.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Nordix Foundation
.. Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Bell Canada.
.. _deployment:
CPS Deployment
.. contents::
:depth: 2
CPS OOM Charts
The CPS kubernetes chart is located in the `OOM repository <https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/cps>`_.
This chart includes different cps components referred as <cps-component-name> further in the document are listed below:
.. container:: ulist
- `cps-core <https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core>`__
- `cps-temporal <https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal>`__
- `ncmp-dmi-plugin <https://github.com/onap/oom/tree/master/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin>`__
Please refer to the `OOM documentation <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-oom/en/latest/sections/guides/user_guides/oom_user_guide.html>`_ on how to install and deploy ONAP.
Installing or Upgrading CPS Components
The assumption is you have cloned the charts from the OOM repository into a local directory.
**Step 1** Go to the cps charts and edit properties in values.yaml files to make any changes to particular cps component if required.
.. code-block:: bash
cd oom/kubernetes/cps/components/<cps-component-name>
**Step 2** Build the charts
.. code-block:: bash
cd oom/kubernetes
.. note::
SKIP_LINT is only to reduce the "make" time
**Step 3** Undeploying already deployed cps components
After undeploying cps components, keep monitoring the cps pods until they go away.
.. code-block:: bash
helm del --purge <my-helm-release>-<cps-component-name>
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep <cps-component-name>
**Step 4** Make sure there is no orphan database persistent volume or claim.
First, find if there is an orphan database PV or PVC with the following commands:
.. note::
This step does not apply to ncmp-dmi-plugin.
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get pvc -n <namespace> | grep <cps-component-name>
kubectl get pv -n <namespace> | grep <cps-component-name>
If there are any orphan resources, delete them with
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl delete pvc <orphan-cps-core-pvc-name>
kubectl delete pv <orphan-cps-core-pv-name>
**Step 5** Delete NFS persisted data for CPS components
Connect to the machine where the file system is persisted and then execute the below command
.. code-block:: bash
rm -fr /dockerdata-nfs/<my-helm-release>/<cps-component-name>
**Step 6** Re-Deploy cps pods
After deploying cps, keep monitoring the cps pods until they come up.
.. code-block:: bash
helm deploy <my-helm-release> local/cps --namespace <namespace>
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep <cps-component-name>
Restarting a faulty component
Each cps component can be restarted independently by issuing the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl delete pod <cps-component-pod-name> -n <namespace>
.. Below Label is used by documentation for other CPS components to link here, do not remove even if it gives a warning
.. _cps_common_credentials_retrieval:
Credentials Retrieval
Application and database credentials are kept in Kubernetes secrets. They are defined as external secrets in the
values.yaml file to be used across different components as :
.. container:: ulist
- `cps-core <https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/values.yaml#L18>`_
- `cps-temporal <https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-temporal/values.yaml#L28>`_
- `ncmp-dmi-plugin <https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/cps/components/ncmp-dmi-plugin/values.yaml#L22>`_
Below are the list of secrets for different cps components.
| Component | Secret type | Secret Name |
| cps-core | Database authentication | <my-helm-release>-cps-core-pg-user-creds |
| cps-core | Rest API Authentication | <my-helm-release>-cps-core-app-user-creds |
| cps-temporal | Rest API Authentication | <my-helm-release>-cps-temporal-app-user-creds |
| cps-temporal | Database authentication | <my-helm-release>-cps-temporal-pg-user-creds |
| ncmp-dmi-plugin | Rest API Authentication | <my-helm-release>-cps-dmi-plugin-user-creds |
| ncmp-dmi-plugin | SDNC authentication | <my-helm-release>-ncmp-dmi-plugin-sdnc-creds |
The credential values from these secrets are configured in running container as environment variables. Eg:
`cps core deployment.yaml <https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/cps/components/cps-core/templates/deployment.yaml#L46>`_
If no specific passwords are provided to the chart as override values for deployment, then passwords are automatically
generated when deploying the Helm release. Below command can be used to retrieve application property credentials
.. code::
kubectl get secret <my-helm-release>-<secret-name> -n <namespace> -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
.. note::
base64d works only with jq version 1.6 or above.
CPS Core Pods
To get a listing of the cps-core Pods, run the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep cps-core
dev-cps-core-ccd4cc956-r98pv 1/1 Running 0 24h
dev-cps-core-postgres-primary-f7766d46c-s9d5b 1/1 Running 0 24h
dev-cps-core-postgres-replica-84659d68f9-6qnt4 1/1 Running 0 24h
.. note::
The CPS Service will have to be restarted each time a change is made to a configurable property.
Additional CPS-Core Customizations
The following table lists some properties that can be specified as Helm chart
values to configure the application to be deployed. This list is not exhaustive.
Any spring supported property can be configured by providing in ``config.additional.<spring-supported-property-name>: value`` Example: config.additional.spring.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize: 30
| Property | Description | Default Value |
| config.appUserName | User name used by cps-core service to configure the authentication for REST API it exposes. | ``cpsuser`` |
| | | |
| | This is the user name to be used by cps-core REST clients to authenticate themselves. | |
| config.appUserPassword | Password used by cps-core service to configure the authentication for REST API it exposes. | Not defined |
| | | |
| | This is the password to be used by CPS Temporal REST clients to authenticate themselves. | |
| | | |
| | If not defined, the password is generated when deploying the application. | |
| | | |
| | See also :ref:`cps_common_credentials_retrieval`. | |
| postgres.config.pgUserName | Internal user name used by cps-core to connect to its own database. | ``cps`` |
| postgres.config.pgUserPassword | Internal password used by cps-core to connect to its own database. | Not defined |
| | | |
| | If not defined, the password is generated when deploying the application. | |
| | | |
| | See also :ref:`cps_common_credentials_retrieval`. | |
| postgres.config.pgDatabase | Database name used by cps-core | ``cpsdb`` |
| | | |
| logging.level | Logging level set in cps-core | info |
| | | |
| config.useStrimziKafka | If targeting a custom kafka cluster, ie useStrimziKafka: false, the config.eventPublisher.spring.kafka | true |
| | values below must be set. | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka hostname and port | ``<kafka-bootstrap>:9092`` |
| spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers | | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka consumer client id | ``cps-core`` |
| spring.kafka.consumer.client-id | | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security protocol. | ``SASL_PLAINTEXT`` |
| spring.kafka.security.protocol | Some possible values are: | |
| | | |
| | * ``PLAINTEXT`` | |
| | * ``SASL_PLAINTEXT``, for authentication | |
| | * ``SASL_SSL``, for authentication and encryption | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL mechanism. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.properties. | Some possible values are: | |
| sasl.mechanism | | |
| | * ``PLAIN``, for PLAINTEXT | |
| | * ``SCRAM-SHA-512``, for SSL | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL JAAS configuration. Required for SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.properties. | Some possible values are: | |
| sasl.jaas.config | | |
| | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``, | |
| | for PLAINTEXT | |
| | * ``org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="..." password="...";``, | |
| | for SSL | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL SSL store type. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-type | Some possible values are: | |
| | | |
| | * ``JKS`` | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL SSL store file location. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-location | | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL SSL store password. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-password | | |
| config.eventPublisher. | Kafka security SASL SSL broker hostname identification verification. Required for SASL_SSL protocol. | Not defined |
| spring.kafka.properties. | Possible value is: | |
| ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm | | |
| | * ``""``, empty string to disable | |
| config.additional. | Kafka topic to publish to cps-temporal | ``cps.data-updated-events`` |
| notification.data-updated.topic | | |
| config.additional. | Array of dataspaces to be enabled for publishing events to cps-temporal | [] |
| notification.data-updated.filters. | If left blank CPS-Temporal notification will be sent for all dataspaces | |
| enabled-dataspaces | | |
| config.additional. | If asynchronous messaging, user notifications, and updated event persistence should be enabled | ``true`` |
| notification.data-updated.enabled | | |
| config.additional. | Core pool size in asynchronous execution of notification. | ``2`` |
| notification.async.executor. | | |
| core-pool-size | | |
| config.additional. | Max pool size in asynchronous execution of notification. | ``1`` |
| notification.async.executor. | | |
| max-pool-size | | |
| config.additional. | Queue Capacity in asynchronous execution of notification. | ``500`` |
| notification.async.executor. | | |
| queue-capacity | | |
| config.additional. | If the executor should wait for the tasks to be completed on shutdown | ``true`` |
| notification.async.executor. | | |
| wait-for-tasks-to-complete-on-shutdown| | |
| config.additional. | Prefix to be added to the thread name in asynchronous execution of notifications. | ``Async-`` |
| notification.async.executor. | | |
| thread-name-prefix | | |
| config.additional. | Specifies number of database connections between database and application. | ``10`` |
| spring.datasource.hikari. | This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, | |
| maximumPoolSize | including both idle and in-use connections. | |
.. _additional-cps-ncmp-customizations:
Additional CPS-NCMP Customizations
| config.dmiPluginUserName | User name used by cps-core to authenticate themselves for using ncmp-dmi-plugin service. | ``dmiuser`` |
| config.dmiPluginUserPassword | Internal password used by cps-core to connect to ncmp-dmi-plugin service. | Not defined |
| | | |
| | If not defined, the password is generated when deploying the application. | |
| | | |
| | See also :ref:`cps_common_credentials_retrieval`. | |
| config.ncmp.timers | Specifies the delay in milliseconds in which the module sync watch dog will wake again after finishing. | ``30000`` |
| .advised-modules-sync.sleep-time-ms | | |
| | | |
| config.ncmp.timers | Specifies the delay in milliseconds in which the retry mechanism watch dog | |
| .locked-modules-sync.sleep-time-ms | will wake again after finishing. | ``300000`` |
| | | |
| | | |
| config.ncmp.timers | Specifies the delay in milliseconds in which the data sync watch dog will wake again after finishing. | ``30000`` |
| .cm-handle-data-sync.sleep-time-ms | | |
| | | |
CPS-Core Docker Installation
CPS-Core can also be installed in a docker environment. Latest `docker-compose <https://github.com/onap/cps/blob/master/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml>`_ is included in the repo to start all the relevant services.
The latest instructions are covered in the `README <https://github.com/onap/cps/blob/master/docker-compose/README.md>`_.