BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRedesign CCSDK alpine image creationDan Timoney3 weeks
osloMerge "docs config for oslo release" into osloDan Timoney7 weeks
newdelhiUpdate to use released versionsDan Timoney5 months
montrealAdd missing 1.6.2 alpine v17 dockerDan Timoney9 months
londonUpdate .readthedocs.yamlCédric Ollivier20 months
kohnRelease version 1.4.3 maven artifactsDan Timoney2 years
jakartaUpdate versions in release notesDan Timoney3 years
istanbulAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
honoluluUpdate release notes for Honolulu mtce releaseDan Timoney3 years
guilinUpdate releas notes for Guilin mtce releaseDan Timoney4 years
frankfurtAdd missing index tagJessica Wagantall4 years
elaltoUpdate release notes for El Alto mtce releaseDan Timoney5 years
elalto-fluorineRoll elalto-fluorine versionsTimoney, Dan (dt5972)5 years
elalto-edRelease CCSDK version 0.5.1Timoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
dublinUpdate release nodes for cds version 0.4.5Timoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
casablancaDisable staging pluginsTimoney, Dan (dt5972)6 years
beijingRestructure CCSDK documentationTimoney, Dan (dt5972)7 years
2.0.0-ONAPUse released parent pomTimoney, Dan (dt5972)7 years
amsterdamUpdate release notesDan Timoney7 years