path: root/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/test/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/base/boot.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/test/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/base/boot.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/test/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/base/boot.js b/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/test/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/base/boot.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd0c0d05..000000000
--- a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/test/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/base/boot.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- var window = this,
- $ = jQuery;
- function ns( namespace ) {
- return (namespace || "").split(".").reduce( function( space, name ) {
- return space[ name ] || ( space[ name ] = { ns: ns } );
- }, this );
- }
- var app = ns("app");
- var acx = ns("acx");
- /**
- * object iterator, returns an array with one element for each property of the object
- * @function
- */
- acx.eachMap = function(obj, fn, thisp) {
- var ret = [];
- for(var n in obj) {
- ret.push(fn.call(thisp, n, obj[n], obj));
- }
- return ret;
- };
- /**
- * augments the first argument with the properties of the second and subsequent arguments
- * like {@link $.extend} except that existing properties are not overwritten
- */
- acx.augment = function() {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
- src = (args.length === 1) ? this : args.shift(),
- augf = function(n, v) {
- if(! (n in src)) {
- src[n] = v;
- }
- };
- for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- $.each(args[i], augf);
- }
- return src;
- };
- /**
- * tests whether the argument is an array
- * @function
- */
- acx.isArray = $.isArray;
- /**
- * tests whether the argument is an object
- * @function
- */
- acx.isObject = function (value) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == "[object Object]";
- };
- /**
- * tests whether the argument is a function
- * @function
- */
- acx.isFunction = $.isFunction;
- /**
- * tests whether the argument is a date
- * @function
- */
- acx.isDate = function (value) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == "[object Date]";
- };
- /**
- * tests whether the argument is a regexp
- * @function
- */
- acx.isRegExp = function (value) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == "[object RegExp]";
- };
- /**
- * tests whether the value is blank or empty
- * @function
- */
- acx.isEmpty = function (value, allowBlank) {
- return value === null || value === undefined || ((acx.isArray(value) && !value.length)) || (!allowBlank ? value === '' : false);
- };
- /**
- * data type for performing chainable geometry calculations<br>
- * can be initialised x,y | {x, y} | {left, top}
- */
- acx.vector = function(x, y) {
- return new acx.vector.prototype.Init(x, y);
- };
- acx.vector.prototype = {
- Init : function(x, y) {
- x = x || 0;
- this.y = isFinite(x.y) ? x.y : (isFinite(x.top) ? x.top : (isFinite(y) ? y : 0));
- this.x = isFinite(x.x) ? x.x : (isFinite(x.left) ? x.left : (isFinite(x) ? x : 0));
- },
- add : function(i, j) {
- var d = acx.vector(i, j);
- return new this.Init(this.x + d.x, this.y + d.y);
- },
- sub : function(i, j) {
- var d = acx.vector(i, j);
- return new this.Init(this.x - d.x, this.y - d.y);
- },
- addX : function(i) {
- return new this.Init(this.x + i, this.y);
- },
- addY : function(j) {
- return new this.Init(this.x, this.y + j);
- },
- mod : function(fn) { // runs a function against the x and y values
- return new this.Init({x: fn.call(this, this.x, "x"), y: fn.call(this, this.y, "y")});
- },
- /** returns true if this is within a rectangle formed by the points p and q */
- within : function(p, q) {
- return ( this.x >= ((p.x < q.x) ? p.x : q.x) && this.x <= ((p.x > q.x) ? p.x : q.x) &&
- this.y >= ((p.y < q.y) ? p.y : q.y) && this.y <= ((p.y > q.y) ? p.y : q.y) );
- },
- asOffset : function() {
- return { top: this.y, left: this.x };
- },
- asSize : function() {
- return { height: this.y, width: this.x };
- }
- };
- acx.vector.prototype.Init.prototype = acx.vector.prototype;
- /**
- * short cut functions for working with vectors and jquery.
- * Each function returns the equivalent jquery value in a two dimentional vector
- */
- $.fn.vSize = function() { return acx.vector(this.width(), this.height()); };
- $.fn.vOuterSize = function(margin) { return acx.vector(this.outerWidth(margin), this.outerHeight(margin)); };
- $.fn.vScroll = function() { return acx.vector(this.scrollLeft(), this.scrollTop()); };
- $.fn.vOffset = function() { return acx.vector(this.offset()); };
- $.fn.vPosition = function() { return acx.vector(this.position()); };
- $.Event.prototype.vMouse = function() { return acx.vector(this.pageX, this.pageY); };
- /**
- * object extensions (ecma5 compatible)
- */
- acx.augment(Object, {
- keys: function(obj) {
- var ret = [];
- for(var n in obj) if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, n)) ret.push(n);
- return ret;
- }
- });
- /**
- * Array prototype extensions
- */
- acx.augment(Array.prototype, {
- 'contains' : function(needle) {
- return this.indexOf(needle) !== -1;
- },
- // returns a new array consisting of all the members that are in both arrays
- 'intersection' : function(b) {
- var ret = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- if(b.contains(this[i])) {
- ret.push(this[i]);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- 'remove' : function(value) {
- var i = this.indexOf(value);
- if(i !== -1) {
- this.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- });
- /**
- * String prototype extensions
- */
- acx.augment(String.prototype, {
- 'contains' : function(needle) {
- return this.indexOf(needle) !== -1;
- },
- 'equalsIgnoreCase' : function(match) {
- return this.toLowerCase() === match.toLowerCase();
- },
- 'escapeHtml' : function() {
- return this.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
- },
- 'escapeJS' : function() {
- var meta = {'"':'\\"', '\\':'\\\\', '/':'\\/', '\b':'\\b', '\f':'\\f', '\n':'\\n', '\r':'\\r', '\t':'\\t'},
- xfrm = function(c) { return meta[c] || "\\u" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).zeroPad(4); };
- return this.replace(new RegExp('(["\\\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff])', 'g'), xfrm);
- },
- 'escapeRegExp' : function() {
- var ret = "", esc = "\\^$*+?.()=|{,}[]-";
- for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- ret += (esc.contains(this.charAt(i)) ? "\\" : "") + this.charAt(i);
- }
- return ret;
- },
- 'zeroPad' : function(len) {
- return ("0000000000" + this).substring(this.length - len + 10);
- }
- });
- $.fn.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
- // joey / jquery integration
- $.joey = function( obj ) {
- return $( window.joey( obj ) );
- };
- window.joey.plugins.push( function( obj ) {
- if( obj instanceof jQuery ) {
- return obj[0];
- }
- });