path: root/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py')
1 files changed, 1105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py b/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f295040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this code except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+# at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+import http.server, socket
+import time, os, sys, re, subprocess, traceback, html, base64, argparse
+import psycopg2
+# TODO - move lots of code to a common library to share with other python modules
+# sys.path.append("/opt/app/pgaas/lib")
+# import dbtools
+DEF_HOST_NAME = os.popen("hostname -f").readlines()[0].strip()
+validPerDbTables = [ "pg_tables", "pg_indexes", "pg_views" ]
+topButton = "&nbsp;<font size='1'><a href='#'>^</a></font>"
+getLogDict = { }
+def openLogFile(fname):
+ """
+ Open a log file for append and remember the file descriptor.
+ Remember its inode/dev pair.
+ If either changes, reopen it.
+ """
+ reopen = False
+ try:
+ curstat = os.stat(fname)
+ except:
+ reopen = True
+ global getLogDict
+ # print("top: reopen(%s)=%s" % (fname, reopen))
+ if not reopen and getLogDict.get(fname):
+ # print("found getLogDict.get(" + fname + ")")
+ d = getLogDict[fname]
+ fd = d["fd"] if "fd" in d else None
+ oldstat = d["stat"] if "stat" in d else None
+ if fd is None:
+ reopen = True
+ elif oldstat is None:
+ reopen = True
+ elif oldstat.st_ino != curstat.st_ino or oldstat.st_dev != curstat.st_dev:
+ reopen = True
+ if reopen or not getLogDict.get(fname):
+ # print("closing old fd")
+ oldd = getLogDict.get(fname)
+ if oldd is not None:
+ oldfd = oldd.get("fd")
+ if oldfd is not None:
+ oldfd.close()
+ # print("reopening " + fname)
+ fd = open(fname, "a")
+ st = os.stat(fname)
+ getLogDict[fname] = { "fd": fd, "stat": st }
+ return getLogDict[fname]["fd"]
+def traceMsg(msg):
+ """ print a trace message. By default, this goes to trace.out """
+ file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/trace.log")
+ print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
+ file.flush()
+def errTrace(msg):
+ """ print an error message. By default, sys.stderr is rerouted to error.log """
+ file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/error.log")
+ sys.stderr = file
+ print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
+ file.flush()
+def debugTrace(msg):
+ """ print a debug message. By default, this goes to debug.log """
+ if debugOn:
+ file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/debug.log")
+ print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
+ file.flush()
+def readFile(file, defStr = None, mode = "r"):
+ """ read a file and return its contents """
+ ret = defStr
+ try:
+ with open(file, mode) as f:
+ ret = f.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ if defStr is not None:
+ ret = defStr
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise e
+ return ret
+def readFileBinary(file, defStr = None):
+ return readFile(file, defStr = defStr, mode = "rb")
+def readFileHtml(file, defStr = None):
+ """ read a file and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML """
+ return html.escape(readFile(file, defStr))
+def readPipe(cmd, ignoreError = False):
+ """ read a pipe and return its contents """
+ ret = ""
+ try:
+ with os.popen(cmd) as p:
+ ret = p.read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ if ignoreError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise e
+ return ret
+def readPipeHtml(file, defStr = None):
+ """ read a pipe and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML """
+ return html.escape(readPipe(file, defStr))
+def readFileOrGz(file, defStr = None):
+ """ read a file and return its contents. If the file ends in .gz, use gunzip on it """
+ if file.endswith(".gz"):
+ return readPipe("gunzip < '" + file + "'", defStr)
+ else:
+ return readFile(file, defStr)
+def readFileOrGzHtml(file, defStr = None):
+ """ read a file and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML. If the file ends in .gz, use gunzip on it """
+ return html.escape(readFileOrGz(file, defStr))
+def getCdfPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg="/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg", dflt=None):
+ """
+ Return a value from the configuration file /opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg
+ """
+ return getPropValue(nm=nm, encrypted=encrypted, cfg=cfg, dflt=dflt)
+def getPgaasPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg="/opt/app/pgaas/lib/pgaas.cfg", dflt=None):
+ """
+ Return a value from the configuration file /opt/app/pgaas/lib/pgaas.cfg
+ """
+ return getPropValue(nm=nm, encrypted=encrypted, cfg=cfg, dflt=dflt)
+getPropDict = { }
+def getPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg=None, dflt=None):
+ """
+ Return a value from the specified configuration file
+ """
+ if cfg is None:
+ return None
+ global getPropDict
+ if getPropDict.get(cfg):
+ savedDate = getPropDict[cfg]
+ debugTrace("getPropValue: savedDate[" + cfg + "]=" + str(savedDate))
+ cfgDate = os.path.getmtime(cfg)
+ debugTrace("getPropValue: cfgDate=" + str(cfgDate))
+ if float(savedDate) >= float(cfgDate): # cfg has not changed
+ val = getPropDict.get(cfg + ":" + nm)
+ debugTrace("getPropValue: val=" + str(val))
+ if val is not None:
+ debugTrace("getPropValue: getPropValue(saved) => '%s'" % str(val))
+ return val
+ else: # clear out any previously saved keys
+ cfgcolon = cfg + ":"
+ for k in list(getPropDict.keys()):
+ if re.match(cfgcolon, k):
+ del getPropDict[k]
+ getPropValueProgram = '/opt/app/cdf/bin/getpropvalue'
+ if encrypted:
+ cmd = [getPropValueProgram, "-f", cfg, "-x", "-n", nm]
+ else:
+ cmd = [getPropValueProgram, "-f", cfg, "-n", nm]
+ debugTrace("getPropValue: cmd=%s" % str(cmd))
+ try:
+ with subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
+ (origString, stderrString) = p.communicate()
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace("Error decoding string because {0}".format(e))
+ return None
+ else:
+ if stderrString:
+ if not re.search("Configuration property .* must be defined", stderrString.decode('utf-8')): # and dflt is not None:
+ errTrace("Error decoding string because: {0} ".format(stderrString))
+ return dflt
+ else:
+ debugTrace("getPropValue() => '%s'" % str(origString))
+ getPropDict[cfg] = os.path.getmtime(cfg)
+ val = origString.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n')
+ debugTrace("getPropValue() => '%s'" % val)
+ getPropDict[cfg + ":" + nm] = val
+ return val
+def checkFileAge(full_path,number_of_days):
+ """
+ return True if the file is >= number_of_days old from right now
+ """
+ time_n_days_ago = time.time() - (number_of_days * 24 * 60 * 60)
+ stat = os.stat(full_path)
+ return time_n_days_ago >= stat.st_mtime
+def jumpTable(prefix, *args):
+ """
+ Return a string consisting of a series of <a href='#prefix-xxx'>xxx</a>.
+ Include <font size='1'></font> around all of it.
+ """
+ header = "<font size='1'>"
+ sep = ""
+ for table in args:
+ header = header + sep + "<a href='#" + prefix + "-" + table + "'>" + table + "</a> "
+ sep = " | "
+ header = header + "</font>"
+ return header
+def addFilenameHrefs(prefix, str):
+ """
+ for each line in a list of filenames, change the last two elements of the path to an anchor.
+ """
+ ret = ""
+ for line in str.splitlines():
+ line = re.sub("/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$", '/\g<1>' + "/<a href='" + prefix + '\g<1>/\g<2>' + "'>" + '\g<2>' + "</a>", line)
+ ret = ret + line + "\n"
+ return ret
+def ifEmpty(str, defStr):
+ """ if a string is empty, return the defStr in its place """
+ if str is None or str == "":
+ str = defStr
+ return str
+def isExe(fname):
+ """ check if a path exists and is executable """
+ return os.path.exists(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK)
+def replaceQuoteNewline(str):
+ return re.sub('"', "'", re.sub("\n", " ", str))
+class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def isServerUp(self):
+ """
+ Check if the postgres server is up and running by calling pg_ctl and
+ looking for "server is running" (or "no server running").
+ Then call ps -fu postgres and make sure we're not waiting on a master:
+ postgres 20815 20812 0 15:52 ? 00:00:00 postgres: startup process waiting for 000000010000000000000001
+ """
+ PGCTLPATH1 = "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/pg_ctl"
+ PGCTLPATH2 = "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/pg_ctl"
+ PGCTLPATH3 = "/opt/app/postgresql-9.5.2/bin/pg_ctl"
+ if isExe(PGCTLPATH1):
+ statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH1 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
+ elif isExe(PGCTLPATH2):
+ statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH2 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
+ else:
+ statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH3 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
+ debugTrace("isServerUp(): statusLines = %s" % statusLines)
+ psLines = readPipe("ps -fu postgres")
+ debugTrace("isServerUp(): ps -fu postgres = %s" % psLines)
+ ret = len(statusLines) > 0 and re.search("server is running", statusLines, re.MULTILINE) and not re.search("startup process\\s+waiting", psLines, re.MULTILINE)
+ debugTrace("isServerUp(): returning = %s" % ret)
+ return ret
+ def isRepmgrdUp(self):
+ """
+ Check if the repmgrd server is up and running by calling "pgrep repmgrd" and
+ looking for a process id.
+ """
+ statusLines = readPipe("pgrep repmgrd")
+ debugTrace("isServerUp(): statusLines = %s" % statusLines)
+ ret = len(statusLines) > 0 and re.search("[0-9]+", statusLines, re.MULTILINE) != None
+ debugTrace("isServerUp(): returning = %s" % ret)
+ return ret
+ def isMaster(self):
+ """
+ Check if the postgresql server is a master by asking the server if it is in recovery (meaning not a master)
+ """
+ ret = None
+ con = None
+ try:
+ pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
+ # debugTrace("using pwd=%s" % pwd)
+ con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
+ str = dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, "select pg_is_in_recovery()")
+ debugTrace("pg_is_in_recovery() <= %s" % str)
+ ret = not str
+ except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
+ errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace(str(e))
+ finally:
+ if con is not None:
+ con.close()
+ debugTrace("isMaster(): returning = %s" % ret)
+ return ret
+ def hasRepmgr(self):
+ """
+ Check if the postgresql server is a master by asking the server if it is in recovery (meaning not a master)
+ """
+ ret = None
+ con = None
+ try:
+ pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
+ # debugTrace("using pwd=%s" % pwd)
+ con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
+ str = dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, "select * from pg_database where datname = 'repmgr'")
+ debugTrace("repmgr database check() <= %s" % str)
+ ret = str
+ except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
+ errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace(str(e))
+ finally:
+ if con is not None:
+ con.close()
+ debugTrace("isMaster(): returning = %s" % ret)
+ return ret
+ def isValidPgHost(self, host):
+ """
+ Check a hostname against the list of nodes stored in the pgnodes CDF configuration file.
+ """
+ pgnodes = getCdfPropValue("pgnodes", "").split('|')
+ ret = host in pgnodes
+ debugTrace("isValidPgHost(): looking for host='%s' in pgnodes='%s' => %s" % (host, str(pgnodes), ret))
+ return ret
+ def checkAuth(self):
+ """
+ HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
+ Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2014 16:50:53 GMT
+ WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="WallyWorld"
+ Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
+ """
+ pswd = getCdfPropValue("wgetpswd", True)
+ b64pswd = base64.b64encode(("pgaas:" + pswd).encode("ascii"))
+ basicPlusPswd = "Basic %s" % b64pswd.decode("ascii")
+ if self.headers['Authorization'] == None:
+ return False
+ elif self.headers['Authorization'] == basicPlusPswd:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def pgStatus(self, *pgargs):
+ """ return a table(s), using the system database of postgres """
+ return self.pgStatusDBx("postgres", *pgargs)
+ def pgStatusDB(self, DB, *pgargs):
+ """ return a table(s), using the given database """
+ return self.pgStatusDBx(DB, *pgargs)
+ def pgStatusDBx(self, DB, *pgargs):
+ """ return a table(s), using the given database """
+ debugTrace("pgStatusDBx(DB=" + DB + ")")
+ con = None
+ ret = None
+ try:
+ con = psycopg2.connect(database = DB, user="postgres", password=getCdfPropValue("postgres", True), host= HOST_NAME)
+ ret = getTableHtmls(con, DB, pgargs)
+ except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
+ errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace(str(e))
+ finally:
+ if con is not None:
+ con.close()
+ return ret
+ def do_HEAD(self):
+ """Respond to a HEAD request."""
+ self.doHEADandGET(False)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ """Respond to a GET request."""
+ self.doHEADandGET(True)
+ def doHEADandGET(self, sendMsg):
+ resp = 400
+ msg = ""
+ sendBinary = False
+ contentType = "text/plain"
+ global debugOn
+ if self.path == "/statusall":
+ self.path = "/all/status/pgstatus"
+ elif self.path == "/pgstatusall":
+ self.path = "/pgstatus"
+ if self.path == '/ro':
+ if os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-off"):
+ isrw = "FORCE-RO-OFF"
+ elif os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-on"):
+ isrw = "Secondary"
+ else:
+ isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ if re.match("Secondary", isrw) or re.match("Master", isrw):
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "server is up"
+ else:
+ msg = "server is not up " + isrw
+ errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ elif self.path == '/rw':
+ isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/rw: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ if re.match("Master", isrw):
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "master server is up"
+ elif re.match("Secondary", isrw):
+ msg = "non-master server is up"
+ else:
+ msg = "server is not up " + isrw
+ errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ elif self.path == '/isrw':
+ isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/isrw: returns %s" % isrw)
+ resp = 200
+ msg = isrw
+ elif self.path == '/healthcheck/status':
+ hs = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/check_cluster", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/healthcheck/status: returns %s" % hs)
+ resp = 429 if hs == "n/a" else 200
+ msg = '{ "output": "%s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(hs)
+ elif self.path == '/healthcheck/writablestatus':
+ isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/rw: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ resp = 429
+ if re.match("Master", isrw):
+ resp = 200
+ msg = '{ "output": "master server is up" }'
+ elif re.match("Secondary", isrw):
+ msg = '{ "output": "non-master server is up" }'
+ else:
+ msg = '{ "output": "server is not up %s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(isrw)
+ errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ elif self.path == '/healthcheck/readonlystatus':
+ if os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-off"):
+ isrw = "FORCE-RO-OFF"
+ elif os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-on"):
+ isrw = "Secondary"
+ else:
+ isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ resp = 429
+ if re.match("Secondary", isrw) or re.match("Master", isrw):
+ resp = 200
+ msg = '{ "output": "server is up" }'
+ else:
+ msg = '{ "output": "server is not up %s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(isrw)
+ errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
+ elif self.path == '/':
+ ui = readFile("/opt/app/pgaas/man/iDNS-responder.swagger.json", "n/a")
+ debugTrace("/: returns %s" % ui)
+ msg = ui
+ if ui != "n/a":
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "application/json"
+ elif not self.checkAuth():
+ resp = 401
+ msg = "not authenticated"
+ elif self.path == '/ismaster':
+ masterYes = self.isMaster()
+ msg = ""
+ if masterYes:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "master server"
+ else:
+ msg = "non-master server"
+ elif self.path == '/issecondary':
+ masterYes = self.isMaster()
+ msg = ""
+ if not masterYes:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "secondary server"
+ else:
+ msg = "non-secondary server"
+ elif self.path == '/ismaintenance':
+ msg = ""
+ if os.path.exists("/var/run/postgresql/inmaintenance"):
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "in maintenance mode"
+ else:
+ msg = "not in maintenance mode"
+ elif self.path == '/getpubkey':
+ try:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = readFile(os.path.expanduser("~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ resp = 404
+ msg = "key does not exist"
+ elif re.match("/getssh/", self.path):
+ # getssh/hostname - push ssh pub/private keys across
+ host = re.sub("^/getssh/", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /getssh/ host='%s'" % host)
+ host = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", host)
+ debugTrace("#2: /getssh/ host='%s'" % host)
+ if self.isValidPgHost(host):
+ p = readPipe("scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa* postgres@" + host + ":.ssh/ 2>&1")
+ debugTrace("#3: /getssh/ to '%s' returns '%s'" % (host, p))
+ msg = "OK " + p
+ resp = 200
+ else:
+ resp = 404
+ elif re.match("/getcdf/", self.path):
+ # getcdf/hostname - push cdf.cfg file across
+ fi = "/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg"
+ # make sure that the file exists and contains the encrypted postgres password
+ if re.search("postgres.x", readFile(fi, "n/a")) and re.search("repmgr.x", readFile(fi, "n/a")):
+ host = re.sub("^/getcdf/", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /getcdf/ host='%s'" % host)
+ host = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", host)
+ debugTrace("#2: /getcdf/ host='%s'" % host)
+ if self.isValidPgHost(host):
+ p = readPipe("scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa " + fi + " postgres@" + host + ":/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg 2>&1")
+ debugTrace("#3: /getcdf/ to '%s' returns '%s'" % (host, p))
+ msg = "OK " + p
+ resp = 200
+ else:
+ resp = 404
+ else:
+ msg = "NOT OK YET"
+ resp = 404
+ elif self.path == '/hasrepmgr':
+ repmgrYes = self.hasRepmgr()
+ msg = ""
+ if repmgrYes:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "OK"
+ else:
+ msg = "NOT OK YET"
+ elif self.path == '/status':
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ isServerUp = self.isServerUp()
+ isRepmgrdUp = self.isRepmgrdUp()
+ isMaster = self.isMaster()
+ color = "green" if (isServerUp and isRepmgrdUp) else "yellow" if (isServerUp or isRepmgrdUp) else "red"
+ dashed = "solid" if isMaster else "dashed"
+ jump = jumpTable("status", "ps", "repmgr", "df", "uptime", "loadavg", "cpuinfo", "meminfo", "pgaas-failures", "pgaas-inst-report", "nslookup", "ip-addr-show", "who-br")
+ msg = """<table style='border: 10px %s %s' width='100%%'><tr><td>
+ <b>isServerUp</b> %s
+ <b>isRepmgrdUp</b> %s
+ <b>isMaster</b> %s
+ <b>isrw</b> %s %s\n<br/>
+ %s
+ <h2><a name='status-ps'>ps</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-repmgr'>repmgr cluster show</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-df'>df</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-uptime'>uptime</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2>/proc/uptime%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-loadavg'>loadavg</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-cpuinfo'>cpuinfo</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-meminfo'>meminfo</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-pgaas-failures'>pgaas-failures</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-pgaas-inst-report'>pgaas.inst.report</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-nslookup'>nslookup</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-ip-addr-show'>ip addr</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ <h2><a name='status-who-br'>who -br</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
+ </td></tr></table>""" % (color, dashed, isServerUp, isRepmgrdUp, isMaster,
+ readFileHtml("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a"),
+ readPipeHtml("hostname -f"), jump,
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("ps -fu postgres"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("/opt/app/pgaas/bin/repmgrc cluster show"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("df -h"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("uptime", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/uptime", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/loadavg", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/cpuinfo", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/meminfo", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/tmp/pgaas-failures", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readFileHtml("/tmp/pgaas.inst.report", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("nslookup $(hostname -f)", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("ip addr show", defStr="n/a"),
+ topButton, readPipeHtml("who -br", defStr="n/a"))
+ elif self.path == '/stoplight':
+ isServerUp = self.isServerUp()
+ isRepmgrdUp = self.isRepmgrdUp()
+ isMaster = self.isMaster()
+ color = "green" if (isServerUp and isRepmgrdUp) else "yellow" if (isServerUp or isRepmgrdUp) else "red"
+ masterSecondary = "master" if isMaster else "secondary"
+ sendBinary = True
+ contentType = "image/gif"
+ msg = readFileBinary("/opt/app/postgresql/lib/gif/stoplight-" + masterSecondary + "-" + color + ".gif", "")
+ elif re.match("/perdb-", self.path):
+ # /perdb-
+ rest = re.sub("^/perdb-", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /perdb- others='%s'" % rest)
+ rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
+ debugTrace("#2: /perdb- rest='%s'" % rest)
+ pgothers = [ x for x in rest.split('-') if x in validPerDbTables ]
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ con = None
+ try:
+ pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
+ con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
+ databases = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select datname from pg_database")
+ debugTrace("after select datname from pg_database")
+ databases[:] = [DB for DB in databases if not re.match("template[0-9]", DB)]
+ msg = msg + jumpTable("db", *databases) + "<br/>"
+ for DB in databases:
+ debugTrace("looking at DB=" + DB)
+ msg = msg + "<h1><a name='db-" + DB + "'>" + DB + "</a>" + topButton + "</h1>\n"
+ msg = msg + jumpTable(DB + "-table", *pgothers)
+ msg = msg + self.pgStatusDB(DB, *pgothers)
+ except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
+ errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
+ msg = "DB is down"
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace(str(e))
+ finally:
+ if con is not None:
+ con.close()
+ elif self.path == '/pgstatus':
+ tables = [ "pg_stat_activity", "pg_stat_archiver", "pg_stat_bgwriter", "pg_stat_database", "pg_stat_database_conflicts", "pg_stat_user_tables", "pg_stat_user_indexes", "pg_statio_user_tables", "pg_statio_user_indexes", "pg_statio_user_sequences", "pg_roles", "pg_database", "pg_tables", "pg_namespace", "pg_roles", "pg_group" ]
+ header = jumpTable("postgres-table", *tables)
+ msg = self.pgStatus(*tables)
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ msg = header + msg
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_activity':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_activity")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_archiver':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_archiver")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_bgwriter':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_bgwriter")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_database':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_database")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_database_conflicts':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_database_conflicts")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_user_tables':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_user_tables")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_stat_user_indexes':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_user_indexes")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_tables':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_tables")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_indexes':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_indexes")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_sequences':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_sequences")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_roles':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_roles")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_database':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_database")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_tables':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_tables")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_namespace':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_namespace")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif self.path == '/pg_group':
+ msg = self.pgStatus("pg_group")
+ if msg is not None:
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ resp = 200
+ elif re.match("/all/", self.path) or re.match("/small/", self.path):
+ if re.match("/small/", self.path):
+ height = 40
+ else:
+ height = 400
+ # /all/others
+ rest = re.sub("^/all/", "", self.path)
+ rest = re.sub("^/small/", "", self.path)
+ rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
+ debugTrace("/all/ rest='%s'" % rest)
+ others = rest.split('/')
+ try:
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ pgnodes = getCdfPropValue("pgnodes", "").split('|')
+ msg = msg + jumpTable("node", *pgnodes)
+ for node in pgnodes:
+ hnode = html.escape(node)
+ msg = msg + "<h2><a name='node-" + hnode + "'>" + hnode + "</a>" + topButton + "</h2>\n"
+ msg = msg + jumpTable(hnode + "-other", *others)
+ for other in others:
+ msg = msg + "<h3><a name='" + hnode + "-other-" + other + "'>" + other + "</a>" + topButton + "</h3>\n"
+ msg = msg + "<iframe src='http://" + hnode + ":" + str(PORT_NUMBER) + "/" + other + "' frameborder='1' scrolling='yes' height='" + str(height) + "' width='1200'></iframe>\n"
+ except Exception as e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ errTrace(str(e))
+ elif self.path == '/swmstatus':
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ msg = "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % readPipeHtml("set -x;sed -n '/^STARTING/,/^ENDING/p' /opt/app/aft/aftswmnode/stage/*/com/att/ecomp/dcae/storage/pgaas/*/*/proc_out")
+ elif self.path == '/debugon':
+ msg = "ON"
+ resp = 200
+ debugOn = True
+ elif self.path == '/debugoff':
+ msg = "OFF"
+ resp = 200
+ debugOn = False
+ elif self.path == '/log' or self.path == '/log/':
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/log/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/*/*")))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif self.path == '/mlog' or self.path == '/mlog/':
+ # /opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/mlog/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs/*")))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif self.path == '/tmp' or self.path == '/tmp/':
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/tmp/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /tmp/*")))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif re.match("/log/", self.path):
+ # /log/dir/path
+ rest = re.sub("^/log/", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /log/ others='%s'" % rest)
+ rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
+ rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
+ debugTrace("#2: /log/ rest='%s'" % rest)
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif re.match("/mlog/", self.path):
+ # /log/dir/path
+ rest = re.sub("^/mlog/", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /mlog/ others='%s'" % rest)
+ rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
+ rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
+ rest = re.sub("^logs/", "", rest)
+ debugTrace("#2: /mlog/ rest='%s'" % rest)
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif re.match("/tmp/", self.path):
+ # /log/dir/path
+ rest = re.sub("^/tmp/", "", self.path)
+ debugTrace("#1: /tmp/ others='%s'" % rest)
+ rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
+ rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
+ rest = re.sub("^tmp/", "", rest)
+ debugTrace("#2: /tmp/ rest='%s'" % rest)
+ msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/tmp/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ elif self.path == '/oldro':
+ serverYes = self.isServerUp()
+ if serverYes:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "server is up"
+ else:
+ msg = "server is not up"
+ elif self.path == '/oldrw':
+ serverYes = self.isServerUp()
+ masterYes = self.isMaster()
+ msg = ""
+ if serverYes:
+ if masterYes:
+ resp = 200
+ msg = "master server is up"
+ elif masterYes is not None:
+ msg = "non-master server is up"
+ else:
+ msg = "master status is up, but not answering"
+ else:
+ if masterYes:
+ msg = "status is down, but responded as master server"
+ elif masterYes is not None:
+ msg = "status is down, but responded as non-master"
+ else:
+ msg = "status is down, server is not up"
+ elif self.path == "/help":
+ resp = 200
+ contentType = "text/html"
+ msg = """<pre>
+ <a href='/statusall'>statusall</a> == all/status/pgstatus
+ <a href='/ro'>ro</a> == iDNS readonly
+ <a href='/rw'>rw</a> == iDNS readwrite
+ <a href='/isrw'>isrw</a> == /var/run/postgresql/isrw
+ <a href='/ismaster'>ismaster</a> == is master
+ <a href='/issecondary'>issecondary</a> == is secondary
+ <a href='/ismaintenance'>ismaintenance</a> == is in maintenance mode
+ <a href='/healthcheck/status'>healthcheck/status</a> == Consul healthcheck
+ <a href='/healthcheck/writablestatus'>healthcheck/writablestatus</a> == Consul writable healthcheck
+ <a href='/healthcheck/readonlystatus'>healthcheck/readonlystatus</a> == Consul readonly healthcheck
+ <a href='/getpubkey'>getpubkey</a> == retrieve public key
+ <a href='/hasrepmgr'>hasrepmgr</a> == repmgr id and database are set up
+ <a href='/status'>status</a> == lots of info
+ <a href='/perdb-pg_tables-pg_indexes-pg_views'>perdb</a>-{<a href='/perdb-pg_tables'>pg_tables</a>-<a href='/perdb-pg_indexes'>pg_indexes</a>-<a href='/perdb-pg_views'>pg_views</a>} == info per DB
+ <a href='/pgstatus'>pgstatus</a> == lots of database info
+ <a href='/pg_stat_activity'>pg_stat_activity</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_archiver'>pg_stat_archiver</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_bgwriter'>pg_stat_bgwriter</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_stat_database'>pg_stat_database</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_database_conflicts'>pg_stat_database_conflicts</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_user_tables'>pg_stat_user_tables</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_stat_user_indexes'>pg_stat_user_indexes</a>, <a href='/pg_statio_user_tables'>pg_statio_user_tables</a>, <a href='/pg_statio_user_indexes'>pg_statio_user_indexes</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_statio_user_sequences'>pg_statio_user_sequences</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_roles'>pg_roles</a>, <a href='/pg_database'>pg_database</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_tables'>pg_tables</a>, <a href='/pg_namespace'>pg_namespace</a>,
+ <a href='/pg_group'>pg_group</a>,
+ <a href='/swmstatus'>swm proc_out files</a>
+ <a href='/log'>log</a> == ls -l logs
+ log/foo == log foo
+ <a href='/mlog'>mlog</a> == ls -l manager logs
+ mlog/foo == mlog foo
+ <a href='/tmp'>tmp</a> == ls -l /tmp
+ </pre>"""
+ else:
+ resp = 404
+ msg = "path does not exist"
+ # TODO == encode msg when binary
+ if sendBinary:
+ debugTrace("%s: Returning %d/%d/%s" % (self.path, resp, len(msg), "--binary--"))
+ else:
+ debugTrace("%s: Returning %d/%d/%s" % (self.path, resp, len(msg), msg))
+ traceMsg("- %s - \"%s %s %s\" %d %d" % (self.client_address[0], self.command, self.path, self.request_version, resp, len(msg)))
+ self.send_response(resp)
+ if resp == 401:
+ self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="PGaaS"')
+ self.send_header("Content-type", contentType)
+ self.end_headers()
+ if sendMsg:
+ if msg is None:
+ msg = ""
+ if sendBinary:
+ self.wfile.write(msg)
+ else:
+ self.wfile.write((msg + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+database utility functions
+# def dbGetMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+# def dbGetOneRowMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+def dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+ """
+ Do a select and return a single value from the first row
+ """
+ row = dbGetFirstRow(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
+ debugTrace("row=" + str(row))
+ if row is not None and len(row) > 0:
+ return row[0]
+ return None
+def dbGetFirstRow(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+ """
+ Do a select and return the values from the first row
+ """
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def dbGetFirstColumn(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+ """
+ Do a select and return the first column's value from each row
+ """
+ ret = []
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
+ for row in cursor:
+ for col in row:
+ ret.append(col)
+ break
+ return ret
+def dbGetFirstColumnAsMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False, val=1):
+ """
+ Do a select and return the first column's value from each row
+ """
+ ret = {}
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
+ for row in cursor:
+ for col in row:
+ ret[col] = val
+ break
+ return ret
+def dumpTable(con, tableName, max=-1):
+ """
+ If being extra verbose, print out the entire table
+ """
+ if verbose < 2:
+ return
+ traceOutput = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/debug.log")
+ print("================ " + tableName + " ================", file=traceOutput)
+ cols = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='" + tableName + "'", skipTrace=True)
+ print("num", end="|", file=traceOutput)
+ for col in cols:
+ print(col, end="|", file=traceOutput)
+ print("", file=traceOutput)
+ if max > -1:
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName + " limit " + str(max), skipTrace=True)
+ else:
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName, skipTrace=True)
+ i = 0
+ for row in cursor:
+ print("%d" % i, end="|", file=traceOutput)
+ i += 1
+ for col in row:
+ print("%s" % (col), end="|", file=traceOutput)
+ print("", file=traceOutput)
+ print("================================================", file=traceOutput)
+def getTableHtmls(con, DB, tableNames):
+ """
+ Retrieve a dump of all specified tables, in HTML format
+ """
+ ret = ""
+ for tn in tableNames:
+ ret = ret + getTableHtml(con, DB, tn)
+ return ret
+def getTableHtml(con, DB, tableName, max=-1):
+ """
+ Retrieve a dump of a given table, in HTML format
+ """
+ # errTrace("getting %s" % str(tableName))
+ ret = "<h2><a name='" + DB + "-table-" + tableName + "'>" + DB + "&nbsp;" + tableName + "</a>" + topButton + "</h2>\n"
+ ret = ret + "<table border='1'>\n"
+ # ret = ret + "<tr><th colspan='" + str(len(cols)+1) + "'>" + tableName + "</th></tr>\n"
+ cols = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='" + tableName + "'", skipTrace=True)
+ ret = ret + "<tr><th>num</th>"
+ for col in cols:
+ ret = ret + "<th>" + str(col) + "</th>"
+ ret = ret + "</tr>\n"
+ if max > -1:
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName + " limit " + str(max), skipTrace=True)
+ else:
+ cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName, skipTrace=True)
+ i = 0
+ for row in cursor:
+ ret = ret + "<tr><th>" + str(i) + "</th>"
+ i = i + 1
+ for col in row:
+ ret = ret + "<td>" + str(col) + "</td>"
+ ret = ret + "</tr>\n"
+ ret = ret + "</table>\n"
+ return ret
+def dbExecute(con, statement, args=[], skipTrace=False):
+ """
+ Create a cursor, instantiate the arguments into a statement, trace print the statement, and execute the statement.
+ Return the cursor
+ """
+ cursor = con.cursor()
+ stmt = cursor.mogrify(statement, args);
+ if not skipTrace:
+ debugTrace("executing:" + str(stmt))
+ cursor.execute(stmt)
+ if not skipTrace:
+ debugTrace("statusmessage=" + cursor.statusmessage + ", rowcount=" + str(cursor.rowcount))
+ return cursor
+class HTTPServerIPv6(http.server.HTTPServer):
+ address_family = socket.AF_INET6
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Respond to HTTP requests")
+ parser.add_argument("-d","--debug",help="turn on debugging",action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-t","--test",help="turn on test mode",action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", type=str, help="Hostname, defaults to '%s'" % DEF_HOST_NAME,
+ default=DEF_HOST_NAME)
+ parser.add_argument("-P", "--port", type=int, help="Port to listen on, defaults to '%d'" % DEF_PORT_NUMBER,
+ default=DEF_PORT_NUMBER)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ global debugOn, testOn, HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER
+ debugOn = args.debug
+ testOn = args.test
+ HOST_NAME = args.host
+ PORT_NUMBER = args.port
+ if not debugOn:
+ sys.stderr = openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/error.log")
+ # server_class = http.server.HTTPServer
+ # httpd = server_class(("", PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler)
+ server_class = HTTPServerIPv6
+ httpd = server_class(("", PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler)
+ errTrace("Server Starts - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER))
+ try:
+ httpd.serve_forever()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ httpd.server_close()
+ errTrace("Server Stops - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER))