* Copyright © 2016-2017 European Support Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const {Then, When} = require('cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');
const util = require('../cucumber-common/utils/Utils.js');
const _ = require('lodash');
function getPath(path, context) {
let compiled = _.template(path);
return compiled(context);
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Gets the questionnaire for the current item and saves it on the context
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to get the questionnaire for this item
Then('I want to get the questionnaire for this item', function () {
let path = "/vendor-software-products/" + this.context.item.id + "/versions/" + this.context.item.versionId + "/questionnaire";
return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path).then(result => {
this.context.qdata = JSON.parse(result.data.data);
this.context.qschema = result.data.schema;
this.context.qurl = path;
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Gets the questionnaire for the current item and component and saves it on the context
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to get the questionnaire for this component
Then('I want to get the questionnaire for this component', function () {
let path = "/vendor-software-products/" + this.context.item.id + "/versions/" + this.context.item.versionId + "/components/" + this.context.componentId + "/questionnaire";
return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path).then(result => {
this.context.qdata = JSON.parse(result.data.data);
this.context.qschema = result.data.schema;
this.context.qurl = path;
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Gets the questionnaire from path and saves it on the context
* @exampleFile TestMD5.feature
* @step I want to get the questionnaire for this path {string}
Then('I want to get the questionnaire for this path {string}', function (string) {
let path = getPath(string, this.context);
return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path).then(result => {
this.context.qdata = JSON.parse(result.data.data);
this.context.qschema = result.data.schema;
this.context.qurl = path;
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Updates the property for the saved questionnaire
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to update this questionnaire with value {string} for path {string}
Then('I want to update this questionnaire with value {string} for property {string}', function (string, string2) {
_.set(this.context.qdata, string, string2);
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Checks the questionnaire data on the context for the given value and property
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to check this questionnaire has value {string} for property {string}
Then('I want to check this questionnaire has value {string} for property {string}', function (string, string2) {
assert.equal(_.get(this.context.qdata, string), string2);
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Updates the the questionnaire data from the context to the same url that loaded it
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to update this questionnaire
Then('I want to update this questionnaire', function () {
return util.request(this.context, 'PUT', this.context.qurl, this.context.qdata);
* @module Questionnaire
* @description Checks if the value of given property name in questionnaire data on the context is same as provided value
* @exampleFile ComponentData.feature
* @step I want to check value of {string} in the questionnaire data with value of property {string}
Then('I want to check value of {string} in the questionnaire data with value of property {string}', function (string,
propertyName) {
expectedValue = _.get(this.context, propertyName)
data1 = this.context.qdata;
assert.equal(_.get(data1, string), expectedValue);
* @module Questionnaire - Defined in Questionnaire module since this is used to fetch componentId for which questionnaire is to be fetched
* @description Finds and set componentId in context from list of components in responseData for component name in given property
* @exampleFile ComponentData.feature
* @step I want to set componentId for component name in property {string}
Then('I want to set componentId for component name in property {string}', function (string) {
displayName = _.get(this.context, string);
results = this.context.responseData.results;
for (i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].displayName == displayName ){
this.context.componentId = results[i].id;