BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDepedecies update - Vulnerabilities foundlapentafd12 days
osloRelease version 3.0.2 of parent pomsDan Timoney5 weeks
newdelhiRelease version 2.7.0 parent pomsDan Timoney4 months
montrealRelease version 2.6.1 parent pomsDan Timoney15 months
londonAdd springboot parent 31 for LondonJohnKeeney18 months
kohnRelease version 2.4.6 parent pomsDan Timoney2 years
jakartaRelease version 2.3.4 parent pomsDan Timoney3 years
istanbulRelease parent pom version 2.2.4Dan Timoney3 years
honoluluRelease version 1.1.8 of ccsdk/parentDan Timoney3 years
guilinRelease 2.0.5 parent and roll to next snapshotDan Timoney4 years
frankfurtRoll to next snapshotDan Timoney5 years
elalto-fluorineRoll version of parent in elalto-fluorine branchTimoney, Dan (dt5972)5 years
elaltoRoll version to 0.6.4Timoney, Dan (dt5972)5 years
elalto-edRelease 1.3.2 parent pomsTimoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
dublinRoll to next snapshotTimoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
casablancaFix staging buildTimoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
2.0.0-ONAPUpdate to version 0.2.4Timoney, Dan (dt5972)7 years
beijingUpdate to version 0.2.4Timoney, Dan (dt5972)7 years
amsterdamUpdate CCSDK versionsDan Timoney7 years
dev/nitrogenAdd staging plugin configDan Timoney7 years