path: root/sliPluginUtils/provider/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdnc/sli/SliPluginUtils/
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diff --git a/sliPluginUtils/provider/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdnc/sli/SliPluginUtils/ b/sliPluginUtils/provider/src/main/java/org/openecomp/sdnc/sli/SliPluginUtils/
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * openECOMP : SDN-C
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
+ * reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.SliPluginUtils;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.SvcLogicContext;
+import org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.SvcLogicException;
+import org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.SvcLogicJavaPlugin;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+ * A utility class used to streamline the interface between Java plugins,
+ * the Service Logic Context, and Directed Graphs.
+ * @version 7.0.1
+ * @see org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.SvcLogicContext
+ */
+public class SliPluginUtils implements SvcLogicJavaPlugin {
+ public enum LogLevel {
+ }
+ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SliPluginUtils.class);
+ // ========== CONSTRUCTORS ==========
+ public SliPluginUtils() {}
+ public SliPluginUtils( Properties props ) {}
+ // ========== CONTEXT MEMORY FUNCTIONS ==========
+ /**
+ * Removes 1 or more elements from a list in context memory.
+ * <p>
+ * Values are removed based on either the index in the list, a key-value
+ * pair, or a list of key-value pairs that all must match in the element.
+ * @param parameters
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException All exceptions are wrapped in
+ * SvcLogicException for compatibility with SLI.
+ * @since 7.0.1
+ */
+ public void ctxListRemove( Map<String,String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx ) throws SvcLogicException {
+ try{
+ LOG.debug( "ENTERING Execute Node \"ctxListRemove\"" );
+ // Validate, Log, & read parameters
+ checkParameters(parameters, new String[]{"list_pfx"}, LOG);
+ logExecuteNodeParameters(parameters, LOG, LogLevel.DEBUG);
+ String list_pfx = parameters.get("list_pfx");
+ String param_index = parameters.get("index");
+ String param_key = parameters.get("key");
+ String param_value = parameters.get("value");
+ String param_keys_length = parameters.get("keys_length");
+ // Initialize context memory list mimic
+ SvcLogicContextList list;
+ // Process based on input parameters:
+ // index: remove object at specific index
+ // key & value: remove all objects with key-value pair
+ // keys_length: remove all objects that match all key-value pairs
+ // in list
+ if( param_index != null ) {
+ // Parse index
+ LOG.trace("executing remove by index logic");
+ int index;
+ try {
+ index = Integer.parseInt(param_index);
+ }
+ catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"index\" parameter is not a number. index = " + param_index, e);
+ }
+ // Extract list from context memory & remove object @ index
+ LOG.trace("extracting list from context memory");
+ list = SvcLogicContextList.extract(ctx, list_pfx);
+ LOG.trace("removing elements from list");
+ list.remove(index);
+ }
+ else if( param_value != null ) {
+ if( param_key == null ) { param_key = ""; }
+ // Extract list from context memory & remove objects with
+ // key-value pair
+ LOG.trace("executing remove by key-value pair logic");
+ LOG.trace("extracting list from context memory");
+ list = SvcLogicContextList.extract(ctx, list_pfx);
+ LOG.trace("removing elements from list");
+ list.remove( param_key, param_value );
+ }
+ else if( param_keys_length != null ) {
+ // Parse keys_length
+ LOG.trace("executing remove by key-value pair list logic");
+ int keys_length;
+ try {
+ keys_length = Integer.parseInt(param_keys_length);
+ }
+ catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"keys_length\" parameters is not a number. keys_length = " + param_keys_length, e);
+ }
+ // Obtain key-value pairs to check from parameters
+ LOG.trace("reading keys parameter list");
+ HashMap<String,String> keys_values = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ for( int i = 0; i < keys_length; i++ ) {
+ keys_values.put(parameters.get("keys[" + i + "].key"), parameters.get("keys[" + i + "].value"));
+ }
+ // Extract list from context memory & remove objects with all
+ // key-value pairs matching
+ LOG.trace("extracting list from context memory");
+ list = SvcLogicContextList.extract(ctx, list_pfx);
+ LOG.trace("removing elements from list");
+ list.remove(keys_values);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required parameters missing. Requires one of: index, key & value, or keys_length array");
+ }
+ // Remove index from list
+ LOG.trace("writing list back into context memory");
+ list.writeToContext(ctx);
+ }
+ catch( Exception e ) {
+ throw new SvcLogicException( "An error occurred in the ctxListRemove Execute node", e );
+ }
+ finally {
+ LOG.debug( "EXITING Execute Node \"ctxListRemove\"" );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * ctxSortList
+ * @param parameters - the set of required parameters must contain list and delimiter.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException if a required parameter is missing an exception is thrown
+ */
+ public void ctxSortList( Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx ) throws SvcLogicException {
+ checkParameters(parameters, new String[]{"list","delimiter"}, LOG);
+ ArrayList<SortableCtxListElement> list = new ArrayList<SortableCtxListElement>();
+ String[] sort_fields = null;
+ if( parameters.containsKey("sort-fields") ) {
+ sort_fields = parameters.get("sort-fields").split(parameters.get("delimiter"), 0);
+ }
+ String ctx_list_str = parameters.get("list");
+ int listSz = getArrayLength(ctx, ctx_list_str);
+ for( int i = 0; i < listSz; i++ ) {
+ list.add( new SortableCtxListElement(ctx, ctx_list_str + '[' + i + ']', sort_fields) );
+ }
+ Collections.sort(list);
+ ctxBulkErase(ctx, ctx_list_str);
+ int i = 0;
+ for( SortableCtxListElement list_element : list ) {
+ for( Map.Entry<String,String> entry : list_element.child_elements.entrySet() ) {
+ if( sort_fields == null ) {
+ ctx.setAttribute(ctx_list_str + '[' + i + ']', entry.getValue());
+ }
+ else {
+ ctx.setAttribute(ctx_list_str + '[' + i + "]." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Reset list length (removed by ctxBulkErase above)
+ ctx.setAttribute(ctx_list_str+"_length", ""+listSz);
+ }
+ /**
+ * generates a UUID and writes it to context memory
+ * @param parameters - ctx-destination is a required parameter
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException thrown if a UUID cannot be generated or if ctx-destination is missing or null
+ */
+ public void generateUUID( Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx ) throws SvcLogicException {
+ checkParameters(parameters, new String[]{"ctx-destination"}, LOG);
+ ctx.setAttribute(parameters.get("ctx-destination"), UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides substring functionality to Directed Graphs.
+ * <p>
+ * Calls either String.substring(String beginIndex) or
+ * String.substring(String beginInded, String endIndex) if the end-index
+ * is present or not.
+ * @param parameters HashMap<String,String> of parameters passed by the DG to this function
+ * <table border="1">
+ * <thead><th>parameter</th><th>Mandatory/Optional</th><th>description</th></thead>
+ * <tbody>
+ * <tr><td>string</td><td>Mandatory</td><td>String to perform substring on</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>result</td><td>Mandatory</td><td>Key in context memory to populate the resulting string in</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>begin-index</td><td>Mandatory</td><td>Beginning index to pass to Java substring function</td></tr>
+ * <tr><td>end-index</td><td>Optional</td><td>Ending index to pass to Java substring function. If not included, String.substring(begin) will be called.</td></tr>
+ * </tbody>
+ * </table>
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException
+ * @since 8.0.1
+ * @see SliPluginUtils#substring(Map, SvcLogicContext)
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void substring( Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx ) throws SvcLogicException {
+ try {
+ checkParameters( parameters, new String[]{"string","begin-index","result"}, LOG );
+ final String string = parameters.get("string");
+ final String result = parameters.get("result");
+ final String begin = parameters.get("begin-index");
+ final String end = parameters.get("end-index");
+ if( StringUtils.isEmpty(end) ) {
+ ctx.setAttribute( result, string.substring(Integer.parseInt(begin)) );
+ }
+ else {
+ ctx.setAttribute( result, string.substring(Integer.parseInt(begin), Integer.parseInt(end)) );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e ) {
+ throw new SvcLogicException( "An error occurred while the Directed Graph was performing a substring", e );
+ }
+ }
+ // ========== PUBLIC STATIC UTILITY FUNCTIONS ==========
+ /**
+ * Throws an exception and writes an error to the log file if a required
+ * parameters is not found in the parametersMap.
+ * <p>
+ * Use at the beginning of functions that can be called by Directed Graphs
+ * and can take parameters to verify that all parameters have been provided
+ * by the Directed Graph.
+ * @param parametersMap parameters Map passed to this node
+ * @param requiredParams Array of parameters required by the calling function
+ * @param log Reference to Logger to log to
+ * @throws SvcLogicException if a String in the requiredParams array is
+ * not a key in parametersMap.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final void checkParameters(Map<String, String> parametersMap, String[] requiredParams, Logger log) throws SvcLogicException {
+ if( requiredParams == null || requiredParams.length < 1){
+ log.debug("required parameters was empty, exiting early.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (parametersMap == null || parametersMap.keySet().size() < 1){
+ String errorMessage = "This method requires the parameters [" + StringUtils.join(requiredParams,",") + "], but no parameters were passed in.";
+ log.error(errorMessage);
+ throw new SvcLogicException(errorMessage);
+ }
+ for (String param : requiredParams) {
+ if (!parametersMap.containsKey(param)) {
+ String errorMessage = "Required parameter \"" + param + "\" was not found in parameter list.";
+ log.error(errorMessage);
+ log.error("Total list of required parameters is [" + StringUtils.join(requiredParams, ",") + "].");
+ throw new SvcLogicException(errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes all key-value pairs with keys that begin with pfx
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @param pfx Prefix of key-value pairs to remove
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final void ctxBulkErase( SvcLogicContext ctx, String pfx ) {
+ ArrayList<String> Keys = new ArrayList<String>( ctx.getAttributeKeySet() );
+ for( String key : Keys ) {
+ if( key.startsWith( pfx ) ) {
+ ctx.setAttribute( pfx + key.substring(pfx.length()) , null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies all context memory key-value pairs that start with src_pfx to
+ * the keys that start with dest_pfx + suffix, where suffix is the result
+ * of {@code key.substring(src_pfx.length())}.
+ * <p>
+ * Does NOT guarantee removal of all keys at the destination before
+ * copying, but will overwrite any destination keys that have a
+ * corresponding source key. Use {@link #ctxBulkErase(SvcLogicContext, String) ctxBulkErase}
+ * before copy to erase destination root before copying from source.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param src_pfx Prefix of the keys to copy values from.
+ * @param dest_pfx Prefix of the keys to copy values to.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final void ctxBulkCopy( SvcLogicContext ctx, String src_pfx, String dest_pfx ) {
+ // Remove trailing period from dest_pfx
+ if( dest_pfx.charAt(dest_pfx.length()-1) == '.' ) {
+ dest_pfx = dest_pfx.substring(0,dest_pfx.length()-1);
+ }
+ // For each context key that begins with src_pfx, set the value of the
+ // key dest_pfx + the suffix of the key to the key's value
+ ArrayList<String> Keys = new ArrayList<String>(ctx.getAttributeKeySet());
+ for( String key : Keys ) {
+ if( key.startsWith(src_pfx) ) {
+ // Get suffix (no leading period)
+ String suffix = key.substring(src_pfx.length());
+ if( suffix.charAt(0) == '.') {
+ suffix = suffix.substring(1);
+ }
+ // Set destination's value to key's value
+ ctx.setAttribute(dest_pfx + '.' + suffix, ctx.getAttribute(key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates and returns a {@code Map<String, String>} that is a subset of
+ * context memory where all keys begin with the prefix.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param prefix Returned map's keys should all begin with this value.
+ * @return A {@code Map<String, String>} containing all the key-value pairs
+ * in ctx whose key begins with prefix.
+ */
+ public static final Map<String, String> ctxGetBeginsWith( SvcLogicContext ctx, String prefix ) {
+ Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ for( String key : ctx.getAttributeKeySet() ) {
+ if( key.startsWith(prefix) ) {
+ prefixMap.put( key, ctx.getAttribute(key) );
+ }
+ }
+ return prefixMap;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if key's value in context memory is "" or if it doesn't
+ * exist in context memory.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param key Key to search for.
+ * @return true if key's value in context memory is "" or if it doesn't
+ * exist in context memory.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final boolean ctxKeyEmpty( SvcLogicContext ctx, String key ) {
+ String value = ctx.getAttribute(key);
+ return value == null || value.isEmpty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds all key-value pairs in the entries Map to context memory.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory. Value's {@code toString()}
+ * function is used to add it.
+ * @param entries {@code Map<String, ?>} of key-value pairs to add to
+ * context memory. Value's {@code toString()} function is used to add it.
+ * @return Reference to context memory to be used for function chaining.
+ */
+ public static final SvcLogicContext ctxPutAll( SvcLogicContext ctx, Map<String, ?> entries ) {
+ for( Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : entries.entrySet() ) {
+ ctxSetAttribute( ctx, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
+ //ctx.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString());
+ }
+ return ctx;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets a key in context memory to the output of object's toString(). The
+ * key is deleted from context memory if object is null.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param key Key to set.
+ * @param object Object whose toString() will be the value set
+ */
+ public static final void ctxSetAttribute( SvcLogicContext ctx, String key, Object object ) {
+ if( object == null ) {
+ ctx.setAttribute(key, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ ctx.setAttribute(key, object.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets a key in context memory to the output of object's toString().
+ * <p>
+ * The key is deleted from context memory if object is null. The key and
+ * value set in context memory are logged to the Logger at the provided
+ * logLevel level.
+ * @param <O> Any Java object
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param key Key to set.
+ * @param obj Object whose toString() will be the value set
+ * @param LOG Logger to log to
+ * @param logLevel level to log at in Logger
+ */
+ public static final <O extends Object> void ctxSetAttribute( SvcLogicContext ctx, String key, O obj, Logger LOG, LogLevel logLevel ) {
+ String value = Objects.toString( obj, null );
+ ctx.setAttribute( key, value );
+ if( logLevelIsEnabled(LOG, logLevel ) ) {
+ if( value == null ) {
+ logMessageAtLevel( LOG, logLevel, "Deleting " + key );
+ }
+ else {
+ logMessageAtLevel( LOG, logLevel, "Setting " + key + " = " + value );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility function used to get an array's length from context memory.
+ * Will return 0 if key doesn't exist in context memory or isn't numeric.
+ * <p>
+ * Use to obtain a context memory array length without having to worry
+ * about throwing a NumberFormatException.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @param key Key in context memory whose value is the array's length. If
+ * the key doesn't end in "_length", then "_length is appended.
+ * @param log Reference to Logger to log to
+ * @return The array length or 0 if the key is not found in context memory.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final int getArrayLength( SvcLogicContext ctx, String key ) {
+ return getArrayLength(ctx, key, null, null, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility function used to get an array's length from context memory.
+ * Will return 0 if key doesn't exist in context memory or isn't numeric
+ * and print the provided log message to the configured log file.
+ * <p>
+ * Use to obtain a context memory array length without having to worry
+ * about throwing a NumberFormatException.
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory.
+ * @param key Key in context memory whose value is the array's length. If
+ * the key doesn't end in "_length", then "_length is appended.
+ * @param log Reference to Logger to log to. Doesn't log if null.
+ * @param logLevel Logging level to log the message at if the context
+ * memory key isn't found. Doesn't log if null.
+ * @param log_message Message to log if the context memory key isn't found.
+ * Doesn't log if null.
+ * @return The array length or 0 if the key is not found in context memory.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final int getArrayLength( SvcLogicContext ctx, String key, Logger log, LogLevel logLevel, String log_message ) {
+ String ctxKey = ( key.endsWith("_length") ) ? key : key + "_length";
+ try {
+ return Integer.parseInt(ctx.getAttribute(ctxKey));
+ }
+ catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
+ if( log != null && logLevel != null && log_message != null ) {
+ switch( logLevel ) {
+ case TRACE:
+ log.trace(log_message);
+ case DEBUG:
+ log.debug(log_message);
+ break;
+ case INFO:
+ break;
+ case WARN:
+ log.warn(log_message);
+ break;
+ case ERROR:
+ log.error(log_message);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints sorted context memory key-value pairs to the log file at the log
+ * level. Returns immediately if the log level isn't enabled.
+ * <p>
+ * O(n log(n)) time where n = size of context memory
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @param log Reference to Logger to log to
+ * @param logLevel Logging level to log the context memory key-value pairs
+ * at.
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ public static final void logContextMemory( SvcLogicContext ctx, Logger log, LogLevel logLevel ) {
+ logLevelIsEnabled( log, logLevel );
+ // Print sorted context memory key-value pairs to the log
+ ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(ctx.getAttributeKeySet());
+ Collections.sort(keys);
+ for( String key : keys ) {
+ logMessageAtLevel( log, logLevel, key + " = " + ctx.getAttribute(key) );
+ }
+ }
+ // ========== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ==========
+ // TODO: javadoc
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param parameters
+ * @param log
+ * @param loglevel
+ * @since 7.0.1
+ */
+ public static final void logExecuteNodeParameters( Map<String,String> parameters, Logger log, LogLevel loglevel ) {
+ logLevelIsEnabled( log, loglevel );
+ for( Map.Entry<String,String> param : parameters.entrySet() ) {
+ logMessageAtLevel( log, loglevel, "PARAM: " + param.getKey() + " = " + param.getValue() );
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: javadoc
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the loglevel is enabled. Otherwise, returns false.
+ * @param log Reference to logger
+ * @param loglevel Log level to check if enabled
+ * @return True if the loglevel is enabled. Otherwise, false
+ * @since 7.0.1
+ */
+ private static final boolean logLevelIsEnabled( Logger log, LogLevel loglevel ) {
+ // Return immediately if logging level isn't enabled
+ switch( loglevel ) {
+ case TRACE:
+ if( log.isTraceEnabled() ) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ case DEBUG:
+ if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ case INFO:
+ if( log.isInfoEnabled() ) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ case WARN:
+ if( log.isWarnEnabled() ) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ case ERROR:
+ if( log.isErrorEnabled() ) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown LogLevel: " + loglevel.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: javadoc
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param log
+ * @param loglevel
+ * @param msg
+ * @since 7.0.1
+ */
+ private static final void logMessageAtLevel( Logger log, LogLevel loglevel, String msg ) {
+ switch( loglevel ) {
+ case TRACE:
+ log.trace(msg);
+ return;
+ case DEBUG:
+ log.debug(msg);
+ return;
+ case INFO:
+ return;
+ case WARN:
+ log.warn(msg);
+ return;
+ case ERROR:
+ log.error(msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // ========== LOCAL CLASSES ==========
+ private class SortableCtxListElement implements Comparable<SortableCtxListElement> {
+ HashMap<String,String> child_elements = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ String[] sort_fields;
+ public SortableCtxListElement( SvcLogicContext ctx, String root, String[] sort_fields ) {
+ this.sort_fields = sort_fields;
+ for( String key : ctx.getAttributeKeySet() ) {
+ if( key.startsWith(root) ) {
+ if( key.length() == root.length() ) {
+ child_elements.put("", ctx.getAttribute(key));
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ child_elements.put(key.substring(root.length()+1), ctx.getAttribute(key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int compareTo(SortableCtxListElement arg0) {
+ if( sort_fields == null ) {
+ return this.child_elements.get("").compareTo(arg0.child_elements.get(""));
+ }
+ for( String field : this.sort_fields ) {
+ int result = this.child_elements.get(field).compareTo(arg0.child_elements.get(field));
+ if( result != 0 ) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a file that contains the content of context memory.
+ * @param parameters - must contain the parameter filename
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException thrown if file cannot be created or if parameters are missing
+ */
+ public static void printContext(Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx) throws SvcLogicException {
+ if (parameters == null || parameters.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new SvcLogicException("no parameters passed");
+ }
+ checkParameters(parameters, new String[]{"filename"}, LOG);
+ String fileName = parameters.get("filename");
+ try (FileOutputStream fstr = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName));
+ PrintStream pstr = new PrintStream(fstr, true);)
+ {
+ pstr.println("#######################################");
+ for (String attr : ctx.getAttributeKeySet()) {
+ pstr.println(attr + " = " + ctx.getAttribute(attr));
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new SvcLogicException("Cannot write context to file " + fileName, e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks context memory for a set of required parameters
+ * Every parameter aside from prefix will be treated as mandatory
+ * @param parameters HashMap<String,String> of parameters passed by the DG to this function
+ * <table border="1">
+ * <thead><th>parameter</th><th>Mandatory/Optional</th><th>description</th></thead>
+ * <tbody>
+ * <tr><td>prefix</td><td>Optional</td><td>the prefix will be added to each parameter</td></tr>
+ * </tbody>
+ * </table>
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException
+ * @since 11.0.2
+ */
+ public static void requiredParameters(Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx) throws SvcLogicException {
+ if (parameters == null || parameters.keySet().size() < 1) {
+ String errorMessage = "requiredParameters should not be called if the parameters hashmap is null or empty!";
+ LOG.error(errorMessage);
+ throw new SvcLogicException(errorMessage);
+ }
+ String prefixValue = null;
+ String prefix = "prefix";
+ if(parameters.containsKey(prefix)){
+ prefixValue = parameters.get(prefix);
+ parameters.remove(prefix);
+ }
+ checkParameters(prefixValue, ctx.getAttributeKeySet(), parameters.keySet(), LOG);
+ }
+ private static void checkParameters(String prefixValue, Set<String> ctx, Set<String> parameters, Logger log) throws SvcLogicException {
+ for (String param : parameters) {
+ if (prefixValue != null) {
+ param = prefixValue + param;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.contains(param)) {
+ String errorMessage = "This method requires the parameters [" + StringUtils.join(parameters, ",")
+ + "], but " + param + " was not passed in.";
+ log.error(errorMessage);
+ throw new SvcLogicException(errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * is in a different DG invocation just before/after we call NCS and set the state to InProgress
+ */
+ /**
+ * setTime write the current date time to a string located at outputPath
+ * @param parameters - requires outputPath to not be null
+ * @param ctx Reference to context memory
+ * @throws SvcLogicException if a required parameter is missing an exception is thrown
+ */
+ public static void setTime(Map<String, String> parameters, SvcLogicContext ctx) throws SvcLogicException
+ {
+ checkParameters(parameters, new String[] { "outputPath" }, LOG);
+ // Set the DateFormat
+ // "2015-03-16T12:18:35.138Z"
+ SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+ // Parse the date
+ String ctxVariable = parameters.get("outputPath");
+ try {
+ String dateTime = format.format(new Date());
+ ctx.setAttribute(ctxVariable, dateTime);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new SvcLogicException("problem with setTime", ex);
+ }
+ }