path: root/ueb-listener/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/sli/northbound/uebclient/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ueb-listener/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/sli/northbound/uebclient/')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ueb-listener/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/sli/northbound/uebclient/ b/ueb-listener/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/sli/northbound/uebclient/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa54c7c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ueb-listener/src/main/java/org/onap/ccsdk/sli/northbound/uebclient/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * openECOMP : SDN-C
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
+ * reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.onap.ccsdk.sli.northbound.uebclient;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.api.ISdcCsarHelper;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.enums.SdcTypes;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.impl.SdcPropertyNames;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.api.IEntityDetails;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.elements.queries.EntityQuery;
+import org.onap.sdc.tosca.parser.elements.queries.TopologyTemplateQuery;
+import org.onap.sdc.toscaparser.api.Property;
+import org.onap.sdc.toscaparser.api.elements.Metadata;
+import org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.dblib.DBResourceManager;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+public class SdncVFModel extends SdncBaseModel {
+ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
+ .getLogger(SdncVFModel.class);
+ private String vendor = null;
+ private String vendorModelDescription = null;
+ private String nfNamingCode = null;
+ private String serviceUUID = null;
+ private String serviceInvariantUUID = null;
+ public SdncVFModel(ISdcCsarHelper sdcCsarHelper, IEntityDetails entityDetails, DBResourceManager jdbcDataSource, SdncUebConfiguration config) throws IOException {
+ super(sdcCsarHelper, entityDetails, jdbcDataSource, config);
+ // extract metadata
+ Metadata metadata = entityDetails.getMetadata();
+ addParameter("name", extractValue(metadata, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_NAME));
+ vendor = extractValue (metadata, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_RESOURCEVENDOR);
+ addParameter("vendor", vendor);
+ vendorModelDescription = extractValue (metadata, "description");
+ addParameter("vendor_version", extractValue (metadata, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_RESOURCEVENDORRELEASE));
+ // extract properties
+ addParameter("ecomp_generated_naming", extractBooleanValue(entityDetails, "nf_naming", "ecomp_generated_naming"));
+ addParameter("naming_policy", extractValue(entityDetails, "nf_naming", "naming_policy"));
+ addParameter("nf_type", extractValue(entityDetails, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_NFTYPE));
+ addParameter("nf_role", extractValue(entityDetails, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_NFROLE));
+ nfNamingCode = extractValue(entityDetails, "nf_naming_code");
+ addParameter("nf_code", nfNamingCode);
+ addParameter("nf_function", extractValue(entityDetails, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_NFFUNCTION));
+ addIntParameter("avail_zone_max_count", extractValue(entityDetails, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_AVAILABILITYZONEMAXCOUNT));
+ addParameter("sdnc_model_name", extractValue(entityDetails, "sdnc_model_name"));
+ addParameter("sdnc_model_version", extractValue(entityDetails, "sdnc_model_version"));
+ addParameter("sdnc_artifact_name", extractValue(entityDetails, "sdnc_artifact_name"));
+ // store additional properties in ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PAIR
+ // additional complex properties are extracted via VfcInstanceGroup
+ EntityQuery entityQuery = EntityQuery.newBuilder("org.openecomp.groups.VfcInstanceGroup").build();
+ String vfCustomizationUuid = getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VF)
+ .customizationUUID(vfCustomizationUuid).build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> vfcInstanceGroupListForVf = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery, topologyTemplateQuery, false);
+ if (vfcInstanceGroupListForVf != null) {
+ for (IEntityDetails group : vfcInstanceGroupListForVf){
+ String vfcInstanceGroupFunction = extractGetInputValue(group, entityDetails, "vfc_instance_group_function");
+ addParameter("vfc_instance_group_function", vfcInstanceGroupFunction, attributeValueParams);
+ String networkCollectionFunction = extractGetInputValue(group, entityDetails, "network_collection_function");
+ addParameter("network_collection_function", networkCollectionFunction, attributeValueParams);
+ String initSubinterfaceQuantity = extractGetInputValue(group, entityDetails, "init_subinterface_quantity");
+ addParameter("init_subinterface_quantity", initSubinterfaceQuantity, attributeValueParams);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void insertData() throws IOException {
+ insertVFModelData();
+ insertVFModuleData();
+ insertVFtoNetworkRoleMappingData();
+ insertVFCData();
+ insertVFCInstanceGroupData();
+ insertVFPolicyData();
+ }
+ private void insertVFModelData () throws IOException {
+ try {
+ cleanUpExistingToscaData("VF_MODEL", "customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUID()) ;
+ //cleanUpExistingToscaData("SERVICE_MODEL_TO_VF_MODEL_MAPPING", "service_uuid", serviceUUID, "vf_uuid", getUUID());
+"Call insertToscaData for VF_MODEL where customization_uuid = " + getCustomizationUUID());
+ insertToscaData(buildSql("VF_MODEL", model_yaml), null);
+ //insertRelevantAttributeData();
+ Map<String, String> mappingParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ addParameter("service_invariant_uuid", serviceInvariantUUID, mappingParams);
+ addParameter("vf_uuid", getUUID(), mappingParams);
+ addParameter("vf_customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes(), mappingParams);
+ //insertToscaData(buildSql("SERVICE_MODEL_TO_VF_MODEL_MAPPING", "service_uuid", serviceUUID, model_yaml, mappingParams), null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the VF_MODEL table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertVFModuleData () throws IOException {
+ // Pre-Step: Get all CVFC with VFC inside use this list to filter before insert into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING
+ // Get all VFC in all CFVC in entire model (getEntity VFC, CVFC, true) and then check resulting entity has parent that matches member
+ // if parent of VFC has customizationUUID that matches customizationUUID of group member, then insert into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING
+ // then get count property
+ EntityQuery vfcEntityQuery = EntityQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VFC).build();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery cvfcTopologyTemplateQuery = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.CVFC).build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> allVfcsInsideAllCvfcs = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(vfcEntityQuery, cvfcTopologyTemplateQuery, true);
+ // Step 1: Get all the VF Module groups (entities) in this Service
+ EntityQuery entityQuery = EntityQuery.newBuilder("org.openecomp.groups.VfModule").build();
+ String vfCustomizationUuid = getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.SERVICE).build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> vfModules = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery, topologyTemplateQuery, false);
+ if (vfModules == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Insert each VF Module group (entity) into VF_MODULE_MODEL if its name is prefixed with the VF name
+ for (IEntityDetails vfModule : vfModules){
+ // If this vfModule name is prefixed with the VF name of the VF being processed, insert this VF Module in VF_MODULE_MODEL
+ String normailizedVfName = entityDetails.getName().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "").replace("-", "").replace(".", ""); // need full set of normalization rules from ASDC
+ if (!vfModule.getName().startsWith(normailizedVfName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ SdncVFModuleModel vfModuleModel = new SdncVFModuleModel(sdcCsarHelper, vfModule, this);
+ try {
+ cleanUpExistingToscaData("VF_MODULE_MODEL", "customization_uuid", vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID());
+ cleanUpExistingToscaData("VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING", "vf_module_customization_uuid", vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID());
+"Call insertToscaData for VF_MODULE_MODEL where customization_uuid = " + vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID());
+ insertToscaData(vfModuleModel.buildSql("VF_MODULE_MODEL", model_yaml), null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the VF_MODULE_MODEL table ");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ // Step 2: Get the non-catalog VF Module in order to get the group members
+ String vfModuleUuid = vfModuleModel.getUUID().replace("\"", "");
+ EntityQuery entityQuery2 = EntityQuery.newBuilder("org.openecomp.groups.VfModule")
+ .uUID(vfModuleUuid)
+ .build();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery2 = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VF)
+ .customizationUUID(vfCustomizationUuid) // customization UUID of the VF if exists
+ .build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> vfModulesNonCatalog = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery2, topologyTemplateQuery2, false);
+ if (vfModulesNonCatalog == null || vfModulesNonCatalog.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG.debug("insertVFModuleData: Could not find the non-catelog VF Module for: " + vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID() + ". Unable to insert members into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING");
+ continue;
+ }
+ List<IEntityDetails> vfModuleMembers = vfModulesNonCatalog.get(0).getMemberNodes(); // does getMemberNodes give nested CFVCs?
+ // Find all members for each VF Module that are of type CVFC and insert it and any nested CFVCs into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING
+ for (IEntityDetails vfModuleMember: vfModuleMembers) {
+ if (vfModuleMember.getMetadata().getValue("type").equals(SdcTypes.CVFC.getValue())) {
+ String cvfcCustomizationUuid = extractValue(vfModuleMember.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_CUSTOMIZATIONUUID);
+ // Additional check to see if this CVFC has a VFC in it? We only are to map CVFCs with VFC in it.
+ if (cvfcContainsVfc(allVfcsInsideAllCvfcs, vfModuleMember) == true) {
+ // Insert this CVFC data into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING
+ String vfcVmType = extractValue (vfModuleMember, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_VMTYPETAG); // extracted as vm_type_tag
+ String vfcVmCount = "";
+ if (vfModuleMember.getProperties().containsKey("service_template_filter")) {
+ vfcVmCount = extractIntegerValue (vfModuleMember.getProperties().get("service_template_filter"), "count");
+ }
+ if (vfcVmCount.isEmpty()) {
+ vfcVmCount = "0"; // vm_count can not be null
+ }
+ try {
+"Call insertToscaData for VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING where vf_module_customization_uuid = " + vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID());
+ insertToscaData("insert into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING (vf_module_customization_uuid, vfc_customization_uuid, vm_type, vm_count) values (" +
+ vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID() + ", \"" + cvfcCustomizationUuid + "\", \"" + vfcVmType + "\", \"" + vfcVmCount + "\")", null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ }
+ // Step 3: Get any nested CVFCs under this CVFC
+ EntityQuery entityQuery3 = EntityQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.CVFC).build();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery3 = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.CVFC)
+ .customizationUUID(cvfcCustomizationUuid) // customization UUID of the CVFC if exists
+ .build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> nestedCvfcs = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery3, topologyTemplateQuery3, true); // true allows for nested search
+ if (nestedCvfcs == null || nestedCvfcs.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG.debug("insertVFModuleData: Could not find the nested CVFCs for: " + cvfcCustomizationUuid);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (IEntityDetails nestedCvfc: nestedCvfcs) {
+ // Additional check to see if this CVFC has a VFC in it? We only are to map CVFCs with VFC in it.
+ if (cvfcContainsVfc(allVfcsInsideAllCvfcs, nestedCvfc) == false) {
+ continue; // continue to next CVFC
+ }
+ // Insert this CVFC data into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING
+ String nestedCvfcCustomizationUuid = extractValue(nestedCvfc.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_CUSTOMIZATIONUUID);
+ String nestedVfcVmType = extractValue (nestedCvfc, SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_VMTYPETAG); // extracted as vm_type_tag
+ String nestedVfcVmCount = "";
+ if (nestedCvfc.getProperties().containsKey("service_template_filter")) {
+ nestedVfcVmCount = extractIntegerValue (nestedCvfc.getProperties().get("service_template_filter"), "count");
+ }
+ if (nestedVfcVmCount.isEmpty()) {
+ nestedVfcVmCount = "0"; // vm_count can not be null
+ }
+ try {
+"Call insertToscaData for VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING where vf_module_customization_uuid = " + vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID());
+ insertToscaData("insert into VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING (vf_module_customization_uuid, vfc_customization_uuid, vm_type, vm_count) values (" +
+ vfModuleModel.getCustomizationUUID() + ", \"" + nestedCvfcCustomizationUuid + "\", \"" + nestedVfcVmType + "\", \"" + nestedVfcVmCount + "\")", null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the VF_MODULE_TO_VFC_MAPPING table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // For each VF Module member
+ } // For each VF Module
+ }
+ private boolean cvfcContainsVfc (List<IEntityDetails> allVfcsInsideAllCvfcs, IEntityDetails cvfcEntity) {
+ boolean containsVfc = false;
+ for (IEntityDetails vfcEntity: allVfcsInsideAllCvfcs) {
+ IEntityDetails vfcParentEntity = vfcEntity.getParent();
+ String parentCustomizationUuid = extractValue (vfcParentEntity.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_CUSTOMIZATIONUUID);
+ String cvfcEntityCustomizationUuid = extractValue (cvfcEntity.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_CUSTOMIZATIONUUID);
+ if (parentCustomizationUuid == cvfcEntityCustomizationUuid) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return containsVfc;
+ }
+ private void insertVFtoNetworkRoleMappingData () throws IOException {
+ // Cleanup existing VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING for this VF
+ try {
+ cleanUpExistingToscaData("VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING", "vf_customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUID());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not cleanup Tosca CSAR data into the VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ // For this VF, insert VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING data. network_role is a property on the CPs for this VF.
+ // Use getEntity to extract all the CPs on this VF
+ EntityQuery entityQueryCP = EntityQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.CP).build();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQueryVF = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VF).customizationUUID(getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes()).build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> cpEntities = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQueryCP, topologyTemplateQueryVF, true);
+ if (cpEntities == null || cpEntities.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG.debug("insertVFtoNetworkRoleMappingData: Could not find CPs for VF: " + getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes());
+ return;
+ }
+ for (IEntityDetails entity: cpEntities ) {
+ Map<String, Property> properties = entity.getProperties();
+ if (properties.containsKey("network_role")) {
+ Property networkRoleProperty = properties.get("network_role");
+ if (networkRoleProperty != null && networkRoleProperty.getValue() != null) {
+ String cpNetworkRole = networkRoleProperty.getValue().toString();
+ LOG.debug("insertVFtoNetworkRoleMappingData: " + "VF: " + getCustomizationUUID() + ", networkRole = " + cpNetworkRole);
+ // Only insert unique network_role values for this VF
+ boolean networkRoleExists = false;
+ Map<String, String> networkRoleyKeys = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ networkRoleyKeys.put("vf_customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUID());
+ networkRoleyKeys.put("network_role", "\"" + cpNetworkRole + "\"");
+ networkRoleExists = checkForExistingToscaData("VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING", networkRoleyKeys);
+ if (networkRoleExists == false) {
+ try {
+ //cleanUpExistingToscaData("VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING", "vf_customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUID());
+"Call insertToscaData for VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING where vf_customization_uuid = " + getCustomizationUUID());
+ insertToscaData("insert into VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING (vf_customization_uuid, network_role) values (" +
+ getCustomizationUUID() + ", \"" + cpNetworkRole + "\")", null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the VF_TO_NETWORK_ROLE_MAPPING table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // CP loop
+ }
+ private void insertVFCData() throws IOException {
+ try {
+ cleanUpExistingToscaData("VNF_RELATED_NETWORK_ROLE", "vnf_customization_uuid", getCustomizationUUID());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not clean up Tosca CSAR data in the VNF_RELATED_NETWORK_ROLE table");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }*/
+ // Get any CVFCs under this VF (top-level and nested)
+ String vfCustomizationUid = customizationUUID;
+ EntityQuery entityQuery = EntityQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.CVFC)
+ .build();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VF)
+ .customizationUUID(vfCustomizationUid) // customization UUID of the VF if exists
+ .build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> cvfcEntities = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery, topologyTemplateQuery, true); // true allows for nested search
+ if (cvfcEntities == null || cvfcEntities.isEmpty()) {
+ LOG.debug("insertVFCDataEntity: Could not find the CVFCs for: " + vfCustomizationUid);
+ }
+ for (IEntityDetails cvfcEntity: cvfcEntities) {
+ // Insert this CVFC data into VFC_MODEL
+ try {
+ SdncVFCModel vfcModel = new SdncVFCModel(sdcCsarHelper, cvfcEntity, jdbcDataSource, config);
+ vfcModel.insertVFCModelData();
+ vfcModel.insertVFCtoNetworkRoleMappingData(cvfcEntity);
+ //vfcModel.insertVFCRelatedNetworkRoleData(getCustomizationUUID(), cvfcEntity);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR VFC data");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void insertVFCInstanceGroupData () throws IOException {
+ // Insert Group data in RESOURCE_GROUP
+ // Store group capabilities and capability properties in NODE_CAPABILITY and NODE_CAPABILITY_PROPERTY table
+ // For each VF, insert VFC Instance Group data (convert to use getEntity in 19.08)
+ EntityQuery entityQuery = EntityQuery.newBuilder("org.openecomp.groups.VfcInstanceGroup").build();
+ String vfCustomizationUuid = getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes();
+ TopologyTemplateQuery topologyTemplateQuery = TopologyTemplateQuery.newBuilder(SdcTypes.VF)
+ .customizationUUID(vfCustomizationUuid).build();
+ List<IEntityDetails> vfcInstanceGroupListForVf = sdcCsarHelper.getEntity(entityQuery, topologyTemplateQuery, false);
+ if (vfcInstanceGroupListForVf == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (IEntityDetails group : vfcInstanceGroupListForVf){
+ SdncGroupModel groupModel = new SdncGroupModel (sdcCsarHelper, group, entityDetails, config, jdbcDataSource);
+ groupModel.insertGroupData(getUUID());
+ insertNodeCapabilitiesEntityData(group.getCapabilities());
+ // Store relationship between VfcInstanceGroup and node-type=VFC in RESOURCE_GROUP_TO_TARGET_NODE_MAPPING table
+ // target is each VFC in targets section of group
+ List<IEntityDetails> targetNodeList = group.getMemberNodes();
+ for (IEntityDetails targetNode : targetNodeList) {
+ String targetNodeUuid = extractValue(targetNode.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_UUID);
+ String targetNodeCustomizationUuid = extractValue(targetNode.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_CUSTOMIZATIONUUID);
+ String targetNodeType = extractValue(targetNode.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_TYPE);
+ try {
+ Map<String, String> mappingCleanupParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ addParameter("group_uuid", groupModel.getUUID(), mappingCleanupParams);
+ addParameter("parent_uuid", getUUID(), mappingCleanupParams);
+ addParameter("target_node_uuid", targetNodeUuid, mappingCleanupParams);
+ cleanupExistingToscaData("RESOURCE_GROUP_TO_TARGET_NODE_MAPPING", mappingCleanupParams);
+ Map<String, String> mappingParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ addParameter("parent_uuid", getUUID(), mappingParams);
+ addParameter("target_node_uuid", targetNodeUuid, mappingParams);
+ addParameter("target_type", targetNodeType, mappingParams);
+ String tableName = "";
+ switch (targetNodeType) {
+ case "CVFC":
+ tableName = "VFC_MODEL";
+ break;
+ case "VL":
+ tableName = "NETWORK_MODEL";
+ break;
+ }
+ addParameter("table_name", tableName, mappingParams);
+"Call insertToscaData for RESOURCE_GROUP_TO_TARGET_NODE_MAPPING where group_uuid = " + groupModel.getUUID() + " and target_node_uuid = \"" + targetNodeUuid + "\"");
+ insertToscaData(buildSql("RESOURCE_GROUP_TO_TARGET_NODE_MAPPING", "group_uuid", groupModel.getUUID(), model_yaml, mappingParams), null);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Could not insert Tosca CSAR data into the RESOURCE_GROUP_TO_TARGET_NODE_MAPPING");
+ throw new IOException (e);
+ }
+ // For each target node, get External policies
+ SdcTypes queryType = SdcTypes.valueOf(extractValue(entityDetails.getMetadata(), SdcPropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME_TYPE));
+ insertEntityPolicyData(getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes(), getUUID().replace("\"", ""), queryType, targetNodeCustomizationUuid, targetNodeUuid, targetNodeType, "org.openecomp.policies.External"); // AFTER getEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertVFPolicyData() throws IOException {
+ // For each VF node, ingest External Policy data
+ insertEntityPolicyData (getCustomizationUUIDNoQuotes(), getUUID(), serviceUUID.replace("\"", ""), "org.openecomp.policies.External", SdcTypes.VF);
+ }
+ public String getVendor() {
+ return vendor;
+ }
+ public void setVendor(String vendor) {
+ this.vendor = vendor;
+ }
+ public String getVendorModelDescription() {
+ return vendorModelDescription;
+ }
+ public void setVendorModelDescription(String vendorModelDescription) {
+ this.vendorModelDescription = vendorModelDescription;
+ }
+ public String getNfNamingCode() {
+ return nfNamingCode;
+ }
+ public void setNfNamingCode(String nfNamingCode) {
+ this.nfNamingCode = nfNamingCode;
+ }
+ public String getServiceUUID() {
+ return serviceUUID;
+ }
+ public void setServiceUUID(String serviceUUID) {
+ this.serviceUUID = serviceUUID;
+ }
+ public String getServiceInvariantUUID() {
+ return serviceInvariantUUID;
+ }
+ public void setServiceInvariantUUID(String serviceInvariantUUID) {
+ this.serviceInvariantUUID = serviceInvariantUUID;
+ }