path: root/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js')
1 files changed, 812 insertions, 1222 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js b/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
index daa64806..0c399528 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
+++ b/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer/scripts/app.js
@@ -20,1272 +20,862 @@
* ===================================================================
'use strict';
/* App Module */
-var app = angular.module('clds-app', ['ngRoute',
- 'ngResource',
- 'ui.bootstrap',
- 'angular-loading-bar',
- 'ngAnimate',
- 'dialogs.main',
- 'ngSanitize',
- 'ngCookies',
- 'ui.bootstrap.modal'
- ])
- .config(['cfpLoadingBarProvider', function(cfpLoadingBarProvider) {
- cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeBar = true;
- cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = true;
- }])
- .config(
- function($httpProvider) {
- $httpProvider.responseInterceptors
- .push('myHttpInterceptor');
- var spinnerFunction = function spinnerFunction(data,
- headersGetter) {
- return data;
- };
- $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest
- .push(spinnerFunction);
- })
- .config(
- [
- '$routeProvider',
- '$locationProvider',
- '$compileProvider',
- 'cfpLoadingBarProvider',
- function($routeProvider, $locationProvider,
- cfpLoadingBarProvider, $timeout, dialogs,
- $cookies) {
- $locationProvider.html5Mode(false);
- // alert("App.js");
- $routeProvider
- .when('/otherwise', {
- templateUrl: 'please_wait.html',
- controller: QueryParamsHandlerCtrl
- })
- .
- // when('/dashboard_submit', { templateUrl:
- // 'partials/portfolios/dashboard_submit.html',
- // controller: CreateNewPrjCtrl }).
- when(
- '/dashboard', {
- templateUrl: 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
- controller: DashboardCtrl
- })
- .
- // when('/dashboard_upload', { templateUrl:
- // 'partials/portfolios/dashboard_upload.html',
- // controller: DashboardCtrl }).
- when(
- '/activity_modelling', {
- templateUrl: 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
- controller: DashboardCtrl
- }).when('/authenticate', {
- templateUrl: 'authenticate.html',
- controller: AuthenticateCtrl
- }).when('/invalidlogin', {
- templateUrl: 'invalid_login.html',
- controller: PageUnderConstructionCtrl
- }).otherwise({
- redirectTo: '/otherwise'
- });
- }
- ])
- .controller(
- 'dialogCtrl',
- function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs) {
- // -- Variables --//
- $scope.lang = 'en-US';
- $scope.language = 'English';
- var _progress = 100;
- $ = '';
- $scope.confirmed = 'No confirmation yet!';
- $scope.custom = {
- val: 'Initial Value'
- };
- // -- Listeners & Watchers --//
- $scope.$watch('lang', function(val, old) {
- switch (val) {
- case 'en-US':
- $scope.language = 'English';
- break;
- case 'es':
- $scope.language = 'Spanish';
- break;
- }
- });
- // -- Methods --//
- $rootScope.testCaseRequirements = [];
- $rootScope.validTestRequirements = [];
- /* $rootScope.testCaseValue=[]; */
- $scope.setLanguage = function(lang) {
- $scope.lang = lang;
- $translate.use(lang);
- };
- $rootScope.launch = function(which) {
- switch (which) {
- case 'error':
- dialogs.error();
- break;
- case 'wait':
- // var dlg =
- // dialogs.wait(undefined,undefined,_progress);
- // _fakeWaitProgress();
- break;
- case 'customwait':
- // var dlg = dialogs.wait('Custom Wait
- // Header','Custom Wait Message',_progress);
- // _fakeWaitProgress();
- break;
- case 'notify':
- dialogs.notify();
- break;
- case 'confirm':
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm();
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
- }, function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom':
- var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom.html',
- 'customDialogCtrl', {}, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result
- .then(
- function(name) {
- $ = name;
- },
- function() {
- if (angular.equals($,
- ''))
- $ = 'You did not enter in your name!';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom2':
- var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom2.html',
- 'customDialogCtrl2', $scope.custom, {
- size: 'lg'
- });
- break;
- case 'custom3':
- var dlg = dialogs
- .notify(
- 'Message',
- 'All is not supported, Please select interface(s)/version(s) to fetch real time federated coverage report.');
- break;
- case 'custom4':
- var dlg = dialogs
- .confirm(
- 'Message',
- 'You are about to fetch real time federated coverage report.This may take sometime!!!.');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
- }, function(btn) {
- $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
- });
- break;
- case 'custom5':
- var dlg = dialogs.notify('Success',
- 'Request has been successfully processed.');
- break;
- case 'custom6':
- var dlg = dialogs.notify('Message',
- 'Please type Testscenario Name');
- break;
- }
- }; // end launch
- var _fakeWaitProgress = function() {
- $timeout(function() {
- if (_progress < 100) {
- _progress += 33;
- $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.progress', {
- 'progress': _progress
- });
- _fakeWaitProgress();
- } else {
- $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.complete');
- _progress = 0;
- }
- }, 1000);
- };
- })
- .controller(
- 'MenuCtrl', [
- '$scope',
- '$rootScope',
- '$timeout',
- 'dialogs',
- '$location',
- 'MenuService',
- 'Datafactory',
- 'userPreferencesService',
- 'cldsModelService',
- 'extraUserInfoService',
- function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs,
- $location, MenuService, Datafactory,
- userPreferencesService, cldsModelService, extraUserInfoService) {
- console.log("MenuCtrl");
- $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
- $rootScope.testSet = null;
- var testingType = "";
- $rootScope.contactUs = function() {
- console.log("contactUs");
- var link = " send us suggestions or feature enhancements or defect. If possible, please send us the steps to replicate any defect.";
- window.location.href = link;
- };
- extraUserInfoService
- .getUserInfo()
- .then(
- function(pars) {
- $scope.userInfo = pars;
- if (!($scope.userInfo["permissionUpdateCl"])) {
- readMOnly = true;
- };
- });
- $scope.emptyMenuClick = function(value, name) {
- if ($rootScope.isNewClosed &&
- name != "Save CL" &&
- name != "Close Model" &&
- name != "Properties CL") {
- saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp();
- } else {
- isSaveCheck(name);
- }
- function saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp() {
- $scope
- .saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp(function(
- data) {
- if (data) {
- if ($rootScope.isNewClosed) {
- isSaveCheck("Save CL");
- }
- $rootScope.isNewClosed = false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- function isSaveCheck(name) {
- if (name == "User Info") {
- $scope.extraUserInfo();
- } else if (name == "Wiki") {
- } else if (name == "Contact Us") {
- $rootScope.contactUs();
- } else if (name == "Revert Model Changes") {
- $scope.cldsRevertModel();
- } else if (name == "Close Model") {
- $scope.cldsClose();
- } else if (name == "Refresh ASDC") {
- $scope.cldsRefreshASDC();
- } else if (name == "Create CL") {
- $rootScope.isNewClosed = true;
- $scope.cldsCreateModel();
- } else if (name == "Open CL") {
- $scope.cldsOpenModel();
- } else if (name == "Save CL") {
- $rootScope.isNewClosed = false;
- $scope.cldsPerformAction("SAVE");
- } else if (name == "Validation Test") {
- $scope.cldsPerformAction("TEST");
- } else if (name == "Submit") {
- $scope
- .cldsConfirmPerformAction("SUBMIT");
- } else if (name == "Resubmit") {
- $scope
- .cldsConfirmPerformAction("RESUBMIT");
- } else if (name == "Update") {
- $scope
- .cldsConfirmPerformAction("UPDATE");
- } else if (name.toLowerCase() == "delete") {
- $scope
- .manageConfirmPerformAction("DELETE");
- } else if (name == "Stop") {
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("STOP");
- } else if (name == "Restart") {
- $scope
- .cldsConfirmPerformAction("RESTART");
- } else if (name == "Refresh Status") {
- $scope.refreshStatus();
- } else if (name == "Properties CL") {
- $scope.cldsOpenModelProperties();
- } else if (name == "Deploy") {
- $scope
- .cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction();
- } else if (name == "UnDeploy") {
- $scope
- .cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction("UnDeploy");
- } else {
- $rootScope.screenName = name;
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb(value);
- $location.path(value);
- }
- }
- };
- $rootScope.impAlerts = function() {
- };
- $scope.tabs = {
- "Closed Loop": [{
- link: "/cldsCreateModel",
- name: "Create CL"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsOpenModel",
- name: "Open CL"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsSaveModel",
- name: "Save CL"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsOpenModelProperties",
- name: "Properties CL"
- }, {
- link: "/RevertChanges",
- name: "Revert Model Changes"
- }, {
- link: "/Close",
- name: "Close Model"
- }],
- "Manage": [{
- link: "/cldsTestActivate",
- name: "Validation Test"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsSubmit",
- name: "Submit"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsResubmit",
- name: "Resubmit"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsUpdate",
- name: "Update"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsStop",
- name: "Stop"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsRestart",
- name: "Restart"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsDelete",
- name: "Delete"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsDeploy",
- name: "Deploy"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsUnDeploy",
- name: "UnDeploy"
- }],
- "View": [{
- link: "/refreshStatus",
- name: "Refresh Status"
- }, {
- link: "/cldsRefreshASDC",
- name: "Refresh ASDC"
- }],
- "Help": [{
- link: "",
- name: "Wiki"
- }, {
- link: "/contact_us",
- name: "Contact Us"
- }, {
- link: "/extraUserInfo",
- name: "User Info"
- }]
- };
- if (!Object.keys) {
- Object.keys = function(obj) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var i in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- keys.push(i);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
- $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
- } else {
- $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
- }
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb = function(path) {
- var currentURL = $location.path();
- if (path != undefined) {
- currentURL = path;
- }
- if (currentURL == "/dashboard") {
- $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
- $rootScope.parentMenu = "Home";
- $rootScope.rightTabName = "UTM Build Configuration";
- }
- /*
- * else if(currentURL=="/quicksearch") {
- * $rootScope.screenName = "Quick Search";
- * $rootScope.parentMenu = "Home"; }
- */
- else {
- var found = false;
- angular
- .forEach(
- $scope.keyList,
- function(value, key) {
- if (!found) {
- $rootScope.parentMenu = value;
- angular
- .forEach(
- $scope.tabs[value],
- function(
- value,
- key) {
- if (currentURL == {
- $rootScope.screenName =;
- found = true;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- };
- $scope.updatebreadcrumb();
- $scope.homePage = function() {
- $location.path('/dashboard');
- };
- $scope.propertyExplorerErrorMessage = function(msg) {
- var dlg = dialogs.notify('Error', msg);
- }
- // $scope.fromTstMultipleFlag=false;
- /* onclicking of review testset / generate testset */
- $scope.reviewTestSet = function() {
- $rootScope.modeltestset = list_model_test_sets[selected_model];
- $rootScope.isPalette = false;
- $rootScope.isTestset = true;
- $rootScope.isRequirementCoverage = false;
- document.getElementById("modeler_name").textContent = "UTM Test Set";
- // document.getElementById('propertyExplorer').classList.add('visible');
- // $( "#propertyExplorer" ).prev().css(
- // "display", "none" );
- $('div').find('.k-collapse-next').click();
- // $rootScope.$apply();
- };
- $scope.requirementCoverage = function() {
- $rootScope.testCaseRequirements = [];
- $rootScope.validTestRequirementArray = [];
- $rootScope.validTestRequirements = {};
- $rootScope.modeltestset = list_model_test_sets[selected_model];
- var allPathDetails = [];
- $scope.currentSelectedModel = {};
- // $scope.getPathDetails($rootScope.utmModels,selected_model);
- // $scope.populatePathDetails(allPathDetails,$scope.currentSelectedModel);
- $rootScope.pathDetailsList = list_model_path_details[selected_model];
- /*
- * for(var p=0;p<100;p++){
- * $rootScope.testCaseRequirements.push("Requirement"+p); }
- * for(var p=0;p<100;p++){
- * $rootScope.testCaseValue.push("TestCase"+p); }
- */
- for (var x = 0; x < allPathDetails.length; x++) {
- var tempPathDetails = allPathDetails[x];
- if (tempPathDetails != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < tempPathDetails.length; i++) {
- var pathDetails = tempPathDetails[i];
- if (pathDetails.requirement !== '' &&
- pathDetails.requirement !== null) {
- $rootScope.testCaseRequirements
- .push(pathDetails.requirement);
- }
- /*
- * for (var j = 0; j <
- * pathDetails.decisionIdentifiers.length;
- * j++) {
- * if(pathDetails.decisionIdentifiers[j].requirement
- * !== '' &&
- * pathDetails.decisionIdentifiers[j].requirement
- * !== null){
- * $rootScope.testCaseRequirements.push(pathDetails.decisionIdentifiers[j].requirement); } }
- */
- }
- }
- }
- for (var p = 0; p < $rootScope.modeltestset.activityTestCases.length; p++) {
- var activityTestCases = $rootScope.modeltestset.activityTestCases[p];
- if (activityTestCases.mappedRequirements != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < activityTestCases.mappedRequirements.length; i++) {
- // $rootScope.testCaseRequirements
- // .push(activityTestCases.mappedRequirements[i]);
- var testCaseNames = $rootScope.validTestRequirements[activityTestCases.mappedRequirements[i]];
- if (testCaseNames == null) {
- testCaseNames = [];
- }
- if (activityTestCases.version != null)
- var testCase = activityTestCases.testCaseName +
- "_" +
- activityTestCases.version;
- else
- var testCase = activityTestCases.testCaseName;
- testCaseNames.push(testCase);
- $rootScope.validTestRequirements[activityTestCases.mappedRequirements[i]] = testCaseNames;
- }
- }
- }
- $rootScope.isPalette = false;
- $rootScope.isTestset = false;
- $rootScope.isRequirementCoverage = true;
- document.getElementById("modeler_name").textContent = "Test Case / Requirement Coverage";
- $('div').find('.k-collapse-next').click();
- };
- $scope.activityModelling = function() {
- };
- $scope.cldsClose = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/confirmation_window.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- };
- $scope.saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp = function(
- callBack) {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/save_confirmation.html',
- 'saveConfirmationModalPopUpCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- callBack("OK");
- }, function() {
- callBack(null);
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsRefreshASDC = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/refresh_asdc.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- }
- $scope.cldsRevertModel = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/ConfirmRevertChanges.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- };
- $rootScope.cldsOpenModelProperties = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/global_properties.html',
- 'GlobalPropertiesCtrl', {}, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {}, function() {});
- };
- $scope.cldsOpenModel = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/clds_open_model.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsCreateModel = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/clds_create_model_off_Template.html',
- 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in your
- // name!';
- });
- };
- $scope.extraUserInfo = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/extra_user_info.html',
- 'ExtraUserInfoCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {}, function() {});
- };
- $scope.cldsPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
- var modelName = selected_model;
- var controlNamePrefix = "ClosedLoop-";
- var bpmnText = modelXML;
- // serialize model properties
- var propText = JSON.stringify(elementMap);
- var templateName = selected_template
- var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " modelName=" + modelName);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " controlNamePrefix=" +
- controlNamePrefix);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " bpmnText=" + bpmnText);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " propText=" + propText);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " typeID=" + typeID);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " deploymentId=" + deploymentId);
- cldsModelService
- .processAction(uiAction, modelName,
- controlNamePrefix, bpmnText,
- propText, svgXml, templateName,
- typeID, deploymentId)
- .then(
- function(pars) {
- console
- .log("cldsPerformAction: pars=" +
- pars);
- cldsModelService
- .processRefresh(pars);
- },
- function(data) {
- // alert("setModel failed: "
- // + data);
- });
- };
- $scope.refreshStatus = function() {
- var modelName = selected_model;
- var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
- console.log("refreStatus modelName=" + modelName);
- cldsModelService
- .getModel(modelName)
- .then(
- function(pars) {
- console
- .log("refreStatus: pars=" +
- pars);
- cldsModelService
- .processRefresh(pars);
- },
- function(data) {
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message',
- 'Do you want to ' +
- uiAction.toLowerCase() +
- ' the closed loop?');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.cldsPerformAction(uiAction);
- }, function(btn) {
- // $modalInstance.close("closed");
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction = function() {
- var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/deploy_parameters.html',
- 'DeploymentCtrl',
- {}, {keyboard: true, backdrop: true, windowClass: 'deploy-parameters'});
- dlg.result.then(function() {
- var confirm = dialogs.confirm('Deploy', 'Are you sure you want to deploy the closed loop?');
- confirm.result.then(function() {
- cldsToggleDeploy("deploy");
- });
- });
- };
- $scope.cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction = function(
- uiAction) {
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message',
- 'Do you want to ' +
- uiAction.toLowerCase() +
- ' the closed loop?');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- cldsToggleDeploy(uiAction.toLowerCase());
- }, function(btn) {
- // $modalInstance.close("closed");
- });
- };
- function cldsToggleDeploy(uiAction) {
- var modelName = selected_model;
- var controlNamePrefix = "ClosedLoop-";
- var bpmnText = modelXML;
- // serialize model properties
- var propText = JSON.stringify(elementMap);
- var templateName = selected_template;
- var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " modelName=" + modelName);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " controlNamePrefix=" +
- controlNamePrefix);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " bpmnText=" + bpmnText);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " propText=" + propText);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " modelEventService=" +
- modelEventService);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " typeID=" + typeID);
- console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction +
- " deploymentId=" + deploymentId);
- cldsModelService
- .toggleDeploy(uiAction, modelName,
- controlNamePrefix, bpmnText,
- propText, svgXml, templateName,
- typeID, controlNameUuid,
- modelEventService, deploymentId)
- .then(
- function(pars) {
- typeID = pars.typeId;
- controlNameUuid = pars.controlNameUuid;
- selected_template = pars.templateName;
- modelEventService = pars.event;
- // actionCd =
- // pars.event.actionCd;
- actionStateCd = pars.event.actionStateCd;
- deploymentId = pars.deploymentId;
- cldsModelService
- .processActionResponse(
- modelName,
- pars);
- },
- function(data) {
- });
- }
- $scope.managePerformAction = function(action) {
- if (action.toLowerCase() === "delete") {
- cldsModelService
- .manageAction(
- selected_model,
- "805b9f83-261f-48d9-98c7-8011fc2cc8e8",
- "ClosedLoop-ABCD-0000.yml")
- .then(function(pars) {
- }, function(data) {
- // alert("setModel failed: " +
- // data);
- });
- }
- };
- $scope.manageConfirmPerformAction = function(
- uiAction) {
- var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message',
- 'Do you want to ' +
- uiAction.toLowerCase() +
- ' the closed loop?');
- dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
- $scope.managePerformAction(uiAction);
- }, function(btn) {
- // $modalInstance.close("closed");
- });
- };
- $scope.VesCollectorWindow = function(vesCollector) {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/vesCollector_properties.html',
- 'ImportSchemaCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- }, function() {
- });
- };
- $scope.HolmesWindow = function(holmes) {
- var partial = 'partials/portfolios/holmes_properties.html'
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- partial,
- 'ImportSchemaCtrl',
- holmes, {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- };
- $scope.TCAWindow = function(tca) {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/tca_properties.html',
- 'ImportSchemaCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in
- // your name!';
- });
- };
- $scope.PolicyWindow = function(policy) {
- var dlg = dialogs
- .create(
- 'partials/portfolios/PolicyWindow_properties.html',
- 'ImportSchemaCtrl', {
- closable: true,
- draggable: true
- }, {
- size: 'lg',
- keyboard: true,
- backdrop: 'static',
- windowClass: 'my-class'
- });
- dlg.result.then(function(name) {
- // $ = name;
- }, function() {
- // if(angular.equals($,''))
- // $ = 'You did not enter in
- // your name!';
- });
- };
- }
- ]);
-app.service('MenuService', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
- /*
- * this.generateMDTTestSet = function(utmMDTRequest, generateTestSetMDTURL){
- *
- * console.log("generateMDTTestSet"); //alert("In generateMDTTestSet :: " +
- * JSON.stringify(utmMDTRequest)); var def = $q.defer(); var sets = [];
- *
- * $, utmMDTRequest) .success(function(data){
- * console.log("success"); sets = data; def.resolve(data); })
- * .error(function(data){ console.log("error");
- * def.reject("GenerateMDTTestSet not successful"); });
- *
- * return def.promise; };
- */
+var app = angular
+[ 'ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-loading-bar', 'ngAnimate',
+'dialogs.main', 'ngSanitize', 'ngCookies', 'ui.bootstrap.modal' ])
+.config([ 'cfpLoadingBarProvider', function(cfpLoadingBarProvider) {
+ cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeBar = true;
+ cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = true;
+} ])
+.config(function($httpProvider) {
+ $httpProvider.interceptors.push('myHttpInterceptor');
+ var spinnerFunction = function spinnerFunction(data, headersGetter) {
+ return data;
+ };
+ $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.push(spinnerFunction);
+function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, cfpLoadingBarProvider, $timeout,
+ dialogs, $cookies) {
+ $locationProvider.html5Mode(false);
+ $routeProvider.when('/otherwise', {
+ templateUrl : 'please_wait.html',
+ controller : 'QueryParamsHandlerCtrl'
+ }).when('/dashboard', {
+ templateUrl : 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
+ controller : 'DashboardCtrl'
+ }).when('/activity_modelling', {
+ templateUrl : 'partials/portfolios/clds_modelling.html',
+ controller : 'DashboardCtrl'
+ }).when('/authenticate', {
+ templateUrl : 'authenticate.html',
+ controller : 'AuthenticateCtrl'
+ }).when('/invalidlogin', {
+ templateUrl : 'invalid_login.html',
+ controller : 'PageUnderConstructionCtrl'
+ }).otherwise({
+ redirectTo : '/otherwise'
+ });
+} ])
+function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs) {
+ // -- Variables --//
+ $scope.lang = 'en-US';
+ $scope.language = 'English';
+ var _progress = 100;
+ $ = '';
+ $scope.confirmed = 'No confirmation yet!';
+ $scope.custom = {
+ val : 'Initial Value'
+ };
+ // -- Listeners & Watchers --//
+ $scope.$watch('lang', function(val, old) {
+ switch (val) {
+ case 'en-US':
+ $scope.language = 'English';
+ break;
+ case 'es':
+ $scope.language = 'Spanish';
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ // -- Methods --//
+ $rootScope.testCaseRequirements = [];
+ $rootScope.validTestRequirements = [];
+ $scope.setLanguage = function(lang) {
+ $scope.lang = lang;
+ $translate.use(lang);
+ };
+ $rootScope.launch = function(which) {
+ switch (which) {
+ case 'error':
+ dialogs.error();
+ break;
+ case 'wait':
+ break;
+ case 'customwait':
+ break;
+ case 'notify':
+ dialogs.notify();
+ break;
+ case 'confirm':
+ var dlg = dialogs.confirm();
+ dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
+ $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
+ }, function(btn) {
+ $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'custom':
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom.html',
+ 'customDialogCtrl', {}, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ $ = name;
+ }, function() {
+ if (angular.equals($, ''))
+ $ = 'You did not enter in your name!';
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'custom2':
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('/dialogs/custom2.html',
+ 'customDialogCtrl2', $scope.custom, {
+ size : 'lg'
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'custom3':
+ var dlg = dialogs
+ .notify(
+ 'Message',
+ 'All is not supported, Please select interface(s)/version(s) to fetch real time federated coverage report.');
+ break;
+ case 'custom4':
+ var dlg = dialogs
+ .confirm(
+ 'Message',
+ 'You are about to fetch real time federated coverage report.This may take sometime!!!.');
+ dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
+ $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "Yes."';
+ }, function(btn) {
+ $scope.confirmed = 'You confirmed "No."';
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'custom5':
+ var dlg = dialogs.notify('Success',
+ 'Request has been successfully processed.');
+ break;
+ case 'custom6':
+ var dlg = dialogs.notify('Message',
+ 'Please type Testscenario Name');
+ break;
+ }
+ }; // end launch
+ var _fakeWaitProgress = function() {
+ $timeout(function() {
+ if (_progress < 100) {
+ _progress += 33;
+ $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.progress', {
+ 'progress' : _progress
+ });
+ _fakeWaitProgress();
+ } else {
+ $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs.wait.complete');
+ _progress = 0;
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ };
+function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, dialogs, $location, MenuService,
+ Datafactory, userPreferencesService, cldsModelService,
+ extraUserInfoService) {
+ console.log("MenuCtrl");
+ $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
+ $rootScope.testSet = null;
+ var testingType = "";
+ $rootScope.contactUs = function() {
+ console.log("contactUs");
+ var link = " send us suggestions or feature enhancements or defect. If possible, please send us the steps to replicate any defect.";
+ window.location.href = link;
+ };
+ extraUserInfoService.getUserInfo().then(function(pars) {
+ $scope.userInfo = pars;
+ if (!($scope.userInfo["permissionUpdateCl"])) {
+ readMOnly = true;
+ }
+ ;
+ });
+ $scope.emptyMenuClick = function(value, name) {
+ if ($rootScope.isNewClosed && name != "Save CL"
+ && name != "Close Model" && name != "Properties CL") {
+ saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp();
+ } else {
+ isSaveCheck(name);
+ }
+ function saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp() {
+ $scope.saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp(function(data) {
+ if (data) {
+ if ($rootScope.isNewClosed) {
+ isSaveCheck("Save CL");
+ }
+ $rootScope.isNewClosed = false;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function isSaveCheck(name) {
+ if (name == "User Info") {
+ $scope.extraUserInfo();
+ } else if (name == "Wiki") {
+ } else if (name == "Contact Us") {
+ $rootScope.contactUs();
+ } else if (name == "Revert Model Changes") {
+ $scope.cldsRevertModel();
+ } else if (name == "Close Model") {
+ $scope.cldsClose();
+ } else if (name == "Refresh ASDC") {
+ $scope.cldsRefreshASDC();
+ } else if (name == "Create CL") {
+ $rootScope.isNewClosed = true;
+ $scope.cldsCreateModel();
+ } else if (name == "Open CL") {
+ $scope.cldsOpenModel();
+ } else if (name == "Save CL") {
+ $rootScope.isNewClosed = false;
+ $scope.cldsPerformAction("SAVE");
+ } else if (name == "Validation Test") {
+ $scope.cldsPerformAction("TEST");
+ } else if (name == "Submit") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("SUBMIT");
+ } else if (name == "Resubmit") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("RESUBMIT");
+ } else if (name == "Update") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("UPDATE");
+ } else if (name.toLowerCase() == "delete") {
+ $scope.manageConfirmPerformAction("DELETE");
+ } else if (name == "Stop") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("STOP");
+ } else if (name == "Restart") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction("RESTART");
+ } else if (name == "Refresh Status") {
+ $scope.refreshStatus();
+ } else if (name == "Properties CL") {
+ $scope.cldsOpenModelProperties();
+ } else if (name == "Deploy") {
+ $scope.cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction();
+ } else if (name == "UnDeploy") {
+ $scope.cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction("UnDeploy");
+ } else {
+ $rootScope.screenName = name;
+ $scope.updatebreadcrumb(value);
+ $location.path(value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $rootScope.impAlerts = function() {
+ };
+ $scope.tabs = {
+ "Closed Loop" : [ {
+ link : "/cldsCreateModel",
+ name : "Create CL"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsOpenModel",
+ name : "Open CL"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsSaveModel",
+ name : "Save CL"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsOpenModelProperties",
+ name : "Properties CL"
+ }, {
+ link : "/RevertChanges",
+ name : "Revert Model Changes"
+ }, {
+ link : "/Close",
+ name : "Close Model"
+ } ],
+ "Manage" : [ {
+ link : "/cldsTestActivate",
+ name : "Validation Test"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsSubmit",
+ name : "Submit"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsResubmit",
+ name : "Resubmit"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsUpdate",
+ name : "Update"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsStop",
+ name : "Stop"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsRestart",
+ name : "Restart"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsDelete",
+ name : "Delete"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsDeploy",
+ name : "Deploy"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsUnDeploy",
+ name : "UnDeploy"
+ } ],
+ "View" : [ {
+ link : "/refreshStatus",
+ name : "Refresh Status"
+ }, {
+ link : "/cldsRefreshASDC",
+ name : "Refresh ASDC"
+ } ],
+ "Help" : [ {
+ link : "",
+ name : "Wiki"
+ }, {
+ link : "/contact_us",
+ name : "Contact Us"
+ }, {
+ link : "/extraUserInfo",
+ name : "User Info"
+ } ]
+ };
+ if (!Object.keys) {
+ Object.keys = function(obj) {
+ var keys = [];
+ for ( var i in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ keys.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return keys;
+ };
+ $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
+ } else {
+ $scope.keyList = Object.keys($scope.tabs);
+ }
+ $scope.updatebreadcrumb = function(path) {
+ var currentURL = $location.path();
+ if (path != undefined) {
+ currentURL = path;
+ }
+ if (currentURL == "/dashboard") {
+ $rootScope.screenName = "Universal Test Modeler";
+ $rootScope.parentMenu = "Home";
+ $rootScope.rightTabName = "UTM Build Configuration";
+ } else {
+ var found = false;
+ angular.forEach($scope.keyList, function(value, key) {
+ if (!found) {
+ $rootScope.parentMenu = value;
+ angular.forEach($scope.tabs[value], function(value, key) {
+ if (currentURL == {
+ $rootScope.screenName =;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.updatebreadcrumb();
+ $scope.homePage = function() {
+ $location.path('/dashboard');
+ };
+ $scope.propertyExplorerErrorMessage = function(msg) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.notify('Error', msg);
+ }
+ $scope.reviewTestSet = function() {
+ $rootScope.modeltestset = list_model_test_sets[selected_model];
+ $rootScope.isPalette = false;
+ $rootScope.isTestset = true;
+ $rootScope.isRequirementCoverage = false;
+ document.getElementById("modeler_name").textContent = "UTM Test Set";
+ $('div').find('.k-collapse-next').click();
+ };
+ $scope.requirementCoverage = function() {
+ $rootScope.testCaseRequirements = [];
+ $rootScope.validTestRequirementArray = [];
+ $rootScope.validTestRequirements = {};
+ $rootScope.modeltestset = list_model_test_sets[selected_model];
+ var allPathDetails = [];
+ $scope.currentSelectedModel = {};
+ $rootScope.pathDetailsList = list_model_path_details[selected_model];
+ for (var x = 0; x < allPathDetails.length; x++) {
+ var tempPathDetails = allPathDetails[x];
+ if (tempPathDetails != null) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < tempPathDetails.length; i++) {
+ var pathDetails = tempPathDetails[i];
+ if (pathDetails.requirement !== ''
+ && pathDetails.requirement !== null) {
+ $rootScope.testCaseRequirements
+ .push(pathDetails.requirement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var p = 0; p < $rootScope.modeltestset.activityTestCases.length; p++) {
+ var activityTestCases = $rootScope.modeltestset.activityTestCases[p];
+ if (activityTestCases.mappedRequirements != null) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < activityTestCases.mappedRequirements.length; i++) {
+ var testCaseNames = $rootScope.validTestRequirements[activityTestCases.mappedRequirements[i]];
+ if (testCaseNames == null) {
+ testCaseNames = [];
+ }
+ if (activityTestCases.version != null)
+ var testCase = activityTestCases.testCaseName + "_"
+ + activityTestCases.version;
+ else
+ var testCase = activityTestCases.testCaseName;
+ testCaseNames.push(testCase);
+ $rootScope.validTestRequirements[activityTestCases.mappedRequirements[i]] = testCaseNames;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $rootScope.isPalette = false;
+ $rootScope.isTestset = false;
+ $rootScope.isRequirementCoverage = true;
+ document.getElementById("modeler_name").textContent = "Test Case / Requirement Coverage";
+ $('div').find('.k-collapse-next').click();
+ };
+ $scope.activityModelling = function() {
+ };
+ $scope.cldsClose = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(
+ 'partials/portfolios/confirmation_window.html', 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ // $ = name;
+ }, function() {
+ // if(angular.equals($,''))
+ // $ = 'You did not enter in your
+ // name!';
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.saveConfirmationNotificationPopUp = function(callBack) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/save_confirmation.html',
+ 'saveConfirmationModalPopUpCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ callBack("OK");
+ }, function() {
+ callBack(null);
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsRefreshASDC = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/refresh_asdc.html',
+ 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.cldsRevertModel = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(
+ 'partials/portfolios/ConfirmRevertChanges.html', 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $rootScope.cldsOpenModelProperties = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/global_properties.html',
+ 'GlobalPropertiesCtrl', {}, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsOpenModel = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/clds_open_model.html',
+ 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsCreateModel = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(
+ 'partials/portfolios/clds_create_model_off_Template.html',
+ 'CldsOpenModelCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.extraUserInfo = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/extra_user_info.html',
+ 'ExtraUserInfoCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
+ var modelName = selected_model;
+ var controlNamePrefix = "ClosedLoop-";
+ var bpmnText = modelXML;
+ // serialize model properties
+ var propText = JSON.stringify(elementMap);
+ var templateName = selected_template
+ var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " modelName="
+ + modelName);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " controlNamePrefix="
+ + controlNamePrefix);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " bpmnText=" + bpmnText);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " propText=" + propText);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " typeID=" + typeID);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " deploymentId="
+ + deploymentId);
+ cldsModelService.processAction(uiAction, modelName, controlNamePrefix,
+ bpmnText, propText, svgXml, templateName, typeID, deploymentId).then(
+ function(pars) {
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: pars=" + pars);
+ cldsModelService.processRefresh(pars);
+ }, function(data) {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.refreshStatus = function() {
+ var modelName = selected_model;
+ var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
+ console.log("refreStatus modelName=" + modelName);
+ cldsModelService.getModel(modelName).then(function(pars) {
+ console.log("refreStatus: pars=" + pars);
+ cldsModelService.processRefresh(pars);
+ }, function(data) {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsConfirmPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message', 'Do you want to '
+ + uiAction.toLowerCase() + ' the closed loop?');
+ dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
+ $scope.cldsPerformAction(uiAction);
+ }, function(btn) {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsAskDeployParametersPerformAction = function() {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/deploy_parameters.html',
+ 'DeploymentCtrl', {}, {
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : true,
+ windowClass : 'deploy-parameters'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function() {
+ var confirm = dialogs.confirm('Deploy',
+ 'Are you sure you want to deploy the closed loop?');
+ confirm.result.then(function() {
+ cldsToggleDeploy("deploy");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cldsConfirmToggleDeployPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message', 'Do you want to '
+ + uiAction.toLowerCase() + ' the closed loop?');
+ dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
+ cldsToggleDeploy(uiAction.toLowerCase());
+ }, function(btn) {
+ });
+ };
+ function cldsToggleDeploy(uiAction) {
+ var modelName = selected_model;
+ var controlNamePrefix = "ClosedLoop-";
+ var bpmnText = modelXML;
+ // serialize model properties
+ var propText = JSON.stringify(elementMap);
+ var templateName = selected_template;
+ var svgXml = $("#svgContainer").html();
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " modelName="
+ + modelName);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " controlNamePrefix="
+ + controlNamePrefix);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " bpmnText=" + bpmnText);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " propText=" + propText);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " modelEventService="
+ + modelEventService);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " typeID=" + typeID);
+ console.log("cldsPerformAction: " + uiAction + " deploymentId="
+ + deploymentId);
+ cldsModelService.toggleDeploy(uiAction, modelName, controlNamePrefix,
+ bpmnText, propText, svgXml, templateName, typeID, controlNameUuid,
+ modelEventService, deploymentId).then(function(pars) {
+ typeID = pars.typeId;
+ controlNameUuid = pars.controlNameUuid;
+ selected_template = pars.templateName;
+ modelEventService = pars.event;
+ actionStateCd = pars.event.actionStateCd;
+ deploymentId = pars.deploymentId;
+ cldsModelService.processActionResponse(modelName, pars);
+ }, function(data) {
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.managePerformAction = function(action) {
+ if (action.toLowerCase() === "delete") {
+ cldsModelService.manageAction(selected_model,
+ "805b9f83-261f-48d9-98c7-8011fc2cc8e8", "ClosedLoop-ABCD-0000.yml")
+ .then(function(pars) {
+ }, function(data) {
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.manageConfirmPerformAction = function(uiAction) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Message', 'Do you want to '
+ + uiAction.toLowerCase() + ' the closed loop?');
+ dlg.result.then(function(btn) {
+ $scope.managePerformAction(uiAction);
+ }, function(btn) {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.VesCollectorWindow = function(vesCollector) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(
+ 'partials/portfolios/vesCollector_properties.html', 'ImportSchemaCtrl',
+ {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.HolmesWindow = function(holmes) {
+ var partial = 'partials/portfolios/holmes_properties.html'
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(partial, 'ImportSchemaCtrl', holmes, {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.TCAWindow = function(tca) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create('partials/portfolios/tca_properties.html',
+ 'ImportSchemaCtrl', {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.PolicyWindow = function(policy) {
+ var dlg = dialogs.create(
+ 'partials/portfolios/PolicyWindow_properties.html', 'ImportSchemaCtrl',
+ {
+ closable : true,
+ draggable : true
+ }, {
+ size : 'lg',
+ keyboard : true,
+ backdrop : 'static',
+ windowClass : 'my-class'
+ });
+ dlg.result.then(function(name) {
+ }, function() {
+ });
+ };
+} ]);
+app.service('MenuService', [ '$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
+} ]);
app.directive('focus', function($timeout) {
- return {
- scope: {
- trigger: '@focus'
- },
- link: function(scope, element) {
- scope.$watch('trigger', function(value) {
- if (value === "true") {
- $timeout(function() {
- element[0].focus();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- };
+ return {
+ scope : {
+ trigger : '@focus'
+ },
+ link : function(scope, element) {
+ scope.$watch('trigger', function(value) {
+ if (value === "true") {
+ $timeout(function() {
+ element[0].focus();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
app.directive('draggable', function($document) {
- return function(scope, element, attr) {
- var startX = 0,
- startY = 0,
- x = 0,
- y = 0;
- element.css({
- position: 'relative',
- backgroundColor: 'white',
- cursor: 'move',
- display: 'block',
- });
- element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
- // Prevent default dragging of selected content
- // event.preventDefault();
- startX = event.screenX - x;
- startY = event.screenY - y;
- $document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
- $document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
- });
- function mousemove(event) {
- y = event.screenY - startY;
- x = event.screenX - startX;
- element.css({
- top: y + 'px',
- left: x + 'px'
- });
- }
- function mouseup() {
- $'mousemove', mousemove);
- $'mouseup', mouseup);
- }
- };
+ return function(scope, element, attr) {
+ var startX = 0, startY = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
+ element.css({
+ position : 'relative',
+ backgroundColor : 'white',
+ cursor : 'move',
+ display : 'block',
+ });
+ element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
+ startX = event.screenX - x;
+ startY = event.screenY - y;
+ $document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
+ $document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
+ });
+ function mousemove(event) {
+ y = event.screenY - startY;
+ x = event.screenX - startX;
+ element.css({
+ top : y + 'px',
+ left : x + 'px'
+ });
+ }
+ function mouseup() {
+ $'mousemove', mousemove);
+ $'mouseup', mouseup);
+ }
+ };
app.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function($q, $window) {
- return function(promise) {
- return promise.then(function(response) {
- return response;
- }, function(response) {
- return $q.reject(response);
- });
- };
+ return function(promise) {
+ return promise.then(function(response) {
+ return response;
+ }, function(response) {
+ return $q.reject(response);
+ });
+ };
-['$route', function($route) {
- $route.reload();
-[ '$route', function($route) {
+ $route.reload();
+} ]);
function TestCtrl($scope) {
- $scope.msg = "Hello from a controller method.";
- $scope.returnHello = function() {
- return $scope.msg;
- }
+ $scope.msg = "Hello from a controller method.";
+ $scope.returnHello = function() {
+ return $scope.msg;
+ }
function importshema() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().importSchema();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().importSchema();
function VesCollectorWindow(vesCollectorWin) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .VesCollectorWindow(vesCollectorWin);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .VesCollectorWindow(vesCollectorWin);
function HolmesWindow(holmesWin) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .HolmesWindow(holmesWin);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().HolmesWindow(
+ holmesWin);
function F5Window() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().F5Window();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().F5Window();
function TCAWindow(tca) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().TCAWindow(tca);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().TCAWindow(tca);
function GOCWindow() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().GOCWindow();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().GOCWindow();
function PolicyWindow(PolicyWin) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().PolicyWindow(
- PolicyWin);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().PolicyWindow(
+ PolicyWin);
function pathDetails(bpmnElementID, bpmnElementName, pathIdentifiers) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().pathDetails(
- bpmnElementID, bpmnElementName, pathIdentifiers);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().pathDetails(
+ bpmnElementID, bpmnElementName, pathIdentifiers);
function setdefaultvalue() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .setDefaultValue();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .setDefaultValue();
function upgradeSchemaVersion() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .upgradeSchemaVersion();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .upgradeSchemaVersion();
function saveProject() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().saveProject();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().saveProject();
function modifySchema() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().modifySchema();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().modifySchema();
function definePID() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().definePID();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope().definePID();
function defineServiceAcronym() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .defineServiceAcronym();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .defineServiceAcronym();
function errorProperty(msg) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .propertyExplorerErrorMessage(msg);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .propertyExplorerErrorMessage(msg);
function invisiblepropertyExplorer() {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .invisibleproperty();
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .invisibleproperty();
function updateDecisionLabel(originalLabel, newLabel) {
- angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
- .updateDecisionLabels(originalLabel, newLabel);
+ angular.element(document.getElementById('navbar')).scope()
+ .updateDecisionLabels(originalLabel, newLabel);
// Used to logout the session , when browser window was closed
window.onunload = function() {
- window.localStorage.removeItem("isAuth");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("loginuser");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("invalidUser");
+ window.localStorage.removeItem("isAuth");
+ window.localStorage.removeItem("loginuser");
+ window.localStorage.removeItem("invalidUser");