path: root/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/nodesView/nodesView.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/nodesView/nodesView.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/nodesView/nodesView.js b/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/nodesView/nodesView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 17877adba..000000000
--- a/sdnr/wt/devicemanager/provider/src/main/resources/elasticsearch/plugins/head/src/app/ui/nodesView/nodesView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-(function( app, i18n, joey ) {
- var ui = app.ns("ui");
- var ut = app.ns("ut");
- ui.NodesView = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({
- defaults: {
- interactive: true,
- aliasRenderer: "list",
- scaleReplicas: 1,
- cluster: null,
- data: null
- },
- init: function() {
- this._super();
- this.interactive = this.config.interactive;
- this.cluster = this.config.cluster;
- this._aliasRenderFunction = {
- "none": this._aliasRender_template_none,
- "list": this._aliasRender_template_list,
- "full": this._aliasRender_template_full
- }[ this.config.aliasRenderer ];
- this._styleSheetEl = joey({ tag: "STYLE", text: ".uiNodesView-nullReplica, .uiNodesView-replica { zoom: " + this.config.scaleReplicas + " }" });
- this.el = $( this._main_template( this.config.data.cluster, this.config.data.indices ) );
- },
- _newAliasAction_handler: function( index ) {
- var fields = new app.ux.FieldCollection({
- fields: [
- new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("AliasForm.AliasName"), name: "alias", require: true })
- ]
- });
- var dialog = new ui.DialogPanel({
- title: i18n.text("AliasForm.NewAliasForIndexName", index.name),
- body: new ui.PanelForm({ fields: fields }),
- onCommit: function(panel, args) {
- if(fields.validate()) {
- var data = fields.getData();
- var command = {
- "actions" : [
- { "add" : { "index" : index.name, "alias" : data["alias"] } }
- ]
- };
- this.config.cluster.post('_aliases', JSON.stringify(command), function(d) {
- dialog.close();
- alert(JSON.stringify(d));
- this.fire("redraw");
- }.bind(this) );
- }
- }.bind(this)
- }).open();
- },
- _postIndexAction_handler: function(action, index, redraw) {
- this.cluster.post(encodeURIComponent( index.name ) + "/" + encodeURIComponent( action ), null, function(r) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(r));
- redraw && this.fire("redraw");
- }.bind(this));
- },
- _optimizeIndex_handler: function(index) {
- var fields = new app.ux.FieldCollection({
- fields: [
- new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.MaxSegments"), name: "max_num_segments", value: "1", require: true }),
- new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.ExpungeDeletes"), name: "only_expunge_deletes", value: false }),
- new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.FlushAfter"), name: "flush", value: true }),
- new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.WaitForMerge"), name: "wait_for_merge", value: false })
- ]
- });
- var dialog = new ui.DialogPanel({
- title: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.OptimizeIndex", index.name),
- body: new ui.PanelForm({ fields: fields }),
- onCommit: function( panel, args ) {
- if(fields.validate()) {
- this.cluster.post(encodeURIComponent( index.name ) + "/_optimize", fields.getData(), function(r) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(r));
- });
- dialog.close();
- }
- }.bind(this)
- }).open();
- },
- _testAnalyser_handler: function(index) {
- this.cluster.get(encodeURIComponent( index.name ) + "/_analyze?text=" + encodeURIComponent( prompt( i18n.text("IndexCommand.TextToAnalyze") ) ), function(r) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(r, true, " "));
- });
- },
- _deleteIndexAction_handler: function(index) {
- if( prompt( i18n.text("AliasForm.DeleteAliasMessage", i18n.text("Command.DELETE"), index.name ) ) === i18n.text("Command.DELETE") ) {
- this.cluster["delete"](encodeURIComponent( index.name ), null, function(r) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(r));
- this.fire("redraw");
- }.bind(this) );
- }
- },
- _shutdownNode_handler: function(node) {
- if(prompt( i18n.text("IndexCommand.ShutdownMessage", i18n.text("Command.SHUTDOWN"), node.cluster.name ) ) === i18n.text("Command.SHUTDOWN") ) {
- this.cluster.post( "_cluster/nodes/" + encodeURIComponent( node.name ) + "/_shutdown", null, function(r) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(r));
- this.fire("redraw");
- }.bind(this));
- }
- },
- _deleteAliasAction_handler: function( index, alias ) {
- if( confirm( i18n.text("Command.DeleteAliasMessage" ) ) ) {
- var command = {
- "actions" : [
- { "remove" : { "index" : index.name, "alias" : alias.name } }
- ]
- };
- this.config.cluster.post('_aliases', JSON.stringify(command), function(d) {
- alert(JSON.stringify(d));
- this.fire("redraw");
- }.bind(this) );
- }
- },
- _replica_template: function(replica) {
- var r = replica.replica;
- return { tag: "DIV",
- cls: "uiNodesView-replica" + (r.primary ? " primary" : "") + ( " state-" + r.state ),
- text: r.shard.toString(),
- onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({
- json: replica.status || r,
- title: r.index + "/" + r.node + " [" + r.shard + "]" });
- }
- };
- },
- _routing_template: function(routing) {
- var cell = { tag: "TD", cls: "uiNodesView-routing" + (routing.open ? "" : " close"), children: [] };
- for(var i = 0; i < routing.replicas.length; i++) {
- if(i % routing.max_number_of_shards === 0 && i > 0) {
- cell.children.push({ tag: "BR" });
- }
- if( routing.replicas[i] ) {
- cell.children.push(this._replica_template(routing.replicas[i]));
- } else {
- cell.children.push( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-nullReplica" } );
- }
- }
- return cell;
- },
- _nodeControls_template: function( node ) { return (
- { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-controls", children: [
- new ui.MenuButton({
- label: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.Title"),
- menu: new ui.MenuPanel({
- items: [
- { text: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.ClusterNodeInfo"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: node.cluster, title: node.name });} },
- { text: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.NodeStats"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: node.stats, title: node.name });} }
- ]
- })
- }),
- new ui.MenuButton({
- label: i18n.text("NodeActionsMenu.Title"),
- menu: new ui.MenuPanel({
- items: [
- { text: i18n.text("NodeActionsMenu.Shutdown"), onclick: function() { this._shutdownNode_handler(node); }.bind(this) }
- ]
- })
- })
- ] }
- ); },
- _nodeIcon_template: function( node ) {
- var icon, alt;
- if( node.name === "Unassigned" ) {
- icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle";
- alt = i18n.text( "NodeType.Unassigned" );
- } else if( node.cluster.settings && "tribe" in node.cluster.settings) {
- icon = "fa-sitemap";
- alt = i18n.text("NodeType.Tribe" );
- } else {
- icon = "fa-" + (node.master_node ? "star" : "circle") + (node.data_node ? "" : "-o" );
- alt = i18n.text( node.master_node ? ( node.data_node ? "NodeType.Master" : "NodeType.Coord" ) : ( node.data_node ? "NodeType.Worker" : "NodeType.Client" ) );
- }
- return { tag: "TD", title: alt, cls: "uiNodesView-icon", children: [
- { tag: "SPAN", cls: "fa fa-2x " + icon }
- ] };
- },
- _node_template: function(node) {
- return { tag: "TR", cls: "uiNodesView-node" + (node.master_node ? " master": ""), children: [
- this._nodeIcon_template( node ),
- { tag: "TH", children: node.name === "Unassigned" ? [
- { tag: "H3", text: node.name }
- ] : [
- { tag: "H3", text: node.cluster.name },
- { tag: "DIV", text: node.cluster.hostname },
- this.interactive ? this._nodeControls_template( node ) : null
- ] }
- ].concat(node.routings.map(this._routing_template, this))};
- },
- _indexHeaderControls_template: function( index ) { return (
- { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-controls", children: [
- new ui.MenuButton({
- label: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Title"),
- menu: new ui.MenuPanel({
- items: [
- { text: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Status"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: index.status, title: index.name }); } },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Metadata"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: index.metadata, title: index.name }); } }
- ]
- })
- }),
- new ui.MenuButton({
- label: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Title"),
- menu: new ui.MenuPanel({
- items: [
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.NewAlias"), onclick: function() { this._newAliasAction_handler(index); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Refresh"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_refresh", index, false); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Flush"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_flush", index, false); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Optimize"), onclick: function () { this._optimizeIndex_handler(index); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Snapshot"), disabled: closed, onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_gateway/snapshot", index, false); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Analyser"), onclick: function() { this._testAnalyser_handler(index); }.bind(this) },
- { text: (index.state === "close") ? i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Open") : i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Close"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler((index.state === "close") ? "_open" : "_close", index, true); }.bind(this) },
- { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Delete"), onclick: function() { this._deleteIndexAction_handler(index); }.bind(this) }
- ]
- })
- })
- ] }
- ); },
- _indexHeader_template: function( index ) {
- var closed = index.state === "close";
- var line1 = closed ? "index: close" : ( "size: " + (index.status && index.status.primaries && index.status.total ? ut.byteSize_template( index.status.primaries.store.size_in_bytes ) + " (" + ut.byteSize_template( index.status.total.store.size_in_bytes ) + ")" : "unknown" ) );
- var line2 = closed ? "\u00A0" : ( "docs: " + (index.status && index.status.primaries && index.status.primaries.docs && index.status.total && index.status.total.docs ? index.status.primaries.docs.count.toLocaleString() + " (" + (index.status.total.docs.count + index.status.total.docs.deleted).toLocaleString() + ")" : "unknown" ) );
- return index.name ? { tag: "TH", cls: (closed ? "close" : ""), children: [
- { tag: "H3", text: index.name },
- { tag: "DIV", text: line1 },
- { tag: "DIV", text: line2 },
- this.interactive ? this._indexHeaderControls_template( index ) : null
- ] } : [ { tag: "TD" }, { tag: "TH" } ];
- },
- _aliasRender_template_none: function( cluster, indices ) {
- return null;
- },
- _aliasRender_template_list: function( cluster, indices ) {
- return cluster.aliases.length && { tag: "TBODY", children: [
- { tag: "TR", children: [
- { tag: "TD" }
- ].concat( indices.map( function( index ) {
- return { tag: "TD", children: index.metadata && index.metadata.aliases.map( function( alias ) {
- return { tag: "LI", text: alias };
- } ) };
- })) }
- ] };
- },
- _aliasRender_template_full: function( cluster, indices ) {
- return cluster.aliases.length && { tag: "TBODY", children: cluster.aliases.map( function(alias, row) {
- return { tag: "TR", children: [ { tag: "TD" },{ tag: "TD" } ].concat(alias.indices.map(function(index, i) {
- if (index) {
- return {
- tag: "TD",
- css: { background: "#" + "9ce9c7fc9".substr((row+6)%7,3) },
- cls: "uiNodesView-hasAlias" + ( alias.min === i ? " min" : "" ) + ( alias.max === i ? " max" : "" ),
- text: alias.name,
- children: this.interactive ? [
- { tag: 'SPAN',
- text: i18n.text("General.CloseGlyph"),
- cls: 'uiNodesView-hasAlias-remove',
- onclick: this._deleteAliasAction_handler.bind( this, index, alias )
- }
- ]: null
- };
- } else {
- return { tag: "TD" };
- }
- }, this ) ) };
- }, this ) };
- },
- _main_template: function(cluster, indices) {
- return { tag: "TABLE", cls: "table uiNodesView", children: [
- this._styleSheetEl,
- { tag: "THEAD", children: [ { tag: "TR", children: indices.map(this._indexHeader_template, this) } ] },
- this._aliasRenderFunction( cluster, indices ),
- { tag: "TBODY", children: cluster.nodes.map(this._node_template, this) }
- ] };
- }
- });
-})( this.app, this.i18n, this.joey );