path: root/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/queryFilter/queryFilter.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/queryFilter/queryFilter.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/queryFilter/queryFilter.js b/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/queryFilter/queryFilter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3148ad9ea..000000000
--- a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/queryFilter/queryFilter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-(function( $, app, i18n ) {
- var ui = app.ns("ui");
- var ut = app.ns("ut");
- ui.QueryFilter = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({
- defaults: {
- metadata: null, // (required) instanceof
- query: null // (required) instanceof that the filters will act apon
- },
- init: function() {
- this._super();
- this.metadata = this.config.metadata;
- this.query = this.config.query;
- this.el = $(this._main_template());
- },
- helpTypeMap: {
- "date" : "QueryFilter.DateRangeHelp"
- },
- requestUpdate: function(jEv) {
- if(jEv && jEv.originalEvent) { // we only want to update on real user interaction not generated events
- this.query.setPage(1);
- this.query.query();
- }
- },
- getSpec: function(fieldName) {
- return this.metadata.fields[fieldName];
- },
- _selectAlias_handler: function(jEv) {
- var indices = ( === 0) ? [] : this.metadata.getIndices($(;
- $(".uiQueryFilter-index").each(function(i, el) {
- var jEl = $(el);
- if(indices.contains(jEl.text()) !== jEl.hasClass("selected")) {
- }
- });
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _selectIndex_handler: function(jEv) {
- var jEl = $(".uiQueryFilter-index");
- jEl.toggleClass("selected");
- var selected = jEl.hasClass("selected");
- this.query.setIndex(jEl.text(), selected);
- if(selected) {
- var types = this.metadata.getTypes(this.query.indices);
- this.el.find("DIV.uiQueryFilter-type.selected").each(function(n, el) {
- if(! types.contains($(el).text())) {
- $(el).click();
- }
- });
- }
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _selectType_handler: function(jEv) {
- var jEl = $(".uiQueryFilter-type");
- jEl.toggleClass("selected");
- var type = jEl.text(), selected = jEl.hasClass("selected");
- this.query.setType(type, selected);
- if(selected) {
- var indices = this.metadata.types[type].indices;
- // es throws a 500 if searching an index for a type it does not contain - so we prevent that
- this.el.find("DIV.uiQueryFilter-index.selected").each(function(n, el) {
- if(! indices.contains($(el).text())) {
- $(el).click();
- }
- });
- // es throws a 500 if you specify types from different indices with _all
- jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-type.selected").forEach(function(el) {
- if(this.metadata.types[$(el).text()].indices.intersection(indices).length === 0) {
- $(el).click();
- }
- }, this);
- }
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _openFilter_handler: function(section) {
- var field_name = section.config.title;
- if(! section.loaded) {
- var spec = this.getSpec(field_name);
- if(spec.core_type === "string") {
- section.body.append(this._textFilter_template(spec));
- } else if(spec.core_type === "date") {
- section.body.append(this._dateFilter_template(spec));
- section.body.append(new ui.DateHistogram({ printEl: section.body.find("INPUT"), cluster: this.cluster, query: this.query, spec: spec }));
- } else if(spec.core_type === "number") {
- section.body.append(this._numericFilter_template(spec));
- } else if(spec.core_type === 'boolean') {
- section.body.append(this._booleanFilter_template(spec));
- } else if (spec.core_type === 'multi_field') {
- section.body.append(this._multiFieldFilter_template(section, spec));
- }
- section.loaded = true;
- }
- section.on("animComplete", function(section) { section.body.find("INPUT").focus(); });
- },
- _textFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) {
- var jEl = $("INPUT");
- var val = jEl.val();
- var spec ="spec");
- var uqids ="uqids") || [];
- uqids.forEach(function(uqid) {
- uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid);
- }, this);
- if(val.length) {
- if(jEl[0] === document.activeElement && jEl[0].selectionStart === jEl[0].selectionEnd) {
- val = val.replace(new RegExp("(.{"+jEl[0].selectionStart+"})"), "$&*");
- }
- uqids = val.split(/\s+/).map(function(term) {
- // Figure out the actual field name - needed for multi_field, because
- // querying for "field.field" will not work. Simply "field" must be used
- // if nothing is aliased.
- var fieldNameParts = spec.field_name.split('.');
- var part = fieldNameParts.length - 1;
- var name = fieldNameParts[part];
- while (part >= 1) {
- if (fieldNameParts[part] !== fieldNameParts[part - 1]) {
- name = fieldNameParts[part - 1] + "." + name;
- }
- part--;
- }
- return term && this.query.addClause(term, name, "wildcard", "must");
- }, this);
- }
-"uqids", uqids);
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _dateFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) {
- var jEl = $("INPUT");
- var val = jEl.val();
- var spec ="spec");
- var uqid ="uqid") || null;
- var range = window.dateRangeParser.parse(val);
- var lastRange ="lastRange");
- if(!range || (lastRange && lastRange.start === range.start && lastRange.end === range.end)) {
- return;
- }
- uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid);
- if((range.start && range.end) === null) {
- uqid = null;
- } else {
- var value = {};
- if( range.start ) {
- value["gte"] = range.start;
- }
- if( range.end ) {
- value["lte"] = range.end;
- }
- uqid = this.query.addClause( value, spec.field_name, "range", "must");
- }
-"lastRange", range);
- jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-rangeHintFrom")
- .text(i18n.text("QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from", range.start && new Date(range.start).toUTCString()));
- jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-rangeHintTo")
- .text(i18n.text("", range.end && new Date(range.end).toUTCString()));
-"uqid", uqid);
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _numericFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) {
- var jEl = $("INPUT");
- var val = jEl.val();
- var spec ="spec");
- var uqid ="uqid") || null;
- var lastRange ="lastRange");
- var range = (function(val) {
- var ops = val.split(/->|<>|</).map( function(v) { return parseInt(v.trim(), 10); });
- if(/<>/.test(val)) {
- return { gte: (ops[0] - ops[1]), lte: (ops[0] + ops[1]) };
- } else if(/->|</.test(val)) {
- return { gte: ops[0], lte: ops[1] };
- } else {
- return { gte: ops[0], lte: ops[0] };
- }
- })(val || "");
- if(!range || (lastRange && lastRange.lte === range.lte && lastRange.gte === range.gte)) {
- return;
- }
-"lastRange", range);
- uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid);
- uqid = this.query.addClause( range, spec.field_name, "range", "must");
-"uqid", uqid);
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _booleanFilterChange_handler: function( jEv ) {
- var jEl = $("SELECT");
- var val = jEl.val();
- var spec ="spec");
- var uqid ="uqid") || null;
- uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid);
- if(val === "true" || val === "false") {
-"uqid", this.query.addClause(val, spec.field_name, "term", "must") );
- }
- this.requestUpdate(jEv);
- },
- _main_template: function() {
- return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiQueryFilter", children: [
- this._aliasSelector_template(),
- this._indexSelector_template(),
- this._typesSelector_template(),
- this._filters_template()
- ] };
- },
- _aliasSelector_template: function() {
- var aliases = Object.keys(this.metadata.aliases).sort();
- aliases.unshift( i18n.text("QueryFilter.AllIndices") );
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-aliases", children: [
- { tag: "SELECT", onChange: this._selectAlias_handler, children: }
- ] };
- },
- _indexSelector_template: function() {
- var indices = Object.keys( this.metadata.indices ).sort();
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-indices", children: [
- { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Indices") },
- { tag: "DIV", onClick: this._selectIndex_handler, children: function( name ) {
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-booble uiQueryFilter-index", text: name };
- })}
- ] };
- },
- _typesSelector_template: function() {
- var types = Object.keys( this.metadata.types ).sort();
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-types", children: [
- { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Types") },
- { tag: "DIV", onClick: this._selectType_handler, children: function( name ) {
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-booble uiQueryFilter-type", text: name };
- })}
- ] };
- },
- _filters_template: function() {
- var _metadataFields = this.metadata.fields;
- var fields = Object.keys( _metadataFields ).sort()
- .filter(function(d) { return (_metadataFields[d].core_type !== undefined); });
- return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-filters", children: [
- { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Fields") },
- { tag: "DIV", children: function(name ) {
- return new app.ui.SidebarSection({
- title: name,
- help: this.helpTypeMap[this.metadata.fields[ name ].type],
- onShow: this._openFilter_handler
- });
- }, this ) }
- ] };
- },
- _textFilter_template: function(spec) {
- return { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._textFilterChange_handler };
- },
- _dateFilter_template: function(spec) {
- return { tag: "DIV", children: [
- { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._dateFilterChange_handler },
- { tag: "PRE", cls: "uiQueryFilter-rangeHintFrom", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from", "")},
- { tag: "PRE", cls: "uiQueryFilter-rangeHintTo", text: i18n.text("", "") }
- ]};
- },
- _numericFilter_template: function(spec) {
- return { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._numericFilterChange_handler };
- },
- _booleanFilter_template: function(spec) {
- return { tag: "SELECT", data: { spec: spec }, onChange: this._booleanFilterChange_handler,
- children: [ i18n.text("QueryFilter.AnyValue"), "true", "false" ].map( function( val ) {
- return { tag: "OPTION", value: val, text: val };
- })
- };
- },
- _multiFieldFilter_template: function(section, spec) {
- return {
- tag : "DIV", cls : "uiQueryFilter-subMultiFields", children : acx.eachMap(spec.fields, function(name, data) {
- if (name === spec.field_name) {
- section.config.title = spec.field_name + "." + name;
- return this._openFilter_handler(section);
- }
- return new app.ui.SidebarSection({
- title : data.field_name, help : this.helpTypeMap[data.type], onShow : this._openFilter_handler
- });
- }, this)
- };
- }
- });
-})( this.jQuery,, this.i18n );