;
- startY = event.screenY - y;
- $document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
- $document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
- });
- function mousemove(event) {
- y = event.screenY - startY;
- x = event.screenX - startX;
- element.css({
- top : y + 'px',
- left : x + 'px'
- });
- }
- function mouseup() {
- $document.off('mousemove', mousemove);
- $document.off('mouseup', mouseup);
- }
- };
-app.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function($q, $window) {
- return function(promise) {
- return promise.then(function(response) {
- return response;
- }, function(response) {
- return $q.reject(response);
- });
- };
-app.run([ '$route', function($route) {
- $route.reload();
-} ]);
-function F5Window() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().F5Window();
-function GOCWindow() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().GOCWindow();
-function ToscaModelWindow() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().ToscaModelWindow();
-function PolicyWindow(PolicyWin) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().PolicyWindow(
- PolicyWin);
-function pathDetails(bpmnElementID, bpmnElementName, pathIdentifiers) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().pathDetails(
- bpmnElementID, bpmnElementName, pathIdentifiers);
-function setdefaultvalue() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .setDefaultValue();
-function saveProject() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().saveProject();
-function defineServiceAcronym() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .defineServiceAcronym();
-function errorProperty(msg) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .propertyExplorerErrorMessage(msg);
-function invisiblepropertyExplorer() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .invisibleproperty();
-function updateDecisionLabel(originalLabel, newLabel) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .updateDecisionLabels(originalLabel, newLabel);
-// Used to logout the session , when browser window was closed
-window.onunload = function() {
- window.localStorage.removeItem("isAuth");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("loginuser");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("invalidUser");