path: root/sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx
diff options
authorHerbert Eiselt <herbert.eiselt@highstreet-technologies.com>2019-02-11 14:54:12 +0100
committerHerbert Eiselt <herbert.eiselt@highstreet-technologies.com>2019-02-11 14:54:53 +0100
commit3d202a04b99f0e61b6ccf8b7a5610e1a15ca58e7 (patch)
treeab756cfa8de5eced886d3947423d198be8c0ce62 /sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx
parent12a8c669f52c0e84d580c078cee849b25133b585 (diff)
Add sdnr wt odlux
Add complete sdnr wireless transport app odlux core and apps Change-Id: I5dcbfb8f3b790e3bda7c8df67bd69d81958f65e5 Issue-ID: SDNC-576 Signed-off-by: Herbert Eiselt <herbert.eiselt@highstreet-technologies.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx b/sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b906cfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wt/odlux/framework/src/components/material-table/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { withStyles, WithStyles, createStyles, Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
+import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table';
+import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody';
+import TableCell from '@material-ui/core/TableCell';
+import TablePagination from '@material-ui/core/TablePagination';
+import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow';
+import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';
+import Checkbox from '@material-ui/core/Checkbox';
+import { TableToolbar } from './tableToolbar';
+import { EnhancedTableHead } from './tableHead';
+import { EnhancedTableFilter } from './tableFilter';
+import { ColumnModel, ColumnType } from './columnModel';
+import { Omit } from '@material-ui/core';
+import { SvgIconProps } from '@material-ui/core/SvgIcon/SvgIcon';
+export { ColumnModel, ColumnType } from './columnModel';
+type propType = string | number | null | undefined | (string|number)[];
+type dataType = { [prop: string]: propType };
+type resultType<TData = dataType> = { page: number, rowCount: number, rows: TData[] };
+export type DataCallback<TData = dataType> = (page?: number, rowsPerPage?: number, orderBy?: string | null, order?: 'asc' | 'desc' | null, filter?: { [property: string]: string }) =>resultType<TData> | Promise<resultType<TData>>;
+function desc(a: dataType, b: dataType, orderBy: string) {
+ if ((b[orderBy] || "") < (a[orderBy] || "") ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((b[orderBy] || "") > (a[orderBy] || "") ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+function stableSort(array: dataType[], cmp: (a: dataType, b: dataType) => number) {
+ const stabilizedThis = array.map((el, index) => [el, index]) as [dataType, number][];
+ stabilizedThis.sort((a, b) => {
+ const order = cmp(a[0], b[0]);
+ if (order !== 0) return order;
+ return a[1] - b[1];
+ });
+ return stabilizedThis.map(el => el[0]);
+function getSorting(order: 'asc' | 'desc' | null, orderBy: string) {
+ return order === 'desc' ? (a: dataType, b: dataType) => desc(a, b, orderBy) : (a: dataType, b: dataType) => -desc(a, b, orderBy);
+const styles = (theme: Theme) => createStyles({
+ root: {
+ width: '100%',
+ marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
+ },
+ table: {
+ minWidth: 1020,
+ },
+ tableWrapper: {
+ overflowX: 'auto',
+ },
+export type MaterialTableComponentState<TData = {}> = {
+ order: 'asc' | 'desc';
+ orderBy: string | null;
+ selected: any[] | null;
+ rows: TData[];
+ rowCount: number;
+ page: number;
+ rowsPerPage: number;
+ loading: boolean;
+ showFilter: boolean;
+ filter: { [property: string]: string };
+export type TableApi = { forceRefresh?: () => Promise<void> };
+type MaterialTableComponentBaseProps<TData> = WithStyles<typeof styles> & {
+ columns: ColumnModel<TData>[];
+ idProperty: keyof TData | ((data: TData) => React.Key );
+ title?: string;
+ enableSelection?: boolean;
+ disableSorting?: boolean;
+ disableFilter?: boolean;
+ customActionButtons?: { icon: React.ComponentType<SvgIconProps>, tooltip?: string, onClick: () => void }[];
+ onHandleClick?(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLTableRowElement>, rowData: TData): void;
+type MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows<TData={}> = MaterialTableComponentBaseProps<TData> & { rows: TData[]; asynchronus?: boolean; };
+type MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData<TData={}> = MaterialTableComponentBaseProps<TData> & { onRequestData: DataCallback; tableApi?: TableApi; };
+type MaterialTableComponentPropsWithExternalState<TData={}> = MaterialTableComponentBaseProps<TData> & MaterialTableComponentState & {
+ onToggleFilter: () => void;
+ onFilterChanged: (property: string, filterTerm: string) => void;
+ onHandleChangePage: (page: number) => void;
+ onHandleChangeRowsPerPage: (rowsPerPage: number | null) => void;
+ onHandleRequestSort: (property: string) => void;
+type MaterialTableComponentProps<TData = {}> =
+ MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows<TData> |
+ MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData<TData> |
+ MaterialTableComponentPropsWithExternalState<TData>;
+function isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows(props: MaterialTableComponentProps): props is MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows {
+ return (props as MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows).rows !== undefined && (props as MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows).rows instanceof Array;
+function isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData(props: MaterialTableComponentProps): props is MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData {
+ return (props as MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData).onRequestData !== undefined && (props as MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData).onRequestData instanceof Function;
+function isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(props: MaterialTableComponentProps): props is MaterialTableComponentPropsWithExternalState {
+ const propsWithExternalState = (props as MaterialTableComponentPropsWithExternalState)
+ return propsWithExternalState.onFilterChanged instanceof Function ||
+ propsWithExternalState.onHandleChangePage instanceof Function ||
+ propsWithExternalState.onHandleChangeRowsPerPage instanceof Function ||
+ propsWithExternalState.onToggleFilter instanceof Function ||
+ propsWithExternalState.onHandleRequestSort instanceof Function
+class MaterialTableComponent<TData extends {} = {}> extends React.Component<MaterialTableComponentProps, MaterialTableComponentState> {
+ constructor(props: MaterialTableComponentProps) {
+ super(props);
+ const page = isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.page : 0;
+ const rowsPerPage = isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.rowsPerPage || 10 : 10;
+ this.state = {
+ filter: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.filter || {} : {},
+ showFilter: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.showFilter : false,
+ loading: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.loading : false,
+ order: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.order : 'asc',
+ orderBy: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.orderBy : null,
+ selected: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.selected : null,
+ rows: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows(this.props) && this.props.rows.slice(page * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage + rowsPerPage) || [],
+ rowCount: isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows(this.props) && this.props.rows.length || 0,
+ page,
+ rowsPerPage,
+ };
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData(this.props)) {
+ this.update();
+ if (this.props.tableApi) {
+ this.props.tableApi.forceRefresh = () => this.update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ render(): JSX.Element {
+ const { classes, columns } = this.props;
+ const { rows, rowCount, order, orderBy, selected, rowsPerPage, page, showFilter, filter } = this.state;
+ const emptyRows = rowsPerPage - Math.min(rowsPerPage, rowCount - page * rowsPerPage);
+ const getId = typeof this.props.idProperty !== "function" ? (data: TData) => ((data as {[key:string]: any })[this.props.idProperty as any as string] as string | number) : this.props.idProperty;
+ const toggleFilter = isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props) ? this.props.onToggleFilter : () => { !this.props.disableFilter && this.setState({ showFilter: !showFilter }, this.update) }
+ return (
+ <Paper className={ classes.root }>
+ <TableToolbar numSelected={ selected && selected.length } title={ this.props.title } customActionButtons={ this.props.customActionButtons } onExportToCsv={ this.exportToCsv }
+ onToggleFilter={ toggleFilter } />
+ <div className={ classes.tableWrapper }>
+ <Table className={ classes.table } aria-labelledby="tableTitle">
+ <EnhancedTableHead
+ columns={ columns }
+ numSelected={ selected && selected.length }
+ order={ order }
+ orderBy={ orderBy }
+ onSelectAllClick={ this.handleSelectAllClick }
+ onRequestSort={ this.onHandleRequestSort }
+ rowCount={ rows.length }
+ enableSelection={ this.props.enableSelection }
+ />
+ <TableBody>
+ { showFilter && <EnhancedTableFilter columns={ columns } filter={ filter } onFilterChanged={ this.onFilterChanged } enableSelection={this.props.enableSelection} /> || null }
+ { rows // may need ordering here
+ .map((entry: TData & { [key: string]: any }) => {
+ const entryId = getId(entry);
+ const isSelected = this.isSelected(entryId);
+ return (
+ <TableRow
+ hover
+ onClick={ event => this.handleClick(event, entry, entryId) }
+ role="checkbox"
+ aria-checked={ isSelected }
+ tabIndex={ -1 }
+ key={ entryId }
+ selected={ isSelected }
+ >
+ { this.props.enableSelection
+ ? <TableCell padding="checkbox" style={ { width: "50px" } }>
+ <Checkbox checked={ isSelected } />
+ </TableCell>
+ : null
+ }
+ {
+ this.props.columns.map(
+ col => {
+ const style = col.width ? { width: col.width } : {};
+ return (
+ <TableCell key={ col.property } align={ col.type === ColumnType.numeric ? 'right' : 'left' } style={ style }>
+ { col.type === ColumnType.custom && col.customControl
+ ? <col.customControl rowData={ entry } />
+ : entry[col.property]
+ }
+ </TableCell>
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ </TableRow>
+ );
+ }) }
+ { emptyRows > 0 && (
+ <TableRow style={ { height: 49 * emptyRows } }>
+ <TableCell colSpan={ this.props.columns.length } />
+ </TableRow>
+ ) }
+ </TableBody>
+ </Table>
+ </div>
+ <TablePagination
+ rowsPerPageOptions={ [5, 10, 25] }
+ component="div"
+ count={ rowCount }
+ rowsPerPage={ rowsPerPage }
+ page={ page }
+ backIconButtonProps={ {
+ 'aria-label': 'Previous Page',
+ } }
+ nextIconButtonProps={ {
+ 'aria-label': 'Next Page',
+ } }
+ onChangePage={ this.onHandleChangePage }
+ onChangeRowsPerPage={ this.onHandleChangeRowsPerPage }
+ />
+ </Paper>
+ );
+ }
+ static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: MaterialTableComponentProps, state: MaterialTableComponentState & { _rawRows: {}[] }): MaterialTableComponentState & { _rawRows: {}[] } {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(props)) {
+ return {
+ ...state,
+ rows: props.rows,
+ rowCount: props.rowCount,
+ orderBy: props.orderBy,
+ order: props.order,
+ filter: props.filter,
+ loading: props.loading,
+ showFilter: props.showFilter,
+ page: props.page,
+ rowsPerPage: props.rowsPerPage
+ }
+ } else if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows(props) && props.asynchronus && state._rawRows !== props.rows) {
+ const newState = MaterialTableComponent.updateRows(props, state);
+ return {
+ ...state,
+ ...newState,
+ _rawRows: props.rows || []
+ };
+ }
+ return state;
+ }
+ private static updateRows(props: MaterialTableComponentPropsWithRows, state: MaterialTableComponentState): { rows: {}[], rowCount: number } {
+ try {
+ const { page, rowsPerPage, order, orderBy, filter } = state;
+ let data: dataType[] = props.rows || [];
+ let filtered = false;
+ if (state.showFilter) {
+ Object.keys(filter).forEach(prop => {
+ const exp = filter[prop];
+ filtered = filtered || !!exp;
+ data = exp ? data.filter((val) => {
+ const value = val[prop];
+ return value && value.toString().indexOf(exp) > -1;
+ }) : data;
+ });
+ }
+ const rowCount = data.length;
+ data = (orderBy && order
+ ? stableSort(data, getSorting(order, orderBy))
+ : data).slice(page * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage + rowsPerPage);
+ return {
+ rows: data,
+ rowCount
+ };
+ } catch{
+ return {
+ rows: [],
+ rowCount: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private async update() {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRequestData(this.props)) {
+ const response = await Promise.resolve(
+ this.props.onRequestData(
+ this.state.page, this.state.rowsPerPage, this.state.orderBy, this.state.order, this.state.showFilter && this.state.filter || {})
+ );
+ this.setState(response);
+ } else {
+ this.setState(MaterialTableComponent.updateRows(this.props, this.state));
+ }
+ }
+ private onFilterChanged = (property: string, filterTerm: string) => {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props)) {
+ this.props.onFilterChanged(property, filterTerm);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.props.disableFilter) return;
+ const colDefinition = this.props.columns && this.props.columns.find(col => col.property === property);
+ if (colDefinition && colDefinition.disableFilter) return;
+ const filter = { ...this.state.filter, [property]: filterTerm };
+ this.setState({
+ filter
+ }, this.update);
+ };
+ private onHandleRequestSort = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, property: string) => {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props)) {
+ this.props.onHandleRequestSort(property);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.props.disableSorting) return;
+ const colDefinition = this.props.columns && this.props.columns.find(col => col.property === property);
+ if (colDefinition && colDefinition.disableSorting) return;
+ const orderBy = this.state.orderBy === property && this.state.order === 'desc' ? null : property;
+ const order = this.state.orderBy === property && this.state.order === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
+ this.setState({
+ order,
+ orderBy
+ }, this.update);
+ };
+ handleSelectAllClick: () => {};
+ private onHandleChangePage = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> | null, page: number) => {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props)) {
+ this.props.onHandleChangePage(page);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ page
+ }, this.update);
+ };
+ private onHandleChangeRowsPerPage = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLInputElement>) => {
+ if (isMaterialTableComponentPropsWithRowsAndRequestData(this.props)) {
+ this.props.onHandleChangeRowsPerPage(+(event && event.target.value));
+ return;
+ }
+ const rowsPerPage = +(event && event.target.value);
+ if (rowsPerPage && rowsPerPage > 0) {
+ this.setState({
+ rowsPerPage
+ }, this.update);
+ }
+ };
+ private isSelected(id: string | number): boolean {
+ let selected = this.state.selected || [];
+ const selectedIndex = selected.indexOf(id);
+ return (selectedIndex > -1);
+ }
+ private handleClick(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLTableRowElement>, rowData: TData, id: string | number): void {
+ if (this.props.onHandleClick instanceof Function) {
+ this.props.onHandleClick(event, rowData);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.props.enableSelection){
+ return;
+ }
+ let selected = this.state.selected || [];
+ const selectedIndex = selected.indexOf(id);
+ if (selectedIndex > -1) {
+ selected = [
+ ...selected.slice(0, selectedIndex),
+ ...selected.slice(selectedIndex + 1)
+ ];
+ } else {
+ selected = [
+ ...selected,
+ id
+ ];
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ selected
+ });
+ }
+ private exportToCsv = () => {
+ let file;
+ const data: string[] = [];
+ data.push(this.props.columns.map(col => col.title || col.property).join(',')+"\r\n");
+ this.state.rows && this.state.rows.forEach((row : any)=> {
+ data.push(this.props.columns.map(col => row[col.property]).join(',') + "\r\n");
+ });
+ const properties = { type: 'text/csv' }; // Specify the file's mime-type.
+ try {
+ // Specify the filename using the File constructor, but ...
+ file = new File(data, "export.csv", properties);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // ... fall back to the Blob constructor if that isn't supported.
+ file = new Blob(data, properties);
+ }
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
+ window.location.replace(url);
+ }
+export type MaterialTableCtorType<TData extends {} = {}> = new () => React.Component<Omit<MaterialTableComponentProps<TData>, 'classes'>>;
+export const MaterialTable = withStyles(styles)(MaterialTableComponent);
+export default MaterialTable; \ No newline at end of file