path: root/src
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2 files changed, 984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/site/apt/nodes.apt b/src/site/apt/nodes.apt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8ce9879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/apt/nodes.apt
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+~~ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+~~ openECOMP : SDN-C
+~~ ================================================================================
+~~ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
+~~ reserved.
+~~ ================================================================================
+~~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+~~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+~~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+~~ limitations under the License.
+~~ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ ---
+ Service Logic Interpreter
+ ---
+ Dan Timoney
+ ---
+ 2014-11-12
+ ---
+Supported node types
+ The following built-in node types are currently supported:
+ * Flow Control
+ * {{{Block node}<<block>>}}
+ * {{{Call node}<<call>>}}
+ * {{{For node}<<for>>}}
+ * {{{Return node}<<return>>}}
+ * {{{Set node}<<set>>}}
+ * {{{Switch node}<<switch>>}}
+ * Device Management
+ * {{{Configure node}<<configure>>}}
+ * Java Plugin Support
+ * {{{Execute node}<<execute>>}}
+ * Recording
+ * {{{Record node}<<record>>}}
+ * Resource Management
+ * {{{Delete node}<<delete>>}}
+ * {{{Exists node}<<exists>>}}
+ * {{{Get-resource node}<<get-resource>>}}
+ * {{{Is-available node}<<is-available>>}}
+ * {{{Notify node}<<notify>>}}
+ * {{{Release node}<<release>>}}
+ * {{{Reserve node}<<reserve>>}}
+ * {{{Save node}<<save>>}}
+ * {{{Update node}<<update>>}}
+* Flow Control
+** Block node
+*** Description
+ A <<block>> node is used to executes a set of nodes.
+*** Attributes
+| <<atomic>> | if <true>, then if a node returns failure, subsequent nodes will not be executed and nodes already executed will be backed out.
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+ None
+*** Example
+ <record plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/tmp/sample_r1.log" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="__TIMESTAMP__"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="RESERVED"/>
+ <parameter name="field3" value="$asePort.uni_circuit_id"/>
+ </record>
+ <return status="success">
+ <parameter name="uni-circuit-id" value="$asePort.uni_circuit_id" />
+ </return>
+**Call node
+*** Description
+ A <<call>> node is used to call another graph
+*** Attributes
+| <<module>> | Module of directed graph to call. If unset, defaults to that of calling graph
+| <<rpc>> | rpc of directed graph to call.
+| <<version>> | version of graph to call, If unset, uses active version.
+| <<mode>> | mode (sync/async) of graph to call. If unset, defaults to that of calling graph.
+*** Parameters
+ Not applicable
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Sub graph returned success
+| <<not-found>> | Graph not found
+| <<failure>> | Subgraph returned success
+ .
+*** Example
+<call rpc="svc-topology-reserve" mode="sync" />
+**For node
+*** Description
+ A <<for>> node provides a fixed iteration looping mechanism, similar to the Java for loop
+*** Attributes
+| <<index>> | index variable
+| <<start>> | initial value
+| <<end>> | maximum value
+*** Parameters
+ Not applicable.
+*** Outcomes
+ Not applicable. The <<status>> node has no outcomes.
+*** Example
+<for index="i" start="0" end="`$service-data.universal-cpe-ft.l2-switch-interfaces_length`">
+ <record plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.recording.Slf4jRecorder">
+ <parameter name="logger" value="message-log"/>
+ <parameter name="level" value="info"/>
+ <parameter name="field1" value="`'current l2-switch-interface name is ' + $service-data.universal-cpe-ft.l2-switch-interfaces[$i].name`"/>
+ </record>
+**Return node
+*** Description
+ A <<return>> node is used to return a status to the invoking MD-SAL application
+*** Attributes
+| <<status>> | Status value to return (<success> or <failure>)
+*** Parameters
+ The following optional parameters may be passed to convey more
+ detailed status information.
+| <<error-code>> | A brief, usually numeric, code indicating the error condition
+| <<error-message>> | A more detailed error message
+*** Outcomes
+ Not applicable. The <<status>> node has no outcomes.
+*** Example
+<return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1542" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Activation failure" />
+**Set node
+*** Description
+ A <<set>> node is used to set one or more values in the execution context
+*** Attributes
+| <<only-if-unset>> | If true the set node will only execute if the current value of the target is null
+*** Parameters
+ Values to be set are passed as parameters
+*** Outcomes
+ Not applicable. The <<set>> node has no outcomes.
+*** Example
+ <parameter name="vlan" value="$network.provider-segmentation-id" />
+**Switch node
+*** Description
+ A <<switch>> node is used to make a decision based on its <<test>> attribute.
+*** Attributes
+| <<test>> | Condition to test
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+ Depends on the <<test>> condition
+*** Example
+<switch test="$uni-cir-units">
+ <outcome value="Mbps">
+ <reserve plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="resource-emt-clli == $edge-device-clli and speed >= $uni-cir-value"
+ pfx="asePort">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success">
+ <parameter name="uni-circuit-id" value="$asePort.uni_circuit_id" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Other">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1010" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="No ports found that match criteria" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ </reserve>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Gbps">
+ <reserve plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="resource-emt-clli == $edge-device-clli and speed >= $uni-cir-value*1000"
+ pfx="asePort">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success">
+ <parameter name="uni-circuit-id" value="$asePort.uni_circuit_id" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Other">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1010" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="No ports found that match criteria" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ </reserve>
+ </outcome>
+* Device Management
+**Configure node
+*** Description
+ A <<configure>> node is used to configure a device.
+*** Attributes
+| <<adaptor>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<activate>> | Activate device/interface, for devices that support a separate activation step.
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying criteria for item to configure
+*** Parameters
+ Specific to device adaptor.
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Device successfully configured
+| <<not-found>> | Element to be configured does not exist.
+| <<not-ready>> | Element is not in a state where it can be configured/activated
+| <<already-active>> | Attempt to activate element that is already active
+| <<failure>> | Configure failed for some other reason
+*** Example
+<configure adaptor="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.adaptor.emt.EmtAdaptor"
+ key="$uni-circuit-id" activate="true">
+ <parameter name="circuit.id" value="$uni-circuit-id" />
+ <parameter name="subscriber.name" value="$subscriber-name" />
+ <parameter name="emt.clli" value="$edge-device-clli" />
+ <parameter name="port.tagging" value="$port-tagging" />
+ <parameter name="port.mediaSpeed" value="$media-speed" />
+ <parameter name="location.state" value="$uni-location-state" />
+ <parameter name="location.city" value="$uni-location-city" />
+ <parameter name="cosCategory" value="$cos-category" />
+ <parameter name="gosProfile" value="$gos-profile" />
+ <parameter name="lldp" value="$asePort.resource-lldp" />
+ <parameter name="mtu" value="$asePort.resource-mtu" />
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <block>
+ <record plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/tmp/sample_r1.log" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="__TIMESTAMP__"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="ACTIVE"/>
+ <parameter name="field3" value="$uni-circuit-id"/>
+ </record>
+ <return status="success">
+ <parameter name="edge-device-clli" value="$asePort.resource-emt-clli" />
+ </return>
+ </block>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="already-active">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1590" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Port already active" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Other">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1542" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Activation failure" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+* Java Plugin Support
+**Execute node
+*** Description
+ An <<execute>> node is used to execute Java code supplied as a plugin
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of plugin to be used
+| <<method>> | Name of method in the plugin class to execute. Method must return void, and take 2 arguments: a Map (for parameters) and a SvcLogicContext (to allow plugin read/write access to context memory)
+*** Parameters
+ Specific to plugin / method
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Device successfully configured
+| <<not-found>> | Plugin class could not be loaded
+| <<unsupported-method>> | Named method taking (Map, SvcLogicContext) could not be found
+| <<failure>> | Configure failed for some other reason
+*** Example
+<execute plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.plugin.HelloWorld"
+ method="log">
+ <parameter name="message" value="Hello, world!" />
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="not-found">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1590" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Could not locate plugin" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Other">
+ <return status="failure">
+ <parameter name="error-code" value="1542" />
+ <parameter name="error-message" value="Internal error" />
+ </return>
+ </outcome>
+* Recording
+** Record node
+*** Description
+ A <<record>> node is used to record an event. For example, this might be used
+ to log provisioning events.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class to handle recording.
+*** Parameters
+ Parameters will depend on the plugin being used. For the FileRecorder class,
+ the parameters are as follows
+| <<file>> | The file to which the record should be written
+| <<field1>> | First field to write. There will be <<field>> parameters for each field to write, from <<field1>> through <<fieldN>>. A special value __TIMESTAMP__ may be assigned to a field to insert the current timestamp
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Record successfully written
+| <<failure>> | Record could not be successfully written
+*** Example
+<record plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.recording.FileRecorder">
+ <parameter name="file" value="/tmp/sample_r1.log" />
+ <parameter name="field1" value="__TIMESTAMP__"/>
+ <parameter name="field2" value="ACTIVE"/>
+ <parameter name="field3" value="$uni-circuit-id"/>
+* Resource Management
+** Delete node
+*** Description
+ A <<delete>> node is used to delete a resource from the local resource inventory.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to delete
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying key to delete
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource specified deleted successfully.
+| <failure>> | Resource specified was not deleted
+*** Example
+<delete plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="uni_circuit_id == $uni-circuit-id">
+ <outcome value="true">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="false">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Exists node
+*** Description
+ An <<exists>> node is used to determine whether a particular
+ instance of a resource exists. For example, this might be
+ used to test whether a particular switch CLLI is provisioned.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to check
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying key to check for
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<true>> | Resource specified exists.
+| <<false>> | Resource specified is unknown
+*** Example
+<exists plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="uni_circuit_id == $uni-circuit-id">
+ <outcome value="true">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="false">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Get-resource node
+*** Description
+ A <<get-resource>> node is used to retrieve information about a
+ particular resource and make it available to other nodes in the
+ service logic tree. For example, this might be used to
+ retrieve information about a particular uni-port.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to retrieve
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying criteria for retrieval
+| <<pfx>> | Prefix to add to context variable names set for data retrieved
+| <<select>> | String to specify, if key matches multiple entries, which entry should take precedence
+| <<order-by>> | Prefix to add to context variable names set for data retrieved
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource successfully retrieved
+| <<not-found>> | Resource referenced does not exist
+| <<failure>> | Resource retrieve failed for some other reason
+*** Example
+<get-resource plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="uni_circuit_id == $uni-circuit-id"
+ pfx="current-port">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="not-found">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="failure">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Is-available node
+*** Description
+ An <<is-available>> node is used to determine whether a particular
+ type of resource is available. For example, this might be used to
+ test whether any ports are available for assignment on a particular switch.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to check
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying key to check for
+| <<pfx>> | Prefix to add to context variable names set for data retrieved
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<true>> | Resource requested is available
+| <<false>> | Resource requested is not available
+*** Example
+<is-available plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="resource-emt-clli == $edge-device-clli and speed >= $uni-cir-value">
+ <outcome value="true">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="false">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Notify node
+*** Description
+ A <<notify>> node is used to inform an external application (e.g. A&AI) that a resource was
+ updated.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Identifies resource that was updated
+| <<action>> | Action that triggered notification to be sent (ADD/UPDATE/DELETE)
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Notification was successful
+| <<failure>> | Notification failed is not available
+*** Example
+<notify plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ action="ADD">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="Other">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Release node
+*** Description
+ A <<release>> node is used to mark a resource as no longer in use, and thus
+ available for assignment.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to release
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying key to check of resource to release
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource successfully released
+| <<not-found>> | Resource referenced does not exist
+| <<failure>> | Resource release failed for some other reason
+*** Example
+<release plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="uni_circuit_id == $uni-circuit-id">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="not-found">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="failure">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Reserve node
+*** Description
+ A <<reserve>> node is used to reserve a particular
+ type of resource.. For example, this might be used to
+ reserve a port on a particular switch.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to reserve
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying criteria for reservation
+| <<select>> | String to specify, if <<key>> matches multiple entries, which entry should take precedence
+*** Parameters
+ None
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource requested was successfully reserved
+| <<failure>> | Resource requested was not successfully reserved
+*** Example
+<reserve plugin="org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.resource.samplesvc.SampleServiceResource"
+ resource="ase-port"
+ key="resource-emt-clli == $edge-device-clli and speed >= $uni-cir-value"
+ select="min(speed)">
+ <outcome value="success">
+ <return status="success"/>
+ </outcome>
+ <outcome value="failure">
+ <return status="failure"/>
+ </outcome>
+** Save node
+*** Description
+ A <<save>> node is used to save information about a
+ particular resource to persistent storage. For example, this might be used to
+ save information about a particular uni-port.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to save
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying criteria for retrieval
+| <<force>> | If "true", save resource even if this resource is already stored in persistent storage
+| <<pfx>> | Prefix to be prepended to variable names, when attributes are set in SvcLogicContext
+*** Parameters
+ Values to save (columns) are specified as parameters, with each name
+ corresponding to a column name and each value corresponding to the
+ value to set.
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource successfully saved
+| <<failure>> | Resource save failed
+*** Example
+<save plugin="`$sample-resource-plugin`" resource="vnf"
+ key="vnf-name = $requests.vnf.vnf-name" force="true"
+ pfx="requests.vnf">
+ <parameter name="vnf-name"
+ value="`$requests.cust-country-code + $requests.cust-id + $requests.cust-city + $requests.cust-state + '001VCE'`" />
+ <parameter name="vnf-type" value="vce" />
+ <parameter name="orchestration-status" value="pending-create" />
+ <parameter name="heat-stack-id" value="`$requests.heat-stack-id`" />
+ <parameter name="mso-catalog-key" value="`$requests.mso-catalog-key`" />
+ <parameter name="oam-ipv4-address" value="`$vce-ipv4-oam-addr.ipv4-addr`" />
+** Update node
+*** Description
+ An <<update>> node is used to update information about a
+ particular resource to persistent storage.
+*** Attributes
+| <<plugin>> | Fully qualified Java class of resource adaptor to be used
+| <<resource>> | Type of resource to update
+| <<key>> | SQL-like string specifying criteria for retrieval
+| <<pfx>> | Prefix to be prepended to variable names, when attributes are set in SvcLogicContext
+*** Parameters
+ Values to save (columns) are specified as parameters, with each name
+ corresponding to a column name and each value corresponding to the
+ value to set.
+*** Outcomes
+| <<success>> | Resource successfully saved
+| <<failure>> | Resource save failed
+*** Example
+<update plugin="`$sample-resource-plugin`" resource="vnf"
+ key="vnf-name = $requests.vnf.vnf-name"
+ pfx="requests.vnf">
+ <parameter name="vnf-name"
+ value="`$requests.cust-country-code + $requests.cust-id + $requests.cust-city + $requests.cust-state + '001VCE'`" />
+ <parameter name="vnf-type" value="vce" />
+ <parameter name="orchestration-status" value="pending-create" />
+ <parameter name="heat-stack-id" value="`$requests.heat-stack-id`" />
+ <parameter name="mso-catalog-key" value="`$requests.mso-catalog-key`" />
+ <parameter name="oam-ipv4-address" value="`$vce-ipv4-oam-addr.ipv4-addr`" />
diff --git a/src/site/site.xml b/src/site/site.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7da1eb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/site.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ openECOMP : SDN-C
+ ================================================================================
+ Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
+ reserved.
+ ================================================================================
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ -->
+ <body>
+ <links>
+ <item name="Built-in Nodes" href="nodes.html" />
+ </links>
+ <menu ref="modules"/>
+ <menu ref="reports"/>
+ </body>